DoraRPC is an RPC For the PHP MicroService by The Swoole


Dora RPC

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Dora RPC 是一款基础于Swoole定长包头通讯协议的最精简的RPC, 用于复杂项目前后端分离,分离后项目都通过API工作可更好的跟踪、升级、维护及管理。

问题提交: Issue

For complex projects separation, the project can be better maintained by the API project management.

  • Dora RPC is an Basic Swoole Fixed Header TCP Proctol tiny RPC
  • Now support an simple PHP version
  • If you find something wrong,please submit an issue
  • add the http protocol and KeepAlive for the other program language



  • 支持单API调用,多API并发调用
  • 支持同步调用,异步任务下发不等待结果,异步任务下发统一拿回结果
  • 其他相关知识请参考Swoole扩展
  • 客户端长链接,请求完毕后仍旧保留,减少握手消耗
  • guid收发一致性检测,避免发送和接收数据不一致
  • 基于redis制作的服务发现
  • Single API RPC \ Multi API Concurrent RPC
  • Asynchronous,synchronization no need result, synchronization get result by manual
  • Please visit Swoole official for further infomation
  • keep the connection of client after the request finishe
  • check the guid when the send<->recive
  • service discovery.
  • base on Redis. Service discovery for High available


  • Swoole 1.8.x+
  • PHP 5.4+
  • zlib for compress packet


composer require "xcl3721/dora-rpc"



  • 使用最简单的方式实现的客户端,通过这个框架可以轻松实现PHP的伪多线程,通过分布式加快接口响应速度及高可用
  • an simple client,it's easy adn simply to implement the multi fake thread,you can speed up you API by this distribute RPC


  • API服务端
  • 目前需要继承才能使用,继承后请实现dowork,这个函数是实际处理任务的函数参数为提交参数
  • 做这个只是为了减少大家启用RPC的开发时间
  • 开启服务发现功能,服务端在启动的时候,如果指定redis配置则会自动将当前服务器信息注册到Redis上
  • 返回结果是一个数组 分两部分,第一层是通讯状态code,第二层是处理状态 code
  • a powerful API server
  • you must extends the swserver and implement dowork function
  • it's use for decrease the dev cycle
  • when you setup the redis config the server will register this server to the redis for service discovery
  • the result will be a two-level arrayfirst is communicate state 'code field' ,second is dowork state


  • 服务发现客户端,通过扫描Redis获取到所有可用后端服务列表,并生成配置到指定路径
  • an discovery controller client that:scan all the redis and get the list of available service and general config file to special path

dora-rpc/src/groupclient.php (combined to client.php)

  • 服务发现monitor进程产生的配置可以用这个客户端直接引用,请求时可以指定使用哪个组的服务
  • an client for service discovery (monitor general the config from redis) that you can use the config directly


任务下发模式介绍(task deploy mode)

  • 0 sync wait result 同步下发任务阻塞等待结果返回
  • 1 async no need result 下发异步任务,下发成功返回下发成功提示,不等待任务处理结果
  • 2 async get result by getAsyncData function 下发异步任务,下发成功返回下发成功提示,可以在后续调用getAsyncData 获取所有下发的异步结果

TCP客户端(TCP Client)

$config = include("client.conf.php");
//define the mode
$mode = array("type" => 1, "group" => "group1");

$maxrequest = 0;

//new obj
$obj = new \DoraRPC\Client($config);

//change connect mode

for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    //echo $i . PHP_EOL;

    $time = microtime(true);

    //single && sync
    $ret = $obj->singleAPI("/module_a/abc" . $i, array("mark" => 234, "foo" => $i), \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_WAITRESULT, 1);
    var_dump("single sync", $ret);

    //single call && async
    $ret = $obj->singleAPI("/module_b/abc" . $i, array("yes" => 21321, "foo" => $i), \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_NORESULT, 1);
    var_dump("single async", $ret);

    //single call && async
    $ret = $obj->singleAPI("/module_c/abd" . $i, array("yes" => 233, "foo" => $i), \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_ASYNCRESULT, 1);
    var_dump("single async result", $ret);


    //multi && sync
    $data = array(
        "oak" => array("name" => "/module_c/dd" . $i, "param" => array("uid" => "ff")),
        "cd" => array("name" => "/module_f/ef" . $i, "param" => array("pathid" => "fds")),
    $ret = $obj->multiAPI($data, \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_WAITRESULT, 1);
    var_dump("multi sync", $ret);

    //multi && async
    $data = array(
        "oak" => array("name" => "/module_d/oakdf" . $i, "param" => array("dsaf" => "32111321")),
        "cd" => array("name" => "/module_e/oakdfff" . $i, "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),
    $ret = $obj->multiAPI($data, \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_NORESULT, 1);
    var_dump("multi async", $ret);

    //multi && async
    $data = array(
        "oak" => array("name" => "/module_a/oakdf" . $i, "param" => array("dsaf" => "11")),
        "cd" => array("name" => "/module_b/oakdfff" . $i, "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),
    $ret = $obj->multiAPI($data, \DoraRPC\DoraConst::SW_MODE_ASYNCRESULT, 1);
    var_dump("multi async result", $ret);

    //get all the async result
    $data = $obj->getAsyncData();
    var_dump("allresult", $data);
    //compare each request
    $time = bcsub(microtime(true), $time, 5);
    if ($time > $maxrequest) {
        $maxrequest = $time;
    echo $i . " cost:" . $time . PHP_EOL;
echo "max:" . $maxrequest . PHP_EOL;

HTTP客户端(Http Client)

http protocol for the other language use performance is common.suggest used tcp client

for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; $i++) {
    $time = microtime(true);

    //mutil call sync wait result
    $data = array(
        "guid" => md5(mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . microtime(true)),

        "api" => array(
            "oak" => array("name" => "/module_d/oakdf", "param" => array("dsaf" => "32111321")),
            "cd" => array("name" => "/module_e/oakdfff", "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),

    $data_string = "params=" . urlencode(json_encode($data));

    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
            'Connection: Keep-Alive',
            'Keep-Alive: 300',

    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    var_dump(json_decode($result, true));

    //multi call no wait result
    $data = array(
        "guid" => md5(mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . mt_rand(1000000, 9999999) . microtime(true)),

        "api" => array(
            "oak" => array("name" => "/module_d/oakdf", "param" => array("dsaf" => "32111321")),
            "cd" => array("name" => "/module_e/oakdfff", "param" => array("codo" => "f11ds")),

    $data_string = "params=" . urlencode(json_encode($data));

    $ch = curl_init('');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
            'Connection: Keep-Alive',
            'Keep-Alive: 300',

    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    var_dump(json_decode($result, true));

    $time = bcsub(microtime(true), $time, 5);
    if ($time > $maxrequest) {
        $maxrequest = $time;
    echo $i . " cost:" . $time . PHP_EOL;
echo "max:" . $maxrequest . PHP_EOL;


class Server extends DoraRPCServer {

    //all of this config for optimize performance
    protected  $externalConfig = array(

        //to improve the accept performance ,suggest the number of cpu X 2
        'reactor_num' => 32,

        //packet decode process,change by condition
        'worker_num' => 40,

        //the number of task logical process progcessor run you business code
        'task_worker_num' => 20,

    function initServer($server){
        //the callback of the server init 附加服务初始化
        //such as swoole atomic table or buffer 可以放置swoole的计数器,table等
    function doWork($param){
        //process you logical 业务实际处理代码仍这里
        //return the result 使用return返回处理结果
        return array("hehe"=>"ohyes");

    function initTask($server, $worker_id){
        //require_once() 你要加载的处理方法函数等 what's you want load (such as framework init)

$res = new Server();

###客户端监控器(Client Local Monitor)

include "src/Doraconst.php";
include "src/Packet.php";
include "src/Monitor.php";

//redis for service discovery register
//when you on product env please prepare more redis to registe service for high available
$redisconfig = array(
    array(//first reporter
        "ip" => "",
        "port" => "6379",
    array(//next reporter
        "ip" => "",
        "port" => "6379",

//ok start server
$res = new \DoraRPC\Monitor("", 9569, $redisconfig, "./client.conf.php");
//this server will auto get the node server list from redis and general the client config on special path


include以上两个文件,使用命令行启动即可(客户端支持在apache nginx fpm内执行,服务端只支持命令行启动)

  • php democlient.php
  • php demoserver.php

错误码及含义(Error Code)

  • 0 Success work
  • 100001 async task success
  • 100002 unknow task type
  • 100003 you must fill the api parameter on you request
  • 100005 Signed check error
  • 100006 Pack decode type wrong
  • 100007 socket error the recive packet length is wrong
  • 100008 the return guid wrong may be the socket trasfer wrong data
  • 100009 the recive wrong or timeout
  • 100010 there is no server can connect
  • 100011 unknow cmd of controlle
  • 100012 Get Async Result Fail: Client Closed.
  • 100099 unknow communicate mode have been set
  • 100100 guid wront please retry..


  • Mac I7 Intel 2.2Mhz
  • Vagrant with Vm 1 Core
  • 1G Memory
  • with example code (loop forever)


  • Network Cost:0.002~0.004/sec Per Request
  • CPU 10~25% 以上还有很大优化空间 There is still a lot of optimization space

Optimize performance性能优化

vim demoserver.php
to see $externalConfig var
and swoole offcial document


Server Config Optimize



QQ Group

QQ Group:346840633

  • 发现一个Bug


    BackEndServer.php line:350 括号闭合的位置错了:count($requestInfo["api"] == 0) if (!is_array($requestInfo["api"]) && count($requestInfo["api"] == 0)) { ...

    opened by beyern 1
  • ip自动情况下,有可能出现group发生变化(运行了其它dora server),而monitor机制仍然正常的情况

    ip自动情况下,有可能出现group发生变化(运行了其它dora server),而monitor机制仍然正常的情况


    描述: 由于redis中dora.serverlist中没有用redis ttl,依赖的是server report。如果server ip是自动获取的,比如这种情况会发生问题:Server1原ip,其group为groupA。服务重启(或重建),Server1的ip变为172.20.0.20,其group为groupA;原ip可能成为了Server2,其group为groupB。这个时候,这个ip的时间戳仍会更新,client的monitor会继续生成groupA中含有172.20.0.12。

    opened by ddonng 0
  • swoole升级到2.0.6后报错跑步起来


    Notice: Undefined property: APIServer::$server in /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/src/BackEndServer.php on line 249

    Call Stack: 0.0059 235664 1. {main}() /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/test/demoserver.php:0 0.0239 531832 2. DoraRPC\BackEndServer->start() /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/test/demoserver.php:85 0.0244 540032 3. Swoole\Http\Server->start() /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/src/BackEndServer.php:208 14.5473 554160 4. DoraRPC\BackEndServer::onRequest(class Swoole\Http\Request, class Swoole\Http\Response) /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/src/BackEndServer.php:0

    Fatal error: Call to a member function task() on null in /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/src/BackEndServer.php on line 249

    Call Stack: 0.0059 235664 1. {main}() /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/test/demoserver.php:0 0.0239 531832 2. DoraRPC\BackEndServer->start() /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/test/demoserver.php:85 0.0244 540032 3. Swoole\Http\Server->start() /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/src/BackEndServer.php:208 14.5473 554160 4. DoraRPC\BackEndServer::onRequest(class Swoole\Http\Request, class Swoole\Http\Response) /mnt/winshare/test/myswoole/Dora-RPC-master/src/BackEndServer.php:0


    opened by jxy918 3
  • 建议增加命令行管理服务功能



    php server.php start -d -h -p 9567 -w 4 -r 20 -t 20
    -d, --deamon 启用守护进程模式
    -h, --host [<value>] 指定监听地址
    -p, --port  [<value>] 指定监听端口
    --help 显示帮助界面
    -w, --worker  [<value>] 设置Worker进程的数量
    -r, --thread [<value>]  设Reactor进程的数量
    -t, --takser [<value>]  设置Task进程的数量
    php server.php reload 重新加载
    php server.php stop 停止服务


    opened by maxincai 3
  • mac test 启动server报错

    mac test 启动server报错

    Found Report Config... Start Report Process [2016-06-19 10:29:35 @1645.0] ERROR swSocket_set_buffer_size(:313): setsockopt(4, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, 0) failed. Error: Invalid argument[22]. [2016-06-19 10:29:35 @1645.0] ERROR swSocket_set_buffer_size(:313): setsockopt(5, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, 0) failed. Error: Invalid argument[22]

    opened by michealzh 1
  • 提几点建议


    代码写的很工整,注释也比较清楚,赞一个!这里提几点建议,仅供参考~ 1、虽然很容易看懂,也有例子,但最好再详细介绍一下,比如协议设定,使用方法。 2、服务端需要在初始化的时候载入类库,例子中没有说明。 3、最好采用配置文件的方式,而不是每次去修改类。 4、服务端可以引入控制层,可以启动服务,也可以关闭服务,便于管理。 5、从抽象的角度,应该可以适配更多的协议。 6、可以参考psr-4规范,引入命名空间,自动载入。

    opened by nosun 3
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