API Client library for PHP



ChronoSheets is a flexible timesheet solution for small to medium businesses, it is free for small teams of up to 3 and there are iOS and Android apps available. Use the ChronoSheets API to create your own custom integrations. Before starting, sign up for a ChronoSheets account at http://tsheets.xyz/signup.

Installation & Usage


PHP 7.2 and later.


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "https://github.com/lachlanwp/ChronoSheets-PHP-Client.git"
  "require": {
    "lachlanwp/ChronoSheets-PHP-Client": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:


Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: x-chronosheets-auth
$config = ChronoSheetsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('x-chronosheets-auth', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = ChronoSheetsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('x-chronosheets-auth', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new ChronoSheetsClient\Api\AggregateClientProjectsApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->aggregateClientProjectsGetAggregateClientProjectsGet();
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling AggregateClientProjectsApi->aggregateClientProjectsGetAggregateClientProjectsGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://api.chronosheets.com

Class Method HTTP request Description
AggregateClientProjectsApi aggregateClientProjectsGetAggregateClientProjectsGet GET /AggregateClientProjects/GetAggregateClientProjects Get client and project information, aggregated. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permissions.
AggregateJobTasksApi aggregateJobTasksGetAggregateJobTasksGet GET /AggregateJobTasks/GetAggregateJobTasks Get jobs and tasks information, aggregated. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
ClientsApi clientsCreateClientPost POST /Clients/CreateClient Create a client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission.
ClientsApi clientsGetClientGet GET /Clients/GetClient Get a particular client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
ClientsApi clientsGetClientsGet GET /Clients/GetClients Get a collection of clients that are under your organisation. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
ClientsApi clientsUpdateClientPut PUT /Clients/UpdateClient Update a client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission.
FileAttachmentsApi fileAttachmentsDeleteTimesheetFileAttachmentDelete DELETE /FileAttachments/DeleteTimesheetFileAttachment Delete a particular timesheet file attachment Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
FileAttachmentsApi fileAttachmentsGetFileAttachmentByIdGet GET /FileAttachments/GetFileAttachmentById Get a particular file attachment by ID. User must own the file attachment for access.
FileAttachmentsApi fileAttachmentsGetMyFileAttachmentsGet GET /FileAttachments/GetMyFileAttachments Get my file attachments. Get files you've attached to timesheets.
FleetApi fleetCreateVehiclePost POST /Fleet/CreateVehicle Create a vehicle. Requires the 'ManageFleet' permission.
FleetApi fleetDeleteVehicleDelete DELETE /Fleet/DeleteVehicle Delete a vehicle from the fleet. Requires the 'ManageFleet' permission.
FleetApi fleetGetVehicleByIdGet GET /Fleet/GetVehicleById Get a particular vehicle. Does not require any special permission.
FleetApi fleetGetVehiclesGet GET /Fleet/GetVehicles Get a collection of vehicles that are under your organisation. Does not require any special permission.
FleetApi fleetUpdateVehiclePut PUT /Fleet/UpdateVehicle Update a vehicle. Requires the 'ManageFleet' permission.
GeoFencingApi geoFencingCreateGeofencePost POST /GeoFencing/CreateGeofence Create a geofencing with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission.
GeoFencingApi geoFencingDeleteGeofenceDelete DELETE /GeoFencing/DeleteGeofence Deletes a geofence. Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission.
GeoFencingApi geoFencingGetGeofenceByIdGet GET /GeoFencing/GetGeofenceById Get a geofence by ID Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
GeoFencingApi geoFencingGetGeofencesBasicInfoGet GET /GeoFencing/GetGeofencesBasicInfo Gets a list of all geofences in your organisation, including just the name and ID.
GeoFencingApi geoFencingGetGeofencesGet GET /GeoFencing/GetGeofences Get geofences belonging to your organisation Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
GeoFencingApi geoFencingUpdateGeofencePut PUT /GeoFencing/UpdateGeofence Updates a geofencing with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission.
JobCodesApi jobCodesCreateJobCodePost POST /JobCodes/CreateJobCode Create a job code. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission.
JobCodesApi jobCodesDeleteJobCodeDelete DELETE /JobCodes/DeleteJobCode Delete a job code. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission.
JobCodesApi jobCodesGetJobCodeByIdGet GET /JobCodes/GetJobCodeById Get a particular job code by job code id. Requires 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTasks' permissions.
JobCodesApi jobCodesGetJobCodesGet GET /JobCodes/GetJobCodes Get job codes for your organisation. Requires 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTasks' permissions.
JobCodesApi jobCodesUpdateJobCodePut PUT /JobCodes/UpdateJobCode Update a job code. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission.
NFCCodesApi nFCCodesCreateNFCCodePost POST /NFCCodes/CreateNFCCode Create a NFC codes with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission.
NFCCodesApi nFCCodesDeleteNFCCodeDelete DELETE /NFCCodes/DeleteNFCCode Deletes a NFC code. Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission.
NFCCodesApi nFCCodesGetNFCCodeByIdGet GET /NFCCodes/GetNFCCodeById Get a NFC code by ID Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
NFCCodesApi nFCCodesGetNFCCodesBasicInfoGet GET /NFCCodes/GetNFCCodesBasicInfo Gets a list of all NFC codes in your organisation, including just the name and ID.
NFCCodesApi nFCCodesGetNFCCodesGet GET /NFCCodes/GetNFCCodes Get NFC codes belonging to your organisation Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
NFCCodesApi nFCCodesUpdateNFCCodePut PUT /NFCCodes/UpdateNFCCode Updates a NFC code with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission.
OrganisationApi organisationGetOrganisationGet GET /Organisation/GetOrganisation Get your organisation. Requires 'OrganisationAdmin' permission.
OrganisationApi organisationUpdateOrganisationPut PUT /Organisation/UpdateOrganisation Update an organisation. Requires 'OrganisationAdmin' permission.
OrganisationGroupUsersApi organisationGroupUsersGetOrganisationGroupUsersGet GET /OrganisationGroupUsers/GetOrganisationGroupUsers Get a collection of organisation group users that belong to an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions.
OrganisationGroupUsersApi organisationGroupUsersUpdateOrganisationGroupUsersPut PUT /OrganisationGroupUsers/UpdateOrganisationGroupUsers Set the users who belong to an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions.
OrganisationGroupsApi organisationGroupsCreateOrganisationGroupPost POST /OrganisationGroups/CreateOrganisationGroup Create an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions.
OrganisationGroupsApi organisationGroupsDeleteOrganisationGroupDelete DELETE /OrganisationGroups/DeleteOrganisationGroup
OrganisationGroupsApi organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupGet GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroup Get a particular organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageJobsAndTask', 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions.
OrganisationGroupsApi organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupsForJobGet GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroupsForJob Get org groups for a particular job. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageJobsAndTask', 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions.
OrganisationGroupsApi organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupsForVehicleGet GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroupsForVehicle Get org groups for a particular vehicle. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageFleet' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions.
OrganisationGroupsApi organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupsGet GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroups Get a collection of organisation groups that are under your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageJobsAndTask', 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions.
OrganisationGroupsApi organisationGroupsUpdateOrganisationGroupPut PUT /OrganisationGroups/UpdateOrganisationGroup Update an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions.
ProjectsApi projectsCreateProjectPost POST /Projects/CreateProject Create a project. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission.
ProjectsApi projectsGetProjectByIdGet GET /Projects/GetProjectById Get a project by its Id. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
ProjectsApi projectsGetProjectsForClientGet GET /Projects/GetProjectsForClient Get projects for a particular client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
ProjectsApi projectsUpdateProjectPut PUT /Projects/UpdateProject Update a project. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission.
QRCodesApi qRCodesCreateQRCodePost POST /QRCodes/CreateQRCode Create a QR codes with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission.
QRCodesApi qRCodesDeleteQRCodeDelete DELETE /QRCodes/DeleteQRCode Deletes a QR code. Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission.
QRCodesApi qRCodesGetQRCodeByIdGet GET /QRCodes/GetQRCodeById Get a QR code by ID Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
QRCodesApi qRCodesGetQRCodesBasicInfoGet GET /QRCodes/GetQRCodesBasicInfo Gets a list of all QR codes in your organisation, including just the name and ID.
QRCodesApi qRCodesGetQRCodesGet GET /QRCodes/GetQRCodes Get QR codes belonging to your organisation Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
QRCodesApi qRCodesUpdateQRCodePut PUT /QRCodes/UpdateQRCode Updates a QR code with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetAllChartsDataAdminGet GET /Reports/GetAllChartsDataAdmin Get Consolidated Admin Reports Data (Jobs, Tasks, Clients and Projects). These are the organisation wide reports, with data from potentially all employees. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetAllChartsDataUserGet GET /Reports/GetAllChartsDataUser Get Consolidated User Reports Data (Jobs, Tasks, Clients and Projects). These are the user's own reports. Requires the 'ViewOwnReports' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetFleetSummaryAdminGet GET /Reports/GetFleetSummaryAdmin Gets a summary report, which includes total distance travelled and total running costs, for vehicles within your organisation Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetOrgTripByIdGet GET /Reports/GetOrgTripById Get trip by Id, for reporting purposes. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetOrganisationTimesheetFileAttachmentsGet GET /Reports/GetOrganisationTimesheetFileAttachments Reports on Organisation timesheet file attachments (files uploaded and attached to timesheet records) Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetOrganisationTranscriptsGet GET /Reports/GetOrganisationTranscripts Reports on Organisation transcripts (When an audio file is attached, it will be automatically transcribed, these are the transcriptions) Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetOrganisationTripsGet GET /Reports/GetOrganisationTrips Reports on Organisation trips (GPS tracking from whole organisation). Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsGetRawDataAdminGet GET /Reports/GetRawDataAdmin Get Timesheets Raw Data. This data details each timesheet record. These are the organisation wide timesheet records, with data from potentially all employees. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsProjectCostingsAdminGet GET /Reports/ProjectCostingsAdmin Gets project cost estimations VS actual cost for date range and users. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission.
ReportsApi reportsUserJobsOverTimeGet GET /Reports/UserJobsOverTime Timeseries jobs data for the logged in user. Requires the 'ViewOwnReports' or 'SubmitTimesheets'.
TasksApi tasksCreateTaskPost POST /Tasks/CreateTask Create a task. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission.
TasksApi tasksDeleteTaskDelete DELETE /Tasks/DeleteTask Delete a task. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission.
TasksApi tasksGetTaskByIdGet GET /Tasks/GetTaskById Get a particular task by Id. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
TasksApi tasksGetTasksForJobGet GET /Tasks/GetTasksForJob Get a collection of tasks for a particular Job, specified by JobId. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
TasksApi tasksGetTasksGet GET /Tasks/GetTasks Get tasks in your organisation. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions.
TasksApi tasksUpdateTaskPut PUT /Tasks/UpdateTask Update a task. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission.
TimesheetAutomationApi timesheetAutomationCreateAutomationStepPost POST /TimesheetAutomation/CreateAutomationStep Creates an automation step. Timesheet automation is determined by looking at steps taken by the user. Create a step to log some automation action, such as entering a geofence, scanning a QR Code or tapping on an NFC badge. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
TimesheetAutomationApi timesheetAutomationGetTimesheetAutomationGeofenceAuditTrailGet GET /TimesheetAutomation/GetTimesheetAutomationGeofenceAuditTrail Retrieve the timesheet automation / alerts for geofences activities Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission.
TimesheetAutomationApi timesheetAutomationGetTimesheetAutomationNFCTagAuditTrailGet GET /TimesheetAutomation/GetTimesheetAutomationNFCTagAuditTrail Retrieve the timesheet automation / alerts for NFC tag activities Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission.
TimesheetAutomationApi timesheetAutomationGetTimesheetAutomationQRCodeAuditTrailGet GET /TimesheetAutomation/GetTimesheetAutomationQRCodeAuditTrail Retrieve the timesheet automation / alerts for QR Code activities Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission.
TimesheetsApi timesheetsCreateSingleTimesheetPost POST /Timesheets/CreateSingleTimesheet Inserts a single timesheet record. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
TimesheetsApi timesheetsDeleteTimesheetDelete DELETE /Timesheets/DeleteTimesheet Delete a timesheet. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
TimesheetsApi timesheetsGetTimesheetsGet GET /Timesheets/GetTimesheets Get timesheets between start and end dates. Note: the date range cannot exceed 24 hours. This method is generally used to get timesheets for a particular day. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
TimesheetsApi timesheetsUpdateTimesheetsPut PUT /Timesheets/UpdateTimesheets Batch update timesheets. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
TranscriptsApi transcriptsGetMyTranscriptGet GET /Transcripts/GetMyTranscript Get an audio to text transcript for a particular audio file attachment
TranscriptsApi transcriptsGetMyTranscriptsGet GET /Transcripts/GetMyTranscripts Get my file transcripts. Get audio to text transcripts that you've created.
TripsApi tripsCreateTripPost POST /Trips/CreateTrip Create a new trip. Important: create a timesheet record before calling this, passing in the new timesheet record id as a reference. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
TripsApi tripsGetMyTripByIdGet GET /Trips/GetMyTripById Get trip by Id. Requires the 'ViewMyTrips' permission.
TripsApi tripsGetMyTripsGet GET /Trips/GetMyTrips Get my trips. Get the GPS trips you've recorded and submitted. Requires the 'ViewMyTrips' permission.
UserJobFavouritesApi userJobFavouritesCreateJobFavouritePost POST /UserJobFavourites/CreateJobFavourite Create a job favourite. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
UserJobFavouritesApi userJobFavouritesDeleteJobFavouriteDelete DELETE /UserJobFavourites/DeleteJobFavourite Delete a job favourite. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
UserJobFavouritesApi userJobFavouritesGetJobFavouritesGet GET /UserJobFavourites/GetJobFavourites Get your job favourites. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission.
UserPayRatesApi userPayRatesCreatePayRatePost POST /UserPayRates/CreatePayRate Create a new pay rate for a particular user, archiving the previous pay rate. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission.
UserPayRatesApi userPayRatesGetPayRatesGet GET /UserPayRates/GetPayRates Get a collection of pay rates for a particular user, specified by user id. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission.
UserProfileApi userProfileDoLoginPut PUT /UserProfile/DoLogin Login to your ChronoSheets account and obtain an Auth Token which you can use for other ChronoSheets API methods. Does not require any special permissions.
UserProfileApi userProfileDoLogoutDelete DELETE /UserProfile/DoLogout Logout of your ChronoSheets account. This method ends and deletes your active session. Does not require any special permissions.
UserProfileApi userProfileGetMyProfileGet GET /UserProfile/GetMyProfile Get your own profile. Use this method to obtain detailed information about your ChronoSheets user profile. Does not require any special permissions.
UserProfileApi userProfileKeepSessionAliveGet GET /UserProfile/KeepSessionAlive Keep a session alive. Use this method to keep a session active. You could use this to 'ping' ChronoSheets every 'x' minutes to make sure your Auth Token will keep working. Does not require any special permissions.
UserProfileApi userProfileUpdateMyProfilePut PUT /UserProfile/UpdateMyProfile Update your own profile. Use this method to update your profile information or update/change your password. Does not require any special permissions.
UsersApi usersCreateTimesheetUserPost POST /Users/CreateTimesheetUser Create a user account in your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission.
UsersApi usersGetTimesheetUserGet GET /Users/GetTimesheetUser Get a particular user in your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' or 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions.
UsersApi usersGetTimesheetUsersGet GET /Users/GetTimesheetUsers Get users accounts in your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' or 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions.
UsersApi usersUpdateTimesheetUserPut PUT /Users/UpdateTimesheetUser Update a user account. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission.
UsualHoursApi usualHoursGetUsualHoursGet GET /UsualHours/GetUsualHours Get usual hours (rostered hours) for an employee. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission.
UsualHoursApi usualHoursSetUsualHoursPut PUT /UsualHours/SetUsualHours Set usual hours (rostered hours) for an employee. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission.




  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-chronosheets-auth
  • Location: HTTP header


To run the tests, use:

composer install


[email protected]

About this package

This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:

  • API version: v1
    • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PhpClientCodegen
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