Use the Symfony Workflow component in Laravel8,PHP7,PHP8 This repository based on @brexis,his project since 2019-09 No longer maintained. So i modify the code and publish it.
composer require cage/laravel-workflow
Publish the config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Cage\LaravelWorkflow\WorkflowServiceProvider"
Configure your workflow in config/workflow.php
Use the WorkflowTrait
inside supported classes
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Cage\LaravelWorkflow\Traits\WorkflowTrait;
class BlogPost extends Model
use WorkflowTrait;
use App\Models\BlogPost;
use Workflow;
$post = BlogPost::find(1);
$workflow = $post->workflow_get();// or $workflow = Workflow::get($post);
$workflow->can($post, 'publish'); // False
$workflow->can($post, 'to_review'); // True
$transitions = $workflow->getEnabledTransitions($post);// Get the transitions
$definition = $workflow->getDefinition();// Get the definition
$places = $workflow->getMarking($post)->getPlaces();// // Get the current places
$metadata = $workflow->getMetadataStore();// Get the metadata
// Apply a transition
$workflow->apply($post, 'to_review');
$post->save(); // Don't forget to persist the state
Use the events
Register at app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php
protected $subscribe = [
Then you can subscribe to an event Create Listener at app/Listeners/BlogPostWorkflowSubscriber.php
namespace App\Listeners;
use Cage\LaravelWorkflow\Events\GuardEvent;
class BlogPostWorkflowSubscriber
public function onGuard(GuardEvent $event){}
public function onLeave($event)
// The event can also proxy to the original event
$subject = $event->getOriginalEvent()->getSubject();
public function onTransition($event) {}
public function onEnter($event) {}
public function onEntered($event) {}
public function subscribe($events)
Dump Workflows
Symfony workflow uses GraphvizDumper to create the workflow image. You may need to install the dot
command of Graphviz
php artisan workflow:dump straight --class App\\Models\\BlogPost --path workflows --format=svg
For More Information