BaconQrCode is a port of QR code portion of the ZXing library

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Imagery BaconQrCode

QR Code generator

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BaconQrCode is a port of QR code portion of the ZXing library. It currently only features the encoder part, but could later receive the decoder part as well.

As the Reed Solomon codec implementation of the ZXing library performs quite slow in PHP, it was exchanged with the implementation by Phil Karn.

Example usage

use BaconQrCode\Renderer\ImageRenderer;
use BaconQrCode\Renderer\Image\ImagickImageBackEnd;
use BaconQrCode\Renderer\RendererStyle\RendererStyle;
use BaconQrCode\Writer;

$renderer = new ImageRenderer(
    new RendererStyle(400),
    new ImagickImageBackEnd()
$writer = new Writer($renderer);
$writer->writeFile('Hello World!', 'qrcode.png');

Available image renderer back ends

BaconQrCode comes with multiple back ends for rendering images. Currently included are the following:

  • ImagickImageBackEnd: renders raster images using the Imagick library
  • SvgImageBackEnd: renders SVG files using XMLWriter
  • EpsImageBackEnd: renders EPS files
  • Imagick extention

    Imagick extention

    When I try to use BaconQrCode features i get this message BaconQrCode\Exception\RuntimeException : You need to install the imagick extension to use this back end and I have imagick instaled on my homestead

    opened by GoncaloRod 26
  • Failing tests on i386 and armhf

    Failing tests on i386 and armhf

    There was 1 failure:
    1) BaconQrCodeTest\Common\BitArrayTest::testGetArray
    Failed asserting that -2147483647-1 is identical to 2147483648.0.
    There was 1 failure:
    1) BaconQrCodeTest\Common\BitArrayTest::testGetArray
    Failed asserting that -2147483647-1 is identical to 2147483648.0.

    More errors here:

    opened by williamdes 14
  • Want to add new Eye and QRcode styles - Not an issue looking for optimal suggestions

    Want to add new Eye and QRcode styles - Not an issue looking for optimal suggestions

    I am looking to add a new QR Code style which will look like the following


    Users will only be able to update the inner color of the eye.

    Full Description of the new required designs is described in the following screenshot


    I am looking for an optimal way to achieve this task.

    Thanks in advance

    opened by hafizSiddiq7675 13
  • possible infection in

    possible infection in "Modules.php" file

    Hello, I would like to ask if in your source code there is a file called "Modules.php" A colleague tells me that on his website, passing wordfence, a path appears: "wp-content / mu-plugins / nue / vendor / bacon / bacon-qr-code / Modules.php" detected as malware.

    I have downloaded your .zip and I don't see that it has that file. This installation is normal in mu-plugins / nue


    opened by Kali-Gula 10
  • ErrorCorrectionLevel H issue

    ErrorCorrectionLevel H issue

    Hi @DASPRiD,

    When I generate a QR Code as follows I get a valid image.

    $renderer = new \BaconQrCode\Renderer\Image\Png(); $renderer->setHeight(256); $renderer->setWidth(256); $writer = new \BaconQrCode\Writer($renderer); $writer->writeFile('localhost/preinscription/1/f3a450d9545685097a486e7446730d9f/', 'qrcode.png', Encoder::DEFAULT_BYTE_MODE_ECODING, ErrorCorrectionLevel::L);

    However when I increase the error correction level to ErrorCorrectionLebel::H I end up with an image that both my automated reader and my Android Barcode Scanner cannot read. Do you have any idea what could be the issue?


    opened by endroid 9
  • Correct HHVM Issue

    Correct HHVM Issue

    Fixes an HHVM bug that results with the following exception: max(): Array must contain at least one element.

    Please merge and release a 1.0.1. We use this heavily as a dependency. Thank you!

    opened by SimplyCorey 7
  • Debian adjustments and project improvements

    Debian adjustments and project improvements

    Since the last version that added a new dependency to run tests I can not package it in Debian, I made one adjustment to allow me to --exclude-group integration and just have to remove use MatchesSnapshots; on Debian.

    I also made changes to make everybody happy, exclude the tests from composer archives and allow me to have them in Debian

    opened by williamdes 6
  • Performance issue in BaconQrCode\Encoder

    Performance issue in BaconQrCode\Encoder


    I'm using the sprain/php-swiss-qr-bill library to generate QR-ESRs. Generating a single QR-ESR takes ~5 seconds (or more).

    Then I started the profiler and debugged it manually until I found that only the BaconQrCode\Encoder::chooseMaskPattern needed nearly all of this time. The time for PDF rendering etc. is nothing compared to this single method.

    My question, is there a possibility to pass "some arguments" to make it faster to generate the QR code?

    opened by odan 6
  • PHP 8.1: Implicit conversion from float 26.666666666666664 to int loses precision

    PHP 8.1: Implicit conversion from float 26.666666666666664 to int loses precision

    public static function getDataMaskBit($maskPattern, $x, $y) { ... case 4: $intermediate = (BitUtils::unsignedRightShift($y, 1) + ($x / 3)) & 0x1;

    the term $x / 3 must not be an integer. Can you please round the term?

    opened by cscrewsandcaptains 5
  • Included 'return', for ease of testing on QRCode generation.

    Included 'return', for ease of testing on QRCode generation.

    With the addition of the 'return' statement, it facilitates the creation of unit tests for QR Code generator. Allowing you to test whether the file was generated or not.

    opened by Diego-Brocanelli 5
  • 32-bit architecture test suite failure and hang

    32-bit architecture test suite failure and hang

    All tests but testFindMsbSet

    # phpunit   --filter '(::test(?!FindMsbSet))'
    PHPUnit 5.7.21 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    .....E..F.E..E.............EEEEEEE.............................  63 / 164 ( 38%)
    ............................................................... 126 / 164 ( 76%)
    ......................................                          164 / 164 (100%)
    Time: 98 ms, Memory: 4.00MB
    There were 10 errors:
    1) BaconQrCode\Common\BitArrayTest::testGetNextSet5
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    2) BaconQrCode\Common\BitMatrixTest::testGetSet
    ArithmeticError: Bit shift by negative number
    3) BaconQrCode\Common\BitMatrixTest::testRectangularSetRegion
    ArithmeticError: Bit shift by negative number
    4) BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonTest::testCodec with data set #0 (2, 7, 1, 1, 1)
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    5) BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonTest::testCodec with data set #1 (3, 11, 1, 1, 2)
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    6) BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonTest::testCodec with data set #2 (4, 19, 1, 1, 4)
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    7) BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonTest::testCodec with data set #3 (5, 37, 1, 1, 6)
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    8) BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonTest::testCodec with data set #4 (6, 67, 1, 1, 8)
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    9) BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonTest::testCodec with data set #5 (7, 137, 1, 1, 10)
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    10) BaconQrCode\Common\ReedSolomonTest::testCodec with data set #6 (8, 285, 1, 1, 32)
    mt_srand() expects parameter 1 to be integer, float given
    There was 1 failure:
    1) BaconQrCode\Common\BitArrayTest::testGetArray
    Failed asserting that -2147483648 matches expected 2147483648.0.
    Tests: 164, Assertions: 8559, Errors: 10, Failures: 1.

    Only testFindMsbSet

    # phpunit   --filter '(::testFindMsbSet)' --debug
    PHPUnit 5.7.21 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Starting test 'BaconQrCode\Encoder\MatrixUtilTest::testFindMsbSet'.

    Process hangs forever

    opened by remicollet 5
  • Eye Square with Rounded Corner - Just a Question, not an Issue

    Eye Square with Rounded Corner - Just a Question, not an Issue

    I'm trying to write a new Module Renderer for Eye(internal and external) in order to get Square with Rounded Corner(not circle) but not sure how to get that.

    I mean, using matrix logic how to achieve this?

    For Circle I use this one:

          ->move(3.5, 0)
          ->ellipticArc(3.5, 3.5, 0., false, true, 0., 3.5)
          ->ellipticArc(3.5, 3.5, 0., false, true, -3.5, 0.)
          ->ellipticArc(3.5, 3.5, 0., false, true, 0., -3.5)
          ->ellipticArc(3.5, 3.5, 0., false, true, 3.5, 0.)
          ->move(2.5, 0)
          ->ellipticArc(2.5, 2.5, 0., false, true, 0., 2.5)
          ->ellipticArc(2.5, 2.5, 0., false, true, -2.5, 0.)
          ->ellipticArc(2.5, 2.5, 0., false, true, 0., -2.5)
          ->ellipticArc(2.5, 2.5, 0., false, true, 2.5, 0.)

    Should I focus on replacing ellipticArc with a combination of line() and curve()?

    Expected result: qr-code

    opened by SergiuPogor 1
  • How do you use this?

    How do you use this?

    There are no instructions on how to add a URL and Email?

    $renderer = new ImageRenderer(
          new RendererStyle(400),
          new SvgImageBackEnd()
        $writer = new Writer($renderer);
        $qr =  $writer->writeString($this->phone);

    I can write the phone number or the email or the URL but how can you combine all of these?

    opened by movepixels 1
  • Add GD Image backend

    Add GD Image backend

    My client's web hosting provider sucks, and they don't have support for Imagick, even though they are promising it will be added.

    I'm generating QR codes for payment, which is added into email body. And email client's do not have nice support for SVG. So I need old-school GD support.

    However, GD has limited sets of functions. I believe, that it is OK, when that backend will have also limited sets of features. So this is not supported:

    • Any roundness like DotsModule, RoundnessModule or SimpleCircleEye
    • Gradients

    And because GD does not support Paths like Imagick or SVG do, I need to generate a bit different paths, so they are not so complex.

    opened by arxeiss 10
  • In simple Qr-code plugin for Laravel

    In simple Qr-code plugin for Laravel "You need to install ImageMagick" bug

    For Laravel 8, running PHP 7.4 or PHP 8.

    I have installed the simplesoftwareio / simple-qrcode plugin. It worked fine in PHP 5.4 but we are trying to upgrade.

    Now when I upgrade and try to use the code to generate the QR code, we get this error.

    "You need to install the imagick extension to use this backend".


    But imagick IS INSTALLED. I found many other people with this same problem (so I'm not crazy here) and they all resolved in downgrading to BaconQrCode version 1.0.3. But Laravel 8 won't let me do that, because of requirements.

    So I'm just stuck and wondering if this can be fixed?

    Screenshot 2022-07-19 123529

    opened by b-art-xx 7
  • Excessive version selected, mode optimisation support?

    Excessive version selected, mode optimisation support?

    I'm generating a QR from a URL that has 48 ASCII chars and using Q redundancy, which should mean the total data size is 60 bytes. For that amount of data, this library generates a 37x37 version 5 QR. Looking at this chart, I can see that the capacity of a version 5 does correspond to 60 bytes in "binary" mode, but version 4 can accommodate 67 bytes in "alphanumeric" mode. This chart shows that that this set includes :, ., and / which is all that's needed for URL support, but it does not support lower-case chars. So now I'm mystified because I have a QR generated by a different system that is a version 4 and successfully encodes my URL containing lower-case chars with the correct degree of redundancy.

    I suspect that this is due to the other system supporting mode optimisation, where the data can be split into chunks, each with a different encoding mode, for example if my URL contains, this could be encoded as a byte-mode chunk of followed by an alphanumeric chunk of /ABC1234567890/XYZ, or possibly even finer chunks if 1234567890 could be dropped to numeric mode.

    This page has an excellent demonstration of mode optimization along with a detailed description of how it works.

    Do you have any plans to implement this optimisation so we can have smaller QRs?

    opened by Synchro 0
  • 2.0.7(Mar 14, 2022)

  • 2.0.6(Feb 4, 2022)

  • 2.0.5(Jan 31, 2022)

  • 2.0.0(Apr 25, 2018)


    • #25 allows for setting a more compact text output

    • added (how meta)

    • Allows more complex shapes for modules

    • Allows setting a gradient for the foreground

    • Allows transparent backgrounds and alpha channel on all colors


    • Minimum PHP version changed to 7.1

    • Imagick renderer now allows setting different output formats

    • New optimized SVG renderer


    • Nothing.


    • Legacy ZF module support removed


    • Non-release files are excluded from composer packages
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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