A laravel wrapper for BnpParibas Mercanet payment gateway


Logo Laravel Mercanet

Laravel Mercanet

A laravel wrapper for BnpParibas Mercanet which provide a lightweight public api to process your online payments from your laravel application.

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require mouadziani/laravel-mercanet

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Mouadziani\Mercanet\MercanetServiceProvider"


First, you need to change the following credentials located in the app/config/mercanet.php file, with your own credentials given from your mercanet account.

return [
     * Can only be 'TEST' Or 'Production'. If empty or invalid, 'TEST' will be used.
    'mode' => env('MERCANET_MODE', 'TEST'),

    // Credentials of testing environment
    'test' => [
        'merchant_id' => env('MERCANET_TEST_MERCHANT_ID', ''), // Required
        'key_version' => env('MERCANET_TEST_KEY_VERSION', '1'),
        'secret_key' => env('MERCANET_TEST_SECRET_KEY', ''), // Required

    // Credentials of production environment
    'production' => [
        'merchant_id' => env('MERCANET_PRODUCTION_MERCHANT_ID', ''), // Required
        'key_version' => env('MERCANET_PRODUCTION_KEY_VERSION', '1'), // Required
        'secret_key' => env('MERCANET_PRODUCTION_SECRET_KEY', ''), // Required

    'currency' => env('MERCANET_CURRENCY', 'EUR'),

    // Should be replaced with a url of your callback post route,
    // which will be invoked by mercanet service after processing of any payment.
    'normal_return_url' => env('MERCANET_NORMAL_RETURN_URL', 'https://example.com/payments/callback'),

    * You can set the default locale that you need to be used to translate the mercanet payment page
     * Allowed languages 'nl', 'fr', 'de', 'it', 'es', 'cy', 'en'
    'language' => env('MERCANET_LOCALE', 'en'),


Following are some ways through which you can bootstrap the process of payment:

// Import the class namespaces first, before using it directly
use Mouadziani\Mercanet\Mercanet;

// You can either create new instance from Mercanet
$mercanet = new Mercanet();

// Or through static constructor boot.
$mercanet = Mercanet::boot();

Prepare and process payment request

In order to process new payment you need to call newPaymentRequest() from the existing mercanet instance and then set the following arguments


// Required

// By default the currency used is EUR. If you wish to change it,
// you may call setCurrency method to set a different currency before calling pay() method

// Optionally, You can also call setLanguage method to change the default locale of payment page

// Required and it should be integer

// Optional

 // Optional

 // Optional
$mercanet->setCustomerContactEmail('[email protected]');

// Then you can call pay() method to redirect user to the payment page of mercanet website.

Instead of creation new instance from Mercanet class and call method separately on it, you can use also the static constructor as the following example:

use Mouadziani\Mercanet\Mercanet;

    ->setCustomerContactEmail('[email protected]')

Validate payment transaction from callback request

In order to retrieve transaction reference and payment status from the given callback request, you can use the following methods.

use Mouadziani\Mercanet\Mercanet;

// Create new instance or call the static constructor from Mercanet class 
// and then call fromRequest() method and pass request parameters into it. 
$paymentResponse = Mercanet::boot()->fromResponse(request()->all());

// Then you can check if the given payment response is successfully passed by calling isSuccessfullyPassed() method
if($paymentResponse->isSuccessfullyPassed()) {
    // The payment is accepted.
    // You can get the transaction reference from the initialized payment request object
    $transactionReference = $paymentResponse->getTransactionReference();
    // Then you can do what you want, eg. change the status of the order related to the transaction reference, or mark it as paid...
        ->where('transaction_reference', $transactionReference)
            'is_paid' => true
} else {
    // The payment is failed 


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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