4063 Repositories
PHP php-library Libraries
This library is for integration with Salesforce via REST API.
xsolve-pl/salesforce-client Introduction This library is for integration with Salesforce via REST API. Licence This library is under the MIT license.
A high-performance license server system service for creating and managing products, major versions, and software licenses for the purpose of selling installable software products.
A high-performance license server system service for creating and managing products, major versions, and software licenses for the purpose of selling installable software products. Comes with a SDK and command-line tool. Works anywhere that PHP runs.
Collection of PHP functions, mini classes and snippets for everyday developer's routine life
JBZoo / Utils Collection of PHP functions, mini classes and snippets for everyday developer's routine life. Install composer require jbzoo/utils Usage
Toxiproxy PHP Client - Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations
Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations. toxiproxy-php-client includes everything needed to get started with configuring Toxiproxy upstream connection and listen endpoints.
PHP tool to scan ADOdb code for SQL Injections
PHP-Reaper PHP tool to scan ADOdb code for SQL Injections Why The main idea is to be able to detect problems as early as possible, when the code is fr
LINE strategy for Opauth, Opauth is a multi-provider authentication framework for PHP.
Opauth-LINE Opauth strategy for LINE. Implemented based on https://developers.line.me/web-api/integrating-web-login-v2 using OAuth 2.0. Opauth is a mu
A demo application for running an OAuth2 server
OAuth2 Demo PHP This application is designed to demo the workflow between OAuth2.0 Clients and Servers. If this is your first time here, try experimen
Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate.
Request Factories Test requests in Laravel without all the boilerplate. 💡 Psst. Although our examples use Pest PHP, this works just as well in PHPUni
True coroutines for PHP=8.1 without worrying about event loops and callbacks.
Moebius Pure coroutines for PHP 8.1. No promises and callbacks needed. Just pure parallel PHP code inside coroutines. Moebius Band: A loop with only o
The official SingleStore Laravel driver.
SingleStore Driver for Laravel This repository contains a SingleStore Driver for Laravel. This package is currently in a pre-release beta, please use
Jin microservices is a complete microservice demo based on PHP language + hyperf microservices framework
介绍 Jin-microservices是基于 php 语言 + hyperf 微服务 框架的完整微服务demo。 github:https://github.com/Double-Jin/jin-microservices gitee:https://gitee.com/ljj96/jin-mic
An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb.
Simplechat An example chat app to illustrate the usage of kitar/laravel-dynamodb. Demo https://demo.simplechat.app/ This demo app is deployed with Lar
Self-hosted game library.
A self-hosted game browser. About Cartridge is a convenient browser for your game collection with easy file downloads and automatically imported metad
Authenticate users with fingerprints, patterns and biometric data.
WebAuthn Authenticate users with fingerprints, patterns and biometric data. use Laragear\WebAuthn\Http\Requests\AssertedRequest; public function logi
Attributes to define PHP language extensions (to be enforced by static analysis)
PHP Language Extensions (currently in BETA) This library provides attributes for extending the PHP language (e.g. adding package visibility). The inte
Utilities to scan PHP code and generate class maps.
composer/class-map-generator Utilities to generate class maps and scan PHP code. Installation Install the latest version with: $ composer require comp
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder
HydePHP - Elegant and Powerful Static App Builder Make static websites, blogs, and documentation pages with the tools you already know and love. About
Official PHP library for the DeepL language translation API.
deepl-php Official PHP client library for the DeepL API. The DeepL API is a language translation API that allows other computer programs to send texts
Nova Search is an open source search engine developed by the Artado Project.
Loli Search Loli Search açık kaynak kodlu bir arama motorudur ve yalnızca kendi sonuçlarını değil, diğer arama motorlarının sonuçlarını da göstermekte
Dockerise Symfony Application (Symfony 6 + Clean Architecture+ DDD+ CQRS + Docker + Xdebug + PHPUnit + Doctrine ORM + JWT Auth + Static analysis)
Symfony Dockerise Symfony Application Install Docker Install Docker Compose Docker PHP & Nginx Create Symfony Application Debugging Install Xdebug Con
A Real time chat app made in Next.js, Laravel and Ably.
Chat App with Next.js, Laravel and Ably This repository serves as a code container for the tutorial I wrote on Ably's Blog. Blog link will be updated
A PHP-based job scheduler
Crunz Install a cron job once and for all, manage the rest from the code. Crunz is a framework-agnostic package to schedule periodic tasks (cron jobs)
PHP Curl - This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl.
PHP Curl This package can send HTTP requests to a given site using Curl. It provides functions that can take several types of parameters to configure
Binance Connector PHP - a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API
Binance Connector PHP This is a thin library that working as a connector to the Binance public API. Installation composer require binance/binance-conn
An extension for PHPStan for adding analysis for PHP Language Extensions.
PHPStan PHP Language Extensions (currently in BETA) This is an extension for PHPStan for adding analysis for PHP Language Extensions. Language feature
Database Repository / PHP Repository / Laravel Repository
Database Repository / PHP Repository / Laravel Repository Installation Use following command to add this package to composer development requirement.
PHP Email address validator - A library for validating emails against several RFC.
EmailValidator A library for validating emails against several RFC. Supported RFCs This library aims to support RFCs: 5321, 5322, 6530, 6531, 6532, 10
Access your Slack Team's API through PHP objects.
Slack API library Access your Slack Team's API through PHP objects. Documentation Getting started - Before you use this library, you need to generate
PHP Meminfo is a PHP extension that gives you insights on the PHP memory content
MEMINFO PHP Meminfo is a PHP extension that gives you insights on the PHP memory content. Its main goal is to help you understand memory leaks: by loo
Foil brings all the flexibility and power of modern template engines to native PHP templates
Foil brings all the flexibility and power of modern template engines to native PHP templates. Write simple, clean and concise templates with nothing more than PHP.
MailChimp for Magento 2. Syncs all data (subscriber, customers, orders, products) and enables marketing automation with email campaigns, automations, ads, postcards and more.
MailChimp for Magento 2. Syncs all data (subscriber, customers, orders, products) and enables marketing automation with email campaigns, automations, ads, postcards and more.
Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages.
Unirest for PHP Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages. This fork is maintained by APIMatic for its Code Gener
Statamic 3 - the flat-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS designed for building beautiful, easy to manage websites
Statamic 3 - the flat-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS designed for building beautiful, easy to manage websites
A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API
Wordpress XML-RPC PHP Client A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API Created by Hieu Le MIT licensed. Cur
Lightweight library that eases using components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment.
clue/reactphp-block Lightweight library that eases integrating async components built for ReactPHP in a traditional, blocking environment. ReactPHP pr
Thruway - an open source client and router implementation of WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol), for PHP.
PHP Client and Router Library for Autobahn and WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) for Real-Time Application Messaging
PHP Router class - A simple Rails inspired PHP router class.
PHP Router class A simple Rails inspired PHP router class. Usage of different HTTP Methods REST / Resourceful routing Reversed routing using named rou
A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP
clue/stream-filter A simple and modern approach to stream filtering in PHP Table of contents Why? Support us Usage append() prepend() fun() remove() I
Deployer is a PHP Application deployment system powered by Laravel
Deployer is a PHP Application deployment system powered by Laravel 5.5, written & maintained by Stephen Ball.
PHP functions that help you validate structure of complex nested PHP arrays.
PHP functions that help you validate structure of complex nested PHP arrays.
A Small modular PHP framework Build for web applications
MagmaCore__ This project is in active development. So is evolving constantly. As soon project gets to stable point. Due notice will be given Composer
Clock - A PHP 7.0 compatible clock abstraction
Clock - A PHP 7.0 compatible clock abstraction
An async process dispatcher for Amp.
process This package provides an asynchronous process dispatcher that works on all major platforms (including Windows). As Windows pipes are file hand
ServD - a Docker PHP development environment heavily inspired by Laravel Valet and Laradock
ServD ServD is a Docker PHP development environment heavily inspired by Laravel Valet and Laradock, it supports multiple projects within a working dir
Symfony Bundle to create HTML tables with bootstrap-table for Doctrine Entities.
HelloBootstrapTableBundle This Bundle provides simple bootstrap-table configuration for your Doctrine Entities. Used bootstrap-table version 1.18.3. I
Volistx Framework For RESTful API Based on Laravel/Lumen 9.x
Volistx Framework Volistx Framework For RESTful API Based on Laravel/Lumen 9.x This is a framework skeleton for Volistx API platform using Lumen PHP F
Laravel package for manage your URL redirects in database or other sources to get better SEO results
Laravel 8 and 9 package to manage URL redirections inside your Laravel application using different data sources. It allows a better SEO support for your Laravel site.
Url's amigables en PHP
Phurl - Url's amigables en PHP Motor de url's amigables minimalista y sencillo de usar, crea tus vistas en Html plano. No es compatible con variables
Essence is a very flexible BDD style assertion framework for PHP that fits into existing PHPUnit projects nicely
Essence 1.5.1 Essence is a very flexible BDD style assertion framework for PHP that fits into existing PHPUnit projects nicely. Installation composer
PHPExcelFormatter is class to make getting data from Excel documents simpler.
PHPExcelFormatter PHPExcelFormatter is class to make getting data from Excel documents simpler. Read columns what you really need Set column names for
An effort to make testing PHP code as easy and fun as its JavaScript equivalent
An effort to make testing PHP code as easy and fun as its JavaScript equivalent when using the excellent Jasmine, from which syntax and general usage is shamelessly borrowed.
Highlight PHP code in terminal
PHP Console Highlighter Highlight PHP code in console (terminal). Example Install Just run the following command to install it: composer require --dev
EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF.
EasyRdf EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF. It was designed for use in mixed teams of experienced and inexpe
A powerful and pretty replacement for PHP's var_export()
Brick\VarExporter A powerful and pretty replacement for PHP's var_export(). Introduction PHP's var_export() function is a handy way to export a variab
States allows you to create PHP classes following the State Pattern in PHP.
States allows you to create PHP classes following the State Pattern in PHP. This can be a cleaner way for an object to change its behavior at runtime without resorting to large monolithic conditional statements and this improve maintainability and workflows writing.
Awesome Enterprise - a shortcode based low code platform for PHP and WordPress.
Awesome Enterprise Framework Awesome Enterprise is a shortcode based low code platform for PHP and WordPress. You can set it up using composer compose
Opis Closure - a library that aims to overcome PHP's limitations regarding closure serialization
Opis Closure is a library that aims to overcome PHP's limitations regarding closure serialization by providing a wrapper that will make all closures serializable.
Laravel wrapper for the Facebook Graph PHP 8 SDK
Laravel Facebook Graph SDK Installation Getting started with Laravel Facebook Graph is easy - first, install the package via composer composer require
A DynamoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel.
Laravel DynamoDB A DynamoDB based Eloquent model and Query builder for Laravel. You can find an example implementation in kitar/simplechat. Motivation
Glob-like file and pattern matching utility.
Glob-like file and pattern matching utility.
PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API
PHP Telegram Bot based on the official Telegram Bot API
PHP based Markdown documentation viewer
PHP based viewer for Markdown files, to view them with fenced code highlighting and navigation.
php-dry – Clone Detection for PHP
php-dry – Clone Detection for PHP php-dry detects duplicated behaviour in your application, even if the duplicated passages are implemented completely
Just another PDO database library
PDO Just another PDO database library Installation Use Composer $ composer require faapz/pdo Usage Examples selecting, inserting, updating and deletin
PHP slim framework middleware to minify HTML output
slim-minify Slim middleware to minify HTML output generated by the slim PHP framework. It removes whitespaces, empty lines, tabs beetween html-tags an
CORS Middleware for PHP Slim Framework
CorsSlim Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) Middleware for PHP Slim Framework. Usage Composer Autoloader Install with Composer Update your composer.
Slim Framework view helper built on top of the Twig templating component
Slim Framework Twig View This is a Slim Framework view helper built on top of the Twig templating component. You can use this component to create and
PHP boilerplate for quick start projects using Slim Framework and Eloquent.
Lassi PHP boilerplate for quick projects using Slim Framework and Eloquent database. Lassi is a small PHP boilerplate to use Slim Framework with Eloqu
PHP whoops error on slim framework
Slim whoops PHP whoops error on slim framework Status Installation Install the composer curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php Edit compose
Routes and Middleware for Using OAuth2 Server within a Slim Framework API
Chadicus\Slim\OAuth2 A collection of OAuth2 Server routes, middleware and utilities for use within a Slim 3 Framework API Requirements Chadicus\Slim\O
The Slim PHP micro framework paired with Laravel's Illuminate Database toolkit.
Slim & Eloquent The Slim PHP micro framework paired with Laravel's Illuminate Database toolkit. Getting started # Download composer curl -s https://ge
Parses YAML files and adds them to Slim's config application instance method.
Slim Config - YAML Parses YAML files and adds them into Slim's config singleton. Uses Symfony's YAML Component to parse files (http://github.com/symfo
Desafio de Back-End da Alura: Crie uma API Rest funcional focada em controle financeiro.
Lumen PHP Framework Laravel Lumen is a stunningly fast PHP micro-framework for building web applications with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe d
Simple opinionated framework agnostic PHP 8.1 enum helper
Enum Helper A simple and opinionated collections of PHP 8.1 enum helpers inspired by archtechx/enums and BenSampo/laravel-enum. This package is framew
This package makes it easy for developers to access WhatsApp Cloud API service in their PHP code.
The first PHP API to send and receive messages using a cloud-hosted version of the WhatsApp Business Platform
Official PHP SDK for interacting with the Knock API.
Knock PHP library Documentation See the documentation for PHP usage examples
Bash version of the VK client written in PHP.
VK-CLI VK Messenger in your Linux Terminal PHP8 Installation wget https://jenkins.pmmp.io/job/PHP-8.0-Aggregate/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/PHP-8.0-L
Tools for checking malware, permission of file php and any on website
webtools Tools for checking malware, permission of file php and any on website You can use the webtools.php file directly. All features can be accesse
Simple WordPress plugin to learn how to understand WordPress Crons and the Action Scheduler library.
Simple WordPress plugin to learn how to understand WordPress Crons and the Action Scheduler library. Import Jamendo playlists with tracks in WordPress posts.
A bot that translates the words you choose during the chat in Telegram to the language you want.
About Needy Telegram Translator If you are constantly using telegram and want to translate words into different languages, this library is for you. Qu
An autoscaling Bloom filter with ultra-low memory footprint for PHP
Ok Bloomer An autoscaling Bloom filter with ultra-low memory footprint for PHP. Ok Bloomer employs a novel layered filtering strategy that allows it t
A Simple Facebook Video Downloader using PHP.
Facebook Video Downloader A simple Facebook Video Downloader using PHP. Feature Download Public Video Download Private Video All Quality How to use Co
Aplication to consult and notify user about cryptocoins variations
Description | Prerequisites | Api | Running | Principles | Design Patterns | Methodologies & Designs | Libraries and Frameworks Description Aplication
YouTubeClone - Web Projects Build By Laravel Framework v8 & LiveWire it's Small project to upload video Like Youtube
YouTubeClone YouTubeClone - Web Projects Build By Laravel Framework & LiveWire it's Small project to upload video Like Youtube Use Laravel v8.80.0 Ima
Very simple CRUD project, written in pure php. Designed as framework-agnostic as possible, and with basically no stack overflow if you can believe that
briefly simple CRUD pure php project for self improvement I try to make it purely in github - not only code, but any documentation (wiki), tasks (issu
Object-oriented, composable, fluent API for writing validations in Laravel
Laravel Hyrule Hyrule provides an object-oriented, fluent API for building validation rules for use w/ Laravel's Validation component. This unlocks pa
ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows you to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate taxes.
Built by freelancer 🙋♂️, for freelancer 🕺 🤷 💃🏾 - ATOS is a locally hosted application that allows you to easily manage clients/projects, generate invoices against backlogs, and estimate taxes.
BetterWPCLI - a small, zero-dependencies, PHP library that helps you build enterprise WordPress command-line applications.
BetterWPCLI - a small, zero-dependencies, PHP library that helps you build enterprise WordPress command-line applications.
Laravel mongodb permissions
Laravel mongodb permissions
Web page performance/seo/security/accessibility analysis, browser-less for PHP
Web page performance/seo/security/accessibility analysis, browser-less for PHP
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate.
SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate. NoSQL API
The Barista explores every Latte (file) for strict quality, helps with Latte 2 to 3 upgrade
The Barista makes Your Perfectly Tasty Latte Do you drink Latte with your templates? Get it from Barista that knows his job: explore Latte via node vi
Hamtaro - the new web framework for front-end / back-end development using Php and Javascript.
Hamtaro framework About Technologies Controllers Components Commands Front-end development Getting Started About Hamtaro is the new web framework for
A PHP based cloud disk.
cloudStorage 一个基于PHP的云盘,此版本可实现用户注册、登录、修改密码,列出用户目录下文件,新建文件夹和上传文件,并加入了用户限制 修正了读取2GB以上文件大小出错的bug,并以KB,MB,GB代替字节显示文件大小 用户权限分为0,1,2三种;0无限制;1最大空间4G,单次上传文件最大
Easily integrate single-database multi tenant features into your Laravel application
Laravel Tenant Aware Easily integrate single-database multi tenant features into your Laravel application. Installation You can install the package vi
Complete Login and Registration System with HTML CSS Bootstrap PHP and MYSQL
Complete-Login-and-Registration-System Complete Login and Registration System with HTML CSS Bootstrap PHP and MYSQL for .sql file run xampp server ope
A PHP web interface for scanning ISBN book codes, identify books with Antolin reading promotion offer
Ein PHP-Webinterface zum Scannen von ISBN-Buchcodes, identifiziere Bücher mit Antolin-Leseförderungs-Angebot. Einfache Installation. Für Mitarbeiter*innen in Schulbüchereien.
PHP Curl ile letgo api kütüphanesi oluşturuldu. php ile letgo giriş yap.
Kendi LETGO API ile işlemler gerçekleştirelim. // email işlemleri $server = 'imap.gmail.com'; $user = '[email protected]'; $pass = 'password'; $port = 9
WebFit was initially thought for the subject of Systems Analysis and Design, and consists of a site that is used by customers of a fictitious gym
WebFit - Um site para academia Sobre o site O WebFit foi pensado inicialmente para a matéria de Análise e Projeto de Sistemas, e consiste em um site q
Basic class library to read, write and view files using PHP.
File Basic class library to read, write and view files using PHP. Supported PHP Versions Build Status (dev) Main Aim of The Library The main aim of th