A small marshalling library used to encode/decode data from classes



A small marshalling library used to encode/decode data from classes

How to use?

Using the library with objects is extremely simple.


This trait is the logic behind the marshaling/unmarshaling of objects. Like any other trait, you can use it through use MarshalTrait. Furthermore, this trait gives you access to two methods:

  • A class method: marshal() - Marshals the data into an array
  • A static method: unmarshal(array $data, bool $strict) - Unmarshals the data back into an object


This attribute is one of the largest parts of the library as it is what determines what MarshalTrait marshals/unmarshals. If a property is not annotated with this attribute, it will not be handled.

The Field attribute accepts one argument: name. If no name is specified, MarshalTrait will use the property name as the name to marshal/unmarshal with.

As examples:

x] #[Field(name: "Specific Name")] public string $specificName; // When encoded, it will output to ["Specific Name" => x] public string $hiddenName; // This field will not be included in either marshalling methods.">
public string $name; // When encoded, it will output to ["name" => x]
#[Field(name: "Specific Name")]
public string $specificName; // When encoded, it will output to ["Specific Name" => x]
public string $hiddenName; // This field will not be included in either marshalling methods.

Using Objects in properties

The only prerequisite behind marshalling/unmarshalling an embedded object is to have the class set up with the MarshalTrait and Fields. Here is an example on how you would use that:

class Range {
	use MarshalTrait;
	public int $min = 0;
	public int $max = 10;
	public int $default = 0;

class Options {
	use MarshalTrait;
	public string $username = "TestUserName";
	public Range $range;


Here is a full example:

marshal(); // ["first-name" => "John", "last-name" => "Doe", "age" => 30, "email" => "johndoe@gmail.com"] $data["first-name"] = "Jane"; // Changing the first name $data["email"] = "janedoe@gmail.com"; // Changing the email // Unmarshalling $user = User::unmarshal($data); // User(firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, email: "janedoe@gmail.com")">
class User {
	use MarshalTrait;
	#[Field(name: "first-name")]
	public string $firstName;
	#[Field(name: "last-name")]
	public string $lastName;
	public int $age;
	public string $email;

// NOTE: This uses promoted properties to make it easier to construct.
// You can learn more about this below.

// Marshalling
$user = new User(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, email: "johndoe@gmail.com");
$data = $user->marshal(); // ["first-name" => "John", "last-name" => "Doe", "age" => 30, "email" => "johndoe@gmail.com"]

$data["first-name"] = "Jane"; // Changing the first name
$data["email"] = "janedoe@gmail.com"; // Changing the email

// Unmarshalling
$user = User::unmarshal($data); // User(firstName: "Jane", lastName: "Doe", age: 30, email: "janedoe@gmail.com")


As the library stands, the constructor is never called when creating an object. This is intentional as argument ordering may have unintended side effects. If you want to be able to pass in parameters to an object, you can take advantage of PHP's promoted properties like so:

class User {
	use MarshalTrait;

	public function __construct(
		#[Field(name: "first-name")]
		public string $firstName,
		#[Field(name: "last-name")]
		public string $lastName,
		public int $age,
		public string $email
	) {}

This will allow you to create the objects through a constructor as usual while also declaring the properties.


At the moment, there are a few improvements that can be/or are being worked on. Here is a list of some of those improvements:

  • Add a limit to recursive objects when marshalling/unmarshalling (50?)
  • Cache properties for performance benefits


Any issues/suggestion can be reported here.

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    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I have faced 3 issues with i.e. values that come from saved configs marshaled via libMarshal:

    • A new version of a config might rename, remove or change the type of a value
    • Config values that are optional are hard to implement without assigning null as default, causing a trail of null checks
    • Sometimes you'd want specific values to be saved in different configs or arrays/json, i.e. a Tool (in MagicWE2, item with interactions. Brush might be the best example) should have runtime options and config options, one being used as file on disk and one i.e. as an array that is being serialized for async tasks.

    Describe the solution you'd like A possible solution i propose is adding an optional tags <list<string>> parameter. Then when using marshal() you can pass a list of tags you want serialized.

    Describe alternatives you've considered So far, none

    Additional context I got stuck at implementing libMarshal into MagicWE2 due to this. Right now the code isn't public though.

    But an example is the usersessions: https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/MagicWE2/blob/experiment/libMarshal/src/xenialdan/MagicWE2/session/UserSession.php#L29-L42 Some of those values are optional, for example $brushes. The brushcollection holds brushes, https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/MagicWE2/blob/experiment%2FlibMarshal/src/xenialdan/MagicWE2/session/data/BrushCollection.php#L28. These already have some kind of versioning implemented, but.. honestly not in a great way, they can't really be upgraded yet.

    The current format Session->save() produces is also not compatible with unmarshal due to some object arrays like BrushCollection being boiled down to an array that is not nested https://github.com/thebigsmileXD/MagicWE2/blob/0ed0c1a67c99314bcfbeafc36d4e826e1398e0a0/src/xenialdan/MagicWE2/session/UserSession.php#L279

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