This application (class) does the sending of emails used in the phpmailer library

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Email emailsender

emailsender - PHP

Notification library via email using phpMailer

This library has the function of sending email using the phpmailer library. Doing this action in an uncomplicated way is essential for any system.

To install the library, run the following command:

composer require mastercode/emailsender

To use the library, just require composer to autoload, invoke the class and call the method:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

USE Email\Email\Email;

$email = new Email(2, "", "", "your-pass", "smtp secure (tls/ssl)", "port(587)",
    "", "From Name");

$email->sendEmail("SUbject", "Content", "", "Replay Name", "", "Address Name");

Note that the entire configuration of sending the email is using the magic constructor method! Once the constructor method is invoked within your application, your system will be able to trigger the triggers.


  • [Lucas A. R. Volpati] - Developer of this library and tutor of the Composer in Practice course!
  • [phpMailer] - Lib to send Email



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