An intermediate/advanced look at how to use Angular JS in conjunction with a server-side.



This repository covers material in 2 screencasts,

This is an extension of my screencast Intro to Angular JS that focuses more on intermediate/advanced topics and walks through creating a working web application on top of the Laravel 4 Web Application Framework.

Things you can expect to learn from End to End with Angular JS:

  • $http
  • $rootScope
  • taking the AuthenticationService we built earlier end-to-end
  • creating a FlashService for displaying alerts to users
  • access control for client-side routes with $rootScope and $routeProvider
  • $httpProvider.responseInterceptors and logging out users automatically if serverside sessions expire
  • $routeProvider.resolve property and making view rendering data dependent
  • laravel 4 migrations, controllers, models, and authentication

Things you can expect to learn from Security with Angular JS:

  • 3 common-sense ways to secure your web application
  • angular.constant
  • ng-init
  • ng-sanitize
  • Laravel CSRF support, route filters, and built in protection


Prerequisite Installation Instructions:

Installing PHP 5.4 and MCrypt is the most tedious part of getting up and running with this example, but Laravel 4 is so nice that I think it's worth it. Here's the basic instructions for getting up on Mac OS X:

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Make sure you correct any problems that brew doctor detects
  3. Install Laravel 4
  4. Tap the PHP keg from @josegonzalez: brew tap josegonzalez/php
  5. Install PHP 5.4 brew install php55
  6. Install MCrypt brew install php55-mcrypt (this will automatically link the binary into the php.ini for you)
  7. Install Composer brew install composer (think of it like homebrew, or npm, or apt-get, but for PHP modules)

App Installation Instructions:

  1. clone this repo: git clone
  2. install composer dependencies composer install
  3. create a database called laravelapp
  4. create your unique security key php artisan key:generate
  5. run database migrations php artisan migrate
  6. seed the database php artisan db:seed
  7. run the app php artisan serve
  8. browse to http://localhost:8000 and log in with email [email protected] and password admin

Once you have the app up and running you can visit http://localhost:8000 and you will see the Login Form.

If you liked this code and screencast you should follow me on twitter: @dmosher

Happy Coding! :)

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  • composer install error

    composer install error

    Hello, I am following your instructions to use this project: 1-clone this repo: git clone 2-install composer dependencies composer install 3-create a database called laravelapp 4-create your unique security key php artisan key:generate 5-run database migrations php artisan migrate 6-seed the database php artisan db:seed 7-run the app php artisan serve 8-browse to http://localhost:8000 and log in with email [email protected] and password admin

    But when I run the command "composer install", I get this error: Mac-mini-de-Soluciones-2:end-to-end-with-angularjs simorg$ composer install Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev)

    • Installing psr/log (dev-master a78d650) Loading from cache
    • Installing monolog/monolog (dev-master ec39618) Loading from cache
    • Installing filp/whoops (1.0.7) Loading from cache
    • Installing nikic/php-parser (0.9.x-dev ef70767) Loading from cache
    • Installing jeremeamia/superclosure (1.0.1) Loading from cache
    • Installing doctrine/lexer (dev-master 83893c5) Loading from cache
    • Installing doctrine/annotations (dev-master 6a6bec0) Loading from cache
    • Installing doctrine/collections (dev-master 8c5148e) Loading from cache
    • Installing doctrine/cache (dev-master f7a1d66) Loading from cache
    • Installing doctrine/inflector (dev-master 64de2fe) Loading from cache
    • Installing doctrine/common (dev-master 559a805) Loading from cache
    • Installing doctrine/dbal (2.4.x-dev f15c482) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/translation (2.3.x-dev 638d6e0) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/routing (2.3.x-dev 22ee195) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/process (2.3.x-dev 0434822) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/debug (2.3.x-dev 9760bae) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/http-foundation (2.3.x-dev c8f7e5c) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/event-dispatcher (2.3.x-dev 3e0b837) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/http-kernel (2.3.x-dev 17bb005) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/finder (2.3.x-dev fc25dab) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/dom-crawler (2.3.x-dev 64b9087) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/css-selector (2.3.x-dev a8826cf) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/console (2.3.x-dev e593294) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/browser-kit (2.3.x-dev 6a403ee) Loading from cache
    • Installing swiftmailer/swiftmailer (v5.0.3) Loading from cache
    • Installing predis/predis (0.8.x-dev 4123fcd) Loading from cache
    • Installing patchwork/utf8 (v1.1.25) Loading from cache
    • Installing nesbot/carbon (1.13.0) Loading from cache
    • Installing ircmaxell/password-compat (1.0.x-dev 1fc1521) Loading from cache
    • Installing symfony/filesystem (dev-master 7d97789) Loading from cache
    • Installing classpreloader/classpreloader (1.0.2) Loading from cache
    • Installing laravel/framework (4.0.x-dev 7be5f82) Loading from cache

    monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-amqp (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server (1.0+ required)) monolog/monolog suggests installing ext-mongo (Allow sending log messages to a MongoDB server) monolog/monolog suggests installing doctrine/couchdb (Allow sending log messages to a CouchDB server) monolog/monolog suggests installing raven/raven (Allow sending log messages to a Sentry server) monolog/monolog suggests installing ruflin/elastica (Allow sending log messages to an Elastic Search server) monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB) monolog/monolog suggests installing graylog2/gelf-php (Allow sending log messages to a GrayLog2 server) monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar) monolog/monolog suggests installing videlalvaro/php-amqplib (Allow sending log messages to an AMQP server using php-amqplib) symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/config () symfony/translation suggests installing symfony/yaml () symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/config () symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/yaml () symfony/debug suggests installing symfony/class-loader () symfony/event-dispatcher suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection () symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/class-loader () symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/config () symfony/http-kernel suggests installing symfony/dependency-injection () predis/predis suggests installing ext-phpiredis (Allows faster serialization and deserialization of the Redis protocol) Writing lock file Generating autoload files {"error":{"type":"ErrorException","message":"Undefined index: timezone","file":"/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/end-to-end-with-angularjs/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/start.php","line":154}}Script php artisan optimize handling the post-install-cmd event returned with an error

    Error Output:

    install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-plugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [packages1] ... [packagesN]

    Mac-mini-de-Soluciones-2:end-to-end-with-angularjs simorg$

    May you help me?

    opened by arivasvera 13
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