Laravel + soketi = <3
This project demonstrates the power of soketi's WebSocket functionality in Laravel.
Installing the project
The server requires:
- Composer
- Node.js + NPM (for soketi)
- PHP 7.3+
git clone [email protected]:soketi/laravel-chat-app.git
cd laravel-chat-app
Installing the chat room app
Run the following chain commands to install the project:
composer install --ignore-platform-reqs && \
cp .env.example .env && \
touch database/database.sqlite && \
php artisan key:generate && \
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed && \
php artisan storage:link
Build the frontend assets:
npm install && npm run dev
Run the internal server to make the HTTP server accessible on
php artisan serve
Installing soketi
You can find multiple installation methods for soketi, but for this project we assume you already have NPM installed:
npm install -g @soketi/soketi@latest
To launch the server, open a new terminal window and let it run in the background:
soketi start
The seeders created three accounts. All accounts can be accessed with the password secret
Linting the code
You can lint the code for Vue:
npm run lint
For PHP, use the CSFixer command:
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix