61 Repositories
PHP components Libraries
This Kirby V3 Plugin brings snippets and blueprints together in one place. It includes useful tools that completely changing the way you work with Kirby: Fast and well organized.
Kirby Components Overview Do you love to make awesome projects with Kirby CMS? Do you also find it difficult to switch between snippets and blueprints
Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container, http, log and route.
Kit What is it Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container,
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
PoP PoP is a monorepo containing several projects. The GraphQL API for WordPress plugin GraphQL API for WordPress is a forward-looking and powerful Gr
PHP components - collection of cross-project PHP classes
PHP components Collection of cross-project PHP classes. Install: $ composer require ansas/php-component Ansas\Component\Convert\ConvertPrice Convert "
Coole is a PHP framework built on open source components
Coole is a PHP framework built on open source components. - Coole 是一个基于开源组件包构建的 PHP 框架。
🔍 This is a collection of utilities for routing and loading components.
Router Utilities - PHP Introduction A day will come when I will write documentation for this library. Until then, you can use this library to create r
WordPress plugin boilerplate using React and Block Editor components.
PluginWP Foundation 🚧 UNDER DEVELOPMENT 🚧 This code serves as a starting point for building a WordPress plugin using React and the block editor comp
Provide all attributes (including irregular patterns) to Laravel Blade class components.
blade-wants-attributes blade-wants-attributes offers you the ability to use Blade/HTML-defined attributes within the constructors of Laravel Blade cla
🔭 Proof of concept on adding observability features (tracing and metrics) to a Nano microservice (using existing Hyperf components).
🔭 Tracing Nano Proof of concept on adding observability features (tracing and metrics) to a Nano microservice (using existing Hyperf components 🚀 ).
Livewire trait (throttling). Limiting request processing speed
Livewire Throttling Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require f1uder/livewire-throttling Usage Livewire component ?php
A collection of pre-made simple Laravel Blade form components.
Laravel Form Components Library A collection of pre-made simple Laravel Blade form components. Installation & setup You can install the package via co
This package allows you to render livewire components like a blade component, giving it attributes, slots etc
X-livewire This package allows you to render livewire components like a blade component, giving it attributes, slots etc. Assuming you wanted to creat
A set of filament components with extra functionality & fresh look
Filament Addons A set of filament components with extra functionality & fresh look Pills (Tab Pills) Coming Soon ... Support Filament Installation You
Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js.
Pagekit Pagekit is a modular and lightweight CMS built with Symfony components and Vue.js. Homepage - Learn more about Pagekit Documentation - User an
Lightweight library that eases using components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment.
clue/reactphp-block Lightweight library that eases integrating async components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment. ReactPHP pr
SPA authentication demo with Laravel Sanctum and Nuxt.js (Buefy components)
laravel-sanctum-nuxt-spa SPA authentication demo with Laravel Sanctum and Nuxt.js (Buefy components) Project structure Backend: Cookie-based authentic
A collection of reusable components for Filament.
A collection of reusable components for Filament. This package is a collection of handy components for you to use in all your Filament projects. It pr
Fork is an easy to use open source CMS using Symfony Components.
Installation Make sure you have composer installed. Run composer create-project forkcms/forkcms . in your document root. Browse to your website Follow
Spiral Framework is a High-Performance PHP/Go Full-Stack framework and group of over sixty PSR-compatible components
Spiral HTTP Application Skeleton Spiral Framework is a High-Performance PHP/Go Full-Stack framework and group of over sixty PSR-compatible components.
Declare routes inside Laravel Livewire components.
Convoy This package allows you to declare routes inside of your full page Laravel Livewire components. All you have to do is create a route method ins
Data Table package with server-side processing, unlimited exporting and VueJS components
Data Table package with server-side processing, unlimited exporting and VueJS components. Quickly build any complex table based on a JSON template.
Centralized dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, stats and data, including the server.
Centralized dashboard to monitor various WordPress components, stats and data, including the server.
A package for defining scoped styles in Livewire components
A package for defining scoped styles in Livewire components
WIRECRUD 9 adalah aplikasi CRUD + Search sederhana yang dibuat menggukana Laravel 9 dan Livewire 2
WIRECRUD 9 adalah aplikasi CRUD + Search sederhana yang dibuat menggukana Laravel 9 dan Livewire 2. Demo bisa dilihat di YouTube Developow Terbuka jika ingin clone apliaksi sederhana ini untuk belajar, bisa ikuti cara-cara berikut ini.
This repository demonstrates exemplary implementation of chat using HTTP and Websocket servers in PHP using Kraken Framework components.
This repository demonstrates exemplary implementation of chat using HTTP and Websocket servers in PHP using Kraken Framework components.
Cron Job Manager for Magento 2
EthanYehuda_CronJobManager A Cron Job Management and Scheduling tool for Magento 2 Control Your Cron Installation In your Magento2 root directory, you
Laravel-comments-livewire - Livewire components for the laravel-comments package
Associate comments and reactions with Eloquent models This package contains Livewire components to be used with the spatie/laravel-comments package. S
Livewire UI components with tailwind base style
WireUI 📚 Documentation Wire UI is a library of components and resources to empower your Laravel and Livewire application development. Starting a new
Bring multi themes support to your Laravel application with a full-featured Themes Manager
Introduction hexadog/laravel-themes-manager is a Laravel package which was created to let you developing multi-themes Laravel application. Installatio
Laravel components for WordPress plugins and themes
Acorn Acorn adds Laravel components to use in your WordPress plugins and themes. Contributing Contributions are welcome from everyone. We have contrib
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template Curious why I decided to create CoreUI? Please read this article: Jack of all trades, master of none. Why
Damn Vulnerable Web Services is an insecure web application with multiple vulnerable web service components that can be used to learn real world web service vulnerabilities.
Damn Vulnerable Web Services is an insecure web application with multiple vulnerable web service components that can be used to learn real world web service vulnerabilities.
Livewire component that brings Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.
About Wire Elements Spotlight Wire Elements Spotlight is a Livewire component that provides Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel applic
Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining state.
About Wire Elements Modal Wire Elements Modal is a Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintai
Custom Blade components to add sortable/drag-and-drop HTML elements in your apps.
Laravel Blade Sortable Demo Repo Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require asantibanez/laravel-blade-sortable After the
Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
⚠️ Note - Not the latest version This is the repository for Bolt 3. Please know that Bolt 5 has been released. If you are starting a new project, plea
Blade UI Kit is a set of renderless components to utilise in your Laravel Blade views
Blade UI Kit is a set of renderless components to utilise in your Laravel Blade views. In all essence, it's a collection of useful utilities, connecting the dots between different parts of the TALL stack. It was made for Blade, Laravel's powerful templating engine.
StackSync is a simple, lightweight and native fullstack PHP mini-framework.
StackSync is a fullstack PHP mini framework, with an MVC structure, custom API system with a Middleware and JWT authentication, components based views, flexible routing, PSR4 autoloading. Essential files generation (migrations, seeders, controllers and models) and other operations can be executed through custom commands.
Livewire DataTables components for back-end. Modular, easy to use, with tons of features.
Livewire DataTables Livewire DataTables components for back-end. Modular, easy to use, with tons of features. Inspired by Caleb's Livewire Screencasts
A PHP 5.3 CMS built on top of Laravel 4 and other composer components.
Anvil Forge your website! A PHP 5.3 CMS built on top of Laravel 4 and other composer components. Installation Installing Anvil is easy. Run the follow
Laravel Livewire (TALL-stack) form generator with realtime validation, file uploads, array fields, blade form input components and more.
TALL-stack form generator Laravel Livewire, Tailwind forms with auto-generated views. Support Contributions Features This is not an admin panel genera
Useful blade components and functionality for most Laravel projects.
laravel-base Note: Package is still in early stages of development, so functionality is subject to change. LaravelBase is a package I've created to pr
Cagilo - a set of simple components for use in your views Laravel Blade.
Cagilo - a set of simple components for use in your views Laravel Blade. Official Documentation Documentation for Cagilo can be found on its we
Renders Mithril components to HTML for use in blade templates
Flarum Mithril2Html Uses Chrome Puppeteer via Spatie Browsershot to render Mithril components as static HTML. Follow Browsershot instructions to setup
The easiest way to develop and release Gutenberg blocks (components) for WordPress
Contents Install Comparison with competition Future Plans Usage Creating a Block Install npm install gutenblock -g This is a Gutenberg plugin creator
This package adds artisan commands to create VueJS components and InertiaJS components.
Laravel Vue Commands This package adds artisan commands to create VueJS components and InertiaJS components. Installation You can install the package
Fast PHP framework made with very loose optional components.
Nimble is a super fast mini-framework for PHP built on top of optional loose components. Installation Clone the repository $ git clone git@github.com:
Base library for repeated layout fields, content builders and other collection components
laravel-flexible-content This package's only purpose is to build custom repeated layout components, such as Laravel Nova's Flexible Content field or y
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
PoP PoP is a monorepo containing several projects. The GraphQL API for WordPress plugin GraphQL API for WordPress is a forward-looking and powerful Gr
Livewire component that brings Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.
About LivewireUI Spotlight LivewireUI Spotlight is a Livewire component that provides Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.
Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining state.
About LivewireUI Modal LivewireUI Modal is a Livewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining s
Demo App for Symfony Twig & Live Components
Twig & Live Components Demo Hi there! You've stumbled across a treasure of demos for the the TwigComponent and LiveComponent libraries! Fun! If you wa
Provides integration for Doctrine with various Symfony components.
Doctrine Bridge The Doctrine bridge provides integration for Doctrine with various Symfony components. Resources Contributing Report issues and send P
Modern CMS with shop features based on fullstack symfony and sylius components
The enhavo CMS is a open source PHP project on top of the fullstack Symfony framework and uses awesome Sylius components to serve a very flexible soft
📦 This is a repository of centralized management of all swoft core components
Swoft Component This repository is used to manage all swoft core components. 中文说明 中文说明请查看 README.zh-CN.md IMPORTANT All components will NOT be modifie
Auto generate routes for Laravel Livewire components
livewire-auto-routes Auto generate routes for Laravel Livewire Components. Requirements Livewire 2 Laravel 8 php 8 Installation composer require tanth
Laravel Livewire full page component routing.
Laravel Livewire Routes Laravel Livewire full page component routing. This package allows you to specify routes directly inside your full page Livewir
[DEPRECATED -- Use Symfony instead] The PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony Components
Silex, a simple Web Framework WARNING: Silex is in maintenance mode only. Ends of life is set to June 2018. Read more on Symfony's blog. Silex is a PH
CleverStyle Framework is simple, scalable, fast and secure full-stack PHP framework
CleverStyle Framework is simple, scalable, fast and secure full-stack PHP framework. It is free, Open Source and is distributed under Free Public Lice
Low-code Framework for Web Apps in PHP
Agile UI - User Interface framework for Agile Toolkit Agile Toolkit is a Low Code framework written in PHP. Agile UI implement server side rendering e
A based PSR-15 microframework that also sets maximum flexibility with minimum complexity and easy replaceability of the individual components, but also of the framework.
chubbyphp-framework Description A based PSR-15 microframework that also sets maximum flexibility with minimum complexity and easy replaceability of th