Common Casts
A PHP package that provides common Data and Value Objects, that are Laravel castable.
composer require juststeveking/common-casts
Email Object
You can create an Email object like so:
use JustSteveKing\CommonCasts\ValueObjects\Personal\Email;
$email = new Email(
value: '[email protected]',
if ($email->validates()) {
// perform logic
You can create a Uuid object like so:
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use JustSteveKing\CommonCasts\ValueObjects\Identification\Uuid;
$uuid = new Uuid(
value: Str::uuid()->toString(),
if ($uuid->validates()) {
// perform logic
You can create a Uuid object like so:
use JustSteveKing\CommonCasts\ValueObjects\Finance\Money;use Money\Currency;
$money = new Money(
amount: 10_000,
currency: new Currency(
code: 'GBP',
if ($money->validates()) {
// perform logic
$money->get(); // Outputs the formatted money string.