854 Repositories
PHP restful-api Libraries
Creating an all in one AI with a web UI to control it. Create your own AI server and/or sell API keys to other people to use your AI.
+ Currently taking an hour or two break to spend some time with the wife. - Then going to work on auto refreshing the chat and document ingestion so y
Creating data transfer objects with the power of php objects. No php attributes, no reflection api, and no other under the hook work.
Super Simple DTO Creating data transfer objects with the power of php objects. No php attributes, no reflection api, and no other under the hook work.
This package provides a simple and intuitive way to work on the Youtube Data API. It provides fluent interface to Youtube features.
Laravel Youtube Client This package provides a simple and intuitive way to work on the Youtube Data API. It provides fluent interface to Youtube featu
OpenAI API Client is a component-oriented, extensible client library for the OpenAI API. It's designed to be faster and more memory efficient than traditional PHP libraries.
OpenAI API Client in PHP (community-maintained) This library is a component-oriented, extensible client library for the OpenAI API. It's designed to b
Exemplos de uso de algumas API's do site APIBRASIL
Exemplos de uso A ideia desses exemplos é otimizar o tempo de código dos usuários auxiliando na integração com a plataforma. Canais de discussão Obter
The All-in-One AI WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities into your WordPress website. This plugin provides a wide range of AI features and functionalities to enhance your website's performance, user experience, and efficiency.
All-in-One AI WordPress Plugin The All-in-One AI WordPress Plugin is a powerful tool that integrates artificial intelligence capabilities into your Wo
An easy-to-use API for Discord webhook
WebhookAPI An easy-to-use API for Discord webhook İmage: Example Add use use ayd1ndemirci\WebhookAPI; Usage: $webhook = "your_discord_webhook_url";
Create modern Telegram Bots with PHP.
Telepath Create Telegram Bots with this modern PHP library Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Before
API для FunPay ботов на PHP для автовыдачи и.т.д
FunPayPHP Добро пожаловать в FunPay PHP! Эта библиотека позволяет удобно и легко создавать ботов для биржи FunPay Требования 1. PHP или выше 8.1 2. Cu
Some Joomla! 4.x Web Services Api Examples and Experiments to raise the level of awareness of the huge potiental of Joomla! 4.x Web Services.
j4x-api-examples WHY? If you are a Joomla! developer or want to become a Joomla! developer there is a new resource for you The Official New Joomla! Ma
This is Laravel-Vue project
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This package allows to translate text using Google Translator for free without api.
Text Translator for PHP This package allows text translation using Google Translate for free without an API. It extracts the translated text from the
Qiwi Php Client Especially for 🦊 Zorra Telecom and 👥 Everyone else Привет Attention: At the moment the number of methods is very limited, they will
Code Quiz MonoRepo (API, API Client, App)
Code Quiz Welcome to the Code Quiz Open Source project from How To Code Well. This is an Open Source project that includes an API and an App for the d
PDF API. JSON to PDF. PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data
PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data PDF ENGINE VERSION: development: This is a prerelease version
📥 A simple web page to download addons through the GmodStore API.
📥 GmodStore Downloader In French Ce petit site Internet permet le téléchargement d'addons en provenance du GmodStore sans passer le site en ligne mai
Twitter Clone API Rest with Laravel 9
TW Main API (Twitter Clone) Setup Installation Before docker-compose up Get copy the .env.example to .env Set Mail variables Set Pusher Variables with
PHP API for GeoIP2 webservice client and database reader
GeoIP2 PHP API Description This package provides an API for the GeoIP2 and GeoLite2 web services and databases. Install via Composer We recommend inst
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
PoP PoP is a monorepo containing several projects. The GraphQL API for WordPress plugin GraphQL API for WordPress is a forward-looking and powerful Gr
A PHP library to integrate with eWAY's Rapid Payment API.
A PHP library to integrate with eWAY's Rapid Payment API.
API abstracting communication with SQL providers (eg: MySQL) on top of PDO inspired by Java JDBC
SQL Data Access API Table of contents: About Configuration Execution Installation Unit Tests Examples Reference Guide About This API is a ultra light
Project to migrate baserCMS to CakePHP4 ucmitz 🐮 🐮 🐮 は、baserCMSをCakePHP4化するためのプロジェクトの開発コードネームです。 バージョン1からバージョン3までのマイルストーンを設定しており、バージョン3のリリースと同時に、ba
API Client library for PHP
ChronoSheetsAPI ChronoSheets is a flexible timesheet solution for small to medium businesses, it is free for small teams of up to 3 and there are iOS
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
Api first backend boilerplate build with laravel 🎯 you can use as a template 😉
Laravel Backend Template i use this as a starting point for my backend projects , it saves time with basic auth functionalities and has code examples
ILIAS Rest Api
flux-ilias-rest-api ILIAS Rest Api This is not a ILIAS plugin Installation flux-ilias-rest-api In flux-ilias-ilias-base RUN /flux-ilias-ilias-base/bin
PHP client library for Coveralls API.
php-coveralls PHP client library for Coveralls. Prerequisites PHP 5.5+ for 2.x or 5.3+ for 1.x On GitHub Building on Travis CI, CircleCI, Jenkins or C
PHP library for FedaPay Api
FedaPay PHP You can sign up for a FedaPay account at https://fedapay.com. Requirements PHP 5.5 and later. Composer You can install the bindings via Co
Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker.
symfony-api Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker. ⚙️ Depl
PHP library with basic objects and more for working with Facebook/Metas Conversions API
PHP library with basic objects and more for working with Facebook/Metas Conversions API Installation The easiest way to install this library is by ins
A PHP API client for ConvertKit
ConvertKit PHP API Client Introduction This is an API Client for the ConvertKit mailing list service for PHP versions 7.4 and up There are several cli
A Restful PHP Microservice Framework!
SLIM 4 FRAMEWORK Introduction This project was built with php SLIM 4 framework with ADR mode, whcich is a compatible resolution of RESTful Api. Featur
File Storage Api
flux-file-storage-api File Storage Api Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-file-storage-api && cd /%path%/libs/flux-file-stor
PHP библиотека к API Яндекса
PHP библиотека к API Яндекса Установка Версии В библиотеке для отправки запросов к API используется Guzzle. Причем следует иметь в виду что вплоть до
Implementation of Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP v1 API in PHP
php-fcm-v1 php-fcm-v1 is an PHP implementation of FCM HTTP v1 API What is different compared to others FCM Libraries? Most of other libraries are impl
GraphQL API to Studio Ghibli REST API
GhibliQL GhibliQL is a GraphQL wrapper to the Studio Ghibli REST API Usage First, you'll need a GraphQL client to query GhibliQL, like GraphQL IDE Con
Declarative HTTP Clients using Guzzle HTTP Library and PHP 8 Attributes
Waffler How to install? $ composer require waffler/waffler This package requires PHP 8 or above. How to test? $ composer phpunit Quick start For our e
Mail Api for fetch or send mails
flux-mail-api Mail Api for fetch or send mails Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-mail-api && cd /%path%/libs/flux-mail-api
Attempting to create an intelligent mock of the Google API PHP Client for unit and functional testing
google-api-php-client-mock A small scale intelligent mock of the Google API PHP Client for unit and functional testing. Overview This is intended to m
Regions, provinces, municipalities and some other gems for the Italian territory
Comuni ISTAT API Endpoints Each endpoint returns dataset in JSON FORMAT All requests with method GET and HTTPS protocol RESULT URL RESPONSE PARAMS Mun
SERP Scraping API code examples for Python, PHP and Node.js
SERP Scraping API List of contents Introduction Authentication Google Baidu Bing Yandex Parameters Targets Languages License Introduction With our SER
Client library to consume the 42 Intranet's API
ft-client Client library to consume the 42 Intranet's API Installation composer require mehdibo/ft-client Usage examples Using the Authorization Code
🍏🌤 Apple WeatherKit API
⚠️ DISCLAIMER ⚠️ Apple's WeatherKit REST API is currently still in beta and the documentation is not fully up-to-date. During development undocumented
Laravel web rest api authentication library (PHP).
Webi auth library Laravel web rest api authentication library. Install (laravel 9, php 8.1) First set your .env variables (mysql, smtp) and then compo
API de cadastrado de categorias, produtos, clientes e compra.
Teste Backend - Left Descrição Teste técnico da Left de um sistema contendo as tabelas Categoria, Produto, Cliente e Endereço do cliente e seus respec
create API-LUMEN
Lumen PHP Framework Laravel Lumen is a stunningly fast PHP micro-framework for building web applications with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe d
Consulta os índices de correção do Banco Central via API
Índices correção Banco Central Realiza a consulta dos índices de correção através da API do Banco Central. Instalação composer require valbert/indices
Laravel Vue Spa 🌄 BoilerPlate 🌄
Laravel-Vue-Spa-Boilerplate Getting started Introduction This is a Laravel (5.5) Vue js SPA(Single page application) Boilerplate Project with JWT Auth
php kullarak yazmış olduğum bir openweather api freameworkü.
PHP OPENWEATHER APİ Web sitelerinize kolaylıkla OPENWEATHERAPİ kurmak için yazmış olduğum bir framework. Kurulum İlk öncelikle OPENWEATHERAPİ adresind
ApiFlow is an open-source workflow engine
About apiFlow This project is built using Laravel 5.8 apiFlow is an open-source workflow engine designed to ease the implementation of business requir
API G4RZK is a website that stores data from other websites (cURL).
API G4RZK is a website that stores data from other websites (cURL).
A Concrete CMS package to add interfaces to translate multilingual content. You can translate content manually, or use cloud API.
Concrete CMS add-on: Macareux Content Translator Concrete CMS has powerful features to manage multilingual content by its default. You can add languag
This document provides the details related to Remittance API. This APIs is used to initiate payment request from Mobile client/others exchange house.
City Bank Remittance API This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Installation You c
Easy Way to integrate API in you laravel application.
Easy Api Easy Way to integrate API in you laravel application. Installation Guide Install Package using Composer. composer require flutterbuddy1/easy-
Free WordPress plugin to generate Admin Settings Page.
ClioWP Settings Page ClioWP Setting Page is a free WordPress Plugin which creates a sample Settings Page. This “test” page contains almost any type of
PHP Wrapper for the Help Scout API
Help Scout API PHP Client This is the official Help Scout PHP client. This client contains methods for easily interacting with the Help Scout Mailbox
Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules
flux-scorm-player-api Scorm Player Api for play scorm modules Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-scorm-player-api && cd /%pa
French-Traduction-Pterodactyl est la traduction française de pterodactyl French-Traduction-Pterodactyl is the French translation of pterodactyl
French-Traduction-Pterodactyl Star French-Traduction-Pterodactyl est la traduction française de pterodactyl French-Traduction-Pterodactyl is the Frenc
API plugin to open a dialog for choosing another player.
ChoosePlayer API plugin for choosing a player interactively. API Let player select another player This API method opens a dialog to let player $choose
This is a RESTFUL API based PHP.
api-php This is a RESTFUL API made to speed up the development time of applications that use PHP as a base, in less than 5 minutes it is possible to o
Simple Plugin to Light Redstone Lamps with one click for PocketMine-MP API 4.
TouchLight-PM4 Simple plugin to light redstone lamps with one click! Category PocketMine-MP plugins | PHP 8 Requirements PocketMine-MP API 4.0.0 and P
Cryptocurrency exchange script Codono supports Auto detection of deposits, Each user is assigned with Unique deposit per coin
#Cryptocurrency exchange script Codono supports Auto detection of deposits, Each user is assigned with Unique deposit per coin. Deposits are detected
Projeto CRUD para gestão de clientes com consumo da API ViaCep
CRUD-Clientes-API Projeto CRUD para gestão de clientes com consumo da API ViaCep Requisitos PHP 7.4 MySQL Configuração do banco de dados Executar a qu
uPay(bangladesh) payment gateway integration package for laravel
uPay BD Payment Gateway Requirements PHP =7.2 Laravel = 6 Installation composer require codeboxr/upay vendor publish (config) php artisan vendor:pub
User authentication REST API with Laravel (Register, Email verification, Login, Logout, Logged user data, Change password, Reset password)
User Authentication API with Laravel This project is a user authentication REST API application that I developed by using Laravel and MySql. Setup Fir
Dedicated plugin for PocketMine-API 4, this will help staff members to make players follow the rules to the letter
StaffMode Dedicated plugin for PocketMine-API 4, this will help staff members to make players follow the rules to the letter Annotation This plugin is
Job Queue Public API PHP Client
Job Queue API PHP Client PHP client for the Job Queue API (API docs). Usage composer require keboola/job-queue-api-php-client use Keboola\JobQueueClie
Syntax to query GraphQL through URL params, which grants a GraphQL API the capability to be cached on the server.
Field Query Syntax to query GraphQL through URL params, which grants a GraphQL API the capability to be cached on the server. Install Via Composer com
Free Cricket API - Live Cricket Score JSON API 🏏
Free Cricket API 🍔 Live Cricket Score API 🏏 unofficial API Data Fetched from Cricbuzz.com This is an unofficial API and not Linked or Partnered with
Renders consistent HTTP JSON responses for API-based projects
Laravel API Response is a package that helps to provide and render a consistent HTTP JSON responses to API calls as well as converting and formatting
Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API.
Rewards-Dacor Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API. [Live site link] ( https://rewardsdaco
FFCMS 3 version core MVC architecture. Build-on use with ffcms main architecture builder.
FFCMS 3 version core MVC architecture. Build-on use with ffcms main architecture builder.
High performance view templating API for PHP applications using tags & expressions inspired by Java JSTL and C compiler
View Language API Table of contents: About Expressions Tags Configuration Compilation Installation Unit Tests Examples Reference Guide About This API
PHP demo application showing how to access the Hubstaff Public API
Public API PHP Demo This repository contains a simple sample cli tool that shows off how to access the Hubstaff public api via PHP. The core access is
The command line interface for the TransIP API
Tipctl TransIP Control (tipctl) is a tool that connects to the TransIP API from your terminal. It has all available resources implemented from the Tra
🐍 Web application made in PHP with Laravel where you can interact via API with my Snake game which is made in Python
Snake web application Project of the web application where you can interact via API with Snake game which is available to download on it. Application
MVC API that feeds on Throwable instances
STDERR MVC API Table of contents: About Configuration Binding Points Execution Initialization Handling Installation Unit Tests Reference Guide Specifi
This package help you build your REST API documentation.
Laravel API Doc This package help you build your REST API documentation. Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require axeld
PHP client library for the DynamicPDF Cloud API.
PHP Client (php-client) The PHP Client (php-client) project uses the DynamicPDF Cloud API's PHP client library to create, merge, split, form fill, sta
Mosel, a sdk package for BT open APIs This package is still under construction (july 13th 2022). Open Api are described in the Bouygues Telecom Develo
A tool to create php lambda's in AWS via custom runtime api
Getting Started This composer library assists in the creation, configuration, and testing of an AWS Lambda function. It utilizes the AWS Lambda custom
High-performance API performing logging for PHP applications into files or SysLog
Logging API Table of contents: About Configuration Binding Points Logging Installation Unit Tests Reference Guide Specifications How Are Log Lines For
A powerful PHP Router for PSR7 messages inspired by the Laravel API.
Rare Router A simple PHP router built on AltoRouter but inspired by the Laravel API. Installation composer require rareloop/router Usage Creating Rou
The fastest way to make a powerful JSON:API compatible Rest API with Laravel.
The first fully customizable Laravel JSON:API builder. "CRUD" and protect your resources with 0 (zero) extra line of code. Installation You can instal
Laravel package for Mailjet API V3 and Laravel Mailjet Mail Transport
Laravel Mailjet Laravel package for handling Mailjet API v3 using this wrapper: https://github.com/mailjet/mailjet-apiv3-php It also provides a mailje
Open Id Connect Api
flux-open-id-connect-api Open Id Connect Api Installation Native Download RUN (mkdir -p /%path%/libs/flux-open-id-connect-api && cd /%path%/libs/flux-
My aim is to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have.
Gaming-Ninja I aim to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have. https://gamingninja-3399.000webhostapp.c
API client for Yousign · French eSignature solution.
CyrilBochet/YousignApiClient README translation English Client API pour Yousign · solution de signature électronique française. Sommaire Procédure sim
A Restful PHP Microservice Framework!
SLIM 4 FRAMEWORK Introduction This project was built with php SLIM 4 framework with ADR mode, whcich is a compatible resolution of RESTful Api. Featur
Prestashop module for Orange Money web payment in Central Africa
PrestaShop payment module which allow to add African (Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire etc...) Orange Money payment method on our website
API server and modernized control panel for PocketMine servers.
WebConsole API server and modernized control panel for PocketMine servers. The WebConsole plugin provides an HTTP API server that can be extended with
A sample CakePHP api application using CakeDC/cakephp-api and swoole as server
CakePHP Application Skeleton composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app Added sample data using https://github.com/annexare/Countries Created m
Simple Laravel API with Sanctum Authentication.
Laravel API (with sanctum authentication) What is sanctum? Laravel Sanctum provides a featherweight authentication system for SPAs (single page applic
Execute Laravel Artisan commands via REST APIs and HTTP requests safely.
Artisan Api There might be some times you wanted to execute an Artisan command, but you did not have access to shell or SSH. Here we brought REST API
This Validate Class is for those who are looking for a validator that returns a code for every each error (Laravel/Api)
Validator-Class This Validate Class is for those who are looking for a validator that returns a code for every each error (Laravel/Api) Requirements A
GET API Covid-19 Indonesia
About APP Covid-19 GET API Indonesia,dibuat dengan Laravel Framework,silahkan di clone dan di kembangkan sesuka hati. Menampilkan total data positif C
Proyecto Start-Basic sobre Login y crud de usuarios, mediante Api Rest, usando la plantilla AdminLte 3.1 y manejo de roles y permisos con spatie y autenticacion JWT
Proyecto Start-Basic sobre Login y crud de usuarios, mediante Api Rest, usando la plantilla AdminLte 3.1 y manejo de roles y permisos con spatie y autenticacion JWT
Provides an object-oriented API to query in-memory collections in a SQL-style.
POQ - PHP Object Query Install composer require alexandre-daubois/poq 1.0.0-beta2 That's it, ready to go! 🎉 Usage Here is the set of data we're going
Start using Whatsapp Business Cloud API in your app
Use The Most Used Whatsapp's Cloud API Start using Whatsapp Business Cloud API in your app! Support us Investing on this package is defintely a good m