Extensionless PHP Graphic User Interface library

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Imagery php-gui


Extensionless PHP Graphic User Interface library

made with PHP S2

Build Status Latest Stable Version Software License Packagist

Table of Contents


PHP can be more than a "Web Language", it's a fast language, with a cross platform interpreter and a good CLI. GUI is a natural step for completing this ecosystem.

For many years, GUI projects are being developed for PHP, like PHP-GTK, PHP-QT, wxPHP and so many others, but none of them became popular.

This project aims to solve the most common problems of existing "GUI Projects":

  • The need for installing an extension
  • Cross platform
  • No external dependencies
  • Easy to install (composer require php-gui) / Easy to use ($button = new Button)


The following PHP versions are supported:

  • PHP 5.6
  • PHP 7
  • HHVM

And OS:

  • Linux x64
  • Windows x64
  • Mac OSX (tested on 10.10.x and 10.11.x)


Download the library using composer:

Stable version

$ composer require gabrielrcouto/php-gui

Latest version (development)

$ composer require gabrielrcouto/php-gui:dev-master

Now, you can build a GUI application. Let's do a Hello World!

Create the file 'myapp.php':

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Gui\Application;
use Gui\Components\Button;

$application = new Application();

$application->on('start', function() use ($application) {
    $button = (new Button())
        ->setValue('Look, I\'m a button!');

    $button->on('click', function() use ($button) {
        $button->setValue('Look, I\'m a clicked button!');


Now, run it:

php myapp.php

Simple? 👏 You don't need to compile anything, just download the library via composer and use it! 😄


We have a Documentation Page

But, if you want to see some examples, just follow the instructions below.

# clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gabrielrcouto/php-gui.git
cd php-gui

# install dependencies
composer install

# run examples
php examples/01-basic/example.php
php examples/02-animation/example.php
php examples/03-window/example.php
php examples/04-multiple-windows/example.php
php examples/05-canvas/example.php
php examples/06-ping/example.php
php examples/07-php-internals/example.php
php examples/08-alert/example.php   
php examples/09-3d-perspective/example.php 

How it works

To create a GUI without the need for an extension, PHP executes a binary with proc_open and communicates with it using Stdin/Stdout Pipes--it's a fast and cross platform solution.

PHP <=> Stdin/Stdout Pipes <=> Lazarus Application <=> GUI

The binary is created using Lazarus (Free Pascal). After much research, I found a large advantage by using Lazarus over other desktop languages (like C#, Java...):

LCL graph, showing that LCL will use an interface for building the GUI according to the operation system

It doesn't have any dependencies (except for Linux, which needs GTK), has a good component library, is compiled, open source and has a nice slogan (Write Once, Compile Anywhere).

The communication (IPC) between PHP and Lazarus is performed using a protocol based on JSON RPC. You can view the specification here.

Contributors Guide

Components names

To be an easy to use library, this project will use HTML friendly names for the components, as PHP developers are more familiar with it.


  • On Lazarus, the property "caption" is for the text of a button. On php-gui, the property name is "value".
  • On Lazarus, "Edit" is the component for text input, on php-gui, it's "InputText".

Compiling Lazarus App

On your Local Machine

First, you need to install Lazarus.

For compiling the lazarus binary:

lazbuild phpgui.lpr

Using Docker

If you are generating the Linux binary, you can use Docker:

cd lazarus/
lazbuild phpgui.lpr


First install the dependencies, and after you can run:



The "Issues" page from this repository is being used for TO-DO management, just search for the "to-do" tag.





MIT License


  • Throw error on jsonDecode

    Throw error on jsonDecode

    Throw an exception on jsonDecode method in Receiver.php

    Maybe it would be usefull to create custom Exception class for components like ComponentException any feedbacks ?

    X-Ref : #35

    opened by Johann-S 12
  • New Components Implemented

    New Components Implemented

    Implementation to:

    TCalendar -> Calendar TDateEdit -> InputDate TTimeEdit -> InputTime TSpinEdit/TFloatSpinEdit -> InputNumber TEdit -> InputPassword

    opened by everton3x 11
  • Autofocus of window would be great

    Autofocus of window would be great

    Running examples I realize that the window php-gui opens are hidden behind other applications, I guess the issue is because of Autofocus not being used yet.

    opened by rogeriopradoj 7
  • CS fixes for source code, and added some good practices

    CS fixes for source code, and added some good practices

    The source code has some issues with IDE implementation, good practices and auto-completion sometimes.

    This PR fixes it.

    ping @gabrielrcouto @reisraff

    enhancement in-progress 
    opened by Pierstoval 6
  • Optionally pass the event loop into the Application constructor

    Optionally pass the event loop into the Application constructor

    In order to use other ReactPHP components within php-gui, you need to be able to share the event loop, since you can't have multiple event loops running at the same time.

    opened by davidwdan 6
  • Screen freezing

    Screen freezing

    Hello guys,

    I've been using Ubuntu for a while and I tried to run the code shown in README.md file but my screen just freeze when I run it.

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use Gui\Application;
    use Gui\Components\Button;
    $application = new Application();
    $application->on('start', function() use ($application) {
        $button = (new Button())
            ->setValue('Look, I\'m a button!');
        $button->on('click', function() use ($button) {
            $button->setValue('Look, I\'m a clicked button!');

    My O.S : Ubuntu 14.04

    any ideas ?

    opened by marabesi 6
  • GetObjectProperty does not work for properties in collection format

    GetObjectProperty does not work for properties in collection format

    I am trying to implement TFileNameEdit and I encountered problems using the DialogFiles property to return the selected files, regardless of whether or not the ofAllowMultiSelect is used.

    TFileNameEdit.DialogFiles seems to return a string collection with the name of the selected files. The return type is TStrings.

    From what I saw in the source code in Lazarus, TIpcThread.GetObjectProperty always returns a string, but in the specific case the conversion done by VarToStr (propertyValue) is not returning anything.

    In addition could you tell me the way to fix this, since TFileNameEdit only provides that property to access all the selected files.

    opened by everton3x 5
  • Why would you use this over something like Electron?

    Why would you use this over something like Electron?

    Curious as to how php-gui compares. Both are targeted at builing cross platform apps, but surely php-gui is more a niche with it's own api (millions of devs already know HTML/CSS than a custom api to build a GUI).

    When would you choose php-gui over something like Electron?

    opened by garygreen 5
  • TOpenDialog method

    TOpenDialog method

    Hello! I rebuild the lazarus and I added the TOpenDialog. RegisterClass(TOpenDialog);

    And when I "Execute", its not working I'm calling like this: $this->call('execute', []);

    Where is my mistake? Sorry for my English!

    opened by HackMemory 5
  • Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\gabrielrcouto\php-gui\src\Ipc\Receiver.php

    Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\gabrielrcouto\php-gui\src\Ipc\Receiver.php

    Hello everbody.

    I'm facing a problem while executing an code with php-gui:

    Executing this code, when I click the $button, the error below appears and the event does not execute

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use Gui\Application;
    use Gui\Components\Button;
    $application = new Application();
    $application->on('start', function() use ($application) {
        $button = (new Button())
            ->setValue('Look, I\'m a button!');
        $button->on('click', function() use ($button) {
            $button->setValue('Look, I\'m a clicked button!');
    ?[0mPHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\gabrielrcouto\php-gui\src\Ipc\Receiver.php on line 244
    PHP Stack trace:
    PHP   1. {main}() D:\paiva\geraCpf\issue.php:0
    PHP   2. Gui\Application->run() D:\paiva\geraCpf\issue.php:21
    PHP   3. React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop->run() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\gabrielrcouto\php-gui\src\Application.php:351
    PHP   4. React\EventLoop\Timer\Timers->tick() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\react\event-loop\src\StreamSelectLoop.php:177
    PHP   5. call_user_func:{D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\react\event-loop\src\Timer\Timers.php:90}() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\react\event-loop\src\Timer\Timers.php:90
    PHP   6. Gui\Application->Gui\{closure}() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\react\event-loop\src\Timer\Timers.php:90
    PHP   7. Gui\Ipc\Receiver->tick() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\gabrielrcouto\php-gui\src\Application.php:347
    PHP   8. React\Stream\Stream->emit() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\gabrielrcouto\php-gui\src\Ipc\Receiver.php:391
    PHP   9. Gui\Application->Gui\{closure}() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\evenement\evenement\src\Evenement\EventEmitterTrait.php:70
    PHP  10. Gui\Ipc\Receiver->onData() D:\paiva\geraCpf\vendor\gabrielrcouto\php-gui\src\Application.php:324

    I was evaluating the values and I believe the problem might be in Receiver.php in line 176. Below is this class between lines 171 and 183:

          if ($fbrac < $fcurl || $fcurl === false) {
                // If '[' is before '{' use [].
                $fchar = '[';
                $lchar = ']';
                $start = $fbrac;
            } elseif ($fcurl > $fbrac || $fbrac === false) {
                // If '{' is before '[' use {}.
                $fchar = '{';
                $lchar = '}';
                $start = $fcurl;
            } else {
                return false;

    The comparisons in the lines 171 and 176 are equals and will return the same result.

    I changed line 176 to } elseif ($fcurl > $fbrac || $fbrac === false) { and it worked well.


    Obviously I didn't change to the code above and it worked. I changed to $fcurl < $fbrac!

    opened by paiva-thiago 4
  • New release plz

    New release plz

    A lot of issues were solved since the first release from 2016 😞, I'm thinking specially about issue #136. So, could you please launch a new release?, it could be v0.1.1 for example.

    Thanks a lot for your amazing job 👍

    opened by jawira 4
  • Escape JSON strings, add more supported OS versions (x32/x64)

    Escape JSON strings, add more supported OS versions (x32/x64)

    Lazarus: escape json strings, add cross-compile targets to project settings, re-compiled binaries for all supported systems. Add support for 64-bit MacOs, 32 bit Linux, 32 bit freeBSD, 32 bit Windows

    Php code: Application.php updated how lazarus binary is found, added assertion if binary exists.

    This fixes #191

    opened by DubbaThony 0
  • Quotes in text field generate JSON Exception

    Quotes in text field generate JSON Exception

    It looks like Lazarus has an issue with JSON encoding. For example if field contains exacly string [""], and its read, it gives an error:

    => Sent: {"id":100,"method":"callObjectMethod","params":[3,"lines.getAll",[]],"callback":null}
    JSON ERROR: {"id": 100, "result": "[""]"}

    The quotes weren't escaped to proper json.

    opened by DubbaThony 0
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