PayuMoney Gateway wrapper for Laravel.



PayuMoney Integration with Laravel

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Easy to use integration for PayUMoney into Laravel apps.

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composer require infyomlabs/laravel-payumoney:"^1.3.0"

Publish the config files and view files

php artisan laravel-payumoney:publish

Above command will publish the following files:

  • resources/views/payumoney/pay.blade.php
  • resources/views/payumoney/fail.blade.php
  • config/payu.php
  • App\Http\Controllers\PayuMoneyController.php

Add the following two routes to VerifyCsrfToken.php into except as its callback routes.


You need to change the PAYU_TEST_MODE=false when you are done with testing and want to use it in production.

Route to open payumoney form :

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