A flexible, seamless and easy to use multitenancy solution for Laravel


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Tenanted Laravel

A flexible, seamless and easy to use multitenancy solution for Laravel

This package is currently under development. Check back in the future, or check out my twitter, mastodon or discord for updates.

A quick FAQ

Here's a little FAQ that hopefully answers any questions you have for now.

Why are you building yet another multitenancy package for Laravel?

I feel like the currently available solutions leave something to be desired, as they're either very opinionated, or unnecessarily inflexible.

What sets this package apart?

It provides improvements on what is currently available, such as:

  • It is more flexible.
  • It is far more seamless.
  • It provides a greater degree of separation between your application logic and business logic.
  • It provides supporting functionality, either within this package or as an optional addon.
  • It doesn't tie you into one particular way of doing things.
  • It doesn't limit what you can do with Laravel.
  • It doesn't use magic to dynamically alter things, like the current default connection, because that really obfuscates what's happening.

Does it provide single and multi-database support?

Yes, either one on their own or as a combination.

Can I use dependency injection with my controller constructors?

Of course. Laravels container can successfully resolve controller dependencies that require a tenant, and inject them into the constructor, straight out of the box.

Wasn't this package originally premium?

It was, but I realised that I care far more about people having options than I do about getting paid.

Does this supersede the course?

No. This package is the code that I used to write the course, except it has been slightly modified so that it can function as a package.

While this package provides a solid base for your application, there are going to be times when it's better to write a custom solution.

  • Resolve tenants for routes

    Resolve tenants for routes

    Tenants will need to be resolved for routes, this should be done by:

    • [ ] Using a piece of middleware as a marker, to mark a route as requiring a tenant
      • [ ] Middleware should be aliased as tenanted
      • [ ] Middleware should also take two optional arguments, tenancy name and resolver name, i.e. tenanted:projects,subdomain
    • [ ] Listening for the RouteMatched event and resolving the tenant before the controller, to make use of DI
    • [ ] Optionally providing a fallback handler for when there's no route
    opened by ollieread 0
  • Subdomain tenant resolver

    Subdomain tenant resolver

    Create an implementation of TenantResolver that uses a subdomain to identify the tenant.

    The implementation will require:

    • [ ] The domain the subdomains should belong to

    This implementation should:

    • [ ] Support the usage of a parameter named using the resolvers registered name, and the name of tenancy, i.e. project_subdomain
    • [ ] Fallback to extracting the subdomain from the current host, if no parameter is present
    • [ ] Implement the ActsAsMiddleware contract and set the default value of the parameter
    • [ ] Register routes with the appropriate middleware and set the domain to be a parameterised subdomain of the resolvers "main domain"
    opened by ollieread 0
  • Session tenant resolver

    Session tenant resolver

    Create an implementation of TenantResolver that uses the session to identify the tenant.

    The implementation will require:

    • An instance of Laravels Session class
    • An optional name of the session

    This implementation should:

    • [ ] Generate a session name if none is provided, using the name it was registered under, and the name of the tenancy, i.e. project_session.
    • [ ] Implement the ActsAsMiddleware contract, adding a value to the session if there's a tenant and the value isn't present
    • [ ] Register routes with the appropriate middleware
    opened by ollieread 0
  • Path tenant resolver

    Path tenant resolver

    Create an implementation of TenantResolver that uses the path to identify the tenant.

    The implementation will require:

    • An optional segment index, defaulting to 0

    This implementation should:

    • [ ] Support the usage of a parameter named using the resolvers registered name, and the name of tenancy, i.e. project_path
    • [ ] Fallback to using the segment provided by the constructor, if no parameter is present
    • [ ] Implement the ActsAsMiddleware contract and set the default value of the parameter
    • [ ] Register routes with the appropriate middleware and path prefix using the parameter
    opened by ollieread 0
  • Header tenant resolver

    Header tenant resolver

    Create an implementation of TenantResolver that uses a header to identify the tenant.

    The implementation will require:

    • An optional name for the header

    This implementation should:

    • [ ] Generate a header name if none is provided, using the name of the tenancy formatted as a header, i.e. Project
    • [ ] Implement the ActsAsMiddleware contract, that when a Response is generated, will make sure the header is present
    • [ ] Register routes with the appropriate middleware
    opened by ollieread 0
  • Cookie tenant resolver

    Cookie tenant resolver

    Create an implementation of TenantResolver that uses a cookie to identify the tenant.

    The implementation will require:

    • An instance of Laravels CookieJar
    • An optional name for the cookie

    This implementation should:

    • [ ] Generate a cookie name if none is provided, using the name it was registered under, and the name of the tenancy, i.e. project_cookie.
    • [ ] Implement the ActsAsMiddleware contract, that when a Response is generated, will queue a cookie, if one isn't present, for the current tenant
    • [ ] Register routes with the appropriate middleware
    opened by ollieread 0
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