Tasty TADS 3 recipes for solving common and uncommon problems.


TADS 3 Cookbook

Tasty TADS 3 recipes for solving common and uncommon problems when writing interactive fiction.

There are two aspects of the TADS 3 Cookbook:

  • A wiki of recipes, with one problem and solution per page
  • A repository of code examples that may be compiled, played, and experimented with

The wiki and code samples are intended to be brief, and not full-fledged tutorials of the TADS language or library.

More information

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  • IF is for everyone: Make menus accessible to screen reader users at startup

    IF is for everyone: Make menus accessible to screen reader users at startup


    The TADS 3 menu system on native interpreters (both text only and HTML TADS variants) are not accessible for players using screen readers. This is due to the way the banner API works, and how they're usually displayed by interpreters.


    Create an InitObject that asks the player if they're using a screen reader, and adjust the statusLine.statusDispMode to StatusModeText if so. The reason we need to change the statusLine.statusDispMode variable is because the menu system displays menus in whichevermode the status line is displayed in.

    screenReaderInit: InitObject
    "\bAre you using a screen reader to play this story? (Yes or no.)";
    statusLine.statusDispMode = StatusModeText;

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  • "Background detail": Explain the game in a help menu


    It can useful to tell new or returning players what the background for the game is: where the game is set or who the player character is. While this might be obvious from an EXAMINE ME, you might want to elaborate some more.

    It'd be nice to have some initial hints to guide them in the right direction.


    Add a few game hints with permanently open goals so the hints on the backstory are always available:

    TopHintMenu 'Hints';
    + HintMenu 'The Basics';
    ++ Goal 'Where am I?'
        ['You are in the TADS Cookbook kitchen.']
        openWhen = true
    ++ Goal 'Who am I?'
        ['You are the AFGNCAAP: the ageless, faceless, gender-neutral, culturally-ambiguous adventure person.']
        openWhen = true

    To get to this menu, a player needs to type HINT (and then again after the warning). To disable the warning, you can do so at game initialization:

        execute() {
            sessionHintStatus.hintWarning = true;
            gameHintStatus.hintWarning = true;

    To remap HELP to HINT:

        execAction() {
            if (gHintManager != nil)
        : HelpAction
        verbPhrase = 'show/showing help'
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