Spiral Framework is a High-Performance PHP/Go Full-Stack framework and group of over sixty PSR-compatible components. The Framework execution model based on a hybrid runtime where some services (GRPC, Queue, WebSockets, etc.) handled by Application Server RoadRunner and the PHP code of your application stays in memory permanently (anti-memory leak tools included).
App Skeleton (CLI, GRPC, Admin Panel) | Documentation | Twitter | CHANGELOG | Contributing
Server Requirements
Make sure that your server is configured with following PHP version and extensions:
- PHP 8.0+, 64bit
- mb-string extension
- PDO Extension with desired database drivers
Application Bundle
Application bundle includes the following components:
- High-performance HTTP, HTTP/2 server based on RoadRunner
- Console commands via Symfony/Console
- Translation support by Symfony/Translation
- Queue support for AMQP, Beanstalk, Amazon SQS, in-Memory
- Stempler template engine
- Security, validation, filter models
- PSR-7 HTTP pipeline, session, encrypted cookies
- DBAL and migrations support
- Monolog, Dotenv
- Prometheus metrics
- Cycle DataMapper ORM
composer create-project spiral/app
Application server will be downloaded automatically (
Once the application is installed you can ensure that it was configured properly by executing:
$ php ./app.php configure
To start application server execute:
$ ./rr serve -v -d
On Windows:
$ rr.exe serve -v -d
Application will be available on http://localhost:8080
Read more about application server configuration here.
To test an application:
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
Make sure to properly configure project if you cloned the existing repository.
$ copy .env.sample .env
$ php app.php encrypt:key -m .env
$ php app.php configure -vv
$ ./vendor/bin/rr get-binary
MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE
for more information. Maintained by Spiral Scout.