273 Repositories
PHP oauth-client Libraries
OpenAI API Client is a component-oriented, extensible client library for the OpenAI API. It's designed to be faster and more memory efficient than traditional PHP libraries.
OpenAI API Client in PHP (community-maintained) This library is a component-oriented, extensible client library for the OpenAI API. It's designed to b
PSR-18 compliant Circuit Breaker wrapper
Interrupt PSR-18 compliant Circuit Breaker wrapper. Acknowledgement This library is heavily inspired by: ackintosh/ganesha PrestaShop/circuit-breaker
StartZ oauth2-etsy compatible League of PHP OAuth2
Etsy Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client This package provides Etsy OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client. Requirements The following vers
⚡ Setting up Apache and PHP on AWS with Ansible Playbook Using Ubuntu 22.04 AMI. Ansible is a simple and powerful automation engine. It is used to help with configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It makes your applications and systems easier to deploy and maintain .
Ansible-Aws-Ubuntu-Apache-PHP Table of content Overview Process Link to files Author Overview Setting up Apache and PHP on AWS with Ansible Playbook U
Use rmccue/requests as a PSR-18 HTTP client
WordPress/Requests PSR-18 Adapter Use WordPress/Requests as a PSR-18 HTTP client adapter. Requires PHP 7.1+ Why? Requests is a HTTP library written in
Qiwi Php Client Especially for 🦊 Zorra Telecom and 👥 Everyone else Привет Attention: At the moment the number of methods is very limited, they will
Code Quiz MonoRepo (API, API Client, App)
Code Quiz Welcome to the Code Quiz Open Source project from How To Code Well. This is an Open Source project that includes an API and an App for the d
A OpenID connect client for Laravel framework.
Introduction A OpenID connect client for Laravel framework. Install composer require package/oidc:^1.0 Configuration php artisan vendor:publish --tag=
PHP API for GeoIP2 webservice client and database reader
GeoIP2 PHP API Description This package provides an API for the GeoIP2 and GeoLite2 web services and databases. Install via Composer We recommend inst
Laravel ClickHouse adds CH client integration, generation & execution of ClickHouse database migrations to the Laravel application.
Laravel ClickHouse Introduction Laravel ClickHouse database integration. This package includes generation and execution of the ClickHouse database mig
API Client library for PHP
ChronoSheetsAPI ChronoSheets is a flexible timesheet solution for small to medium businesses, it is free for small teams of up to 3 and there are iOS
Idiomatic PHP client for Memorystore for Memcached.
Memorystore for Memcached for PHP Idiomatic PHP client for Memorystore for Memcached. API documentation NOTE: This repository is part of Google Cloud
PHP client library for Coveralls API.
php-coveralls PHP client library for Coveralls. Prerequisites PHP 5.5+ for 2.x or 5.3+ for 1.x On GitHub Building on Travis CI, CircleCI, Jenkins or C
A PHP API client for ConvertKit
ConvertKit PHP API Client Introduction This is an API Client for the ConvertKit mailing list service for PHP versions 7.4 and up There are several cli
This library extends the 'League OAuth2 Client' library to provide OpenID Connect Discovery support for supporting providers that expose a .well-known configuration endpoint.
OpenID Connect Discovery support for League - OAuth 2.0 Client This library extends the League OAuth2 Client library to provide OpenID Connect Discove
Declarative HTTP Clients using Guzzle HTTP Library and PHP 8 Attributes
Waffler How to install? $ composer require waffler/waffler This package requires PHP 8 or above. How to test? $ composer phpunit Quick start For our e
Verificacion expediente client php
verificacion-expediente-client-php API Verificación Expediente. Requisitos PHP = 7.2 Dependencias adicionales Composer vea como instalar Se debe cont
Attempting to create an intelligent mock of the Google API PHP Client for unit and functional testing
google-api-php-client-mock A small scale intelligent mock of the Google API PHP Client for unit and functional testing. Overview This is intended to m
CherryStar is a compilation of technologies that you must know to work as back-end or front-end developer.
CherryStar - Study case, starting with recent technologies CherryStar is a compilation of technologies that you must know to work as back-end or front
DNS over HTTPS executor for ReactPHP/dns
DNS over HTTPS client for ReactPHP Resolve DNS queries over HTTPS, provides secure DNS resolution over untrusted or shared networks (eg Serverless dep
Client library to consume the 42 Intranet's API
ft-client Client library to consume the 42 Intranet's API Installation composer require mehdibo/ft-client Usage examples Using the Authorization Code
A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file
BlockBox-Radius A simple pure PHP RADIUS client supporting Standard and Vendor-Specific Attributes in single file Author: Daren Yeh dhy901224@gmail.co
This document provides the details related to Remittance API. This APIs is used to initiate payment request from Mobile client/others exchange house.
City Bank Remittance API This is where your description should go. Limit it to a paragraph or two. Consider adding a small example. Installation You c
HTTP Requestor: Package for a client request that supports you to make an external service request easily and with fast usage.
HttpRequestor from Patienceman HTTP Requestor: Package for a client request that supports you to make an external service request easily and with fast
Idiomatic PHP client for Cloud Firestore.
Cloud Firestore for PHP Idiomatic PHP client for Cloud Firestore. API documentation NOTE: This repository is part of Google Cloud PHP. Any support req
Simple HTTP cURL client for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-18
Simple HTTP cURL client for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-18 Installation composer require sunrise/http-client-curl QuickStart composer require sunrise/http-f
An Instagram clone built with TailwindCSS, React, Apollo Client and Laravel Lighthouse.
This is an Instagram clone built with TailwindCSS, React, Apollo Client and Laravel Lighthouse. This is a great project to learn and improve your Tailwind and React skills also if you are insterested in backend, the GraphQL API is created using Laravel Lighthouse, this is a great project to add to your portfolio if you are just starting as a web developer or full stack developer.
A PHP package for handling client requests, sending response, database CRUD operations, among others, easily
Zam Zam helps to receive and process client request(s), return response to client with appropriate header and database CRUD operation for a more robus
Job Queue Public API PHP Client
Job Queue API PHP Client PHP client for the Job Queue API (API docs). Usage composer require keboola/job-queue-api-php-client use Keboola\JobQueueClie
A PHP MySQL database client class to simplify database access
This lightweight database class is written with PHP and uses the MySQLi extension, it uses prepared statements to properly secure your queries, no need to worry about SQL injection attacks.
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client.
Simple, single-file and dependency-free AWS S3 client. Why? In some scenarios we want the simplest and lightest S3 client possible. For example in Bre
Sendwithus PHP Client
sendwithus_php Sendwithus PHP Client Status Requirements curl library must be installed and enabled in php.ini Install it via Composer Add it to your
Buddy Provider for the OAuth 2.0 Client
Buddy Provider for OAuth 2.0 Client This package provides Buddy OAuth 2.0 support for the PHP League's OAuth 2.0 Client. Installation To install, use
The command line interface for the TransIP API
Tipctl TransIP Control (tipctl) is a tool that connects to the TransIP API from your terminal. It has all available resources implemented from the Tra
The Smart-ID PHP client can be used for easy integration of the Smart-ID solution to information systems or e-services
Smart-ID PHP client Introduction The Smart-ID PHP client can be used for easy integration of the Smart-ID solution to information systems or e-service
PHP client library for the DynamicPDF Cloud API.
PHP Client (php-client) The PHP Client (php-client) project uses the DynamicPDF Cloud API's PHP client library to create, merge, split, form fill, sta
Simple, async SOAP webservice client, built on top of ReactPHP.
clue/reactphp-soap Simple, async SOAP web service client library, built on top of ReactPHP. Most notably, SOAP is often used for invoking Remote proce
API client for Yousign · French eSignature solution.
CyrilBochet/YousignApiClient README translation English Client API pour Yousign · solution de signature électronique française. Sommaire Procédure sim
Prestashop module for Orange Money web payment in Central Africa
PrestaShop payment module which allow to add African (Cameroon, Cote D'Ivoire etc...) Orange Money payment method on our website
High performance Clickhouse PHP lib with progress tracking, parametric queries and compression support
Clickhousy High performance Clickhouse PHP library featuring: Tiny memory footprint based on static class (times better than smi2 client) High level m
PHP DataDog StatsD Client
PHP DataDog StatsD Client This is an extremely simple PHP DogStatsD client. Requires PHP = 5.6.0. See CHANGELOG.md for changes. For a Laravel-specifi
A PHP implementation of RabbitMQ Client for webman plugin.
workbunny/webman-rabbitmq 🐇 A PHP implementation of RabbitMQ Client for webman plugin. 🐇 A PHP implementation of RabbitMQ Client for webman plugin 常
Social (OAuth1\OAuth2\OpenID\OpenIDConnect) sign with PHP
Open source social sign on PHP. Connect your application(s) with social network(s).
A simplified SMPP client lib for sending or receiving smses through SMPP v3.4.
PHP-based SMPP client lib This is a simplified SMPP client lib for sending or receiving smses through SMPP v3.4. In addition to the client, this lib a
The Official Vultr API PHP Wrapper
WIP - This is not the final API Client. Unstable release use with caution. Vultr API PHP Client. Getting Started Must have a PSR7, PSR17, and PSR18 Co
OneSignal PHP SDK
OneSignal SDK for PHP developers with fluent API and supports Laravel / Lumen out of the box.
The very FIRST ever server sided hack client for the PocketMine-MP API (4.x.x)
PHqx or Phqzing Hacks is a Server Sided Hack "Client" you can use for trolling friends (if you have one) or destroying other people at pvp.
OVHcloud APIs lightweight PHP wrapper
Lightweight PHP wrapper for OVHcloud APIs - The easiest way to use OVHcloud APIs in your PHP applications - Compatible with PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1 - Not affiliated with OVHcloud
A CLI client for RE-AOL
🖥 Retro AOL® CLI This is an unofficial CLI version for the RE-AOL for MacOS & Linux. Read all about the efforts to reverse engineer AOL 3.0 here: AOL
This library is for integration with Salesforce via REST API.
xsolve-pl/salesforce-client Introduction This library is for integration with Salesforce via REST API. Licence This library is under the MIT license.
Toxiproxy PHP Client - Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations
Toxiproxy makes it easy and trivial to test network conditions, for example low-bandwidth and high-latency situations. toxiproxy-php-client includes everything needed to get started with configuring Toxiproxy upstream connection and listen endpoints.
Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use
Introduction Laravel Passport is an OAuth2 server and API authentication package that is simple and enjoyable to use. Official Documentation Documenta
Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages.
Unirest for PHP Unirest is a set of lightweight HTTP libraries available in multiple languages. This fork is maintained by APIMatic for its Code Gener
A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API
Wordpress XML-RPC PHP Client A PHP client for Wordpress websites that closely implement the XML-RPC WordPress API Created by Hieu Le MIT licensed. Cur
Thruway - an open source client and router implementation of WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol), for PHP.
PHP Client and Router Library for Autobahn and WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) for Real-Time Application Messaging
AsyncAws Core - shared classes between all AWS services. It also contains the STS client to handle authentication.
AsyncAws Core The repository contains shared classes between all AWS services. It also contains the STS client to handle authentication. Install compo
MOFHY Lite is a priceless MyOwnFreeHost Client Area for account management, ticket support system and a free ssl service
MOFHY Lite is a priceless MyOwnFreeHost Client Area for account management, ticket support system and a free ssl service. It has easy to use features much like the WHMCS Digit UI interface.
Bash version of the VK client written in PHP.
VK-CLI VK Messenger in your Linux Terminal PHP8 Installation wget https://jenkins.pmmp.io/job/PHP-8.0-Aggregate/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/PHP-8.0-L
A Gitlab API wrapper that helps to automate common actions on CI jobs
Gitlab CI client This is a Gitlab API wrapper that helps to automate common actions on CI jobs (eg: Open a merge request, Open or close an issue etc)
PHP library with ready-to-use Yunbi API implementation.
yunbi-client-php A simple PHP client for Crypto Trade Site Yunbi.com Quick example ?php require_once('lib/yunbi-client.php'); try { $client = new
Laravel 9 Web App - Our client José Gustavo, passionate about soccer and technology, wants to have an application that simulates the soccer leagues in his neighborhood, called My League.
Laravel 9 Web App - Our client José Gustavo, passionate about soccer and technology, wants to have an application that simulates the soccer leagues in his neighborhood, called My League.
An unofficial wrapper client for lknpd.nalog.ru API
Unofficial MoyNalog API client An unofficial wrapper client for lknpd.nalog.ru API Install Via Composer $ composer require shoman4eg/moy-nalog Usage S
Automatically fill in the captcha code in the NTHU OAuth login page.
NTHU-OAuth-Decaptcha Automatically fill in the captcha code in the NTHU OAuth login page. CNN Decaptcha For training the decaptcha model. See CNN Deca
A PHP client driver for the RethinkDB query language (ReQL).
PHP-RQL A PHP client driver for the RethinkDB query language (ReQL).
A standalone Amazon S3 (REST) client for PHP 5/CURL
Amazon S3 PHP Class Usage OO method (e,g; $s3-getObject(...)): $s3 = new S3($awsAccessKey, $awsSecretKey); Statically (e,g; S3::getObject(...)): S3::
OAuth 1/2 Provider implementations for chillerlan/php-oauth-core. PHP 7.4+
chillerlan/php-oauth-providers Documentation See the wiki for advanced documentation. Requirements PHP 7.4+ a PSR-18 compatible HTTP client library of
Mofhy is a secure, fast and responsive client area for managing MyOwnFreeHost accounts and ssl certificates.
Mofhy is an open-source MyOwnFreeHost client area for managing accounts and ssl certificates. It has easy to use features much like the WHMCS Digit UI interface
Idiomatic PHP client for Cloud Datastore.
A NoSQL document database built for automatic scaling, high performance, and ease of application development. While the Cloud Datastore interface has many of the same features as traditional databases, as a NoSQL database it differs from them in the way it describes relationships between data objects.
The SPID/CIE OIDC Federation Relying Party for PHP
SPID/CIE OIDC Federation Relying Party for PHP The SPID/CIE OIDC Federation Relying Party for PHP Summary What is SPID/CIE OIDC PHP PHP class library
PHP library for the Notion API
Notion SDK for PHP PHP version of the official NOTION API. It works the same way as the reference JavaScript SDK 🎉 Installation Install this package
PSR-15 middleware to geolocate the client using the ip address
middlewares/geolocation ![SensioLabs Insight][ico-sensiolabs] Middleware to geolocate the client using the ip address and Geocoder and save the result
PHP OpenID Connect Basic Client
PHP OpenID Connect Basic Client A simple library that allows an application to authenticate a user through the basic OpenID Connect flow. This library
EAuth extension allows to authenticate users by the OpenID, OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0 providers
EAuth extension allows to authenticate users with accounts on other websites. Supported protocols: OpenID, OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2.0.
OAuth 2.0 Yii2 Extension
OAuth2.0 Extension for Yii2 framework The following clients are currently supported for authorization: vk.com [register your application] mail.ru [reg
This is a simple php ADP client / connector
This is a simple php ADP client / connector
Symfony bundle that provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications
CSRF Cookie Bundle This Symfony bundle provides Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF or XSRF) protection for client-side applications requesting endpoints
Laravel Abdal Detector - Find info about IP , OS and web browser from your client
Laravel Abdal Detector - Find info about IP , OS and web browser from your client
Async MySQL database client for ReactPHP.
MySQL Async MySQL database client for ReactPHP. This is a MySQL database driver for ReactPHP. It implements the MySQL protocol and allows you to acces
API client for ThePay - payment gate API
This is the official highly compatible public package of The Pay SDK which interacts with The Pay's REST API. To get started see examples below.
The perfect starting point to integrate Algolia within your PHP project
⚡️ A fully-featured and blazing-fast PHP API client to interact with Algolia.
Retry Plugin for EightPointsGuzzleBundle
GuzzleBundleRetryPlugin Requirements PHP 7.3 or above Guzzle Bundle Guzzle Retry middleware Installation Using composer: composer.json { "require"
Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP
HTTP Event-driven, streaming HTTP client and server implementation for ReactPHP. This HTTP library provides re-usable implementations for an HTTP clie
Laravel SES Webhooks Client
Handle AWS SES webhook in Laravel php framework.
SendGrid's PHP HTTP Client for calling APIs
Quickly and easily access any RESTful or RESTful-like API. If you are looking for the SendGrid API client library, please see this repo. Announcements
Nexmo REST API client for PHP. API support for SMS, Voice, Text-to-Speech, Numbers, Verify (2FA) and more.
Client Library for PHP Support Notice This library and it's associated packages, nexmo/client and nexmo/client-core have transitioned into a "Maintena
Painless OAuth 2.0 Server for CodeIgniter 4 🔥
Inspired from the Norse mythology, Heimdallr, modernly anglicized as Heimdall is the gatekeeper of Bifröst, the rainbow road connecting Midgard, realm
GitLab PHP API Client
GitLab PHP API Client We present a modern GitLab API v4 client for PHP. This is strongly based on php-github-api by KnpLabs. With this in mind, we now
A PHP 7.4+ library to consume the Confluent Schema Registry REST API
A PHP 7.4+ library to consume the Confluent Schema Registry REST API. It provides low level functions to create PSR-7 compliant requests that can be used as well as high level abstractions to ease developer experience.
Requests - a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings
Requests is a HTTP library written in PHP, for human beings. It is roughly based on the API from the excellent Requests Python library. Requests is ISC Licensed (similar to the new BSD license) and has no dependencies, except for PHP 5.6+.
VideoColor PHP Search Client
This library is designed to find information about a movie and get the frame position using a screenshot from a video.
Smotreshka.tv • Create M3U8 and XMLTV for Kodi : PVR IPTV Simple Client
Smotreshka.tv • Create M3U8 and XMLTV for Kodi : PVR IPTV Simple Client
An unofficial EdgeDB PHP client.
Unofficial EdgeDB HTTP PHP client Requirements PHP = 8.0 (with fileinfo and mbstring) An EdgeDB server instance (tested with 1.0+9ecadfc) Quickstart
OAuth server implementation for WP API
WP REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server Connect applications to your WordPress site without ever giving away your password. This plugin uses the OAuth 1.0a pr
PHP JSON-RPC 2.0 Server/Client Implementation with Automatic Client Class Generation via SMD
PHP JSON-RPC 2.0 Server/Client Implementation with Automatic Client Class Generation via SMD
Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project
AmiAirbrakeBundle Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project. Prerequisites Th
Idiomatic PHP client for Google Compute.
Google Compute for PHP Idiomatic PHP client for Google Compute. API Documentation NOTE: This repository is part of Google Cloud PHP. Any support reque
Hashtopolis is a multi-platform client-server tool for distributing hashcat tasks to multiple computers.
Hashtopolis is a multi-platform client-server tool for distributing hashcat tasks to multiple computers. The main goals for Hashtopolis's development are portability, robustness, multi-user support, and multiple groups management.
Yii2 console application used to write our processors of methods to responsible to client calling.
Microservice Application Skeleton Yii2 console application used to write our processors of methods to responsible to client calling. This application
JShrink is a php class that minifies javascript so that it can be delivered to the client quicker
JShrink JShrink is a php class that minifies javascript so that it can be delivered to the client quicker. This code can be used by any product lookin
PHPoAuthLib provides oAuth support in PHP 7.2+ and is very easy to integrate with any project which requires an oAuth client.
PHPoAuthLib NOTE: I'm looking for someone who could help to maintain this package alongside me, just because I don't have a ton of time to devote to i