This package has framework agnostic Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implementation.

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Frameworks cors-psr7

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This package has framework agnostic Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) implementation. It is complaint with PSR-7 HTTP message interfaces.

Why this package?

Sample usage

The package is designed to be used as a middleware. Typical usage

use Neomerx\Cors\Analyzer;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;
use Neomerx\Cors\Contracts\AnalysisResultInterface;

class CorsMiddleware
     * Handle an incoming request.
     * @param RequestInterface $request
     * @param Closure          $next
     * @return mixed
    public function handle(RequestInterface $request, Closure $next)
        $cors = Analyzer::instance($this->getCorsSettings())->analyze($request);
        switch ($cors->getRequestType()) {
            case AnalysisResultInterface::ERR_NO_HOST_HEADER:
            case AnalysisResultInterface::ERR_ORIGIN_NOT_ALLOWED:
            case AnalysisResultInterface::ERR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED:
            case AnalysisResultInterface::ERR_HEADERS_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                // return 4XX HTTP error
                return ...;

            case AnalysisResultInterface::TYPE_PRE_FLIGHT_REQUEST:
                $corsHeaders = $cors->getResponseHeaders();
                // return 200 HTTP with $corsHeaders
                return ...;

            case AnalysisResultInterface::TYPE_REQUEST_OUT_OF_CORS_SCOPE:
                // call next middleware handler
                return $next($request);
                // actual CORS request
                $response    = $next($request);
                $corsHeaders = $cors->getResponseHeaders();
                // add CORS headers to Response $response
                return $response;


Analyzer accepts settings in Analyzer::instance($settings) which must implement AnalysisStrategyInterface. You can use default implementation \Neomerx\Cors\Strategies\Settings to set the analyzer up.

For example,

use Neomerx\Cors\Strategies\Settings;

$settings = (new Settings())
    ->setServerOrigin('https', '', 443)
    ->setAllowedOrigins(['', ...]) // or enableAllOriginsAllowed()
    ->setAllowedMethods(['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', ...])   // or enableAllMethodsAllowed()
    ->setAllowedHeaders(['X-Custom-Header', ...])         // or enableAllHeadersAllowed()
    ->setExposedHeaders(['X-Custom-Header', ...])

$cors = Analyzer::instance($settings)->analyze($request);

Settings could be cached which improves performance. If you already have settings configured as in the example above you can get internal settings state as

/** @var array $dataToCache */
$dataToCache = $settings->getData();

Cached state should be used as

$settings = (new Settings())->setData($dataFromCache);
$cors     = Analyzer::instance($settings)->analyze($request);


composer require neomerx/cors-psr7

Debug Mode

Debug logging will provide a detailed step-by-step description of how requests are handled. In order to activate it a PSR-3 compatible Logger should be set to Analyzer.

/** @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger */
$logger   = ...;

$analyzer = Analyzer::instance($settings);
$cors     = $analyzer->analyze($request);

Advanced Usage

There are many possible strategies for handling cross and same origin requests which might and might not depend on data from requests.

This built-in strategy Settings implements simple settings identical for all requests (same list of allowed origins, same allowed methods for all requests and etc).

However you can customize such behaviour. For example you can send different sets of allowed methods depending on request. This might be helpful when you have some kind of Access Control System and wish to differentiate response based on request (for example on its origin). You can either implement AnalysisStrategyInterface from scratch or override methods in Settings class if only a minor changes are needed to Settings. The new strategy could be sent to Analyzer constructor or Analyzer::instance method could be used for injection.


class CustomMethodsSettings extends Settings
    public function getRequestAllowedMethods(RequestInterface $request): string
        // An external Access Control System could be used to determine
        // which methods are allowed for this request.
        return ...;

$cors = Analyzer::instance(new CustomMethodsSettings())->analyze($request);


composer test


Do not hesitate to check issues or post a new one.


If you have spotted any compliance issues with the CORS Recommendation please post an issue. Pull requests for documentation and code improvements (PSR-2, tests) are welcome.


This package is using Semantic Versioning.


Apache License (Version 2.0). Please see License File for more information.

  • 3rd party issue. Analyzer::isSameHost fails to compare Host when SSL + zend-diactoros

    3rd party issue. Analyzer::isSameHost fails to compare Host when SSL + zend-diactoros

    When the request header 'Host' value is in form of Host: (without port) the parse_url method isn't capable of parsing the url correctly.

    Feeding a url without a prefixed '' to parse_url will result in a non discovered domain name if the port is not present.

    But I think a Host header in this form should parseable as url - or am I mistaking?


    opened by basz 15
  • In some cases it incorrectly checks `Host` header

    In some cases it incorrectly checks `Host` header

    I am trying to implement this as a middleware on Silex Framework (version 2). Silex by default does not support PSR 7 request and responses, so I use DiactorosFactory Library to convert the Symfony Foundation Request/Response to & from PSR 7 Request and Response.

    In the CORS Settings, I have something like this

        'scheme' => 'http',
        'host'   => 'www.something.test',
        'port'   => 80,

    And the check fails even when the call is made to the host that is configured above i.e. www.something.test.

    I am making a preflight request to http://www.something.test and when it comes to Analyzer.php's isSameHost method $host get's value of www.something.test and $hostURL which should be parsed object, has host property as null.

    This is the because internally it uses php's function parse_url to parse url if it is string.

    and after parsing www.something.test returns array which looks like

    array(..) {
      string(5) "www.something.test"

    and thus does not have enough information to match the host.

    I am not sure why

    $host where which returns www.something.test passed to createParsedURL as it does not have enough data to properly parse all the request.

    bug fixed 
    opened by starx 13
  • Tag 1.1 release?

    Tag 1.1 release?

    Would it be possible to tag an 1.1 release?

    This is because versions before 1.0.4 throw an error with PHP 7.2 because of assert('is_string($url) || is_array($url)'); in ParsedUrl.php. Currently only way of ignoring everything below 1.0.4 would be to manually list all the minor releases.

    "neomerx/cors-psr7": "1.0.4|1.0.5|1.0.6|1.0.7|1.0.8|1.0.9|1.0.11|1.0.12|1.0.13",

    This not optimal and requires manually updating composer.json on my side always when neomerx/cors-psr7 has a new release.

    opened by tuupola 6
  • Creating Settings from an Array (Settings Factory)

    Creating Settings from an Array (Settings Factory)

    Are you planning to create a factory for Settings?

    For example:

    (new SettingsFactory)->createFromArray([
        'foo' => 'bar',
        'bar' => 'baz',
        'baz' => 'qux',

    I would like not to write this:

    What are your thoughts on this?

    opened by fenric 5
  • Allowing all headers should be removed

    Allowing all headers should be removed

    Currently there is a config option Settings::VALUE_ALLOW_ALL_HEADERS which should allow all headers pass through CORS. It works fine for internal lib logic. No problem here. The problem is that this value * is actually sent to client in Access-Control-Allow-Headers and browser don't understand this value.

    It looks the only possible way is listing all allowed headers and special * should be removed.

    It was added mostly to make development easier. However since logging has been added to the lib this feature is not so important.

    It is recommended avoid using Settings::VALUE_ALLOW_ALL_HEADERS and just list all allowed headers in Settings::KEY_ALLOWED_HEADERS

    bug enhancement 
    opened by neomerx 5
  • Make compatibility with IE easier

    Make compatibility with IE easier

    If using the exposed header keys they are set as an array into the http response header. As a result, there are several header lines with the same name in the response.

    The Internet Explorer cannot handle the headers, even if it would be correct according to w3c specification.

    In "/src/Strategies/Settings.php" the following function should look like this.


    public function getResponseExposedHeaders(RequestInterface $request)
            return $this->getEnabledItems($this->settings[self::KEY_EXPOSED_HEADERS]);


    public function getResponseExposedHeaders(RequestInterface $request)
            return implode(', ', $this->getEnabledItems($this->settings[self::KEY_EXPOSED_HEADERS]));

    It would be nice if you could recognize this issue and update the project. Other browsers are not be affected by changing the returned value to a comma-separated string.

    enhancement fixed 
    opened by simplicitytrade 4
  • What kind of check does `serServerOrigin` do?

    What kind of check does `serServerOrigin` do?

    What kind of test does the following code does?

            'scheme' => 'http',
            'host'   => '',
            'port'   => 123,

    To pass the checks, should the request be coming from port 123 or to

    I am trying to implement the library on Silex Framework and I am trying to match the request is coming to the one I am specifying, and it is not working.

    opened by starx 4
  • Small misleading in init factory method

    Small misleading in init factory method

    Trying to setup package in PHP-DI container and seems like I've found small mistake in init method.

    Second setAllowedOrigins([]) overwrites areAllOriginsAllowed to false value, then enableAllOriginsAllowed() makes no sense one line before.

    opened by ybelenko 3
  • - fixes issue with merged configs

    - fixes issue with merged configs

    This PR initializes constants with string values instead of numeric values.

    Numeric values causes problems, if the config values should be overwritten in aggregated configs.

    For example:

    use Neomerx\Cors\Strategies\Settings;
    return [
        'cors' => [
            Settings::KEY_SERVER_ORIGIN   => '',
            Settings::KEY_ALLOWED_ORIGINS => [
                'some.allowed.origin' => true,
    // cors.local.php
    use Neomerx\Cors\Strategies\Settings;
    return [
        'cors' => [
            Settings::KEY_SERVER_ORIGIN   => '',
            Settings::KEY_ALLOWED_ORIGINS => [
                'some.allowed.origin' => true,

    If the two files are merged with an aggregator (like Zend ConfigAggregator), the merged config looks like

        'cors' => [
            0 => '',
            1 => [
                'some.allowed.origin' => true,
            2 => '',
            3 => [
                'some.allowed.origin' => true,

    With string values the merged config works like expected

        'cors' => [
            'keyServerOrigin' => '',
            'keyAllowedOrigins' => [
                'some.allowed.origin' => true,
    opened by okoehler 3
  • Add GitHub Actions

    Add GitHub Actions

    As suggested in

    @neomerx: not that you might want to enable branch protection to enforce these status checks to complete successfully, or to block the merge if they fail.


    opened by sneakyvv 2
  • Can't extend Analyzer class

    Can't extend Analyzer class


    Thanks for an awesome library

    Due to the use of static:: in

    Because the class constants are private they can't be accessed from the child class. And when you extend the analyzer it will automatically try to use the child scope when using static:: so it would work if you used self:: in the Analyzer class.

    Would you be open to a pull-request to fix this?

    opened by sunkan 2
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