A framework agnostic, developer friendly wrapper around Fractal


A developer friendly wrapper around Fractal

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Fractal is an amazing package to transform data before using it in an API. Unfortunately working with Fractal can be a bit verbose.

Using Fractal data can be transformed like this:

use League\Fractal\Manager;
use League\Fractal\Resource\Collection;

$books = [
   ['id'=>1, 'title'=>'Hogfather', 'characters' => [...]], 
   ['id'=>2, 'title'=>'Game Of Thrones', 'characters' => [...]]

$manager = new Manager();

$resource = new Collection($books, new BookTransformer());



This package makes that process a tad easier:

   ->transformWith(new BookTransformer())

There's also a very short syntax available to quickly transform data:

Fractal::create($books, new BookTransformer())->toArray();

If you want to use this package inside Laravel, it's recommend to use laravel-fractal instead. That package contains a few more whistles and bells specifically targetted at Laravel users.

Spatie is a webdesign agency based in Antwerp, Belgium. You'll find an overview of all our open source projects on our website.

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You can pull in the package via composer:

composer require spatie/fractalistic


In the following examples were going to use the following array as example input:

$books = [['id'=>1, 'title'=>'Hogfather'], ['id'=>2, 'title'=>'Game Of Kill Everyone']];

But know that any structure that can be looped (for instance a collection) can be used.

Let's start with a simple transformation.

   ->transformWith(function($book) { return ['id' => $book['id']];})

This will return:

['data' => [['id' => 1], ['id' => 2]]

In all following examples it's assumed that you imported the Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal at the top of your php file.

Instead of using a closure you can also pass a Transformer:

   ->transformWith(new BookTransformer())

You can also pass the classname of the Transformer:


To make your code a bit shorter you could also pass the transform closure, class, or classname as a second parameter of the collection-method:

Fractal::create()->collection($books, new BookTransformer())->toArray();

Want to get some sweet json output instead of an array? No problem!

Fractal::create()->collection($books, new BookTransformer())->toJson();

A single item can also be transformed:

Fractal::create()->item($books[0], new BookTransformer())->toArray();

Using a serializer

Let's take a look again at the output of the first example:

['data' => [['id' => 1], ['id' => 2]];

Notice that data-key? That's part of Fractal's default behaviour. Take a look at Fractals's documentation on serializers to find out why that happens.

If you want to use another serializer you can specify one with the serializeWith-method. The Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer comes out of the box. It removes the data namespace for both collections and items.

   ->transformWith(function($book) { return ['id' => $book['id']];})
   ->serializeWith(new \Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer())

//returns [['id' => 1], ['id' => 2]]

You can also pass the serializer classname instead of an instantiation:


Changing the default serializer

You can change the default serializer by providing the classname or an instantiation of your favorite serializer in the config file.

Using includes

Fractal provides support for optionally including data on the relationships for the data you're exporting. You can use Fractal's parseIncludes which accepts a string or an array:

   ->collection($this->testBooks, new TestTransformer())
   ->parseIncludes(['characters', 'publisher'])

To improve readablity you can also use a function named include followed by the name of the include you want to... include:

   ->collection($this->testBooks, new TestTransformer())

Using excludes

Similar to includes Fractal also provides support for optionally excluding data on the relationships for the data you're exporting. You can use Fractal's parseExcludes which accepts a string or an array:

   ->collection($this->testBooks, new TestTransformer())
   ->parseExcludes(['characters', 'publisher'])

To improve readability you can also use a function named exclude followed by the name of the include you want to... exclude:

   ->collection($this->testBooks, new TestTransformer())

Including meta data

Fractal has support for including meta data. You can use addMeta which accepts one or more arrays:

   ->collection($this->testBooks, function($book) { return ['name' => $book['name']];})
   ->addMeta(['key1' => 'value1'], ['key2' => 'value2'])

This will return the following array:

   'data' => [
        ['title' => 'Hogfather'],
        ['title' => 'Game Of Thrones'],
   'meta' => [
        ['key1' => 'value1'], 
        ['key2' => 'value2'],

Using pagination

Fractal provides a Laravel-specific paginator, IlluminatePaginatorAdapter, which accepts an instance of Laravel's LengthAwarePaginator and works with paginated Eloquent results. When using some serializers, such as the JsonApiSerializer, pagination data can be automatically generated and included in the result set:

$paginator = Book::paginate(5);
$books = $paginator->getCollection();

    ->collection($books, new TestTransformer())
    ->serializeWith(new JsonApiSerializer())
    ->paginateWith(new IlluminatePaginatorAdapter($paginator))

Using a cursor

Fractal provides a simple cursor class, League\Fractal\Pagination\Cursor. You can use any other cursor class as long as it implements the League\Fractal\Pagination\CursorInterface interface. When using it, the cursor information will be automatically included in the result metadata:

$books = $paginator->getCollection();

$currentCursor = 0;
$previousCursor = null;
$count = count($books);
$newCursor = $currentCursor + $count;

  ->collection($books, new TestTransformer())
  ->serializeWith(new JsonApiSerializer())
  ->withCursor(new Cursor($currentCursor, $previousCursor, $newCursor, $count))

Setting a custom resource name

Certain serializers wrap the array output with a data element. The name of this element can be customized:

    ->collection($this->testBooks, new TestTransformer())
    ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer())
    ->item($this->testBooks[0], new TestTransformer(), 'book')
    ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer())

Limit recursion

To increase or decrease the level of embedded includes you can use limitRecursion.

    ->collection($this->testBooks, new TestTransformer())

If you do not call limitRecursion a default value of 10 is used.

Quickly transform data with the short function syntax

You can also pass arguments to the fractal-function itself. The first arguments should be the data you which to transform. The second one should be a transformer or a closure that will be used to transform the data. The third one should be a serializer.

Here are some examples

Fractal::create($books, new BookTransformer())->toArray();

Fractal::create($books, new BookTransformer(), new ArraySerializer())->toArray();

Fractal::create($books, BookTransformer::class, ArraySerializer::class)->toArray();

Fractal::create(['item1', 'item2'], function ($item) {
   return $item . '-transformed';


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you've found a bug regarding security please mail security@spatie.be instead of using the issue tracker.


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

Our address is: Spatie, Kruikstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

We publish all received postcards on our company website.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Incorrectly determines datatype for single item

    Incorrectly determines datatype for single item

    Imagine this code:

    $one_book = [
        'id' => '1',
        'title' => 'Hogfather',
        'yr' => '1998',
        'author_name' => 'Philip K Dick',
        'author_email' => 'philip@example.org',
        'characters' => [['name' => 'Death'], ['name' => 'Hex']],
        'publisher' => 'Elephant books',
    Fractal::create($one_book, new BookTransformer())->toArray();

    Results in:

    TypeError: Argument 1 passed to BookTransformer::transform() must be of the type array, 
    string given, called in .../vendor/league/fractal/src/Scope.php on line 407

    This is because determineDataType() assumes that if you are passing an array, then you must be trying to transform to a Collection.

    Arguably, most people are going to pass in objects instead of arrays as the first argument of Fractal::create() if they are trying to transform an Item. But -- even as you do in the tests -- there is nothing stopping someone from transforming an array to an Item.

    I think the only way to determine correctly if passed data represents an Item or a Collection (or a Primative, with Fractal 0.17.0) is if the data is an array of the same type of object: an array of arrays, or an array of objects, or an array of primitives. This is probably not super performant. :(

    opened by cviebrock 7
  • Fractal::jsonSerialize() triggers a Type error (PHP 7.4.24)

    Fractal::jsonSerialize() triggers a Type error (PHP 7.4.24)

    This change done to support PHP 8.1 triggers a Type error.

    Commit: https://github.com/spatie/fractalistic/commit/4d3b8a68b6575e9b0202e842977c9c29224fd9ac#diff-9ebff18d48644c7d6e2c1006245d57ef9028099e796f76f967c8656aedadcf4bR458

    Change: https://github.com/spatie/fractalistic/blob/5a89b24d3153a9c4b17cd1ed523b0a5ef9143558/src/Fractal.php#L458


    Return value of Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::jsonSerialize() must be an instance of Spatie\Fractalistic\mixed, array returned 


    • Fractal::toArray return type is array
    • Fractal::jsonSerialize() return type os mixed

    Further details:

    • PHP version: 7.4.24
    opened by albertoarena 6
  • Problem with ucfirst when using setlocale(LC_ALL,tr)

    Problem with ucfirst when using setlocale(LC_ALL,tr)

    I opened an issue here about that : https://github.com/spatie/laravel-fractal/issues/108

    When the locale setted to tr ucfirst not working as expected because of Turkish alphabet has capitalized i which is İ.

    $resourceClasss returning League\Fractal\Resource\item instead of League\Fractal\Resource\Item

    I don't know it was super necessary but this cost me 8 hours today :)

    opened by monurakkaya 6
  • Add support NullResource

    Add support NullResource

    Support NULL resource serialize

    /** @var $user User|null */
    $user = getCurrentUser();
    fractal($user, UserTransformer::class)
        ->serializeWith(new JsonApiSerializer())

    And result:

      "data": null


      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "type": "users",
        "attributes": {}
    opened by oanhnn 4
  • PHP 8.1 deprecations

    PHP 8.1 deprecations


    There are PHP 8.1 deprecations that this package doesn't account for. One of them is with JsonSerializable:

    During inheritance of JsonSerializable: Uncaught ErrorException: Return type of Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::jsonSerialize() should either be compatible with JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize(): mixed, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice in /app/vendor/spatie/fractalistic/src/Fractal.php:458
    Stack trace:
    #0 /app/vendor/spatie/fractalistic/src/Fractal.php(13): Tests\TestCase::{closure}()
    opened by oprypkhantc 3
  • Paginator links property is either array or object

    Paginator links property is either array or object

    I've checked in both this repo as well as laravel-fractal and I believe my issue originates here. I'm noticing an issue with the paginateWith method which adds pagination info to the meta key in my json responses. When there are no links for the pagination the meta property looks like this:

    "meta": {
            "pagination": {
                "links": []

    When there are, it looks like this:

    "meta": {
            "pagination": {
                "links": {
                    "next": "[url]"

    You can see that in an empty resultset the links property is an array and when set, it's an object. This causes issues for client implementing our API. Any idea on where to fix this?

    opened by tomvo 3
  • include depth

    include depth


    I was wondering if it's possible to set and include depth. I have an API with might return a large collection of data. I know I can paginate but that's just not sufficient enough.

    I handle sports data statistics so let's say I have a paginated response with 25 seasons on a page. the season entity has and option to include fixtures which on it's turn has the possibility to include a lineup, events, stats etc.

    you can image that, since a season has around 380 fixtures, the response can be big. especially when including more related includes.

    so I was wondering if it's possible to set a max depth to set it for example to 1 so that on a given endpoint only fixtures can be included and all other related includes are not handled.

    or would there be any other solution to achieve such?

    opened by ronnievisser 3
  • Response code attachment?

    Response code attachment?

    Hello. I have a proposition regarding Fractal and response codes. If you feel like it is more Laravel connected, I'll make sure to move this issue there.

    The problem

    Fractal's main responsibility is to change given array into given format. But. By many (or almost everyone) it is (ab)used to create JSON responses in our APIs.

    return fractal()
        ->transformWith(new UserTransformer)

    And this is awesome. There is just one problem though. It does everything except adding a status code into our response. And that is understandable, considering Fractal's main goal, but it makes creating responses with status codes pretty hairy:

    return response()->json(
            ->item('These credentials do not match our records.')
            ->transformWith(new ErrorTransformer)
            ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer)
    , 401);


    My proposal is to add a public method to attach status codes like so:

    return fractal()
        ->item('These credentials do not match our records.')
        ->transformWith(new ErrorTransformer)
        ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer)
    // and/or
    return fractal()
        ->item('These credentials do not match our records.')
        ->transformWith(new ErrorTransformer)
        ->serializeWith(new ArraySerializer)

    This would generate a JSON response attaching provided status code.


    Whilst making responses in Laravel is easy (it is opinionated, the method's/function's/class' names are known. The method would be just a wrapper for response()->json()) in a generic package as this the response would need to be generated, either by a passed-in ResponseFactory, or by our own ResponseManager.


    My proposition is to make this functionality only into Laravel's package, while it would be too messy to include it in this generic package.


    I suggest creating a helper method ->respond($statusCode) that would generate a HTTP JSON Response. I suggest doing that in Laravel's variant of this package, but I throw it here as it may be a good idea to include it in a more generic package.

    P.S. I really appreciate you making Fractal even better than it already is.

    opened by DCzajkowski 3
  • null return error

    null return error

    I had my ArraySerializer overriden to avoid "[]" values on ->null() to just return null

    public function null(): ?array
        return null;

    After upgrading from 2.9.1 -> 2.9.4 I get this error

    TypeError: Return value of Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::jsonSerialize() must be of the type array, null returned in file /var/www/app/vendor/spatie/fractalistic/src/Fractal.php on line 463

    #0 [internal function]: Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal->jsonSerialize() #1 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/JsonResponse.php(80): json_encode(Array, 0) #2 /var/www/app/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/JsonResponse.php(54): Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse->setData(Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal)) #3 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Http/JsonResponse.php(32): Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse->__construct(Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal), 200, Array, false) #4 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(818): Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse->__construct(Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal)) #5 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(789): Illuminate\Routing\Router::toResponse(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request), Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal)) #6 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php(721): Illuminate\Routing\Router->prepareResponse(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request), Object(Spatie\Fractal\Fractal)) #7 /var/www/app/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php(128): Illuminate\Routing\Router->Illuminate\Routing{closure}(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request)) #8 /var/www/app/app/Core/Http/Middleware/Country.php(19): Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline->Illuminate\Pipeline{closure}(Object(Illuminate\Http\Request))

    opened by Casperhr 2
  • Declaration of Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer::collection(string $resourceKey, array $data) invalid

    Declaration of Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer::collection(string $resourceKey, array $data) invalid

    It seems guys at League\Fractal updated definitions that are used within Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer which in term broke whole library.

    Declaration of Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer::collection(string $resourceKey, array $data): array must be compatible with League\Fractal\Serializer\ArraySerializer::collection(?string $resourceKey, array $data): array

    opened by lukasvy 2
  •  Setting `withResourceName` results in an empty ParamBag for Includes.

    Setting `withResourceName` results in an empty ParamBag for Includes.

    I'm not yet sure if this issue ultimately rests on Fractalistic or the underlying Fractal package. Will close if I determine this is the inappropriate place for this issue.

    When \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract::callIncludeMethod calls the \League\Fractal\Scope::getIdentifier method the resulting identifier is "incorrect" IF \Spatie\Fractalistic\Fractal::withResourceName was called to set a "top level identifier". It's "incorrect" in the sense that \League\Fractal\Manager::getIncludeParams method has no entry for the resulting identifier.

    Code example:

    url: /api/v1/abcd/users/36?include=comments:status_in(deleted)

    return fractal($user, $transformer, new JsonApiSerializer($base_url))
                    ->respond($status, $headers);

    Then in \League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract::callIncludeMethod

    protected function callIncludeMethod(Scope $scope, $includeName, $data)
            $scopeIdentifier = $scope->getIdentifier($includeName);
            // resulting `$scopeIdentifer` is `abcd-users.comments`
            $params = $scope->getManager()->getIncludeParams($scopeIdentifier);
            // `$params` is empty as the manager only has `includeParams` for `comments` (not `abcd-users.comments`).
    opened by PeterCat12 2
  • Change minimum requirement to PHP 8 and add type hints

    Change minimum requirement to PHP 8 and add type hints

    This PR contains:

    • [x] PHP 8 required as minimum PHP version
    • [x] Updated code to have type hints for properties, method arguments, return types.
    • [x] Initialized properties with null value where necessary
    • [x] Updated SparseFieldsetsTest to correctly follow the method signature of Fractal::item() in test (identified after adding type hints)
    • [ ] Remove docblocks
    opened by shahlin 0
  • Using `withResourceName` makes fractal include parameters not working

    Using `withResourceName` makes fractal include parameters not working


    $fractal = Fractal::create($users, new UserTransformer())->withResourceName('users');

    In League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract at callIncludeMethod method we get the following result:

    // this line will get 'users.posts' as identifier
    $scopeIdentifier = $scope->getIdentifier($includeName);
    // this line will try to find include params for 'users.posts' identifier instead 'posts'
    $params = $scope->getManager()->getIncludeParams($scopeIdentifier);

    But League\Fractal\Scope object is being built like this:

    League\Fractal\Scope Object
        [availableIncludes:protected] => Array
                [0] => posts
        [scopeIdentifier:protected] => users
        [manager:protected] => League\Fractal\Manager Object
                [requestedIncludes:protected] => Array
                        [0] => posts
                [includeParams:protected] => Array
                        [posts] => Array
                                [limit] => Array
                                        [0] => 5,
                                        [1] => 1,

    As you can see League\Fractal\Manager will not find the posts include params because getIncludeParams method will look for users.posts key instead.

    opened by darkons 1
  • Invalid return value for resource

    Invalid return value for resource

    Hi all.

    I'm using transformer and includes. But if I return NullResource I'm getting an empty array instead of the null value.



    Why I'm getting an empty array instead null ?

    Thanks for advice.

    opened by siarheipashkevich 0
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