348 Repositories
PHP swoole-server Libraries
AppGallery IAP is a PHP library to handle AppGallery purchase verification and Server Notifications
AppGallery IAP About AppGallery IAP is a PHP library to handle AppGallery purchase verification and Server Notifications. This package simplifies deve
Slim 3 MVC Skeleton With Swoole
Slim 3 MVC Skeleton With Swoole ##Features Quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 3 . Use the latest Slim 3 with the PHP-View templat
Sample application to bookmark links, where interface build with Angular.js + Twitter Bootstrap and server powered by PHP with Slim Framework
RESTful Bookmarks PHP Slim TODO: review and update FrontEnd Sample application to bookmark links, where interface build with Angular.js + Twitter Boot
A plugin for Blessing Skin Server that can let you display Google Ads with Google AdSense in the website.
A plugin for Blessing Skin Server that can let you display Google Ads with Google AdSense in the website.
Hyperf is an extremely performant and flexible PHP CLI framework
🚀 A coroutine framework that focuses on hyperspeed and flexibility. Building microservice or middleware with ease.
☄️ PHP CLI mode development framework, supports Swoole, WorkerMan, FPM, CLI-Server
☄️ PHP CLI mode development framework, supports Swoole, WorkerMan, FPM, CLI-Server / PHP 命令行模式开发框架,支持 Swoole、WorkerMan、FPM、CLI-Server
This package provides a high performance HTTP server to speed up your Laravel/Lumen application based on Swoole.
This package provides a high performance HTTP server to speed up your Laravel/Lumen application based on Swoole.
LaravelFly is a safe solution to speeds up new or old Laravel 5.5+ projects, with preloading and coroutine, while without data pollution or memory leak
Would you like php 7.4 Preloading? Would you like php coroutine? Today you can use them with Laravel because of Swoole. With LaravalFly, Laravel will
Laravel && ( Swoole || Workerman ) to get 10x faster than php-fpm
Laravoole Laravel on Swoole Or Workerman 10x faster than php-fpm Depends On php =5.5.16 laravel/laravel ^ 5.1 Suggests php =7.0.0 ext-swoole =1.7.2
PHP微服务框架即Micro Service Framework For PHP
Micro Service Framework For PHP PHP微服务框架即“Micro Service Framework For PHP”,是Camera360社区服务器端团队基于Swoole自主研发现代化的PHP协程服务框架,简称msf或者php-msf,是Swoole的工程级企业应用框
A php package to get the server information.
A php package to get you the server information Install Via Composer $ composer require ameetroy/server Usage use BubbleGum\Sweety; $getTotalSpace =
Petstore is a sample API that simulates a pet shop management server🐶
Petstore is a sample API that simulates a pet shop management server. The API allows you to access Petstore data using a set of individual calls
CI4-Lic is a software license manager modul for Codeigniter 4, connecting to WordPress license server based on the Software License Manager Plugin.
CI4-Lic CI4-Lic is a software license manager modul for Codeigniter 4, connecting to WordPress license server based on Software License Manager Plugin
A server side alternative implementation of socket.io in PHP based on workerman.
phpsocket.io A server side alternative implementation of socket.io in PHP based on Workerman. Notice Only support socket.io v1.3.0 or greater. This pr
Asynchronous WebSocket server
Ratchet A PHP library for asynchronously serving WebSockets. Build up your application through simple interfaces and re-use your application without c
🚀 PHP Extension for creating and reader XLSX files.
Why use xlswriter Please refer to the image below. PHPExcel has been unable to work properly for memory reasons at 40,000 and 100000 points, but it ca
PHP Kafka client is used in PHP-FPM and Swoole. PHP Kafka client supports 50 APIs, which might be one that supports the most message types ever.
longlang/phpkafka Introduction English | 简体中文 PHP Kafka client is used in PHP-FPM and Swoole. The communication protocol is based on the JSON file in
Swoole-Crontab(基于Swoole扩展) 1.概述 基于swoole的定时器程序,支持秒级处理. 异步多进程处理。 完全兼容crontab语法,且支持秒的配置,可使用数组规定好精确操作时间 单中心-多客户端模式,能够横向扩展 web界面管理,增删改查任务,完整的权限控制. 请使用swoo
Hprose asynchronous client & standalone server based on swoole
Hprose for Swoole Introduction Hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine. It is a modern, lightweight, cross-language, cross-platform,
DoraRPC is an RPC For the PHP MicroService by The Swoole
Dora RPC 简介(Introduction) Dora RPC 是一款基础于Swoole定长包头通讯协议的最精简的RPC, 用于复杂项目前后端分离,分离后项目都通过API工作可更好的跟踪、升级、维护及管理。 问题提交: Issue For complex projects separation
A Sidecar function to run Inertia server-side rendering on Lambda.
Sidecar SSR for InertiaJS 🚨 This is currently very much in beta! You can see a fully working Jetstream + Inertia + Sidecar demo repo at hammerstonede
This project processes a small database with php all on a web server. This project uses XAMPP to run the web server and the database.
PHP-introduction This project processes a small database with php all on a web server. This project uses XAMPP to run the web server and the database.
The php gRPC server framework with php-fpm and nginx.
php-grpc-server-protobuf The php grpc server framework with protobuf and DO NOT use any 3rd libraries or use Swoole. Support protobuf and json request
A plugin to test Server-getPlayerExact() vs Mapusername, Player performance
PeformanceTests A plugin to test Server-getPlayerExact() vs Mapusername, Player performance Timings with Server-getPlayerExact() https://timings.p
Auto RELOAD dan "live server" untuk PHP file
PHP BrowserSync Auto Reload your Browser and PHP file ini adalah auto reload php file atau browser, jika ada perubahan di file php atau di file js dan
It allows frontend developer to send ajax requests and return a custom information from the server without a php developer help
[Magento 1 Extension] It allows frontend developer to send ajax requests and return a custom information from the server without a php developer help (without any php code).
Magento-Vagrant-Puppet-Nginx - Installs magento and a nginx server
Magento-Vagrant-Puppet-Nginx Installs Magento MySQL PHP PHP-FPM Nginx n98-magerun Setup git submodule init git submodule update vagrant up Modify pupp
Xr - Lightweight debug server utility built on ReactPHP.
XR 🔔 Subscribe to the newsletter to don't miss any update regarding Chevere. XR is a dump server utility built on top of ReactPHP. Features ✨ Dump si
Text - An experiment with WebSockets and the human condition.
An experiment with WebSockets and the human condition. I wanted to learn how to use WebSockets in pure PHP and JavaScript, so I came up with the simpl
Php-gamer - A repo with PHP 8.1, Swoole and Laminas. And of course, Docker in the front.
PHP-Gamer Instructions for run this app: First time $ git clone git@github.com:fatorx/php-gamer.git $ cd php-gamer $ chmod +x docker-build.sh $ chmod
Php-rpc-server - JSON RPC server implementation for PHP.
JSON RPC Server implementation for PHP. The json-rpc is a very simple protocol. You can see this by reading the protocol specification. This library i
Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go
Pterodactyl Panel Pterodactyl is an open-source game server management panel built with PHP 7, React, and Go. Designed with security in mind, Pterodac
Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)
COPS COPS stands for Calibre OPDS (and HTML) Php Server. See : COPS's home for more details. Don't forget to check the Wiki. Why ? In my opinion Calib
PHP server built using laravel framework.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
An open-source Minecraft: Java Edition server implementation, written in PHP.
PHPCraft An open-source Minecraft: Java Edition server implementation, written in PHP. What is PHPCraft? PHPCraft is an open-source Minecraft: Java Ed
Very simple mock HTTP Server for testing Restful API, running via Docker.
httpdock Very simple mock HTTP Server for testing Restful API, running via Docker. Start Server Starting this server via command: docker run -ti -d -p
ReadMarvel's open sourced code
Read Marvel ReadMarvel.com is a fan made website. It is built entirely on Laravel 5. All data is provided by Marvel through their public Marvel API. Y
🤯 High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager written in Golang
RoadRunner is an open-source (MIT licensed) high-performance PHP application server, load balancer, and process manager. It supports running as a serv
A lightweight file manager with full ShareX, Screencloud support and more
XBackBone is a simple, self-hosted, lightweight PHP file manager that support the instant sharing tool ShareX and *NIX systems. It supports uploading
An intermediate/advanced look at how to use Angular JS in conjunction with a server-side.
end-to-end-with-angularjs This repository covers material in 2 screencasts, End to End with Angular JS Security with Angular JS This is an extension o
Simple, modern looking server status page with administration and some nice features, that can run even on shared webhosting
Simple, modern looking server status page with administration and some nice features, that can run even on shared webhosting
This is a setup for a Tor based shared web hosting server
General Information: This is a setup for a Tor based shared hosting server. It is provided as is and before putting it into production you should make
🚀Hyperf is an extremely performant and flexible PHP CLI framework
Hyperf is an extremely performant and flexible PHP CLI framework, powered by a state-of-the-art coroutine server and a large number of battle-tested components. Aside from decisively beating PHP-FPM frameworks in benchmarks, Hyperf is unique in its focus on flexibility and composition.
swoole,easyswoole,swoole framework
EasySwoole - A High Performance Swoole Framework EasySwoole is a distributed, persistent memory PHP framework based on the Swoole extension. It was cr
Minimalistic bookmark manager for your own server written in PHP. Bookmarks are stored in a sqlite database.
b - Bookmark manager b is a minimalistic bookmark manager for your own server. Written in PHP. Bookmarks are stored in a sqlite database. Features: fi
Phalcon Authentication Server
Padlock, Phalcon Authentication Server Padlock is a docker-based phalcon authentication server built on top of the PHP OAuth 2.0 Server Setting Up Add
Chat Application developed for Server Side Development
ChatApp 💬 Chat Application developed for Server Side Development (@IESClaraDelRey) 🧐 About this file The purpose of this file is to provide overview
Satis-go is a web server for hosting and managing your Satis Repository for Composer Packages
Satis-go download latest Satis-go is a web server for hosting and managing your Satis Repository for Composer Packages Some Highlights: Satis-go provi
Remote or monitor your PocketMine:MP server via browser.
PMRemote Remote or monitor your server via browser. Features Monitor (TPS, Server load, Players count) TODO: Remote (Access server console like RCON,
🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.
koel Intro Koel (also stylized as koel, with a lowercase k) is a simple web-based personal audio streaming service written in Vue on the client side a
Easily manage your HP server's fans speeds, anywhere!
iLO Fans Controller See my comment on r/homelab to know the reason why I made this! How it works To get the current speeds of the fans, the PHP script
Server growth statistics plugin by NhanAZ for PocketMine-MP
General Server growth statistics plugin by NhanAZ for PocketMine-MP Contacts You can contact me directly through the platforms listed below Platform C
Online-examination-System in PHP and Mysql using XAMPP server
online-examination-systen-in-php Online Examination System Today Online Examination System has become a fast growing examination method because of its
💾 High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager written in Golang. RR2 releases repository.
RoadRunner is an open-source (MIT licensed) high-performance PHP application server, load balancer, and process manager. It supports running as a serv
GraPHPinator ⚡ 🌐 ⚡ Easy-to-use & Fast GraphQL server implementation for PHP
Easy-to-use & Fast GraphQL server implementation for modern PHP. Includes features from latest draft, middleware directives and modules with extra functionality.
LaravelS is an out-of-the-box adapter between Swoole and Laravel/Lumen.
🚀 LaravelS is an out-of-the-box adapter between Swoole and Laravel/Lumen.
A plugin that allows you to hear the sound "Welcome to the server!" when you join the server by NhanAZ for PocketMine-MP
General A plugin that allows you to hear the sound "Welcome to the server!" when you join the server by NhanAZ for PocketMine-MP Contacts You can cont
TCP Worker Client for RoadRunner 2.0 application server
RoadRunner TCP Plugin RoadRunner is an open-source (MIT licensed) high-performance PHP application server, load balancer, and process manager. It supp
Run PHP scripts on the fly at runtime on a PocketMine-MP server (useful for debugging)
Scripter Run PHP scripts on the fly at runtime on a PocketMine-MP server. This is useful for runtime debugging, when you don't want to restart the ser
UnifiedPush provider for Nextcloud - server application
NextPush - Server App UnifiedPush provider for Nextcloud - server application This is still a WIP version Requirement It require the nextcloud server
Statistics of server growth
Growth Server growth statistics plugin by NhanAZ for PocketMine-MP Contacts You can contact me directly through the platforms listed below Platform Co
Core for Geometry Dash Private Server
DX Core Core version: 1.3.001 Supported version of Geometry Dash: 1.0 - 1.3 Required version of PHP: 5.4+ (tested up to 7.4) Setup Upload the files on
Socks5 proxy server written in Swoole PHP
php-socks This is a Socks5 proxy server implementation built with PHP & Swoole. To start the proxy server, clone this repo, run composer install to in
Easy Laravel Server-Side implementation of PrimeVue Datatables
Laravel + PrimeVue Datatables This is a simple, clean and fluent serve-side implementation of PrimeVue Datatables in Laravel. Features Global Search i
ohmyga's API Server
ohmyga's API Server
⚙️ Web3 PHP CLI is a blazing fast blockchain server for local development.
Web3 PHP CLI is a blazing fast blockchain server for local development. This project is a work-in-progress. Code and documentation are currently under
jojo, another http server written in PHP 8.0
جوجو | jojo جوجو، وبسروری در ابعاد جوجه برای کارهای کوچک داستان نوشتن جوجو وبسروری که تنظیمات مودم TP-link TD-8811 توی اتاقم رو serve میکنه اسمش mic
Web app for kick session in a server 1C use rac/ras
Server requirement OS: Ubuntu 20.04 Usage Update adm1c nano adm1c You should change server_name adm1c.example.com to your name Update index.php nano
Redis watcher for PHP-Casbin in Swoole.
Redis watcher for PHP-Casbin in Swoole Redis watcher for PHP-Casbin in Swoole , Casbin is a powerful and efficient open-source access control library.
A Laravel-Nuxt starter kit.
Laravel-Nuxt A Laravel-Nuxt starter project template. Features Nuxt 2 Laravel 8 SPA or SSR Socialite integration VueI18n + ESlint + Bootstrap 4 + Font
Raspberry Pi Self Hosted Server Based on Docker / Portainer.io
Pi-Hosted Portainer Template V2 This repository is a collection of tutorials for hosting a variety of server applications using Docker and Portainer.
Resources back-end for the Nextcloud CalDAV server
Calendar Resource Management This app enables the 🗓️ Calendar App to work with resources and rooms Installation Place this app in nextcloud/apps/ You
Build a health check report that can be verified with Oh Dear
Create a health check report to be verified by Oh Dear Using this package you can build up the JSON that Oh Dear expects for the health check. Install
Deploying K3s to hetzner in the most ridiculous way possible: KISS
Deploying K3s to hetzner in the most ridiculous way possible: Keep it simply stupid. WTF is this? After experimenting with a few managed k8s installat
Laravel package to periodically monitor the health of your server and application.
Laravel package to periodically monitor the health of your server and application. It ships with common checks out of the box and allows you to add your own custom checks too. The packages comes with both console and web interfaces.
Laravel package to find performance bottlenecks in your laravel application.
Laravel Meter Laravel Meter monitors application performance for different things such as requests, commands, queries, events, etc and presents result
Laravel Health Panel
Health Monitor Laravel Server & App Health Monitor and Notifier This package checks if the application resources are running as they should and create
A plugin that adds minions to your Minecraft Server
BetterMinion A plugin that adds minions to your Minecraft Server ⚠️ This project is currently unfinished and needs some help! If you'd like to help us
Rex is a stupid skid
SharexBot Rex is a stupid skid When you do not license your code on a code host like GitHub then it means that no one has permission to use and/or mod
Server-side library for working with Expo using PHP
expo-server-sdk-php Server-side library for working with Expo using PHP. If you have any problems with the code in this repository, feel free to open
Read-only WebDAV server written in php8.0; supports browsing archives and GETting files in encodings other than what's on disk
Best Read-only WebDAV Server: TODO Features and notes of implementation Keeping generated files in a place that nginx can find them (2 ways to do this
You can handle iOS Application Subscription Server Side with Laravel.
Auto Renewing Subscriptions for iOS Apps with Laravel This repository help you to handle iOS Application Subscription on server side. It provides Save
An open source Minecraft server (true-og.net)
true-og An open source Minecraft server (true-og.net) Website forked from aviel900 https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/minecraft-one-page-template.5973
This is a basic Oauth2 authorization/authentication server implemented using Mezzio.
Mezzio-OAuth2-Authorization-Authentication-Server This is a basic OAuth2 authorization/authentication server implemented using Mezzio. I have found so
This is a laravel 4 package for the server and client side of datatables at http://datatables.net/
Datatable Important This package will not receive any new updates! You can still use this package, but be preparared that there is no active developme
Server-side handler of DataTables Jquery Plugin for Laravel 4
Project is not being maintained actively. You will most likely find a better more actively maintained fork here https://github.com/yajra/laravel-datat
Dashboard that shows who pings your linux box - PHP and TCPDUMP
server-ping-alert Dashboard that shows who pings your linux box - PHP and TCPDUMP This uses tcpdump and php to see who is pinging your linux box. This
API in PHP for DDoS Attacks (sends a command to a SSH Server from a URL)
SSH-PHP-API API in PHP for DDoS Attacks (sends a command to a SSH Server from a URL) [Install on Ubuntu 20.04: apt install apache2 php php-fpm php-ssh
Package for using ReactJS with Laravel
react-laravel With react-laravel you'll be able to use ReactJS components right from your Blade views, with optional server-side rendering, and use th
This package enables you to create and run a fully functioning WebSocket server in your Laravel app.
This package enables you to create and run a fully functioning WebSocket server in your Laravel app. It can optionally receive messages broadcast over ZeroMQ.
This is raw connection between redis server and django python app
Django_Redis This repository contains the code for this blogpost. Running the Application Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/xxl4tomxu9
A small library to help run PHP servers easily and quickly.
PHP Server A small library to help run PHP servers easily and quickly. Installation composer require ahmard/php-server Usage PHP Built-In Server An i
Plug-and-Play Custom Enchants Plugin For PocketMine-PMP
DEVELOPER'S NOTE: I can tell you right now this plugin hasn't been tested. I haven't even checked to see if it loads without crashing yet. Half of thi
To run time/IO related unit tests (e.g., sleep function calls, database queries, API calls, etc) faster using Swoole.
To run time/IO related unit tests (e.g., sleep function calls, database queries, API calls, etc) faster using Swoole.
Plug-and-Play Custom Enchants Plugin For PocketMine-PMP
DEVELOPER'S NOTE: I can tell you right now this plugin hasn't been tested. I haven't even checked to see if it loads without crashing yet. Half of thi
Hyperf instant messaging program based on swoole framework
Hyperf instant messaging program based on swoole framework
Create ServerInfo With UI
General Create ServerInfo With UI Commands Commands Default /serverinfo True Feature You can Create, Your custom subcategory Add Button On subcategory
This is a plugin written in the PHP programming language and running on the PocketMine platform that works stably on the API 3.25.0 platform. It helps to liven up your server with Tags!
General This is a plugin written in the PHP programming language and running on the PocketMine platform that works stably on the API 3.25.0 platform.