PHP Application using DDD CQRS Event Sourcing with Hexagonal Architecture


PHP Application using DDD CQRS Event Sourcing with Hexagonal Architecture

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Application built with Ecotone Framework and powered by integrations with Prooph Event Store, Symfony and JMS Serializer.

Application shows the how complex systems can be built with ease using PHP.
The main tenets of Ecotone is to allow developers focus on business problems not integrations and technical issues and this can be seen in the code.

Have fun :)

Possible Integrations with Laravel and Ecotone Lite

Application is written in Symfony, however Ecotone integrates with Laravel and can be run alone without any additional framework (Ecotone Lite).
All the code that is written in here, will work exactly the same way, when will be run with Laravel or Ecotone Lite.


docker-compose up -d

And then application is available under localhost:3000

As read model is updated asynchronously, you may need to refresh after performing action to see the changes.

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  • Adding Cli commands for each domains commands tested by CI

    Adding Cli commands for each domains commands tested by CI

    This PR targets having an example of continuous integration with Ecotone and Symfony (Still looking for a professional smooth workflow :) ). So it ships:

    • One cli command per domain command
    • Integration tests for each
    • Github workflow to run it "as a developer would"

    I post it here in a wip state because I'm stuck: When I run my tests, events are correctly triggered but not async projections. This is not due to Phpunit itself but only to the APP_ENV as this issue occurs when I run a command on an event sourced aggregate only:

    APP_ENV=test console app:prepare-ticket lala lolo

    Event sourced Ticket prepare command generates a stream but, contrary to dev env, no asynchronous projection is added to the projections table (It's created but remains empty):

    ecotone=# SELECT * FROM projections;
     no |         name          |              position              | state | status | locked_until 
      1 | last_prepared_tickets | {"App\\Domain\\Ticket\\Ticket": 1} | []    | idle   | 
      2 | unassigned_tickets    | {"App\\Domain\\Ticket\\Ticket": 1} | []    | idle   | 
    (2 rows)
    ecotone=# \c ecotone_test 
    You are now connected to database "ecotone_test" as user "ecotone".
    ecotone_test=# SELECT * FROM projections;
     no | name | position | state | status | locked_until 
    (0 rows)

    I wondered if it was due to the fact there is no container running projections in test env but when I try

    APP_ENV=test /data/app/bin/console ecotone:es:reset-projection last_prepared_tickets

    I get

    In ProjectionNotFound.php line 20:
      A projection with name "last_prepared_tickets" could not be found.

    Digging in the docs I tried some options without success:

    I'm not enough aware of Ecotone to know if this is a usage issue or a bug so let me know if a should open a bug on Ecotone's repo.

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by jclaveau 3
  • Adding makefile and composer/console autocompletion for a smooth discovering workflow

    Adding makefile and composer/console autocompletion for a smooth discovering workflow

    This PR provides

    • A makefile following the example of to provide a smooth workflow while discovering Ecotone.
    • Adds /data/app/bin to $PATH so console is instantly available
    • Applies chown 1000:1000 to all the vendor directory to avoid blocking due to failing chown on unfound /vendor/composer
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    • An updated README to get this workflow easily

    My main concern here is about dev vs production docker images and behavior in a Kubernetes environment (which I personally never used).

    Hoping you will find it interesting!

    Anyway, thank you for your inspiring work and open-sourcing it

    opened by jclaveau 1
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