3932 Repositories
PHP php-conversion Libraries
A flexible, seamless and easy to use multitenancy solution for Laravel
Main: Develop: Tenanted Laravel A flexible, seamless and easy to use multitenancy solution for Laravel This package is currently under development. Ch
A package for simplifying the integration of a maker-checker approval process to your Laravel application.
prismaticoder/maker-checker-laravel The prismaticoder/maker-checker-laravel package is a comprehensive Laravel package that provides a flexible and cu
Backwards compatibility Extension and Library for PHP 8.x and later
colopl_bc Provides various compatibility functions required for PHP (temporary) migration. WARNING This extension is intended for temporary use only.
Create an ip info WebPage with a style.css and an index.php
my-ip-info Create an ip info Page with a style.css and an index.php file. 支持 判断浏览器语言,非中文显示为英文。 curl指令返回ip地址 国家 城市。 在地图上显示位置 前提条件 一个已经注册了域名并在Cloudflare
Creating data transfer objects with the power of php objects. No php attributes, no reflection api, and no other under the hook work.
Super Simple DTO Creating data transfer objects with the power of php objects. No php attributes, no reflection api, and no other under the hook work.
FilterGuard is a simple PHP library for sanitizing data. It provides methods to sanitize strings, integers, floats, booleans, arrays, and objects. The library helps protect against common security vulnerabilities such as XSS and SQL injection.
FilterGuard FilterGuard is a simple PHP library for data sanitization. It provides methods to sanitize strings, integers, floats, boolean values, arra
Web pangkas rambut/Barbershop
🔰 About Website Pangkas rambut lily putra Adalah Website Yang Digunakan Untuk membantu mencari tempat mencukur yang pas, awal tujuaanya unuk memuncul
OpenAI API Client is a component-oriented, extensible client library for the OpenAI API. It's designed to be faster and more memory efficient than traditional PHP libraries.
OpenAI API Client in PHP (community-maintained) This library is a component-oriented, extensible client library for the OpenAI API. It's designed to b
Php İle Yazılmış Basit Sıra Alım Ve Yönetim Sistemi
Sıra Yönetim Sistemi Bu proje, kullanıcıların kayıt olup sıra numarası alabilecekleri ve sıra numaralarını sorgulayabilecekleri bir web uygulamasıdır.
PSR-18 compliant Circuit Breaker wrapper
Interrupt PSR-18 compliant Circuit Breaker wrapper. Acknowledgement This library is heavily inspired by: ackintosh/ganesha PrestaShop/circuit-breaker
A simple package to send HTTP header responses ✨
PHP HTTP Response Simple PHP package to easily send the right HTTP header responses to the browser 🐘 Requirement PHP v8.0 or higher 🚀 Installation T
Create modern Telegram Bots with PHP.
Telepath Create Telegram Bots with this modern PHP library Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Before
Sistema de login usando PHP, MySQL(PDO),HTML,CSS e bootstrap
sistemalogin link para entrar no projeto: https://williamsistema.000webhostapp.com/ Sistema de login usando PHP, MySQL(PDO),HTML,CSS e bootstrap Requi
CodeIgniter 4 Development
CodeIgniter 4 Development What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter is a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, flexible and secure. More informatio
Class used for health analysis results. It returns BMI, BMR, TDEE, Pollock 7 sinfolds stats (body fat, body density, lean mass, fat mass)
php-health Class used for health analysis results. It returns BMI, BMR, TDEE, Polock 7 sinfolds stats (body fat, body density, lean mass, fat mass) Th
This car rental project system project in PHP focuses mainly on dealing with customers regarding their car rental hours and certain transactions.
Car-Rental Online Car Rental Management System This car rental project system project in PHP focuses mainly on dealing with customers regarding their
A Laravel package for the Adapty SDK.
Laravel Adapty A Laravel package for the Adapty SDK. Please feel free to contribute... Installation You can install the package via composer: composer
This application is a simple application to watch movies like Netflix or DisneyPlus.
Movie Streaming React Web Apps This application is a simple application to watch streaming movies like Netflix or DisneyPlus. The application is built
StartZ oauth2-etsy compatible League of PHP OAuth2
Etsy Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client This package provides Etsy OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client. Requirements The following vers
Alejandro Flores, Php Yii2 Emoac
Prueba Tecnica Emoac Proyecto basado en PHP con Yii2. Hecho por Alejandro Flores, Ingeniero en informática. Este proyecto consta de un CRUD de product
Template Laravel 9.x
Laravel Template Passo a passo Clone Repositório criado a partir do template, entre na pasta e execute os comandos abaixo: Crie o Arquivo .env cp .env
Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application.
Electrik Electrik is a full-featured and open-source stater-kit for for your next SaaS application. It's built on top of Laravel, Livewire, neerajsoha
API для FunPay ботов на PHP для автовыдачи и.т.д
FunPayPHP Добро пожаловать в FunPay PHP! Эта библиотека позволяет удобно и легко создавать ботов для биржи FunPay Требования 1. PHP или выше 8.1 2. Cu
Orm is a simple database abstraction layer that supports postgresql.
Orm What is it Orm is a simple database abstraction layer that supports postgresql. Welcome to join us or star us for encouragement. Requires php 8.1
A bunch of general-purpose value objects you can use in your Laravel application.
Laravel Value Objects A bunch of general-purpose value objects you can use in your Laravel application. The package requires PHP ^8.0 and Laravel ^9.7
Some Joomla! 4.x Web Services Api Examples and Experiments to raise the level of awareness of the huge potiental of Joomla! 4.x Web Services.
j4x-api-examples WHY? If you are a Joomla! developer or want to become a Joomla! developer there is a new resource for you The Official New Joomla! Ma
WARNING! This software is currently non-functional. - A system which makes installing Jexactyl far, far easier.
Jexactyl Assistant A system which makes installing Jexactyl far, far easier. WARNING 🚧 This software is currently in heavy alpha testing and WILL NOT
⚡ Setting up Apache and PHP on AWS with Ansible Playbook Using Ubuntu 22.04 AMI. Ansible is a simple and powerful automation engine. It is used to help with configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain .
Ansible-Aws-Ubuntu-Apache-PHP Table of content Overview Process Link to files Author Overview Setting up Apache and PHP on AWS with Ansible Playbook U
Staged Payloads from Kali Linux - Part 1,2 of 3
PT Phone Home As penetration testers, we often come up with creative methods to deliver and execute our payloads, such as staged payloads. A staged pa
A real-time chatting website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
ChatApp A real-time chatting website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP #Features Signup Login Signup & Login Validation Encrypted Password Realtime Mes
The Missing check on Laravel Request Unicity.
Motivation This laravel package will allow you to execute a code once in the current request based on the key provided. Installation composer require
Gamecom.io - Find the best game, community, mod, or servers for you! Data retrieved from @modcommunity.
A website made by Christian Deacon that helps users find any game, community, mod, or server. All data retrieved by @modcommunity. This website is ope
How to get cookies from users' browser and send the information to your email address and telegram bot
FrankenPHP is a modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server
FrankenPHP: Modern App Server for PHP FrankenPHP is a modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server. FrankenPHP gives superpo
Plataforma GPS Tracker para dispositivos Sinotrack ST-90x creada con Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 y MySQL 8.
GPS Tracker (Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 + MySQL 8) Plataforma de gestión de dispositivos Sinotrack ST-90x creada con Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 y MySQL 8. Instalaci
A quick,easy and safe way of accessing Mysql-like databases from within a PHP program
Mysqli-Safe A simple, easy-to-use and secure way of accessing a Mysql database from within your PHP programs Mysqli-safe is a wrapper around the mysql
This package allows to translate text using Google Translator for free without api.
Text Translator for PHP This package allows text translation using Google Translate for free without an API. It extracts the translated text from the
Columnar analytics for PHP - a pure PHP library to read and write simple columnar files in a performant way.
Columnar Analytics (in pure PHP) On GitHub: https://github.com/envoymediagroup/columna About the project What does it do? This library allows you to w
PocketMine-MP To Discord Chat Logging.
Welcome To PocketCord PocketCord is a PocketMine-MP plugin designed to link discord and your PocketMine-MP Server with quick and easy setup! Installat
PHP Websocket Server that is compatible with socket.io
PHP SocketIO Server PHP Websocket Server that is compatible with socket.io So far the function use in this package is almost same with the naming in s
Medical Master or "Medic-M" was built to reduce the hassle of buying medicine, provide medicine to the sick in a short time. It is an HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT and PHP based system.
Medical Master (Medic-M) | WELCOME TO Medic-M(MEDICAL MASTER) | | Introduction | Medical Master or "Medic-M" was built to reduce the hassle of buying
Qiwi Php Client Especially for 🦊 Zorra Telecom and 👥 Everyone else Привет Attention: At the moment the number of methods is very limited, they will
Code Quiz MonoRepo (API, API Client, App)
Code Quiz Welcome to the Code Quiz Open Source project from How To Code Well. This is an Open Source project that includes an API and an App for the d
A PHP package that provides common Data and Value Objects, that are Laravel castable.
Common Casts A PHP package that provides common Data and Value Objects, that are Laravel castable. Installation composer require juststeveking/common-
Simple yet powerful, PSR-compliant, Symfony-driven PHP Blog engine.
brodaty-blog ✒️ Simple Blog Engine based on pure Markdown files. 💕 Works without database, caches HTML templates from Markdown files. 🚀 Fast and ext
Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container, http, log and route.
Kit What is it Kit is a lightweight, high-performance and event-driven web services framework that provides core components such as config, container,
The plugin allows to execute math operations in the server or console.
General The plugin allows to execute math operations in the server or console with /calculator command Arithmetic Operators List of supported arithmet
Tiny, fast and simple PHP boilerplate built on top of FlightPHP
BlessPHP Tiny, fast and simple PHP boilerplate built on top of FlightPHP. Good enough to use as skeleton for prototypes and some pet-projects. The nam
A small PHP Script to protect your site against DDoS attack .
Anti-DDoS A small PHP Script to protect your site against DDoS attack. Description Most of bots can't execute JavaScript code or can execute code part
📥 A simple web page to download addons through the GmodStore API.
📥 GmodStore Downloader In French Ce petit site Internet permet le téléchargement d'addons en provenance du GmodStore sans passer le site en ligne mai
Código y documentación del sistema de los observatorios regionales en framework Laravel.
Sistema-Observatorios-Regionales Código del sistema de los observatorios regionales en framework Laravel. Descarga de elementos a utilizar COMANDOS Pa
Improvement & gamesense theme of znix`s panel
⚡ User Management Panel | Preview | Setup | Features | Issues | Original Panel: https://github.com/znixbtw/php-panel-v2 Panel Edit: https://github.com
Twitter Clone API Rest with Laravel 9
TW Main API (Twitter Clone) Setup Installation Before docker-compose up Get copy the .env.example to .env Set Mail variables Set Pusher Variables with
An internal redirect mechanism for PSR-15 middleware stacks
HTTP Request Forwarder The aim of this library is to make it possible to pass the HTTP request to another handler, creating a so-called internal redir
A PHP microservice for helping know who's who
Identity service Identity is a microservice and API (Application Programming Interface) used for handling everything to do with who's who. For now the
PHP class for parsing user agent strings (HTTP_USER_AGENT).
PHP class for parsing user agent strings (HTTP_USER_AGENT). Includes mobile checks, bots and banned bots checks, browser types/versions and more. Based on browscap (via phpbrowscap), Mobile_Detect and ua-parser. Created for high traffic websites and fast batch processing.
PHP API for GeoIP2 webservice client and database reader
GeoIP2 PHP API Description This package provides an API for the GeoIP2 and GeoLite2 web services and databases. Install via Composer We recommend inst
Monorepo of the PoP project, including: a server-side component model in PHP, a GraphQL server, a GraphQL API plugin for WordPress, and a website builder
PoP PoP is a monorepo containing several projects. The GraphQL API for WordPress plugin GraphQL API for WordPress is a forward-looking and powerful Gr
Laravel ClickHouse adds CH client integration, generation & execution of ClickHouse database migrations to the Laravel application.
Laravel ClickHouse Introduction Laravel ClickHouse database integration. This package includes generation and execution of the ClickHouse database mig
YL MVC Structure (PHP MVC) is a pattern made in PHP used to implement user interfaces, data, and controlling logic.
YL MVC Structure (PHP MVC) is a pattern made in PHP used to implement user interfaces, data, and controlling logic. It is built based on the combination of ideas from the Yii framework and Laravel framework (yl).
Microsoft Azure Storage Library for PHP
Microsoft Azure Storage PHP Client Libraries This project will be in Community Support and Azure Storage team commits to validate and release every qu
A PHP library to integrate with eWAY's Rapid Payment API.
A PHP library to integrate with eWAY's Rapid Payment API.
PHP library to handle IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges
IPLib - Handle IPv4, IPv6 and IP ranges Introduction IPLib is a modern, PSR-compliant, test-driven IP addresses and subnets manipulation library. It i
API abstracting communication with SQL providers (eg: MySQL) on top of PDO inspired by Java JDBC
SQL Data Access API Table of contents: About Configuration Execution Installation Unit Tests Examples Reference Guide About This API is a ultra light
Project to migrate baserCMS to CakePHP4 ucmitz 🐮 🐮 🐮 は、baserCMSをCakePHP4化するためのプロジェクトの開発コードネームです。 バージョン1からバージョン3までのマイルストーンを設定しており、バージョン3のリリースと同時に、ba
API Client library for PHP
ChronoSheetsAPI ChronoSheets is a flexible timesheet solution for small to medium businesses, it is free for small teams of up to 3 and there are iOS
PHP components - collection of cross-project PHP classes
PHP components Collection of cross-project PHP classes. Install: $ composer require ansas/php-component Ansas\Component\Convert\ConvertPrice Convert "
Idiomatic PHP client for Memorystore for Memcached.
Memorystore for Memcached for PHP Idiomatic PHP client for Memorystore for Memcached. API documentation NOTE: This repository is part of Google Cloud
A skeleton repository for Spatie's PHP Packages
:package_description This package can be used as to scaffold a framework agnostic package. Follow these steps to get started: Press the "Use template"
The simple PHP router
Macaw Macaw is a simple, open source PHP router. It's super small (~150 LOC), fast, and has some great annotated source code. This class allows you to
Reset the live preset for debug settings with a task
Debug Settings Task This TYPO3 extension resets TYPO3 debug settings to the »live« preset on production using a scheduler task. Vision “Better safe th
PHP library for working with Demandware XML files
PHP Demandware XML A PHP library for working with Demandware XML files. Exporting: Supports category, product, variant and assignment files and allows
Composer package providing translation features for PHP apps
PHP translation This is a composer package providing translation support for PHP applications. It is similar to gettext, in usage, with these differen
Configure your Nette application
Nette DI Configure your Nette application 📄 Check out our documentation. 💸 If you like Orisai, please make a donation. Thank you! namespace App; us
A web application built on PHP for user to view their credit information in their mysql database
TheCreditInfo Table of Content About Inspiration Technologies Client Pages Usage About Credere is a website created to help you track your credit hist
Um repositório com classes, interfaces para padronizar os projetos de PHP da empresa
php-utils PHP Utilities for Laravel/Lumen Installation cd /path/to/your/project composer require logcomex/php-utils Utilities Packages Contracts Excep
Repositori untuk website resmi rakit
Rakit Web Framework https://rakit.esyede.my.id English version of documentation at README-en.md Apa itu rakit? Rakit adalah kerangka kerja web yang se
JohnCMS Content Management System
JohnCMS 10 This version is at an early stage of development. Many things may not work or work not as intended. System requirements PHP 8.0 and higher
this is a PHP framework like Laravel based on MVC structure
PHP-MVC-framework v 1-0-0 this is a PHP framework like Laravel based on MVC structure The "App" folder is the main part of this framework Models, View
The SDK written in PHP for Close partner developers.
Close SDK for PHP The Close SDK for PHP makes it easy for developers to communicate with The Close App in their PHP code. Get started really fast by i
An actual logger for WordPress.
Wp-logger An actual logger for WordPress. This plugin does two things. It piggybacks on the internal php logger (via set_error_handler) and it creates
Isometric Pharma Online Pharmacies
Isometric Pharma Online Pharmacies Type of user: 1. Admin, 2. Sales Man, 3. User/Consumer, 4. Delivery Man Common features for all users: All users ca
A simple wrapper around vlucas' PHP dotenv library for Kirby CMS.
kirby-phpdotenv A simple wrapper around vlucas' PHP dotenv library for Kirby CMS. Why? I've been using .env in my Kirby projects for a while, but I go
A barebones PHP web page.
PHP Hello World Form A barebones PHP web page. Deploy on Heroku Create a Heroku account. Install the Heroku Command Line Interface (CLI). macOS users
PHP Lite Framework
plite PHP Lite Framework Adds some basic libraries for working with console-viewed logging, PHP as a CLI tool, handling basic server-side web API requ
MapServer and PHP-MapScript application to create publication-quality maps
SimpleMappr Installation and Configuration SimpleMappr, http://www.simplemappr.net is a web-based application that produces publication-quality geogra
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
💨 Smoke testing tool written in PHP
Cigar A smoke testing tool inspired by symm/vape Similar tools include: Blackfire Player Installation Install via composer: composer require brunty/ci
Api first backend boilerplate build with laravel 🎯 you can use as a template 😉
Laravel Backend Template i use this as a starting point for my backend projects , it saves time with basic auth functionalities and has code examples
TYPO3 CMS extension which extends TYPO3 page cache, by tags based on entities used in fluid templates.
Fluid Page Cache for TYPO3 CMS This TYPO3 CMS extension allows you to clear frontend page caches, automatically when a displayed record has been updat
World countries - available in multiple languages, in CSV, JSON, PHP, SQL and XML formats
Constantly updated lists of world countries and their associated alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric country codes as defined by the ISO 3166 standard, available in CSV, JSON , PHP, SQL and XML formats, in multiple languages and with national flags included; also available are the ISO 3166-2 codes of provinces/ states associated with the countries
ILIAS Rest Api
flux-ilias-rest-api ILIAS Rest Api This is not a ILIAS plugin Installation flux-ilias-rest-api In flux-ilias-ilias-base RUN /flux-ilias-ilias-base/bin
Promoting the interoperability of message queue objects.
Queue Interoperability About queue-interop tries to identify and standardize a common way for PHP programs to create, send, receive and read MQ messag
PHP client library for Coveralls API.
php-coveralls PHP client library for Coveralls. Prerequisites PHP 5.5+ for 2.x or 5.3+ for 1.x On GitHub Building on Travis CI, CircleCI, Jenkins or C
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel
Awesome Set of Packages for Laravel The set provides best practices to make development more fun and classes/services that I found very useful while w
PHP shells that work on Linux OS, macOS, and Windows OS.
PHP Reverse Shell Just a little refresh on the popular PHP reverse shell script pentestmonkey/php-reverse-shell. Credits to the original author! Works
The XP Framework is an all-purpose, object oriented PHP framework.
XP Framework Core This is the XP Framework's development checkout. Installation If you just want to use the XP Framework, grab a release using compose
PHP library for FedaPay Api
FedaPay PHP You can sign up for a FedaPay account at https://fedapay.com. Requirements PHP 5.5 and later. Composer You can install the bindings via Co
Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker.
symfony-api Fully covered with tests, documented by Swagger and dockerized API based on enterprise-level framework with optional queue worker. ⚙️ Depl
PHP Standalone Validation Library
Rakit Validation - PHP Standalone Validation Library PHP Standalone library for validating data. Inspired by Illuminate\Validation Laravel. Features A