697 Repositories
PHP gravatar-library Libraries
Self-hosted game library.
A self-hosted game browser. About Cartridge is a convenient browser for your game collection with easy file downloads and automatically imported metad
Official PHP library for the DeepL language translation API.
deepl-php Official PHP client library for the DeepL API. The DeepL API is a language translation API that allows other computer programs to send texts
PHP Curl - This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl.
PHP Curl This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl. It provides functions that can take several types of parameters to configure
Binance Connector PHP - a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API
Binance Connector PHP This is a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API. Installation composer require binance/binance-conn
PHP Email address validator - A library for validating emails against several RFC.
EmailValidator A library for validating emails against several RFC. Supported RFCs This library aims to support RFCs: 5321, 5322, 6530, 6531, 6532, 10
Lightweight library that eases using components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment.
clue/reactphp-block Lightweight library that eases integrating async components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment. ReactPHP pr
EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF.
EasyRdf EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF. It was designed for use in mixed teams of experienced and inexpe
Opis Closure - a library that aims to overcome PHP's limitations regarding closure serialization
Opis Closure is a library that aims to overcome PHP's limitations regarding closure serialization by providing a wrapper that will make all closures serializable.
Just another PDO database library
PDO Just another PDO database library Installation Use Composer $ composer require faapz/pdo Usage Examples selecting, inserting, updating and deletin
Simple WordPress plugin to learn how to understand WordPress Crons and the Action Scheduler library.
Simple WordPress plugin to learn how to understand WordPress Crons and the Action Scheduler library. Import Jamendo playlists with tracks in WordPress posts.
BetterWPCLI - a small, zero-dependencies, PHP library that helps you build enterprise WordPress command-line applications.
BetterWPCLI - a small, zero-dependencies, PHP library that helps you build enterprise WordPress command-line applications.
A PHP web interface for scanning ISBN book codes, identify books with Antolin reading promotion offer
Ein PHP-Webinterface zum Scannen von ISBN-Buchcodes, identifiziere Bücher mit Antolin-Leseförderungs-Angebot. Einfache Installation. Für Mitarbeiter*innen in Schulbüchereien.
Basic class library to read, write and view files using PHP.
File Basic class library to read, write and view files using PHP. Supported PHP Versions Build Status (dev) Main Aim of The Library The main aim of th
This library provides a collection of native enum utilities (traits) which you almost always need in every PHP project.
This library provides a collection of native enum utilities (traits) which you almost always need in every PHP project.
World Currency list in PHP constants and in array (Currency::USD)
World Currency list in PHP constants and in array (Currency::USD) If you need to work with currencies in the code and describe each time "USD", "EUR"
Tiny PHP library providing retry functionality with multiple backoff strategies and jitter support
JBZoo / Retry 4 retry strategies (plus the ability to use your own) Optional jitter / randomness to spread out retries and minimize collisions Wait ti
PHP library with ready-to-use Yunbi API implementation.
yunbi-client-php A simple PHP client for Crypto Trade Site Yunbi.com Quick example ?php require_once('lib/yunbi-client.php'); try { $client = new
A PHP library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web services.
Hateoas A PHP library to support implementing representations for HATEOAS REST web services. Installation Working With Symfony Usage Introduction Conf
FileNamingResolver - A lightweight library which helps to resolve a file/directory naming of uploaded files using various naming strategies
FileNamingResolver - A lightweight library which helps to resolve a file/directory naming of uploaded files using various naming strategies
DTO Generator - PHP library for generating DTO classes
DTO Generator PHP library for generating DTO classes. Installation Use the package manager composer to install micro/dto. composer require micro/dto U
🌐 A minimalist languages library that made plugins support multiple languages.
libLanguages · libLanguages is a PocketMine-MP library for making plugins support multiple languages. Easy To Learn: Just declare it in onEnable() fun
Just a simple API PHP library with basic functions and config.
Installation Clone this Repository in your PHP Project git clone https://github.com/maximilianosinski/simple-api-php-library.git Change your Project n
A lightweight SQL generation library.
Atlas A lightweight SQL builder library without any query execution or database connection requirements. The primary goals of this package are: To pro
MeteionBundle is the Symfony integration of the Meteion library.
MeteionBundle MeteionBundle is a Symfony integration of the Meteion library. Key features Auto-configuration Commands Services Entities Installation c
ChromePhp - a PHP library for the Chrome Logger Google Chrome extension
ChromePhp - a PHP library for the Chrome Logger Google Chrome extension
ResoLib - Resource Library System for University
ResoLib Resource Library System for University. Introduction When was the last time you were trapped trying to find resources when you needed them and
Standalone PHP library for easy devices notifications push.
NotificationPusher Standalone PHP library for easy devices message notifications push. Feel free to contribute! Thanks. Contributors Cédric Dugat (Aut
Gettext is a PHP (^7.2) library to import/export/edit gettext from PO, MO, PHP, JS files, etc.
Gettext Note: this is the documentation of the new 5.x version. Go to 4.x branch if you're looking for the old 4.x version Created by Oscar Otero http
Library for Rapid (Web) Crawler and Scraper Development
Library for Rapid (Web) Crawler and Scraper Development This package provides kind of a framework and a lot of ready to use, so-called steps, that you
Slim PHP static proxy library
#SlimStatic Slim PHP static proxy library. Contents About Usage API Customizing License About SlimStatic provides a simple static interface to various
PHPArch is a work in progress architectural testing library for PHP projects
PHPArch What is this? Installation Simple Namespace validation Available Validators Defining an architecture Syntactic sugar: Bulk definition of compo
PHP library for Two Factor Authentication (TFA / 2FA)
PHP library for Two Factor Authentication PHP library for two-factor (or multi-factor) authentication using TOTP and QR-codes. Inspired by, based on b
Aimeos PHP e-commerce framework for ultra fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications
Aimeos is an Open Source e-commerce framework for online shops consisting of the e-commerce library, the administration interface and different front-ends. It's a modular stack that offers an unmatched combination of flexibility and speed.
ExcelAnt - Simple yet powerful Excel manipulation library for PHP 5.4+
ExcelAnt is an Excel manipulation library for PHP 5.4. It currently works on top of PHPExcel. If you want to add / use another library, feel free to fork and contribute !
A library for using Laravel Blade templates in WordPlate.
A library for using Laravel Blade templates in WordPress/WordPlate. Installation Require this package, with Composer, in the root directory of y
OAuth 1/2 Provider implementations for chillerlan/php-oauth-core. PHP 7.4+
chillerlan/php-oauth-providers Documentation See the wiki for advanced documentation. Requirements PHP 7.4+ a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client library of
Simplest implementation of RSA algorithm encryption and decryption
Simplest RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman) Simplest implementation of RSA algorithm encryption and decryption. Richard Feynman: What I cannot create, I do n
Create custom WordPress routes and redirects, restrict access by roles and/or capabilities. Routes made simple
Create custom WordPress routes and redirects, restrict access by roles and/or capabilities. Routes made simple
A PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the JavaScript reference implementation
GraphQL This is a PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the JavaScript reference implementation. Related projects DateTime scalar R
Geographer is a PHP library that knows how any country, state or city is called in any language
Geographer Geographer is a PHP library that knows how any country, state or city is called in any language. Documentation on the official website Incl
A multitool library offering access to recommended security related libraries, standardised implementations of security defences, and secure implementations of commonly performed tasks.
SecurityMultiTool A multitool library offering access to recommended security related libraries, standardised implementations of security defences, an
Extensionless PHP Graphic User Interface library
PHP can be more than a "Web Language", it's a fast language, with a cross platform interpreter and a good CLI. GUI is a natural step for completing this ecosystem.
Framewok php mcquery ( pt-br )
Sobre o mcquery O MCQUERY foi feito com a intenção de ser um framework que não dependa de outras bibliotecas ou frameworks para funcionar, sendo a úni
JSON Web Token (JWT) for webman plugin
JSON Web Token (JWT) for webman plugin Json web token (JWT), 是为了在网络应用环境间传递声明而执行的一种基于JSON的开放标准((RFC 7519).该token被设计为紧凑且安全的,特别适用于分布式站点的单点登录(SSO)场景。
A simple, standalone, modern PHP class inspector and mapper library, wrapping PHPs native reflection in a fluent interface
A simple, standalone, modern PHP class inspector and mapper library, wrapping PHPs native reflection in a fluent interface.
PHP library for the Notion API
Notion SDK for PHP PHP version of the official NOTION API. It works the same way as the reference JavaScript SDK 🎉 Installation Install this package
Laravel 8.x package wrapper library for Metatrader 5 Web API
Laravel 8.x package wrapper library for Metatrader 5 Web API
JSONFinder - a library that can find json values in a mixed text or html documents, can filter and search the json tree, and converts php objects to json without 'ext-json' extension.
JSONFinder - a library that can find json values in a mixed text or html documents, can filter and search the json tree, and converts php objects to json without 'ext-json' extension.
PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page.
Snappy Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopd
A library providing platform-specific user directory paths, such as config and cache
Phirs A library providing platform-specific user directory paths, such as config and cache. Inspired by dirs-rs.
The best PHP library for VK Users Longpoll Api (Page Bots).
vk-page-bot-lib Description: There are 2 commands and a logger. There is a logger of new messages and a logger that a friend has entered/left in/from
An extensible validation library for your data with sane defaults.
Hird Hirds, also known as housecarls, was a gathering of hirdmen, who functioned as the king's personal guards during the viking age and the early mid
A cryptography API wrapping the Sodium library, providing a simple object interface for symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption, decryption, digital signing and message authentication.
PHP Encryption A cryptography API wrapping the Sodium library, providing a simple object interface for symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption, decryp
A small marshalling library used to encode/decode data from classes
A small marshalling library used to encode/decode data from classes
WordPress entities creation library (CPT, CT, native option page, ACF option page, user role, block pattern category, block category…)
WordPress entities creation library (CPT, CT, native option page, ACF option page, user role, block pattern category, block category…)
Signaler library that provide stack for signal listeners.
Stack Signaler. Contents Installation Usage Testing License Installation composer require kafkiansky/signaler Usage Simple example with \SIGINT signal
Php library for converting emoji shortcodes to emoji
Emojify provides methods for checking if string is shortcode replace shortcode with emoji replacing all shortcodes in string with emoji Made for a md
Implementation of a library to process SISP vinti4 payment in a easy way.
Implementation of a library to process SISP vinti4 payment in a easy way.
PHP için anlatım ve hızlı ilerleyebileceğiniz Türkçe kaynak
PHP-Kaynak PHP için anlatım ve hızlı ilerleyebileceğiniz kaynak 👇 Aşağıda içerik sırasını görebilir ve devam edebilirsiniz. ⚠️ Lütfen gördüklerinizi
🤹♀️Very simple to use Gravatar implementation for Laravel
Very simple to use Gravatar implementation for Laravel. Install, Include the Facade and then generate, simple! Installation You can install the packag
Use Permify in server-side PHP Projects.
Permify Php Library Use Permify in server-side PHP Projects. What is Permify? Permify is a plug-&-play authorization API that helps dev teams create g
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC for webman plugin
PHP library to detect and manipulate indentation of strings and files
indentation PHP library to detect and manipulate the indentation of files and strings Installation composer require --dev colinodell/indentation Usage
PHP library/SDK for Crypto APIs 2.0 using Guzzle version 7
cryptoapis/sdk-guzzle7 Crypto APIs 2.0 is a complex and innovative infrastructure layer that radically simplifies the development of any Blockchain an
Stringy - A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support, performance optimized
Stringy - A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support, performance optimized
Library to intercept PHP includes
Library to intercept and dynamically transform PHP includes. Forked from icewind1991/interceptor.
A library for working with StatsD in PHP
StatsD PHP Library A library for working with StatsD in PHP. Install Via Composer: composer require league/statsd To use the Statsd Service Provider,
A PHP library providing ISO 3166-1 data
league/iso3166 A PHP library providing ISO 3166-1 data. What is ISO 3166-1 ISO 3166-1 is part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International
Charts - a Laravel library used to create Charts using Chartisan
Charts is a Laravel library used to create Charts using Chartisan. Chartisan does already have a PHP adapter. However, this library attempts to provide more laravel-like features into it by providing support for chart creation using the artisan command, middleware support and routing support.
A PHP library that can be used manually as well as a CLI script that you can just run on your file
Run phpcs on files and only report new warnings/errors compared to the previous version. This is both a PHP library that can be used manually as well
This library helps PHP users to convert and using Jalali DateTime format
Easy Jalali for PHP V1.0.0 Jalali calendar converter for Persian users in Iran, Afghanistan and other countries that use Jalali calendar. Very thanks
IBSNG Library For Php
IBSNG Library For Php
A PHP 7.4+ library to consume the Confluent Schema Registry REST API
A PHP 7.4+ library to consume the Confluent Schema Registry REST API. It provides low level functions to create PSR-7 compliant requests that can be used as well as high level abstractions to ease developer experience.
Requests - a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings
Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings. It is roughly based on the API from the excellent Requests Python library. Requests is ISC Licensed (similar to the new BSD license) and has no dependencies, except for PHP 5.6+.
Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes
TCPDF PHP PDF Library Please consider supporting this project by making a donation via PayPal category Library author Nicola Asuni info@tecnick.com co
WordPress Group Project: Resume Library
The user will also be able to generate it in PDF for his personal needs.
PHP library for generating random avatars based on avataaars
PHP Avataaar PHP library for generating random avatars based on avataaars. Installation Dependencies PHP 8.0 Composer 2.0 Install Install the library
Referer-parser PHP library
referer-parser PHP library This is the PHP implementation of referer-parser, the library for extracting search marketing data from referer (sic) URLs.
EmailReplyParser is a PHP library for parsing plain text email content, based on GitHub's email_reply_parser library written in Ruby
EmailReplyParser EmailReplyParser is a PHP library for parsing plain text email content, based on GitHub's email_reply_parser library written in Ruby.
A PHP library for all things Minecraft: Java Edition
Phpcraft A PHP library for all things Minecraft: Java Edition. This project has been abandoned! The limited subset of 1.8.x - 1.15.x that has been imp
PhpSpreadsheet - a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file formats such as Excel and LibreOffice Calc
PhpSpreadsheet PhpSpreadsheet is a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file f
Firebird-PHP: A library created to meet a work need when handling a Firebird database
Firebird-PHP: A library created to meet a work need when handling a Firebird database
BeckhoffPLCSoapClient - SoapClient to communicate with BeckHoff PLC. Library made in PHP based on TcAdsWebService JavaScript Library.
BeckhoffPLCSoapClient - SoapClient to communicate with BeckHoff PLC. Library made in PHP based on TcAdsWebService JavaScript Library.
A Laravel clone of the Javascript Flatpickr (Date picker) library
A Laravel clone of the Javascript Flatpickr (Date picker) library Using this package you can add a beautiful date or datetime picker into your project
PHPMailer – A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP
PHPMailer – A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP Features Probably the world's most popular code for sending email from PHP! Used
Official International Name days API library
Official International Name days API library Name day API library for nameday.abalin.net This library makes it easy to send requests towards nameday.a
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Twilio SendGrid Web API v3 via PHP
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Twilio SendGrid Web API v3 via PHP
Provides the equivalent of request ( Context ) and response ( Stdio ) objects for the command line interface
Provides the equivalent of request ( Context ) and response ( Stdio ) objects for the command line interface, including Getopt support, and an independent Help object for describing commands.
A easy to use library for using InfluxDB with PHP.
influxdb-php InfluxDB client library for PHP Note: This library is for use with InfluxDB 1.x. For connecting to InfluxDB 2.x instances, please use the
LittleProxy is a high performance HTTP proxy written in Java atop Trustin Lee's excellent Netty event-based networking library
LittleProxy is a high performance HTTP proxy written in Java atop Trustin Lee's excellent Netty event-based networking library
PHPProject is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different project management file formats
PHPProject PHPProject is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different project management file formats, i.e. Micr
A PHP 7 value objects helper library.
valueobjects Requirements Requires PHP = 7.1 Installation Through Composer, obviously: composer require funeralzone/valueobjects Extensions This lib
This application (class) does the sending of emails used in the phpmailer library
emailsender - PHP Notification library via email using phpMailer This library has the function of sending email using the phpmailer library. Doing thi
PHP library to validate and format license plate numbers.
License plate validator and formatter CI Status Lint Coverage Tests This library can be used to validate and format license plate numbers. Countries s
Version is a library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects
Version Version is a library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects. Installation You can add this library as a local,
XStatic is a PHP library for enabling static proxy interfaces
XStatic is a PHP library for enabling static proxy interfaces—similar to Laravel 4+ "Facades"—but with any PHP project. XStatic was created by Jeremy Lindblom.
The Telegram bot framework that doesn't drive you nuts.
This framework takes advantage of the latest PHP 8 features, and tries to make the speed, scalability and flexibility of use its strength, it will allow you to quickly make simple bots, but at the same time, it provides more advanced features to handle even the most complicated flows
Scalable and durable data imports for publishing and consuming APIs
Porter Scalable and durable data imports for publishing and consuming APIs Porter is the all-purpose PHP data importer. She fetches data from anywhere
A library for simplifying the PHAR build process.
Box is a library built on the Phar class. It is designed to make it easier to create new phars and modifying existing ones. Features include compacting source files, better custom stub generation, and better OpenSSL signing handling.
A tool that can be used to verify BC breaks between two versions of a PHP library.
Roave Backward Compatibility Check A tool that can be used to verify BC breaks between two versions of a PHP library. Pre-requisites/assumptions Your