1015 Repositories
PHP composer-package Libraries
Laravel Shopping Cart Package
LaraCart - Laravel Shopping Cart Package (http://laracart.lukepolo.com) Features Coupons Session Based System Cross Device Support Multiple cart insta
Laravel paypal payment package , help you process credit card payment using paypal api
Important :The use of the PayPal REST /payments APIs to accept credit card payments is restricted by paypal and they recomand to use Braintree Direct
A Laravel package that uses geoPlugin web service to fetch information from an IP.
LarageoPlugin (Laravel 4 Package) A Laravel package that uses geoPlugin web service to fetch information from an IP. It will store in cache the IP inf
Laravel Google Maps Package
Laravel Google Maps This repo aims to use google map features in laravel 5.x. It is easy to use and flexible, you can just install this package and en
A Laravel package to get the user's country using the ip.
Laravel IP Service Tries to guess the country code of the client, using his IP. Installation Download and import the ip database from ip2nation.com Us
Alerts is a package that handles global site messages.
Alerts for Laravel 5, 6, 7 and 8 Global site messages in Laravel 8, 7, 6 and 5. Helps trigger notification bubbles with a simple API, both in the curr
The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 console application.
Yii Console Runner The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 console application. Requirements PHP 8.0 or higher. Installation The package cou
A Laravel package providing a list of the countries, states, cities, currencies and timezones
A Laravel package to provide a list of the countries, cities, timezones, currencies and phone numbers formatting/validation helpers. The package can b
Laravel package for creating Word documents with Eloquent ORM dependencies.
Laravel Eloquent Word This package provides an elegant way to generate Word documents with Eloquent Models. Uses PHPOffice/PHPWord package to generate
a Laravel package help you to execute more effective databases queries.
Laravel Query Helper Laravel Query Helper was developed for laravel 7.2+ to help you optimizing sql queries, this package will contain all advanced sq
A package that helps to group methods that mostly use for the view presentation purpose.
A package that helps to group methods that mostly use for the view presentation purpose form models to a dedicated presenter class.
Subscriptions core package for WooCommerce
WooCommerce Subscriptions Core This package adds core subscriptions functionality to your WooCommerce store. Dependencies WooCommerce WooCommerce Subs
Support multi theme for Laravel application
Very short description of the package This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention o
A simple categories package for Laravel.
Laravel Categories Simple categories for Laravel. Includes a Category model and migration. Includes a trait for adding categories to your model. Inclu
A package to access messari apis for laravel
Messari API - Laravel Laravel wrapper for messari.io API Full API documentation could be found on messari.io Installation PHP 7.2+ and Composer are re
A utility package that helps inspect functions in PHP.
A utility package that helps inspect functions in PHP. This package provides some utilities for inspecting functions (callables) in PHP. You can use i
Generate and display maps without external services or compromising on privacy.
Generate and display maps without external services or compromising on privacy.
A Simple Linode SDK built for Laravel with @JustSteveKing laravel-transporter package
linode client A Simple Linode client built for Laravel with @JustSteveKing laravel-transporter package Installation You can install the package via co
A Php Library For MySQL
phpSQL MySql İçin Bir Php Kütüphanesi Herhangi Bir Sorun Olursa Buradan Ulaşabilirsiniz Ayrıca Dosyada Php Documentor Kullanılmaktadır, Modern Editörl
Traits used primarily in the v6 package but also available as a helper package for applications
Phalcon Traits This package contains traits with methods that are used for Phalcon v6 onward. It can also be useful to others that want short snippets
The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 web application.
Yii Web Runner The package contains a bootstrap for running Yii3 web application. Requirements PHP 8.0 or higher. Installation The package could be in
Our Laravel Sendgrid Notification package
laravel-sendgrid-notification-channel Laravel Sendgrid Notification channel Installation To get started, you need to require this package: composer re
Docker with PHP 7.4 fpm, Nginx, Composer, PhpUnit and MaridaDB
Clean Docker with PHP Docker with PHP 7.4 fpm, Nginx, Composer, PhpUnit and MariaDB Starting app docker-compose up -d Main page
`dd` is a helper method in Laravel. This package will add the `dd` to your application.
dd dd is a helper method in Laravel. This package will add the dd to your application. Install Run composer require larapack/dd 1.* For Laravel Larave
Framework agnostic PHP package for marking navigation items active.
Ekko Framework agnostic PHP package for marking navigation items active. Features Framework agnostic. Can be modified for any custom application and U
Composer package which adds support for HTML5 elements using Laravels Form interface (e.g. Form::date())
Laravel HTML 5 Inputs Composer package which adds support for HTML5 elements by extending Laravel's Form interface (e.g. Form::date()) Adds support fo
This package extends Laravel's FormBuilder to include some (soon all) HTML5 elements
HTML5 Forms for Laravel This package extends Laravel's FormBuilder to include some (soon all) HTML5 elements. How to Install Install the braunson/lara
27Laracurl Laravel wrapper package for PHP cURL class that provides OOP interface to cURL. [10/27/2015] View Details
Laracurl Laravel cURL Wrapper for Andreas Lutro's OOP cURL Class Installation To install the package, simply add the following to your Laravel install
Laravel Optical Character Reader(OCR) package using ocr engines like Tesseract
LaraOCR Laravel Optical Character Reader(OCR) package using ocr engines like Tesseract under the hood. Features Read text from image using WebUI/Progr
Achievements for Laravel 5.3+
An implementation of an Achievement System in Laravel, inspired by Laravel's Notification system. Table of Contents Requirements Installation Creating
A Laravel package which helps you automate creation of files.
Laravel file generator This is a Laravel package which helps you automate creation of files. High Res Link Benefits If you create a type of file frequ
A slim, lean forum package designed for quick and easy integration in Laravel projects
Complete documentation is available on teamteatime.net. Installation Requires Laravel 6+ and PHP 7.4+. Step 1: Install the package Install the package
Global key-value store in the database
Laravel Options Global key-value store in the database Installation To get started with laravel-options, use Composer to add the package to your proje
Transaction-aware Event Dispatcher for Laravel
Transaction-aware Event Dispatcher for Laravel This Laravel package introduces Transaction-aware Event Dispatcher. It ensures the events dispatched wi
DOMPDF module for Laravel 5
pdf-laravel5 DOMPDF module for Laravel 5. Export your views as PDFs - with css support. Instalation Add: "vsmoraes/laravel-pdf": "^2.0" To your compo
rapyd: crud widgets for laravel. datatable, grids, forms, in a simple package
rapyd-laravel This is a pool of presentation and editing widgets (Grids and Forms) for laravel. Nothing to "generate", just some classes to let you de
Persistent settings package for Laravel 5.
Package is looking for maintainers Please contact me if interested. Persistent Settings for Laravel 5 Persistent settings package for Laravel 5. Drive
Laravel package to easily login as other users during development.
A Laravel 5.4 utility package to enable developers to log in as other users during development. Installation To install the package, simply follow the
Laravel Composable View Composers Package - Compose View Composers from Component Composers
Laravel Virtuoso Laravel Composable View Composers Package Increase flexibility and reduce code duplication by easily composing complex View Composers
This package is a simple API laravel wrapper for Pokemontcg with a sleek Model design for API routes and authentication.
This package is a simple API laravel wrapper for Pokemontcg with a sleek Model design for API routes and authentication.
Laravel wrapper for the Fathom Analytics API
Please note: This package is still a work in progress and the Fathom API is also only in early access. Do not use this package in your production envi
Smeify is a Stable Automated Solution for Airtime and Data businesses in Nigeria, this package helps you integrate smeify easily into your laravel application.
Smeify is a Stable Automated Solution for Airtime and Data businesses in Nigeria, this package helps you integrate smeify easily into your laravel application.
18Laravel ReactJS Package to simplify sending data from Laravel back-end to front-end built to Facebook ReactJS.
Laravel ReactJS This is a package that we wrote to use on our Laravel applications that use React from Facebook. Our goal is deal with the SEO problem
Package for using ReactJS with Laravel
react-laravel With react-laravel you'll be able to use ReactJS components right from your Blade views, with optional server-side rendering, and use th
This package enables you to create and run a fully functioning WebSocket server in your Laravel app.
This package enables you to create and run a fully functioning WebSocket server in your Laravel app. It can optionally receive messages broadcast over ZeroMQ.
🤖 Telegram Bot API PHP SDK. Lets you build Telegram Bots easily! Supports Laravel out of the box.
Telegram Bot API - PHP SDK Telegram Bot PHP SDK lets you develop Telegram Bots in PHP easily! Supports Laravel out of the box. Telegram Bot API is an
A laravel 5 package for reading and writing to facebook graph object with ease in laravelish syntax
Fluent-Facebook Docs A laravel 5 package for reading and writing to facebook graph object with ease in laravelish syntax. Check out how easy it is to
JSON API (jsonapi.org) package for Laravel applications.
cloudcreativity/laravel-json-api Status This package has now been rewritten, substantially improved and released as the laravel-json-api/laravel packa
Notifying your users doesn't have to be a lot of work.
Messenger for Laravel Goal To provide a drop-in, application-wide alerting functionality to display various types of alerts and notifications to the u
A Laravel wrapper for thephpleague's Fractal package
laravel-api-response A Laravel wrapper for thephpleague's Fractal package Install Via Composer composer require lykegenes/laravel-api-response Then, a
Laravel Grid is a package that helps you display table data.
Laravel Grid Laravel Grid is a package that helps you display table data. I could not find package that would satisfy my needs so I decided to write o
View themes is a simple package to provide themed view support to Laravel.
Laravel View Themes View themes is a simple package to provide themed view support to Laravel. Installation Add alexwhitman/view-themes to the require
Wordpress integrated with Laravel via Composer. Together, but independents.
Wordpress integrated with Laravel via Composer. Atention! The branch master is no longer manteined. Now I'm working on branch light. Not booting Larav
Python package to easily work with selenium and manage tabs effectively.
Simple Selenium The aim of this package is to quickly get started with working with selenium for simple browser automation tasks. Installation Install
Avatar Generating Package for Laravel.
Avatar Generating Package for Laravel.
A simple laravel package to validate console commands arguments and options.
Command Validator A simple laravel package to validate console commands arguments and options. Installation Require/Install the package using composer
A Laravel response helper methods.
A Laravel response helper methods. The package respond provides a fluent syntax to form array or json responses.
Composer package providing HTTP Methods, Status Codes and Reason Phrases for PHP
HTTP Enums For PHP 8.1 and above This package provides HTTP Methods, Status Codes and Reason Phrases as PHP 8.1+ enums All IANA registered HTTP Status
A package to filter laravel model based on query params or retrieved model collection
Laravel Filterable A package to filter laravel model based on query params or retrived model collection. Installation Require/Install the package usin
Prerender Laravel pages using Clusteer and this nice package.
Laravel Clusteer Prerender Prerender Laravel pages using Clusteer and this nice package. 🤝 Supporting If you are using one or more Renoki Co. open-so
A laravel package to handle model specific additional meta fields in an elegant way.
Laravel Meta Fields A php package for laravel framework to handle model meta data in a elegant way. Installation Require the package using composer: c
A laravel package to generate class files from stub files.
Laravel Stub Generator A php laravel package to generate useable php files from given stub files . Installation Require the package using composer: co
A laravel package to generate model hashid based on model id column.
Laravel Model Hashid A package to generate model hash id from the model auto increment id for laravel models Installation Require the package using co
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project.
Simple Bootstrap Laravel CMS. Support Laravel 8.x Can integrate into any existing Laravel project. Only add few database tables with prefixes, not affect your existing database tables. Support Laravel 7.x & Laravel 6.x & Laravel 5.x & MySql & PostgreSql - Amila Laravel CMS
A PHP 5.3 CMS built on top of Laravel 4 and other composer components.
Anvil Forge your website! A PHP 5.3 CMS built on top of Laravel 4 and other composer components. Installation Installing Anvil is easy. Run the follow
Personal Knowledge Management. Use branch "minimal change" to deploy as laravel package.
Knowfox Knowfox is my Personal Knowledge Management system. Having been an keen Evernote user since 2012, I finally got around to taking my precious n
A simple blog package for Laravel 4
Laravel Blog A Laravel 4 package to add a simple blog to a site Features Paginated index view with configurable results per page Year/Month archive fi
Laravel Datatables Package Demo App
#Laravel Datatables Demo App Datatables Package for Laravel 4|5 This package is created to handle server-side works of DataTables jQuery Plugin via AJ
A Qiniu Storage filesystem for Laravel
Laravel filesystem Qiniu Qiniu storage for Laravel based on overtrue/flysystem-qiniu. Requirement PHP = 5.5.9 Installation $ composer require "overtr
This package provides extended support for our spatie/enum package in Laravel.
Laravel support for spatie/enum This package provides extended support for our spatie/enum package in Laravel. Installation You can install the packag
this package makes laravel website a progressive web application.
Laravel PWA You can follow this video tutorial as well for installation. Installation Install the package by the following command, composer require l
A PHPStan package that supports working with Extbase
PHPStan for Extbase This package provides a couple of stubs and services to make your life easier when working with PHPStan and Extbase. Examples clas
A simple laravel package to enable cascade deleting on polymorphic relations.
Morph Cascade Delete A simple laravel package to enable cascade deleting on polymorphic relations. Installation Install with composer composer requi
A Laravel package to simplify using DPO Payment API in your application.
DPO (Direct Pay Online) Laravel Package The best DPO Laravel package, simple Ever This is the package that will help you add DPO Payment API to your L
A PHP package to simplify using DPO Payment API in your application.
DPO (Direct Pay Online) PHP Package The best DPO php package, simple Ever This is the package that will help you add DPO Payment API to your PHP Appli
Small package that can helps in debugging with API logs for Laravel Project.
Rest APIs Logger This is a small package that can helps in debugging with API logs. Installation Install the package via composer composer require tfs
Generate trends for your models. Easily generate charts or reports.
Laravel Trend Generate trends for your models. Easily generate charts or reports. Support us Like our work? You can support us by purchasing one of ou
Laravel package meta 🧡
About hwa-meta is a meta package. It helps us to build and develop faster with pre-built functions. This saves a lot of time on future projects. We sh
A Laravel package for quickly adding .well-known URLs
A Laravel package for quickly adding .well-known URLs well-known is a Laravel package for quickly adding well-known locations (RFC8615) to a Laravel a
A PHP library for the Oxxa API.
Oxxa API (PHP) Use the Oxxa API in PHP. Status Installation composer require ben221199/oxxa-api Use $username = 'myUsername'; // Your API username $pa
A simple laravel package for wallet implementation
wallet A simple laravel package for wallet implementation. This package can basically be plugged into a laravel project and it will handle wallet impl
Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework.
laravel-stapler Laravel-Stapler is a Stapler-based file upload package for the Laravel framework. It provides a full set of Laravel commands, a migrat
Laravel 5 with Dockerized Gulp, PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose
docker-laravel Laravel 5 with Dockerized PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose Usage Get Composer docker-compose run --rm phpnginx curl -O htt
Helper for countries laravel package
Countries helper Helper for countries laravel package Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require eliseekn/countries-helpe
Laravel Livewire package for clone screen with the help of websocket
screen-wire This is a Laravel Livewire package. It allow you to see what users are doing on their screen. Installation composer require mrbohem/scree
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets.
Laravel-Mix helper for projects with complex & multi assets. 🔥 Getting started Since mix introduced in laravel 5.4 it is recommended to use this pack
Login as a different user quickly
Lara Personate Is a user impersonate for the Laravel framework. This package makes it easier for users who have access rights such as super admin to t
🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.
docker-laravel 🐳 Introduction Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose. Usage $ git clone [email protected]:ucan-lab/docker-la
BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel
BigBlueButton Server API Library for Laravel Package that provides easily communicate between BigBlueButton server and laravel framework Requirements
A Laravel package for parsing and processing Identity Documents
Laravel Identity Documents For general questions and suggestions join gitter: Package that allows you to handle documents like passports and other doc
Offer an online version of your Laravel emails to users.
This is was a collaborative project with Ryan Chandler. Please consider supporting him for the hard work he put into this package! Help support the ma
Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document template
Document Templates Introduction Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document templates, with ability to
RoadRunner ⇆ Laravel bridge
RoadRunner ⇆ Laravel bridge Easy way for connecting RoadRunner and Laravel applications. 🐋 If you want to see an example of a laravel application in
Paddle.com API integration for Laravel with support for webhooks/events
Laravel Paddle This package provides an integration with Paddle.com for Laravel. Read the blogpost about the introduction of the package! Features Sup
A Laravel package that adds a simple image functionality to any Laravel model
Laraimage A Laravel package that adds a simple image functionality to any Laravel model Introduction Laraimage served four use cases when using images
Laravel Package for making thumbnails instantly
Laravel Thumbnail Generator Package for uploading the image and saving that image along with it's thumbnail. What does it do ? Uploads Image Make its
Laravel package to convert English numbers to Bangla number or Bangla text, Bangla month name and Bangla Money Format
Number to Bangla Number, Word or Month Name in Laravel | Get Wordpress Plugin Laravel package to convert English numbers to Bangla number or Bangla te
Google VerifiedSMS Laravel Package
Google VerifiedSMS Laravel Package This is a laravel package developed for google business communication api and verified SMS API. Before we commence
Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel.
Introduction Larafirebase is a package thats offers you to send push notifications or custom messages via Firebase in Laravel. Firebase Cloud Messagin
Stash view is a composer package for Laravel which caches views using Russian Doll Caching methodology.
Stash View Stash view is a composer package for Laravel which caches views using Russian Doll Caching methodology. What is Russian Doll Caching ? It i