Hprose asynchronous client & standalone server based on swoole



Hprose for Swoole

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Hprose is a High Performance Remote Object Service Engine.

It is a modern, lightweight, cross-language, cross-platform, object-oriented, high performance, remote dynamic communication middleware. It is not only easy to use, but powerful. You just need a little time to learn, then you can use it to easily construct cross language cross platform distributed application system.

Hprose supports many programming languages, for example:

  • AAuto Quicker
  • ActionScript
  • ASP
  • C++
  • Dart
  • Delphi/Free Pascal
  • dotNET(C#, Visual Basic...)
  • Golang
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Objective-C
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • ...

Through Hprose, You can conveniently and efficiently intercommunicate between those programming languages.

This project is the implementation of Hprose for PHP based on swoole.

More Documents for Hprose 2.0: https://github.com/hprose/hprose-php/wiki


Download Source Code

Download Link

install by composer

    "require": {
        "hprose/hprose-swoole": "dev-master"


You need to install swoole first. The minimum version of swoole been supported is 1.8.8.

You also need to install hprose-pecl 1.6.5+.


Hprose for PHP is very easy to use.

You can create a standalone hprose http server like this:


    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

    use Hprose\Swoole\Server;

    function hello($name) {
        return 'Hello ' . $name;

    $server = new Server('');


    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

    use Hprose\Swoole\Server;

    function hello($name) {
        return 'Hello ' . $name;

    $server = new Server('tcp://');


    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

    use Hprose\Swoole\Server;

    function hello($name) {
        return 'Hello ' . $name;

    $server = new Server('unix:/tmp/my.sock');


    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

    use Hprose\Swoole\Server;

    function hello($name) {
        return 'Hello ' . $name;

    $server = new Server('ws://');

The websocket server is also a http server.


Then you can create a hprose client to invoke it like this:


    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

    use Hprose\Swoole\Client;

    $client = new Client('');
    $client->hello('World')->then(function($result) {
        echo $result;
    }, function($e) {
        echo $e;
    $client->hello('World 0', function() {
        echo "ok\r\n";
    $client->hello('World 1', function($result) {
        echo $result . "\r\n";
    $client->hello('World 2', function($result, $args) {
        echo $result . "\r\n";
    $client->hello('World 3', function($result, $args, $error) {
        echo $result . "\r\n";


    require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

    use Hprose\Swoole\Client;

    $client = new Client('tcp://');
    $client->hello('World')->then(function($result) {
        echo $result;
    }, function($e) {
        echo $e;
    $client->hello('World 0', function() {
        echo "ok\r\n";
    $client->hello('World 1', function($result) {
        echo $result . "\r\n";
    $client->hello('World 2', function($result, $args) {
        echo $result . "\r\n";
    $client->hello('World 3', function($result, $args, $error) {
        echo $result . "\r\n";

The result of invoking is a promise object, you can also specify the callback function after the arguments, the callback function supports 0 - 3 parameters:

params comments
result The result is the server returned, if no result, its value is null.
arguments It is an array of arguments. if no argument, it is an empty array.
error It is an object of Exception, if no error, its value is null.
  • TCP 方式请求,客户端不主动调用close的情况下报warning

    TCP 方式请求,客户端不主动调用close的情况下报warning

    用的是README里面的代码,执行 tcp_cliet.php 报warning:

    Warning: swoole_timer_clear(): timer#11 is not found. in src/Hprose/Swoole/Socket/Transporter.php on line 42

    PHP 版本: 7.2.2 Swoole 版本:2.1.0

    opened by zengbo 3
  • composer install run demo script got error

    composer install run demo script got error


        "require": {
            "hprose/hprose-swoole": "dev-master"


    require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use Hprose\Swoole\Http\Server;
    function hello($name)
        return "Hello $name!";
    $server = new Server('');

    php index.php get error as blow:

    php index.php 
    PHP Warning:  require(/media/sf_php/test/hprose_demo/vendor/composer/../hprose/hprose/src/Hprose.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /media/sf_php/test/hprose_demo/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66
    PHP Fatal error:  require(): Failed opening required '/media/sf_php/test/hprose_demo/vendor/composer/../hprose/hprose/src/Hprose.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /media/sf_php/test/hprose_demo/vendor/composer/autoload_real.php on line 66
    opened by kcloze 2
  • PHP Notice:  Undefined offset: 5 in hprose-swoole/src/Hprose/Swoole/Socket/Service.php on line 150

    PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in hprose-swoole/src/Hprose/Swoole/Socket/Service.php on line 150

    当worker进程意外挂掉后,之前的连接并未中断,新的worker进程重启后重新接管之前的socket连接,此时连接的上下文信息全部丢失,并且不会再次触发onConnect,只会触发onReceive事件, onReceives数组此时必然为空,导致如下异常:

    PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 5 in /home/test/git/server/vendor/hprose/hprose-swoole/src/Hprose/Swoole/Socket/Service.php on line 150 PHP Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/test/git/server/vendor/hprose/hprose-swoole/src/Hprose/Swoole/Socket/Service.php on line 151 [2016-12-15 11:26:17 *95097.0] ERROR zm_deactivate_swoole (ERROR 503): Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /home/test/git/server/vendor/hprose/hprose-swoole/src/Hprose/Swoole/Socket/Service.php on line 151.

    opened by lshsuccess 1
  • composer.json是否有误?


    "require": { "php": ">=5.3.0", "hprose/hprose": ">=2.0.9", "ext-swoole": ">=1.8.8" },

    应为 "hprose/hprose-php":">=2.0.9"

    opened by geekchu 1
  •  Class 'swoole_http_client' not found i

    Class 'swoole_http_client' not found i

    Class 'swoole_http_client' not found in /Users/chenxi/web/service-backend-project/vendor/hprose/hprose-swoole/src/Hprose/Swoole/Http/Transporter.php:42

    image 报如下错误: image

    opened by chenxi2015 9
  • hprose-swoole does not support swoole 4.4

    hprose-swoole does not support swoole 4.4

    hprose-swoole does not support swoole 4.4, even async is installed, Undefined property still exists. PHP Notice: Undefined property: Swoole\Http\Client::$id in /var/www/html/enclog /vendor/hprose/hprose-swoole/src/Hprose/Swoole/Http/Transporter.php on line 142

    opened by curtis18 2
  • hprose-ruby客户端data长度超过124,swoole服务端无响应


    客户端:使用hprose-ruby,ruby:2.5.0,rails:5.1.5 服务端:使用hprose/swoole/server, php: 7.1.16, laravel: 5.5


    $self->defaultHandle($data, $context)->then(function($data) use ($self, $server, $socket, $id) { $self->socketSend($server, $socket, $data, $id); });

    opened by wqyer 3
  • 在使用特定设备访问接口的情况下,swoole服务会卡住,不再接收其它接口的访问请求



    • 在使用hprose-swoole 2.0.7搭建服务,用户使用iphone 6s QQ浏览器访问服务发布的接口时,接口会停止服务,其它任何方式的访问接口都无返回值,重启服务后恢复正常。
    • 对于这个问题,我目前的解决办法是使用hprose 1.5.6版本。
    • 希望确认问题后与我联系,这个bug稳定重现。



    • 服务端
      • 使用库:hprose-swoole: 2.0.7/2.0.11
    • 客户端
      • 操作系统: apple 6s
      • 浏览器:qq浏览器
    • 操作
      • 使用上述客户端,通过hprose-html5访问接口,处理该次请求的服务器进程即拒绝包含这次服务的以后所有服务,只有通过重启服务解决。


        "accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate",
        "user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone 6sp; CPU iPhone OS 10_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/602.2.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/10.0 MQQBrowser/7.2 Mobile/14B100 Safari/8536.25 MttCustomUA/2 QBWebViewType/1",



    • 使用hprose-swoole库的不同版本
    • 使用hprose库的不同版本
    • 使用不同浏览器
    • 使用不同操作系统
    • 使用不同方式访问: hprosehttp
    • 模拟异常数据头信息进行访问


    1. 使用hprose-swoole在2.0.7与2.0.11两个版本中,使用apple 6s qq浏览器通过hprose访问,将出现这个问题。其中2.0.11为最新版本。
    2. 使用hprose版本为1.5.6时,任意浏览器或访问方式均访问正常。1.5.61.*.* 最后一个版本。其中1.*.*自带swoole服务的创建,而到了2.*.*时,不带swoole服务的创建,已经转向了hprose-swoole库中。
    3. 使用arc工具模拟异常包的头信息发送,bug未重现。
    4. 红米note3上的qq浏览器,使用hprose访问接口,bug未出现。
    5. 使用apple 6s qq浏览器通过http访问接口,无bug出现。
    6. 在服务器获取到异常包时,手动unsetcontent-length头信息,无效果。


    • 服务端使用下面测试代码中的 hprose-swoole-2.0.11 代码
    • web端使用下面的 web端代码代码
    • 使用 apple 6s qq浏览器访问web端页面,此时bug重现。


    • 这是存在于hprose-swoole库中的一个bug。
    • 目前只发现在使用iphone 6s qq浏览器通过hprose方式访问hprose-swoole的服务时,会出现此bug。
    • 因为发现异常包与正常包之间,差别在于:只存在于异常包的content-length: 0,故临时解决办法,在服务器获取到content-length: 0的包时,不做处理直接return。
    • 长远解决办法
      • 提交bug到hprose-swoole的git issues中,等待bug确认并修复。
      • hprose-swoole库更换为1.5.6版本的hprose



    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <script type="text/javascript" src="hprose/hprose-html5.src.js"></script>
        <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/eruda/1.0.5/eruda.min.js"></script>
    <div id="retData"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        var retData = document.getElementById('retData')
        var url = ''    // 服务地址
        var client = hprose.Client.create(url)
        // 访问服务
        client.invoke('hello', [], function (data) {
            console.info('success', data)
            retData.textContent = data
        },function (error) {
            console.info('error', error)
            retData.textContent = error

    hprose-swoole-2.0.11 代码


        "require": {
            "hprose/hprose-swoole": "2.0.11"


    require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";
    use Hprose\Swoole\Server;
    function hello($name) {
        return "Hello $name!";
    $url = "";
    echo "url is $url" . PHP_EOL;
    $server = new Server($url);

    hprose-swoole-2.0.7 代码


        "require": {
            "hprose/hprose-swoole": "2.0.7"


    require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";
    use Hprose\Swoole\Server;
    function hello($name) {
        return "Hello $name!";
    $url = "";
    echo "url is $url" . PHP_EOL;
    $server = new Server("");



      "require": {
        "hprose/hprose": "1.5.6"


    require_once "./vendor/autoload.php";
    use Hprose\Swoole\Server;
    function hello($name) {
        return 'Hello ' . $name;
    $url = "";
    echo "url is $url" . PHP_EOL;
    $server = new Hprose\Swoole\Server($url);
    opened by zhan3333 4
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