Replacement repo for dingo/api

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API dingo-api

Note: This is an official and reasonably maintained fork of the popular repository by one of the maintainers of that project. The reason it was forked is due to broken integrations with CI tools such as travis (which can only be fixed by owner), and in general to be able to better support the project and ensure non-breaking updates.

In order to move to this repo, you merely need to update your composer file. All the namespaces and other aspects of the project are the same. Example instructions are below, to use the latest version:

composer remove dingo/api
composer require api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api

Please note, we do not actively maintain the Lumen support of this project. If you are still using Lumen, we recommend you migrate to Laravel.

The Dingo API package is meant to provide you, the developer, with a set of tools to help you easily and quickly build your own API. While the goal of this package is to remain as flexible as possible it still won't cover all situations and solve all problems.

Build Status License Development Version Monthly Installs StyleCI


This package provides tools for the following, and more:

  • Content Negotiation
  • Multiple Authentication Adapters
  • API Versioning
  • Rate Limiting
  • Response Transformers and Formatters
  • Error and Exception Handling
  • Internal Requests
  • API Blueprint Documentation


Please refer to our extensive Wiki documentation for more information.

API Boilerplate

If you are looking to start a new project from scratch, consider using the Laravel API Boilerplate, which builds on top of the dingo-api package, and adds a lot of great features.


For answers you may not find in the Wiki, avoid posting issues. Feel free to ask for support on the dedicated Slack room. Make sure to mention specialtactics so he is notified.


This package is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause license.

  • Add Laravel 9 support

    Add Laravel 9 support


    In general tests look good for L9 + PHP8+ but changes are not backward compatible

    Waiting for dependent packages


    Tests overview

    • ❌ Laravel 8 + PHP 7.4.15 (fail due to php incompatible function calls)
    • ❌ Laravel 8 + PHP 8.0.15 (2 tests break because of mismatching type - symfonys repsonse getContent() changed return behavior)
    • ❌ Laravel 8 + PHP 8.1.2 (fail due to php incompatible function calls)
    • ✅ Laravel 9 + PHP 8.0.15
    • ✅ Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1.2

    Install instructions

    Test and install this locally first. Thanks to @tobias-kuendig for sharing the instructions.


        "repositories": [
                "type": "vcs",
                "url":  ""
                "type": "vcs",
                "url":  ""

    Then require the package like so:

    composer require api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api dev-laravel-9-support
    opened by christoph-kluge 23
  • laravel9 install error

    laravel9 install error

    today install ,fund error:

    Problem 1

    • Root composer.json requires api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api ^4.0 -> satisfiable by api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api[v4.0.0, v4.0.1, v4.0.2].
    • api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api[v4.0.0, ..., v4.0.2] require dingo/blueprint ^0.4.4 -> found dingo/blueprint[dev-chore/laravel-7-compat, dev-master, v0.1.0, ..., v0.4.3] but it does not match the constraint.

    You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api:^2.1" if you know which you need.

    need help

    opened by boyadmin 22
  • Laravel 9 unsupport

    Laravel 9 unsupport

    | Q | A | ----------------- | --- | Bug? |yes | New Feature? | yes | Framework | Laravel | Framework version | 9 | Package version | 3.x.y | PHP version | 8.0.2

    Actual Behaviour

    composer require api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api:*

    ./composer.json has been updated Running composer update api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api Loading composer repositories with package information Updating dependencies Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    Problem 1 - Root composer.json requires api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api * -> satisfiable by api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api[dev-feature/jwt-auth-mgiration-extra, dev-master, dev-chore/php-versions-travis-check, dev-feature/php-8-travis, dev-feature/php-8.1-support, dev-analysis-OMjxOl, dev-analysis-64Rwwo, 2.0.x-dev, v3.0.8, v3.0.9, v3.1.0, v3.1.1]. - api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api[dev-feature/jwt-auth-mgiration-extra, dev-master, dev-chore/php-versions-travis-check, dev-feature/php-8-travis, dev-feature/php-8.1-support, dev-analysis-OMjxOl, dev-analysis-64Rwwo, 2.0.x-dev, v3.0.8, ..., v3.1.1] require illuminate/routing ^7.0|^8.0 -> found illuminate/routing[v7.0.0, ..., 7.x-dev, v8.0.0, ..., 8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.

    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

    Expected Behaviour

    How can i composer require api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api

    opened by suguer 12
  • Laravel 9 support

    Laravel 9 support

    | Q | A | ----------------- | --- | Bug? | no | New Feature? | yes | Framework | Laravel | Framework version | 9 | Package version | 3.x.y | PHP version | 8

    Actual Behaviour

    I want to test this package with Laravel 9. Any ideas how I can do it?

    Expected Behaviour

    Steps to Reproduce

    opened by prady00 10
  • UrlGenerator::setRouteCollections throws Exception

    UrlGenerator::setRouteCollections throws Exception

    | Q | A | ----------------- | --- | Bug? | yes | New Feature? | no | Framework | Laravel | Framework version | 9.27.0 | Package version | 4.0.1 | PHP version | 8.1.2

    TypeError: Dingo\Api\Routing\UrlGenerator::setRouteCollections(): Argument #1 ($collections) must be of type array, Illuminate\Support\Collection given, called in .../vendor/api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api/src/Provider/RoutingServiceProvider.php on line 55 and defined in .../vendor/api-ecosystem-for-laravel/dingo-api/src/Routing/UrlGenerator.php:46

    opened by hetzner 3
  • explode can't be null in php 8 set default include input to empty string

    explode can't be null in php 8 set default include input to empty string


    I have a suggest to apply because explode can't be null if include input not exist (it gives a php warning)

    Sorry if my PR is not perfect, this bug appeared when I upgraded to Laravel 9 and php8 and changes dingo-api package with your.

    opened by germ1f 1
  • change signature of setRouteCollections

    change signature of setRouteCollections

    Hello dingo-api team !

    I have a suggest to apply : change signature setRouteCollection (cf commit) because getRoutes into can be a collection, I don't know how to reproduce the bug in the tests to show you (i need more time for that).

    Sorry if my PR is not perfect, this bug appeared when I upgraded to Laravel 9 and php8 and changes dingo-api package with your.

    Thanks for your answers

    opened by germ1f 1
  • JSON Web Tokens (Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\JWT)

    JSON Web Tokens (Dingo\Api\Auth\Provider\JWT)

    { "message": "Target class [PHPOpenSourceSaver\JWTAuth\JWTAuth] does not exist.", "status_code": 500 }{ "message": "Target class [PHPOpenSourceSaver\JWTAuth\JWTAuth] does not exist.", "status_code": 500 }

    opened by zhonghaibin 1
  • Update JWT Provider

    Update JWT Provider

    As stated in the previous pull request on the original repository.

    Let's update the default JWT Provider to the new community-driven fork which has taken over general support and updates of the repository.

    I am happy for you to make edits if required.

    Thanks, Matthew

    opened by matthewmnewman 1
  • Update blueprint version, remove redundant php 8.1 support (^8.0 alre…

    Update blueprint version, remove redundant php 8.1 support (^8.0 alre…


    • We don't need both PHP ^8.0 and ^8.1 - the former already satisfies the latter
    • We need to increase our major version because of the backwards incompatibles changes in tests, so since we will need to do that, there is no need to keep older versions of packages (ie. laravel) in the requirements
    • I branched off "V3" from before the "Laravel 9" PR, just in case we need to backport anything into the v3.x.x line.

    Tests currently pass, will tag this as v4.0.0

    opened by specialtactics 0
  • Moving away from Dingo

    Moving away from Dingo

    | Q | A | ----------------- | --- | Bug? | no | New Feature? | no | Framework | Laravel | Framework version | 9.38.0 | Package version | 4.x | PHP version | 8.1.12

    Removing Dingo

    We have a Laravel API project built back in the Laravel 5 days and was slowly upgraded to Laravel 8. This week, I'm upgrading it to Laravel 9 with PHP 8.1 and have done so successfully. However, I'd like to also end our dependency on Dingo since it's deprecated.

    I'd instead use Laravel's built-in API routing, but it looks like it's fairly well-integrated into our app, especially in terms of authentication. Since it appears that we use OAuth2 tokens, I figure I can set up Laravel Passport to be used in place of Dingo. (It seems to be already installed, too.)

    But I'll have to modify dozens of our Controllers that use Dingo. For example, here's a small piece of error output from running PhpStan:

     ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Line   Http/Middleware/CheckAnyAPIPermissionMiddleware.php
     ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      16     Class App\Http\Middleware\CheckAnyAPIPermissionMiddleware uses unknown
             trait Dingo\Api\Routing\Helpers.
             💡 Learn more at
      36     Access to an undefined property
      42     Access to an undefined property
      44     Access to an undefined property
     ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    So some Dingo-specific properties and methods like $auth, $response, and various things in Helpers will need to be replaced. I don't mind doing so, but I'd need to know what to replace them with successfully.

    Are there instructions for migrating away from Dingo and replacing it with Laravel's built-in routing and Passport?

    opened by SturmB 1
  • v4.0.2(Aug 31, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • explode can't be null in php 8 set default include input to empty string by @germ1f in
    • change signature of setRouteCollections by @germ1f in

    New Contributors

    • @germ1f made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.1(Aug 20, 2022)

  • v4.0.0(Aug 20, 2022)

  • v3.1.0(Jan 30, 2022)

    Still using the same package, just replaced repo location with a new community one.

    New upstream has various updates, including support for php 8

    Thanks to @matthewmnewman

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.8(Jan 27, 2022)

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