ChronoSheets is a flexible timesheet solution for small to medium businesses, it is free for small teams of up to 3 and there are iOS and Android apps available. Use the ChronoSheets API to create your own custom integrations. Before starting, sign up for a ChronoSheets account at
Installation & Usage
PHP 7.2 and later.
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"lachlanwp/ChronoSheets-PHP-Client": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Manual Installation
Download the files and include autoload.php
Getting Started
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: x-chronosheets-auth
$config = ChronoSheetsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('x-chronosheets-auth', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = ChronoSheetsClient\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('x-chronosheets-auth', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new ChronoSheetsClient\Api\AggregateClientProjectsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
try {
$result = $apiInstance->aggregateClientProjectsGetAggregateClientProjectsGet();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling AggregateClientProjectsApi->aggregateClientProjectsGetAggregateClientProjectsGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AggregateClientProjectsApi | aggregateClientProjectsGetAggregateClientProjectsGet | GET /AggregateClientProjects/GetAggregateClientProjects | Get client and project information, aggregated. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permissions. |
AggregateJobTasksApi | aggregateJobTasksGetAggregateJobTasksGet | GET /AggregateJobTasks/GetAggregateJobTasks | Get jobs and tasks information, aggregated. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
ClientsApi | clientsCreateClientPost | POST /Clients/CreateClient | Create a client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission. |
ClientsApi | clientsGetClientGet | GET /Clients/GetClient | Get a particular client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
ClientsApi | clientsGetClientsGet | GET /Clients/GetClients | Get a collection of clients that are under your organisation. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
ClientsApi | clientsUpdateClientPut | PUT /Clients/UpdateClient | Update a client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission. |
FileAttachmentsApi | fileAttachmentsDeleteTimesheetFileAttachmentDelete | DELETE /FileAttachments/DeleteTimesheetFileAttachment | Delete a particular timesheet file attachment Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
FileAttachmentsApi | fileAttachmentsGetFileAttachmentByIdGet | GET /FileAttachments/GetFileAttachmentById | Get a particular file attachment by ID. User must own the file attachment for access. |
FileAttachmentsApi | fileAttachmentsGetMyFileAttachmentsGet | GET /FileAttachments/GetMyFileAttachments | Get my file attachments. Get files you've attached to timesheets. |
FleetApi | fleetCreateVehiclePost | POST /Fleet/CreateVehicle | Create a vehicle. Requires the 'ManageFleet' permission. |
FleetApi | fleetDeleteVehicleDelete | DELETE /Fleet/DeleteVehicle | Delete a vehicle from the fleet. Requires the 'ManageFleet' permission. |
FleetApi | fleetGetVehicleByIdGet | GET /Fleet/GetVehicleById | Get a particular vehicle. Does not require any special permission. |
FleetApi | fleetGetVehiclesGet | GET /Fleet/GetVehicles | Get a collection of vehicles that are under your organisation. Does not require any special permission. |
FleetApi | fleetUpdateVehiclePut | PUT /Fleet/UpdateVehicle | Update a vehicle. Requires the 'ManageFleet' permission. |
GeoFencingApi | geoFencingCreateGeofencePost | POST /GeoFencing/CreateGeofence | Create a geofencing with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission. |
GeoFencingApi | geoFencingDeleteGeofenceDelete | DELETE /GeoFencing/DeleteGeofence | Deletes a geofence. Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission. |
GeoFencingApi | geoFencingGetGeofenceByIdGet | GET /GeoFencing/GetGeofenceById | Get a geofence by ID Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
GeoFencingApi | geoFencingGetGeofencesBasicInfoGet | GET /GeoFencing/GetGeofencesBasicInfo | Gets a list of all geofences in your organisation, including just the name and ID. |
GeoFencingApi | geoFencingGetGeofencesGet | GET /GeoFencing/GetGeofences | Get geofences belonging to your organisation Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
GeoFencingApi | geoFencingUpdateGeofencePut | PUT /GeoFencing/UpdateGeofence | Updates a geofencing with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission. |
JobCodesApi | jobCodesCreateJobCodePost | POST /JobCodes/CreateJobCode | Create a job code. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission. |
JobCodesApi | jobCodesDeleteJobCodeDelete | DELETE /JobCodes/DeleteJobCode | Delete a job code. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission. |
JobCodesApi | jobCodesGetJobCodeByIdGet | GET /JobCodes/GetJobCodeById | Get a particular job code by job code id. Requires 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTasks' permissions. |
JobCodesApi | jobCodesGetJobCodesGet | GET /JobCodes/GetJobCodes | Get job codes for your organisation. Requires 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTasks' permissions. |
JobCodesApi | jobCodesUpdateJobCodePut | PUT /JobCodes/UpdateJobCode | Update a job code. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission. |
NFCCodesApi | nFCCodesCreateNFCCodePost | POST /NFCCodes/CreateNFCCode | Create a NFC codes with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission. |
NFCCodesApi | nFCCodesDeleteNFCCodeDelete | DELETE /NFCCodes/DeleteNFCCode | Deletes a NFC code. Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission. |
NFCCodesApi | nFCCodesGetNFCCodeByIdGet | GET /NFCCodes/GetNFCCodeById | Get a NFC code by ID Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
NFCCodesApi | nFCCodesGetNFCCodesBasicInfoGet | GET /NFCCodes/GetNFCCodesBasicInfo | Gets a list of all NFC codes in your organisation, including just the name and ID. |
NFCCodesApi | nFCCodesGetNFCCodesGet | GET /NFCCodes/GetNFCCodes | Get NFC codes belonging to your organisation Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
NFCCodesApi | nFCCodesUpdateNFCCodePut | PUT /NFCCodes/UpdateNFCCode | Updates a NFC code with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission. |
OrganisationApi | organisationGetOrganisationGet | GET /Organisation/GetOrganisation | Get your organisation. Requires 'OrganisationAdmin' permission. |
OrganisationApi | organisationUpdateOrganisationPut | PUT /Organisation/UpdateOrganisation | Update an organisation. Requires 'OrganisationAdmin' permission. |
OrganisationGroupUsersApi | organisationGroupUsersGetOrganisationGroupUsersGet | GET /OrganisationGroupUsers/GetOrganisationGroupUsers | Get a collection of organisation group users that belong to an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions. |
OrganisationGroupUsersApi | organisationGroupUsersUpdateOrganisationGroupUsersPut | PUT /OrganisationGroupUsers/UpdateOrganisationGroupUsers | Set the users who belong to an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions. |
OrganisationGroupsApi | organisationGroupsCreateOrganisationGroupPost | POST /OrganisationGroups/CreateOrganisationGroup | Create an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions. |
OrganisationGroupsApi | organisationGroupsDeleteOrganisationGroupDelete | DELETE /OrganisationGroups/DeleteOrganisationGroup | |
OrganisationGroupsApi | organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupGet | GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroup | Get a particular organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageJobsAndTask', 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions. |
OrganisationGroupsApi | organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupsForJobGet | GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroupsForJob | Get org groups for a particular job. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageJobsAndTask', 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions. |
OrganisationGroupsApi | organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupsForVehicleGet | GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroupsForVehicle | Get org groups for a particular vehicle. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageFleet' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions. |
OrganisationGroupsApi | organisationGroupsGetOrganisationGroupsGet | GET /OrganisationGroups/GetOrganisationGroups | Get a collection of organisation groups that are under your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups', 'ManageJobsAndTask', 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permissions. |
OrganisationGroupsApi | organisationGroupsUpdateOrganisationGroupPut | PUT /OrganisationGroups/UpdateOrganisationGroup | Update an organisation group. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions. |
ProjectsApi | projectsCreateProjectPost | POST /Projects/CreateProject | Create a project. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission. |
ProjectsApi | projectsGetProjectByIdGet | GET /Projects/GetProjectById | Get a project by its Id. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
ProjectsApi | projectsGetProjectsForClientGet | GET /Projects/GetProjectsForClient | Get projects for a particular client. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
ProjectsApi | projectsUpdateProjectPut | PUT /Projects/UpdateProject | Update a project. Requires the 'ManageClientsAndProjects' permission. |
QRCodesApi | qRCodesCreateQRCodePost | POST /QRCodes/CreateQRCode | Create a QR codes with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission. |
QRCodesApi | qRCodesDeleteQRCodeDelete | DELETE /QRCodes/DeleteQRCode | Deletes a QR code. Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission. |
QRCodesApi | qRCodesGetQRCodeByIdGet | GET /QRCodes/GetQRCodeById | Get a QR code by ID Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
QRCodesApi | qRCodesGetQRCodesBasicInfoGet | GET /QRCodes/GetQRCodesBasicInfo | Gets a list of all QR codes in your organisation, including just the name and ID. |
QRCodesApi | qRCodesGetQRCodesGet | GET /QRCodes/GetQRCodes | Get QR codes belonging to your organisation Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
QRCodesApi | qRCodesUpdateQRCodePut | PUT /QRCodes/UpdateQRCode | Updates a QR code with rules to be used for clock on/off automation. Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetAllChartsDataAdminGet | GET /Reports/GetAllChartsDataAdmin | Get Consolidated Admin Reports Data (Jobs, Tasks, Clients and Projects). These are the organisation wide reports, with data from potentially all employees. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetAllChartsDataUserGet | GET /Reports/GetAllChartsDataUser | Get Consolidated User Reports Data (Jobs, Tasks, Clients and Projects). These are the user's own reports. Requires the 'ViewOwnReports' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetFleetSummaryAdminGet | GET /Reports/GetFleetSummaryAdmin | Gets a summary report, which includes total distance travelled and total running costs, for vehicles within your organisation Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetOrgTripByIdGet | GET /Reports/GetOrgTripById | Get trip by Id, for reporting purposes. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetOrganisationTimesheetFileAttachmentsGet | GET /Reports/GetOrganisationTimesheetFileAttachments | Reports on Organisation timesheet file attachments (files uploaded and attached to timesheet records) Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetOrganisationTranscriptsGet | GET /Reports/GetOrganisationTranscripts | Reports on Organisation transcripts (When an audio file is attached, it will be automatically transcribed, these are the transcriptions) Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetOrganisationTripsGet | GET /Reports/GetOrganisationTrips | Reports on Organisation trips (GPS tracking from whole organisation). Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsGetRawDataAdminGet | GET /Reports/GetRawDataAdmin | Get Timesheets Raw Data. This data details each timesheet record. These are the organisation wide timesheet records, with data from potentially all employees. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsProjectCostingsAdminGet | GET /Reports/ProjectCostingsAdmin | Gets project cost estimations VS actual cost for date range and users. Requires the 'ReportAdmin' permission. |
ReportsApi | reportsUserJobsOverTimeGet | GET /Reports/UserJobsOverTime | Timeseries jobs data for the logged in user. Requires the 'ViewOwnReports' or 'SubmitTimesheets'. |
TasksApi | tasksCreateTaskPost | POST /Tasks/CreateTask | Create a task. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission. |
TasksApi | tasksDeleteTaskDelete | DELETE /Tasks/DeleteTask | Delete a task. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission. |
TasksApi | tasksGetTaskByIdGet | GET /Tasks/GetTaskById | Get a particular task by Id. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
TasksApi | tasksGetTasksForJobGet | GET /Tasks/GetTasksForJob | Get a collection of tasks for a particular Job, specified by JobId. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
TasksApi | tasksGetTasksGet | GET /Tasks/GetTasks | Get tasks in your organisation. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' or 'ManageJobsAndTask' permissions. |
TasksApi | tasksUpdateTaskPut | PUT /Tasks/UpdateTask | Update a task. Requires the 'ManageJobsAndTask' permission. |
TimesheetAutomationApi | timesheetAutomationCreateAutomationStepPost | POST /TimesheetAutomation/CreateAutomationStep | Creates an automation step. Timesheet automation is determined by looking at steps taken by the user. Create a step to log some automation action, such as entering a geofence, scanning a QR Code or tapping on an NFC badge. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
TimesheetAutomationApi | timesheetAutomationGetTimesheetAutomationGeofenceAuditTrailGet | GET /TimesheetAutomation/GetTimesheetAutomationGeofenceAuditTrail | Retrieve the timesheet automation / alerts for geofences activities Requires the 'ManageGeofencing' permission. |
TimesheetAutomationApi | timesheetAutomationGetTimesheetAutomationNFCTagAuditTrailGet | GET /TimesheetAutomation/GetTimesheetAutomationNFCTagAuditTrail | Retrieve the timesheet automation / alerts for NFC tag activities Requires the 'ManageNFCCodes' permission. |
TimesheetAutomationApi | timesheetAutomationGetTimesheetAutomationQRCodeAuditTrailGet | GET /TimesheetAutomation/GetTimesheetAutomationQRCodeAuditTrail | Retrieve the timesheet automation / alerts for QR Code activities Requires the 'ManageQRCodes' permission. |
TimesheetsApi | timesheetsCreateSingleTimesheetPost | POST /Timesheets/CreateSingleTimesheet | Inserts a single timesheet record. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
TimesheetsApi | timesheetsDeleteTimesheetDelete | DELETE /Timesheets/DeleteTimesheet | Delete a timesheet. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
TimesheetsApi | timesheetsGetTimesheetsGet | GET /Timesheets/GetTimesheets | Get timesheets between start and end dates. Note: the date range cannot exceed 24 hours. This method is generally used to get timesheets for a particular day. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
TimesheetsApi | timesheetsUpdateTimesheetsPut | PUT /Timesheets/UpdateTimesheets | Batch update timesheets. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
TranscriptsApi | transcriptsGetMyTranscriptGet | GET /Transcripts/GetMyTranscript | Get an audio to text transcript for a particular audio file attachment |
TranscriptsApi | transcriptsGetMyTranscriptsGet | GET /Transcripts/GetMyTranscripts | Get my file transcripts. Get audio to text transcripts that you've created. |
TripsApi | tripsCreateTripPost | POST /Trips/CreateTrip | Create a new trip. Important: create a timesheet record before calling this, passing in the new timesheet record id as a reference. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
TripsApi | tripsGetMyTripByIdGet | GET /Trips/GetMyTripById | Get trip by Id. Requires the 'ViewMyTrips' permission. |
TripsApi | tripsGetMyTripsGet | GET /Trips/GetMyTrips | Get my trips. Get the GPS trips you've recorded and submitted. Requires the 'ViewMyTrips' permission. |
UserJobFavouritesApi | userJobFavouritesCreateJobFavouritePost | POST /UserJobFavourites/CreateJobFavourite | Create a job favourite. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
UserJobFavouritesApi | userJobFavouritesDeleteJobFavouriteDelete | DELETE /UserJobFavourites/DeleteJobFavourite | Delete a job favourite. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
UserJobFavouritesApi | userJobFavouritesGetJobFavouritesGet | GET /UserJobFavourites/GetJobFavourites | Get your job favourites. Requires the 'SubmitTimesheets' permission. |
UserPayRatesApi | userPayRatesCreatePayRatePost | POST /UserPayRates/CreatePayRate | Create a new pay rate for a particular user, archiving the previous pay rate. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission. |
UserPayRatesApi | userPayRatesGetPayRatesGet | GET /UserPayRates/GetPayRates | Get a collection of pay rates for a particular user, specified by user id. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission. |
UserProfileApi | userProfileDoLoginPut | PUT /UserProfile/DoLogin | Login to your ChronoSheets account and obtain an Auth Token which you can use for other ChronoSheets API methods. Does not require any special permissions. |
UserProfileApi | userProfileDoLogoutDelete | DELETE /UserProfile/DoLogout | Logout of your ChronoSheets account. This method ends and deletes your active session. Does not require any special permissions. |
UserProfileApi | userProfileGetMyProfileGet | GET /UserProfile/GetMyProfile | Get your own profile. Use this method to obtain detailed information about your ChronoSheets user profile. Does not require any special permissions. |
UserProfileApi | userProfileKeepSessionAliveGet | GET /UserProfile/KeepSessionAlive | Keep a session alive. Use this method to keep a session active. You could use this to 'ping' ChronoSheets every 'x' minutes to make sure your Auth Token will keep working. Does not require any special permissions. |
UserProfileApi | userProfileUpdateMyProfilePut | PUT /UserProfile/UpdateMyProfile | Update your own profile. Use this method to update your profile information or update/change your password. Does not require any special permissions. |
UsersApi | usersCreateTimesheetUserPost | POST /Users/CreateTimesheetUser | Create a user account in your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission. |
UsersApi | usersGetTimesheetUserGet | GET /Users/GetTimesheetUser | Get a particular user in your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' or 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions. |
UsersApi | usersGetTimesheetUsersGet | GET /Users/GetTimesheetUsers | Get users accounts in your organisation. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' or 'ManageOrganisationGroups' permissions. |
UsersApi | usersUpdateTimesheetUserPut | PUT /Users/UpdateTimesheetUser | Update a user account. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission. |
UsualHoursApi | usualHoursGetUsualHoursGet | GET /UsualHours/GetUsualHours | Get usual hours (rostered hours) for an employee. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission. |
UsualHoursApi | usualHoursSetUsualHoursPut | PUT /UsualHours/SetUsualHours | Set usual hours (rostered hours) for an employee. Requires the 'ManageOrganisationUsers' permission. |
- AggregateClient
- AggregateClientListApiResponse
- AggregateJobCode
- AggregateJobCodeListApiResponse
- AggregateJobTask
- AggregateProject
- ApiResponseCode
- AudioMediaTypes
- AutomationAuditDataSortColumns
- BasicCoordinate
- BasicGeofence
- BasicGeofenceListApiResponseForPaginated
- BasicNFCCode
- BasicNFCCodeListApiResponseForPaginated
- BasicQRCode
- BasicQRCodeListApiResponseForPaginated
- BatchUpdateTimesheetRequest
- BooleanApiResponse
- Client
- ClientApiResponse
- ClientListApiResponse
- ClientSeriesReportItem
- ClientSideUser
- ClientTotalsReportItem
- CombinedReportsData
- CombinedReportsDataApiResponse
- CreateAutomationStepRequest
- CreateGeoFenceRequest
- CreateNFCCodeRequest
- CreateQRCodeRequest
- CreateTripRequest
- DoLoginRequest
- DoLoginResponse
- DoLoginResponseApiResponse
- ExtendedGeofence
- ExtendedGeofenceListApiResponseForPaginated
- ExtendedNFCCode
- ExtendedNFCCodeListApiResponseForPaginated
- ExtendedQRCode
- ExtendedQRCodeListApiResponseForPaginated
- FileAttachmentTypes
- FleetSummaryReportItem
- FleetSummaryReportItemListApiResponse
- FleetVehicle
- FleetVehicleApiResponse
- FleetVehicleListApiResponse
- ForcedReportFromAllReports
- Geofence
- GeofenceApiResponse
- InsertClientRequest
- InsertJobCodeRequest
- InsertOrganisationGroupRequest
- InsertProjectRequest
- InsertTaskRequest
- InsertUserHourlyRateRequest
- InsertUserJobFavouriteRequest
- InsertUserRequest
- InsertUserResponse
- InsertUserResponseApiResponse
- InsertVehicleRequest
- Int32ApiResponse
- Int32ListApiResponse
- JobCode
- JobCodeApiResponse
- JobCodeListApiResponse
- JobSeriesReportItem
- JobSeriesReportItemListApiResponse
- JobTotalsReportItem
- MobilePlatforms
- NFCCode
- NFCCodeApiResponse
- OrgReportTimesheetFileAttachment
- OrgReportTimesheetFileAttachmentListApiResponseForPaginated
- OrgReportTranscript
- OrgReportTranscriptListApiResponseForPaginated
- OrgReportTrip
- OrgReportTripListApiResponseForPaginated
- Organisation
- OrganisationApiResponse
- OrganisationGroup
- OrganisationGroupApiResponse
- OrganisationGroupListApiResponse
- OrganisationPricingPlan
- Project
- ProjectApiResponse
- ProjectCostingReportItem
- ProjectCostingReportItemListApiResponse
- ProjectListApiResponse
- ProjectSeriesReportItem
- ProjectTotalsReportItem
- QRCode
- QRCodeApiResponse
- RawDataSortColumns
- RawReportItem
- RawReportItemListApiResponseForPaginated
- SaveClientRequest
- SaveOrganisationGroupRequest
- SaveVehicleRequest
- SetOrganisationGroupUsersRequest
- SetUsualHoursRequest
- SignUpSource
- SortDirection
- SubscriptionSource
- TaskSeriesReportItem
- TaskTotalsReportItem
- TimeSlot
- Timesheet
- TimesheetAutomationAction
- TimesheetAutomationGeofenceAlertSettings
- TimesheetAutomationGeofenceTriggerSettings
- TimesheetAutomationNFCCodeAlertSettings
- TimesheetAutomationNFCCodeTriggerSettings
- TimesheetAutomationQRCodeAlertSettings
- TimesheetAutomationQRCodeTriggerSettings
- TimesheetAutomationWithOrgAndGeofence
- TimesheetAutomationWithOrgAndGeofenceListApiResponseForPaginated
- TimesheetAutomationWithOrgAndNFCCode
- TimesheetAutomationWithOrgAndNFCCodeListApiResponseForPaginated
- TimesheetAutomationWithOrgAndQRCode
- TimesheetAutomationWithOrgAndQRCodeListApiResponseForPaginated
- TimesheetDay
- TimesheetFileAttachment
- TimesheetFileAttachmentApiResponse
- TimesheetFileAttachmentListApiResponseForPaginated
- TimesheetListApiResponse
- TimesheetTask
- TimesheetTaskApiResponse
- TimesheetTaskListApiResponse
- Transcription
- TranscriptionApiResponse
- TranscriptionJobStatus
- Trip
- TripApiResponse
- TripCoordinate
- TripListApiResponseForPaginated
- UpdateGeoFenceRequest
- UpdateJobCodeRequest
- UpdateMyProfileRequest
- UpdateNFCCodeRequest
- UpdateOrganisationRequest
- UpdateOrganisationResponse
- UpdateOrganisationResponseApiResponse
- UpdateProfileResponse
- UpdateProfileResponseApiResponse
- UpdateProjectRequest
- UpdateQRCodeRequest
- UpdateTaskRequest
- UpdateUserRequest
- UpdateUserResponse
- UpdateUserResponseApiResponse
- UserForManagement
- UserForManagementApiResponse
- UserForManagementListApiResponse
- UserHourlyRate
- UserHourlyRateListApiResponse
- UserJobFavourite
- UserJobFavouriteListApiResponse
- UserProfile
- UserProfileApiResponse
- UsualHoursDay
- UsualHoursDayListApiResponse
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-chronosheets-auth
- Location: HTTP header
To run the tests, use:
composer install
About this package
This PHP package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version:
- Package version:
- Package version:
- Build package: