380 Repositories
PHP symfony-exchange-demo Libraries
Fork of Symfony Rate Limiter Component for Symfony 4
Rate Limiter Component Fork (Compatible with Symfony =4.4) The Rate Limiter component provides a Token Bucket implementation to rate limit input and
A next generation symfony website landing page with dark mode.
Symfony Web App template themes A next generation symfony website landing page with dark mode.
Symfony kafka bundle to produce and consume messages.
Technology stack Quick start Example project Basic Configuration Consuming messages Retrying failed messages Handling offsets Decoders Denormalizers V
Exemplary RealWorld backend API built with Laravel PHP framework.
Example of a PHP-based Laravel application containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld API spec.
Auto register services aliases in the Symfony container.
Service Alias Auto Register A bundle for Symfony 5. Description The S.O.L.I.D. principles are a set of five design principles intended to make softwar
This project demonstrates the power of soketi's WebSocket functionality in Laravel.
Laravel + soketi = 3 This project demonstrates the power of soketi's WebSocket functionality in Laravel. Installing the project The server requires:
A toolbar for Laravel Telescope, based on the Symfony Web Profiler.
Laravel Telescope Toolbar Extends Laravel Telescope to show a powerful Toolbar See https://github.com/laravel/telescope Install First install Telescop
Password manager featuring client-side encryption, vaults, folders and more.
vaults is a password manager featuring client side AES-256 encryption, PBKDF2 hashing, vaults, password generation & more. Features Technical overview
Instrument commands/workers/custom code with datadog, newrelic, tideways, symfony, spx.
sourceability/instrumentation This library provides a simple interface to start and stop instrumenting code with APMs. Symfony commands and messenger
Supercharge your Symfony console commands!
zenstruck/console-extra A modular set of features to reduce configuration boilerplate for your commands: /** * Creates a user in the database. * *
The slides and demo files for my Alpine Day 2021 talk
Building a Better Dialog Austen Cameron - @austencam This repository contains the slides and demos for my talk from Alpine Day 2021. Below, you'll fin
Symfony 5 bundle to easily create dynamic subpages with Markdown. Useful for help sections and wikis.
MarkdownWikiBundle This bundle allows you to create rich subpages in a Symfony project using Markdown. Pages are stored in a file cache and sourced fr
Wajex Finans'ın Open-Source versiyonunun tanıtımı
Merhaba 👋 Wajex Finans projesine hoş geldiniz. Bu projenin 2 kısmı var, biri open-source kısmı bunu isteyen herkes kullanabilecek, ikinci kısmı ise d
Tabler.io bundle for Symfony - a backend/admin theme for easy integration
Tabler Bundle for Symfony This repository contains a Symfony bundle, integrating the fantastic Tabler.io HTML Template into your Symfony project. It s
example of LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle with Symfony 4.4
Install Dependency composer install Generate the SSL keys: php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair Create database php bin/console doctrine:datab
A simple Symfony 5 CRUD
A basic Symfony 5 CRUD application
Get started using SELCOM APIs with Laravel framework
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This small POC aims to show how Symfony is able, natively without modifications, to use subdirectories for Entities, Repositories, controllers, views…
POC - Using Sub Directories in a Symfony Project This small POC aims to show how Symfony is able, natively without modifications, to use subdirectorie
This is a PHP library developed for Symfony to collect address information.
Goldbach Algorithms Address Info Getter (fondly nicknamed AIG) is a PHP library developed for Symfony to collect address information.
A complete stack for running Symfony 5 into Docker containers using docker-compose tool and with Certbot for the HTTPS certificate.
🐳 Docker + PHP 7.4 + MySQL8.0 + Nginx + Certbot(HTTPS) + Symfony 5 Boilerplate 🐳 Edited from https://github.com/ger86/symfony-docker version - http
Result of our code-along meetup writing PHP 8.1 code
PHP 8.1 Demo Code This code demonstrates various PHP 8.0 and 8.1 features in a realistic, functional (but incomplete) codebase. The code is part of so
This is library with the objective of exporting information from the database in a simple way.
Symfony Entity Exporter Goldbach Algorithms Symfony Entity Exporter (fondly nicknamed Entity Exporter) is a library developed for the Symfony framewor
POC chat avec Mercure et Symfony
Mise en place du POC Mercure Chat Liste des groupes Formulaire de création de groupe Formulaire d'envoi de messages Le POC Mercure Chat consiste à met
Provides One Signal integration for Symfony Notifier.
OneSignal Notifier Provides OneSignal integration for Symfony Notifier. DSN example ONESIGNAL_DSN=onesignal://APP_ID:API_KEY@default?defaultRecipientI
Provides Expo integration for Symfony Notifier.
Expo Notifier Provides Expo integration for Symfony Notifier. DSN example EXPO_DSN=expo://TOKEN@default where: TOKEN is your Expo Access Token Resour
symfony workflow component for laravel7 and 8 ,php 7 and 8
Laravel workflow Use the Symfony Workflow component in Laravel8,PHP7,PHP8 This repository based on @brexis,his project since 2019-09 No longer maintai
SyCaptchaBundle is a form protection bundle made for Symfony, including a set of CAPTCHA challenges that should stop any malicious requests from submitting your forms.
SyCaptchaBundle is a form protection bundle made for Symfony, including a set of CAPTCHA challenges that should stop any malicious requests from submitting your forms.
A quick naked theme to demonstrate how easy it is to support Gutenberg using ACF blocks
ACF Gutenberg Demo Theme A quick naked theme to demonstrate how easy it is to support Gutenberg using ACF blocks demo.mp4 Files I have found a useful
Goldbach Algorithms Mask is a PHP library developed for Symfony for apply a mask to strings.
Goldbach Algorithms Mask (fondly nicknamed GoldMask) is a PHP library developed for Symfony for apply a mask to strings.
The best squirrel tracker. Ever. (A demo app for LaravelSF meetups)
LaraSqrrl Identify and track squirrels via text, now using AWS Rekognition! Created for the November 10th, 2015; February 9th, 2016; May 10th, 2016; a
Laravel Datatables Package Demo App
#Laravel Datatables Demo App Datatables Package for Laravel 4|5 This package is created to handle server-side works of DataTables jQuery Plugin via AJ
Shopware 6 app boilerplate + Symfony backend + Dockware docker dev environment 💙
Shopware 6 app boilerplate with Symfony backend This boilerplate template can be used to get up and running with a docker-based dev setup for Shopware
Demo of how you can run your Laravel app with Docker Compose. Look at docker-compose.yml and the docker folder. The rest is just a clean Laravel + Horizon install.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A Redis bundle for Symfony supporting Predis and PhpRedis
RedisBundle About This bundle integrates Predis and PhpRedis into your Symfony 3.4+ application, providing a fast and convenient interface to Redis. U
Demo of using geo data in PHP web applications
phpgeo-demo Demo of using geo data in PHP web applications Goals Demonstrate basic data storage and retrieval methods using Geo specific data Orient t
Demo of automated testing use cases for the 2022 nationals
Tests automatisés aux finales nationales 2022 Test d'API (Module C2) Pour le module C2, les spécifications de l'API seront fournies dans la spécificat
Laravel Vue SPA, Bulma themed. For demo login use `admin@laravel-enso.com` & `password` -
Laravel Enso Hit the ground running when building your new Laravel SPA project with boilerplate and extra functionality out of the box! click on the p
Phpake is a make-like utility built for PHP.
Phpake is a make-like utility built for PHP. It is pronounced fake because the second p is silent just like the second p in the word elephpant.
Sylius Taxon Gallery Plugin
Madcoders Sylius Taxon Gallery Plugin Features pick categories which you want to promote on main page re-use taxon images or upload own image Requirem
Provides SMS77 integration for Symfony Notifier.
Provides SMS77 integration for Symfony Notifier.
Symfony Bundle to assist in imagine manipulation using the imagine library
LiipImagineBundle PHPUnit PHP-CS-Fixer Coverage Downloads Release This bundle provides an image manipulation abstraction toolkit for Symfony-based pro
Binance.com Futures Coin Margined Hedge Bot written in PHP. Creates Limit orders consistently on the BTCUSD_PERP contract to hedge the BTC in your wallet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ | |__ (_)_ __ __ _ _ __ ___ ___
Library download currency rate and save in database, It's designed to be extended by any available data source.
Library download currency rate and save in database, It's designed to be extended by any available data source.
📐 Symfony Bundle to generate database diagrams
Doctrine Diagram Bundle 📐 Symfony Bundle to generate database diagrams.
OpenAPI(v3) Validators for Symfony http-foundation, using `league/openapi-psr7-validator` and `symfony/psr-http-message-bridge`.
openapi-http-foundation-validator OpenAPI(v3) Validators for Symfony http-foundation, using league/openapi-psr7-validator and symfony/psr-http-message
Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and React as a frontend library.
Symfony React Blank Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and
Sending Email via Microsoft Exchange Web Services made Easy!
Send Mail via Exchange Web Services! Sending Email via Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS) made easy! Installation Install via Composer composer req
Size chart plugin for Sylius ecommerce platform.
Madcoders Sylius Size Chart Plugin Features upload size chart files (for example for shoes, t-shirts and similar products) match size charts by rules
Laravel & Hasura Demo
Laravel & Hasura Demo
Provide modular structure into your symfony application.
Symfony Modular Bundle Provide modular structure into your symfony application. Features Configure doctrine Entity/Document mapping. Load services in
symfony solarium integration and solr management
solarium-bundle symfony bundle for solarium integration and solr management. current state of this bundle for now this bundle is me messing about with
laravel-advanced-demo 基于laravel,完成一些进阶应用场景示例 目录 jwt-auth + 微信小程序授权 查看 tymon/jwt-auth+overtrue/laravel-wechat 项目实例 jwt-auth + 微信网页授权 查看 tymon/jwt-auth+
ENI Ecole Informatique, PHP Symfony projet
ENI Ecole project La société ENI souhaite développer pour ses stagiaires actifs ainsi que ses anciens stagiaires une plateforme web leur permettant d’
Yii Framework Symfony Mailer Integration
Yii Mailer Library - Symfony Mailer Extension This package is an adapter for yiisoft/mailer relying on symfony/mailer. Requirements PHP 7.4 or higher.
Laravel package integrating PHP Flasher into Livewire applications
A powerful and flexible flash notifications system for PHP, Laravel, Symfony 👀 PHP Flasher helps you to add flash notifications to your PHP projects.
Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony, using the ProcessWire CMS as DBAL and Service Provider.
Symprowire - PHP MVC Framework for ProcessWire 3.x Symprowire is a PHP MVC Framework based and built on Symfony using ProcessWire 3.x as DBAL and Serv
Chat room demo with Symfony UX Turbo
Symfony UX Turbo Demo Application Chat application demo on how Symfony UX Turbo can be used to make server-rendered applications more dynamic without
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.
Provides Amazon SES integration for Symfony Mailer
Amazon Mailer Provides Amazon SES integration for Symfony Mailer. Resources Contributing Report issues and send Pull Requests in the main Symfony repo
The Stopwatch component provides a way to profile code.
Stopwatch Component The Stopwatch component provides a way to profile code.
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
Informative site with EoL dates of everything
endoflife.date Keep track of various End of Life dates as they are approaching. Visit https://endoflife.date for a list of supported products. This in
A bundle providing routes and glue code between Symfony and a WOPI connector.
WOPI Bundle A Symfony bundle to facilitate the implementation of the WOPI endpoints and protocol. Description The Web Application Open Platform Interf
Full stack shop app with Symfony
A progressive PHP framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications. Description A fullstack shop app with Symfony framework and
Provides Turbo SMS integration for Symfony Notifier.
TurboSms Notifier Provides TurboSms integration for Symfony Notifier. DSN example TURBOSMS_DSN=turbosms://AUTH_TOKEN@default?from=FROM where: AUTH_TO
个人免签支付系统,GOGO支付,支持个人支付宝收款,个人微信收款。 免签约,无手续费,免挂机,收款实时回调,资金直达个人账户。
个人免签支付系统 - 接入源码插件资源汇总 - GOGO支付 个人支付宝/微信,免签约、免备案、免费注册立即使用! 无手续费,云端监听免挂机,收款实时回调,资金直达个人账户! 源码、插件资源目录如下 文件名 资源名 apk-http 监控端APP(http请求) apk-https 监控端APP(h
A Symfony application for managing and automating regular backups of MySQL databases.
DbSaver DbSaver is an application written by Bastien LOUGHIN allowing you to make automatic daily backups (and manual backups) for your MySQL database
A flexible and fast Cms built with Symfony and Vuejs.
GreenCheap CMS A modular and lightweight CMS made with Symfony and Vuejs components GreenCheap works with PHP 8 version. In this case, lower versions
Provides an object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs.
Uid Component The UID component provides an object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs. Resources Documentation Contributing Report issues and
wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore
What is wallabag? wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. Click, save and read it when you can. It e
Shopware 6 is an open source ecommerce platform based on a quite modern technology stack that is powered by Symfony and Vue.js.
Shopware 6 Realize your ideas - fast and without friction. Shopware 6 is an open source ecommerce platform based on a quite modern technology stack th
Easiest way to create beautiful administration backends with Symfony.
☂ Umbrella framework Easiest way to create beautiful administration backends with Symfony. Demo website • Demo repository Create a new project with Um
The Semaphore Component manages semaphores, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource.
Semaphore Component The Semaphore Component manages semaphores, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource. Resources Documentation
DigitalOcean API v2 client for Symfony and API Platform
DigitalOcean Bundle for Symfony and API Platform DunglasDigitalOceanBundle allows using the DigitalOcean API from your Symfony and API Platform projec
PSR-15 middleware for Symfony framework.
PSR-15 middleware now in Symfony Contents Installation Configuration Usage Examples Customization Caching Real World Example Middlewares Testing Licen
Ergonode is modern PIM platform based on Symfony and Vue.js frameworks.
Modern Product Information Management Platform Ergonode is modern PIM platform based on Symfony and Vue.js frameworks. It has modular structure and gi
PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware.
CORS PHP CORS (Cross-origin resource sharing) middleware. Support Array, Coding in Native PHP Using PSR-7 PSR-15 Support Symfony Support Laravel Suppo
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community
Camdram is an open source project developed by a team of volunteers for the benefit of the Cambridge student theatre community. We use this repository to host the code that runs Camdram and to co-ordinate our work, however we welcome anyone to contribute bugs and suggest new features.
Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content.
Thelia is an open source tool for creating e-business websites and managing online content.
A Symfony bundle built to schedule/consume repetitive tasks
Daily runs Code style Infection PHPUnit Rector Security Static analysis A Symfony bundle built to schedule/consume repetitive tasks Main features Exte
OroCRM is an open source Client Relationship Management (CRM) application
OroCRM is an open source Client Relationship Management (CRM) application that allows to create a 360° view of your customers across multiple channels, organize the sales pipeline, manage account and contact information, communicate with customers, run marketing campaigns and track campaign performance.
L'Air du Bois is a Community Driven Woodworkers Sharing Platform.
L'Air du Bois is a Community Driven Woodworkers Sharing Platform.
Standards Alignment Tool
Standards Alignment Tool (SALT) [] Overview This is a prototype for testing the IMS Global Learning Consortium® CASE™ Specification and proving its us
A Symfony Feature Flag Bundle which easily allows you to configure and use your favorite feature flag provider.
Metro Markets FF Metro Markets FF is a Feature Flag Symfony Bundle. It easily allows you to configure and use your favorite feature flag provider. Ins
Project template for starting a project based on the Rabble admin system.
Note: this is an experimental project and heavily under development. If you do come across this repository, and you would like to support development,
Security provides an infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems, which makes it possible to easily separate the actual authorization logic from so called user providers that hold the users credentials.
Security provides an infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems, which makes it possible to easily separate the actual authorization logic from so called user providers that hold the users credentials. It is inspired by the Java Spring framework.
PropertyInfo extracts information about PHP class' properties using metadata of popular sources.
PropertyInfo Component The PropertyInfo component extracts information about PHP class' properties using metadata of popular sources. Resources Docume
Hotwire Turbo integration for Symfony
Symfony UX Turbo Symfony UX Turbo is a Symfony bundle integrating the Hotwire Turbo library in Symfony applications. It is part of the Symfony UX init
PHPDish is a powerful forum system written in PHP. It is based on the Symfony PHP Framework.
PHPDish 是一个基于Symfony框架开发的内容社区系统;得益于大量的前端以及后端的第三方类库的使用使得PHPDish有着高质量的代码,敏捷实现; 你可以使用composer或者直接下载本仓库进行程序的安装,注意切换到tag。
Security provides an infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems, which makes it possible to easily separate the actual authorization logic from so called user providers that hold the users credentials. It is inspired by the Java Spring framework.
Security Component - Core Security provides an infrastructure for sophisticated authorization systems, which makes it possible to easily separate the
The Runtime Component enables decoupling applications from global state.
Runtime Component Symfony Runtime enables decoupling applications from global state. This Component is experimental. Experimental features are not cov
PHP Application using DDD CQRS Event Sourcing with Hexagonal Architecture
PHP Application using DDD CQRS Event Sourcing with Hexagonal Architecture Application built with Ecotone Framework and powered by integrations with Pr
The game is implemented as an example of scalable and high load architecture combined with modern software development practices
Crossword game The game is implemented as an example of scalable and high load architecture combined with modern software development practices Exampl
Rector upgrades rules for Symfony Framework
Rector Rules for Symfony See available Symfony rules Install This package is already part of rector/rector package, so it works out of the box. All yo
Fake SMS (as email during development) Notifier Bridge
Fake SMS Notifier Provides Fake SMS (as email during development) integration for Symfony Notifier. DSN example FAKE_SMS_DSN=fakesms+email://default?t
Bolt CMS is an open source, adaptable platform for building and running modern websites.
Bolt CMS is an open source, adaptable platform for building and running modern websites. Built on PHP, Symfony and more. Read the site for more info.
The official Symfony SDK for Sentry (sentry.io)
sentry-symfony Symfony integration for Sentry. Benefits Use sentry-symfony for: A fast Sentry setup Easy configuration in your Symfony app Automatic w
Demo App for Symfony Twig & Live Components
Twig & Live Components Demo Hi there! You've stumbled across a treasure of demos for the the TwigComponent and LiveComponent libraries! Fun! If you wa
A command line code generator for Drupal.
Drupal Code Generator A command line code generator for Drupal. Installation Download the latest stable release of the code generator.
Bugsnag notifier for the Symfony PHP framework. Monitor and report errors in your Symfony apps.
Bugsnag exception reporter for Symfony The Bugsnag Notifier for Symfony gives you instant notification of errors and exceptions in your Symfony PHP ap