Dedicated laravel package for Behpadakht Mellat bank payment service.

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Laravel mellat-pay

Iranian Mellat bank full online payment service

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Dedicated laravel package for Behpadakht Mellat bank payment service.


  • Event calls
  • Log on channels
  • builtin rate limiter


You can install the package via composer:

composer require mjedari/mellat-pay

You can publish and run the migrations and all assets with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mellat-pay"
php artisan migrate

You can publish assets separately:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mellat-pay-config"

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mellat-pay-views"

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mellat-pay-lang"

This is the contents of the published config file that you should customize it. Its essential to set credentials before any testing. callback is your default callback. You can change package tables name by modifying table. All exceptions an messages will be under your package local language.

return [

    * Language for errors and messages:
    'local' => 'fa', //en

    * Description of credentials:
    'credentials' => [
        'username'     => '',
        'password'     => '',
        'terminalId'   => 0000000,

    * Gateway's default callback:
    'callback' => '/callback',

    * Description of table name:
    'table' => 'mellat_transactions',


There is one view file that is bank redirector. Optionally, you can publish that and modify for any customizing usage by using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="mellat-pay"

Simple Usage

There are there main steps. First you should initiate gateway in this way:

// initiate transaction and redirect to bank

$gateway = MellatPay::price(10000)

return $gateway->redirect();

If every this was ok, it redirects you to bank payment page. Then you should define an callback route and wait for bank callback request:

// payment callback route

$gateway = MellatPay::confirm()
    ->then(function ($response) {
        // transaction succeeded and response is transaction full info:
        return $response;
    })->catch(function ($e) {
        // you can get error occurred in transaction verify process:
        return $e->getMessage();

Advance Usage

Transaction payable relation

You can specify transaction to other models with payable method on MellatPay facade. But before that make sure you added payable trait to your related model:

// in your related modal

namespace App\Models;

use Mjedari\MellatPay\Traits\Payable;

class Product extends Model
    use payable; // <--- add this trait


And in your pay controller

// initiate route

$product = Product::find(1);

$gateway = MellatPay::payable($product)->price(10000)->ready();

Set optional values

there are some options in payment request. you can set description, callback, payer, mobile, payable for each transaction.


  • If you do not specify callback url, the default one will be used.
  • mobile is useful to send bank and it will be used to autocomplete gateway inputs according to the user's pervious payment card info.
<--- send to bank and store ->callback("") // <--- callback to etch request ->payer(1) // <--- used as user id ->mobile("989102128582") // <--- used for gateway page autocomplete ->ready(); return $gateway->redirect(); ">
// initiate route full example

    $product = Product::find(245);
    $gateway = MellatPay::payable($product)
    ->price(10000) // <--- price in IRR
    ->description("This is a description") // <--- send to bank and store
    ->callback("") // <--- callback to etch request 
    ->payer(1) // <--- used as user id 
    ->mobile("989102128582") // <--- used for gateway page autocomplete

    return $gateway->redirect();

Passing custom variables into redirect page

If you want to modify the redirector file, after publishing the view file you can pass any variable into that file by calling this method when redirecting.

// initiate and redirect route

$wallet = Wallet::find(1);
$product = Product::find(1);

$gateway->with($product, $wallet)->redirect();
// or
$gateway->with(['product' => $product, 'wallet' => $wallet]) ...
$gateway->with($product) ...

*Note that transaction info is already accessible by $transaction.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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