Implementation of Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP v1 API in PHP



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php-fcm-v1 is an PHP implementation of FCM HTTP v1 API

What is different compared to others FCM Libraries?

Most of other libraries are implementation of FCM's Legacy HTTP Server Protocol. It requires a server key from Firebase console (which means you have to copy and paste in your code) (Docs)

HTTP v1 API, in contrast, leverages OAuth2 security model. You need to get an access token (which is valid for about an hour) in order to request sending notification with service account's private key file. Although (See the blog post about HTTP v1 API)


How to use

  • Install the library with composer

    composer require lkaybob/php-fcm-v1

  • Import the library with autoload.php

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    use phpFCMv1\Client;
    use phpFCMv1\Notification;
    use phpFCMv1\Recipient;
  • Create Necessary class instances, Client, Recipient, Notification/Data

    // Client instance should be created with path to service account key file
    $client = new Client('service_account.json');
    $recipient = new Recipient();
    // Either Notification or Data (or both) instance should be created
    $notification = new Notification();
  • Setup each instances with necessary information

    // Recipient could accept individual device token,
    // the name of topic, and conditional statement
    $recipient -> setSingleREcipient('DEVICE_TOKEN');
    // Setup Notificaition title and body
    $notification -> setNotification('NOTIFICATION_TITLE', 'NOTIFICATION_BODY');
    // Build FCM request payload
    $client -> build($recipient, $notification);
  • Fire in the FCM Server!

    $result = $client -> fire();
    // You can check the result
    // If successful, true will be returned
    // If not, error message will be returned
    echo $result;

Further Example

  • Full Simple Example

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    use phpFCMv1\Client;
    use phpFCMv1\Notification;
    use phpFCMv1\Recipient;
    $client = new Client('service_account.json');
    $recipient = new Recipient();
    $notification = new Notification();
    $recipient -> setSingleRecipient('DEVICE_TOKEN');
    $notification -> setNotification('NOTIFICATION_TITILE', 'NOTIFICATION_BODY');
    $client -> build($recipient, $notification);
    $client -> fire();
  • Using with PRIOIRTY option (for both Android & iOS)

    require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
    use phpFCMv1\Client;
    use phpFCMv1\Config;
    use phpFCMv1\Notification;
    use phpFCMv1\Recipient;
    $client = new Client('service_account.json');
    $recipient = new Recipient();
    $notification = new Notification();
    $config = new Config();
    $recipient -> setSingleRecipient('DEVICE_TOKEN');
    $notification -> setNotification('NOTIFICATION_TITLE', 'NOTIFICATION_BODY');
    $config -> setPriority(Config::PRIORITY_HIGH);
    $client -> build($recipient, $notification, null, $config);
    $result = $client -> fire();
  • For independent platform (either Android or iOS)

    // Option Instance for Android
    // Use phpFCMv1\AndroidConfig Class
    $androidConfig = new Config\AndroidConfig();
    $androidConfig -> setPriority(Config\AndroidConfig::PRIORITY_HIGH);
    $client -> build($recipient, $notification, null, $androidConfig);
    // Option Instance for iOS (which is APNs header)
    // Use phpFCMv1\APNsCOnfig Class
    $apnsConfig = new APNsConfig();
    $apnsConfig -> setPriority(APNsConfig::PRIORITY_HIGH);
    $client -> build($recipient, $notification, null, $apnsConfig);

Future Works

  • Implement simultaneous send (Currently supports single recipient or topic one at a time)
  • Setup Read the Docs
  • Add CI Test
  • Add CodeCov Badge
  • add parameter to pass data array in the payload

    add parameter to pass data array in the payload

    add the possibility to add the data array to the payload as explained in the official documentation

    opened by rich1990 1
  • Add PHP@5.6 Support

    Add PHP@5.6 Support

    • Removed class constant visibility syntax, which is availaible form PHP@7.1. See the link
    • Updated composer.json & .travis.yml. Deleted composer.lock
    opened by lkaybob 1
  • Reconfigure test environment variables

    Reconfigure test environment variables

    Impacted by Codecov security issue

    • [x] Turn off Travis CI daily cron job
    • [x] Revoke Travis CI's environment variables
    • [x] Revoke existing test credential for FCM (on Google cloud) & create new test credential
    • [ ] (TBA) Extra actions recommended by Codecov
      • [ ] Add checksum validation (Checksum can be found here)
    • [ ] Put daily cron job back


    opened by lkaybob 0
  • Setup Read the Docs

    Setup Read the Docs

    For better usage, two things could be useful.

    • [ ] Read the Docs on the package ~- [ ] Add examples on Laravel (IF it is possible)~
      • ~Maybe with queue?~
    opened by lkaybob 0
  • Implement manual configuration without JSON file

    Implement manual configuration without JSON file

    There might be a need not to hold JSON file as it is. Some users could holde credential information in a secret (For example, Vault by HashiCorp)

    Spliting credentials configuration would be able to adapt those cases.

    opened by lkaybob 0
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