836 Repositories
PHP coinex-api Libraries
A privacy respecting free as in freedom meta search engine for Google and popular torrent sites
A privacy respecting free as in freedom meta search engine for Google and popular torrent sites
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation
A simple PHP project to make API requests on your cPanel installation. This allows you to call modules inside the installation and interact with them to add, show or list data such as domains, e-mail accounts, databases and so on.
Adds phone number functionality to TYPO3 based on the PHP port of Google's libphonenumber API by giggsey
TYPO3 Phone Adds phone number functionality to TYPO3 based on the PHP port of Google's libphonenumber API by giggsey. Installation composer require si
A YOURLS plugin allowing the shortening of multiple URLs with one API request.
Bulk URL Shortening - a YOURLS plugin Plugin for YOURLS Plugin URI: github.com/tdakanalis/bulk_api_bulkshortener Description: A YOURLS plugin allowing
The Official Vultr API PHP Wrapper
WIP - This is not the final API Client. Unstable release use with caution. Vultr API PHP Client. Getting Started Must have a PSR7, PSR17, and PSR18 Co
OneSignal PHP SDK
OneSignal SDK for PHP developers with fluent API and supports Laravel / Lumen out of the box.
PHP MVC Framework
You can select version on branch list. cmd composer install 0.1. Z Framework (V2.0.0) 0.2. Easiest, fastest PHP framework. (Simple) 0.3. Document 1.
O-CONGO est un projet open source qui donne accès à la liste complète et officielle des toutes les provinces
O-CONGO est un projet open source qui donne accès à la liste complète et officielle des toutes les provinces, villes et communes de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), dans un premier temps.
Enhance your laravel apps with WhatsApp's Cloud API
Enhance your laravel apps with WhatsApp's Cloud API Use Whatsapp API in your Laravel app! Support us Investing on this package is defintely a good mov
Notion.so notifications channel for Laravel
Installation composer require astroshippers/notion-notification-channel Usage Inside eloquent model: public function routeNotificationForNotion(): arr
Turkpin API With this package, you can create an epin order and deliver it to your customers
Turkpin API Package Turkpin API With this package, you can create an epin order and deliver it to your customers. Official Documentation Installation
Simple papara payment api that you can use without the need for an activation key
PaparaQrApi Papara QR Api Simple papara payment api that you can use without the need for an activation key. Explore the docs » View Demo About The Pr
The very FIRST ever server sided hack client for the PocketMine-MP API (4.x.x)
PHqx or Phqzing Hacks is a Server Sided Hack "Client" you can use for trolling friends (if you have one) or destroying other people at pvp.
OVHcloud APIs lightweight PHP wrapper
Lightweight PHP wrapper for OVHcloud APIs - The easiest way to use OVHcloud APIs in your PHP applications - Compatible with PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 - Not affiliated with OVHcloud
This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way.
Laravel API Response This package aims to help you standardize all your API responses in a simple and structured way. By default, the stucture of the
A PHP SDK for the ScreenshotOne.com API to take screenshots of any URL
phpsdk An official Screenshot API client for PHP. It takes minutes to start taking screenshots. Just sign up to get access and secret keys, import the
Create a PHP 8 CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) RESTful API with an MySQL database.
Créer une API RESTful PHP 8 CRUD (Create, Read, Update , Delete) simple avec MySQL et PDO (PHP Data Objects) Détails du référentiel : Lire, insérer, m
KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) Station Schedule Checker in PHP via MyRailTime 2.0's API
KTM Station Schedule Checker & Journey Planner in Web Form (PHP) KTMB (Keretapi Tanah Melayu Berhad) Station Schedule Checker & Journey Planner in Web
Pocketmine BadWord Blocker Plugin. (API 4)
BadWord Pocketmine BadWord Blocker Plugin. (API 4) Usage Go to plugin_data/BadWord/data.yml You can set bad words from inside the data.yml file Badwor
An extension to the SLIM framework to implement json API's with great ease.
slim-jsonAPI This is an extension to the SLIM framework to implement json API's with great ease. Installation Using composer you can add use this as y
This library is for integration with Salesforce via REST API.
xsolve-pl/salesforce-client Introduction This library is for integration with Salesforce via REST API. Licence This library is under the MIT license.
An auto software that collects, scans and sends automatic instagram users
Instagram Advanced User Finder V1.0.0 With this PHP script, you can find users on Instagram and message them. Feedback Türkçe Get Key every week, you
Official PHP library for the DeepL language translation API.
deepl-php Official PHP client library for the DeepL API. The DeepL API is a language translation API that allows other computer programs to send texts
Provides a twig editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete
Twigfield for Craft CMS 3.x & 4.x Provides a twig editor field with Twig & Craft API autocomplete Requirements Twigfield requires Craft CMS 3.0 or 4.0
Binance Connector PHP - a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API
Binance Connector PHP This is a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API. Installation composer require binance/binance-conn
Access your Slack Team's API through PHP objects.
Slack API library Access your Slack Team's API through PHP objects. Documentation Getting started - Before you use this library, you need to generate
Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use
Introduction Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. Official Documentation Documenta
A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API
Wordpress XML-RPC PHP Client A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API Created by Hieu Le MIT licensed. Cur
Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes
InfyOm Laravel Generator Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes. Docum
Volistx Framework For RESTful API Based on Laravel/Lumen 9.x
Volistx Framework Volistx Framework For RESTful API Based on Laravel/Lumen 9.x This is a framework skeleton for Volistx API platform using Lumen PHP F
PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API
PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API
Routes and Middleware for Using OAuth2 Server within a Slim Framework API
Chadicus\Slim\OAuth2 A collection of OAuth2 Server routes, middleware and utilities for use within a Slim 3 Framework API Requirements Chadicus\Slim\O
Desafio de Back-End da Alura: Crie uma API Rest funcional focada em controle financeiro.
Lumen PHP Framework Laravel Lumen is a stunningly fast PHP micro-framework for building web applications with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe d
Replacement repo for dingo/api
Note: This is an official and reasonably maintained fork of the popular https://github.com/dingo/api repository by one of the maintainers of that proj
This package makes it easy for developers to access WhatsApp Cloud API service in their PHP code.
The first PHP API to send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business Platform
A simple API wrapper to Gigapay's APIs for Laravel Framework
Laravel-Gigapay A simple API wrapper for Gigapay's APIs. It gives you helper methods that will make your work with gigapay's API easy, fast and effici
Official PHP SDK for interacting with the Knock API.
Knock PHP library Documentation See the documentation for PHP usage examples
A bot that translates the words you choose during the chat in Telegram to the language you want.
About Needy Telegram Translator If you are constantly using telegram and want to translate words into different languages, this library is for you. Qu
Simple Symfony API-Platform Template which you can use to start to develop with symfony and api-platform
symfony-api-platform-skeleton Simple Template for Symfony API You can fork it and change the git remote to your Repo git remote set-url your-git-remo
Very simple CRUD project, written in pure php. Designed as framework-agnostic as possible, and with basically no stack overflow if you can believe that
briefly simple CRUD pure php project for self improvement I try to make it purely in github - not only code, but any documentation (wiki), tasks (issu
Object-oriented, composable, fluent API for writing validations in Laravel
Laravel Hyrule Hyrule provides an object-oriented, fluent API for building validation rules for use w/ Laravel's Validation component. This unlocks pa
Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum that comes with excellent user and role management API out of the box
Hydra - Zero Config API Boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum Hydra is a zero-config API boilerplate with Laravel Sanctum and comes with excellent user and
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate.
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate. NoSQL API
🌶🥗🧀🍉 Brazilian Table of Food Composition made by IBGE - Laravel 9 REST API
About API of the 2008-2009 Family Budget Survey: tables of nutritional composition of foods consumed in Brazil / IBGE, Coordination of Work and Income
New TapToDo for PMMP 4.0 API Minecraft.
TapToDo - v2.4.2 New TapToDo for PMMP 4.0 API Minecraft. Features: Simple and user-friendly very easy setup Add macros on block Work in game Tap to se
PHP Curl ile letgo api kütüphanesi oluşturuldu. php ile letgo giriş yap.
Kendi LETGO API ile işlemler gerçekleştirelim. // email işlemleri $server = 'imap.gmail.com'; $user = 'mail@gmail.com'; $pass = 'password'; $port = 9
Opensource php wrapper to WhatsApp Cloud API.
WhatsApp Latest Cloud API Wrapper for PHP Opensource php wrapper to WhatsApp Cloud API. Features supported Sending messages Sending Media (images, aud
A Gitlab API wrapper that helps to automate common actions on CI jobs
Gitlab CI client This is a Gitlab API wrapper that helps to automate common actions on CI jobs (eg: Open a merge request, Open or close an issue etc)
A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API
uf_api A list of documentation and example code to access the University of Florida's public (undocumented) API Courses Gym Common Data (admissions an
PHP library with ready-to-use Yunbi API implementation.
yunbi-client-php A simple PHP client for Crypto Trade Site Yunbi.com Quick example ?php require_once('lib/yunbi-client.php'); try { $client = new
A framework agnostic, developer friendly wrapper around Fractal
A developer friendly wrapper around Fractal Fractal is an amazing package to transform data before using it in an API. Unfortunately working with Frac
Light PHP SDK to interact with the Doma(in)Validity API.
Doma(in)Validity PHP SDK. Light PHP SDK to interact with the Doma(in)Validity API. Usage ?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Domainvalidit
Just a simple API PHP library with basic functions and config.
Installation Clone this Repository in your PHP Project git clone https://github.com/maximilianosinski/simple-api-php-library.git Change your Project n
Easy to install email tracker with gui and telegram api bot with date device & ip tracking,
mail-php-tracking-with-gui 📧 Simple mail tracking program that uses php, html, telegram bot, and a gui The gui The gui lets you create specific links
The backend source code of Deverhub Blog.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
An unofficial PHP SDK for Deepgram's API.
An unofficial PHP SDK for Deepgram's audio transcription API. Getting Started Grab src/deepgram.php and include it in your project. Then: $deepgram =
Visualização de Informações da API Unifi
Unifi Controller API View Visualização de Informações da API Unifi Fluxo de Autenticação e chamada da API da unifi Controller -Requisição CURL para au
Laravel Responder - a package for building API responses, integrating Fractal into Laravel and Lumen
A Laravel Fractal package for building API responses, giving you the power of Fractal with Laravel's elegancy.
Simple package to handle response properly in your API.
Simple package to handle response properly in your API. This package uses Fractal and is based on Build APIs You Won't Hate book.
An unofficial wrapper client for lknpd.nalog.ru API
Unofficial MoyNalog API client An unofficial wrapper client for lknpd.nalog.ru API Install Via Composer $ composer require shoman4eg/moy-nalog Usage S
ProcessWire 3.x is a friendly and powerful open source CMS with a strong API.
Welcome to ProcessWire 3.x This document is in Markdown. An HTML formatted version of this document can be read at: https://github.com/processwire/pro
Prisma is an app that strengthens the relationship between people with memory loss and the people close to them
Prisma is an app that strengthens the relationship between people with memory loss and the people close to them. It does this by providing a living, collaborative digital photo album that can be populated with content of interest to these people.
Open Source Telecommunications API Platform
A reimplementation of the open source Plivo framework on top of ReactPHP and FreeSWITCH. If you are not familiar with the legacy platform, please inspect its repository as well as the archived web resources here, here and here.
Your alter ego object. Takes the best of object and array worlds.
Supporting Opensource formapro\values is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible entirely by the support of com
Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests
Build Eloquent queries from API requests This package allows you to filter, sort and include eloquent relations based on a request. The QueryBuilder u
PHP web based Password Manager for business and personal use.
sysPass - Systems Password Manager Join us in the Gitter chat room: PHP web based Password Manager for business and personal use. AES-256 encryption i
OAuth 1/2 Provider implementations for chillerlan/php-oauth-core. PHP 7.4+
chillerlan/php-oauth-providers Documentation See the wiki for advanced documentation. Requirements PHP 7.4+ a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client library of
Fully documented & tested Laravel 9 RESTful books API scraped from Gramedia.
Laravel Books API Introduction This app provides a list of books in a RESTful API. Source of data obtained from Gramedia by using the web scraping tec
Faculty Management System (FMS) Built with Laravel 9 in Back-end and React , Redux in Front-end API's
Final Project Faculty Management System (FMS) as final project for faculty of Copmuter Science, Kandahar University, 2021 Faculty Management System (F
A PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the JavaScript reference implementation
GraphQL This is a PHP implementation of the GraphQL specification based on the JavaScript reference implementation. Related projects DateTime scalar R
Contenta is a content API and CMS based on Drupal 8
Contenta is a content API and CMS based on Drupal 8. It provides a standard, jsonapi-based platform for building decoupled applications and websites.
Kick-start you next Laravel based API with this awesome boilerplate 🚀
Laravel API boilerplate 🚀 An awesome boilerplate for your next Laravel 9 based API. It's only goal is to simply kick-start your API development and p
یک پکیج لاراول برای ارسال ، دریافت و... پیامک (SMS)
پکیج لاراول SMS با استفاده از این پکیج می توانید به پنل خود در وب سایت sms.ir متصل شوید و یک سیستم ارسال و دریافت SMS ایرانی در لاراول داشته باشید. به
Réalisation d'un API avec Laravel
Laravel étant un framework « à tout faire » celui-ci nous permet bien évidemment de créer également des API. ... Une API va nous permettre de séparer la logique entre client et serveur afin de réaliser si vous le souhaitez différent client pour la même donnée (exemple Twitter avec des clients multiplateformes).
A skywar minegames plugin for PocketMine API 4.0
A skywar minegames plugin for PocketMine API 4.0
Class PHP Api อั่งเปา True Wallet
Description: API อั่งเปา True Wallet (Rework) Features: ตรวจสอบอั่งเปา ใช้อั่งเปา แสดงผลออกมาเป็น Json Example: ?php use M4h45amu7x\Voucher; require
API de automação para assinatura digital da plataforma CLICKSIGN
API PARA ASSINATURA DIGITAL COM PHP API de automação para assinatura digital da plataforma CLICKSIGN usando PHP API básica, para mais funcionalidades
PHP library for the Notion API
Notion SDK for PHP PHP version of the official NOTION API. It works the same way as the reference JavaScript SDK 🎉 Installation Install this package
Chargily ePay Gateway (WooCommerce Plugin)
Chargily ePay Gateway Donate link: https://epay.chargily.com/ chargily, payment, paiement, epay, cib, cibweb, edahabia, algerie, poste, satim, gie, mo
Laravel 8.x package wrapper library for Metatrader 5 Web API
Laravel 8.x package wrapper library for Metatrader 5 Web API
Magento2 Plugin for Conversion Pixel/API of Tiktok
Tiktok Conversion Pixel Analytics Plugin Magento2 Table of Contents About Getting Started About Tiktok Pixel is the Plugin used to track events, which
Source code from Switchblade CC Checker (Telegram), this is my personal project that stopped in the middle of September 2021.
Switchblade Checker This checker use 1 REQ methods, so yea it'll limited to check the accurate, but it'll useful when you don't have any checkers. Inc
Kirby 3 Plugin to use free and paid API of Seobility.net
Kirby 3 Seobility Kirby 3 Plugin to use free and paid API of Seobility.net Commercial Usage Support open source! This plugin is free but if you use it
RageFrame 2.0 重量级全栖框架,为二次开发而生 前言 这是一款现代化、快速、高效、便捷、灵活、方便扩展的应用开发骨架。 RageFrame 创建于 2016 年 4 月 16 日,一个基于 Yii2 高级框架的快速开发引擎,目前正在成长中,目的是为了集成更多的基础功能,不再为相同的基础功
A PHP HttpClient for the Neo4j ReST API with MultiDB Support
NeoClient This repository has moved Neoxygen's NeoClient has been moved to https://github.com/graphaware/neo4j-php-client Version 3 of this library is
The best PHP library for VK Users Longpoll Api (Page Bots).
vk-page-bot-lib Description: There are 2 commands and a logger. There is a logger of new messages and a logger that a friend has entered/left in/from
Copy2cloud-server is a universal clipboard service
copy2cloud-server is a universal clipboard service.
Mark Sign - Gateway API PHP SDK
Mark Sign - Gateway API PHP SDK
Basic Authentication handler for the JSON API, used for development and debugging purposes
Basic Authentication handler This plugin adds Basic Authentication to a WordPress site. Note that this plugin requires sending your username and passw
DataLoaderPhp is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a simplified and consistent API over various remote data sources such as databases or web services via batching and caching.
DataLoaderPHP is a generic utility to be used as part of your application's data fetching layer to provide a simplified and consistent API over various remote data sources such as databases or web services via batching and caching.
Magento 2 - Improved Import / Export extension
Improve default Magento 2 Import / Export features - cron jobs, CSV , XML , JSON , Excel , mapping of any format, Google Sheet, data and price modification, improved speed and a lot more!
Adds phone number functionality to Laravel based on the PHP port of Google's libphonenumber API by giggsey.
Laravel Phone Adds phone number functionality to Laravel based on the PHP port of Google's libphonenumber API by giggsey. Table of Contents Demo Insta
A cryptography API wrapping the Sodium library, providing a simple object interface for symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption, decryption, digital signing and message authentication.
PHP Encryption A cryptography API wrapping the Sodium library, providing a simple object interface for symmetrical and asymmetrical encryption, decryp
Provides an API wrapper for interacting with remote CiviCRM instances via APIv4.
civicrm-api is a Composer package that allows developers to interact with a CiviCRM instance using the REST API v4 functionality within CiviCRM.
Web app to share your favorite photos, made with laravel
Kuro Photos Web app to share your favorite photos, made with laravel. This web app was made for educationals purposes only. I enjoyed so much learning
Boilerplate between the Magento API and ImportExport, so that you can do fast Array/XMLRPC/SOAP based product imports.
Boilerplate between the Magento API and ImportExport, so that you can do fast Array/XMLRPC/SOAP based product imports.
ExchangeRatesAPI - Currency Exchange Rates API SDK
ExchangeRatesAPI - Currency Exchange Rates API SDK This is an unofficial wrapper for the awesome, free ExchangeRatesAPI, which provides exchange rate
A custom update API for WordPress plugins and themes
A custom update API for WordPress plugins and themes. Intended to be used in conjunction with my plugin-update-checker library.
A PHP API extension the 'An API of Ice and Fire'
This documentation is meant to enable you to consume our API and get you started right away using your favourite programming language. All endpoints and HTTP methods to be used have been detailed with a sample example for e
It helps to provide API support to projects. It is Simple, Safe and Fast.
apiservice It helps to provide API support to projects. It is Simple, Safe and Fast. Setup composer create-project mind/apiservice or After downloadin