The SPID/CIE OIDC Federation Relying Party for PHP


SPID/CIE OIDC Federation Relying Party for PHP

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The SPID/CIE OIDC Federation Relying Party for PHP




  • A PHP class library that helps to develop a relying party for SPID/CIE
    Are you a Developer and you want to make your own relying party or a plugin for your software?
    Read the Technical documentation.

  • A standalone proxy relying party for SPID/CIE
    You can simply setup the proxy project and configure the URL where to receive users's attributes. You can also choice how the attributes will be returned from the proxy, such as plain values, signed or encrypted.
    Read How to use as a proxy.

  • A generic OIDC to SPID/CIE OIDC relying party gateway
    Can your application connect to a standard OIDC Provider, but it doesn't have extended functionalities required by the SPID/CIE OIDC Federation? No problem, you can configure your client as a relying party to SPID/CIE OIDC PHP Provider and it will make the rest.
    Read How to use as a generic OIDC Provider.


  • Interactive setup
  • Wizard for certificates generation
  • Bootstrap template
  • Hooks plugins
  • Simple API
  • Proxy functions
  • Ready to use


git clone
composer install

After setup go to /service_name/oidc/rp/authz where service_name is the service name configured during setup.

Example projects

Start the basic example project is as simple as run:

docker pull linfaservice/spid-cie-oidc-php
docker run -it -p 8002:80 -v $(pwd)/config:/var/www/spid-cie-oidc-php/config linfaservice/spid-cie-oidc-php

On the first run the setup will ask for configurations. All configurations will be saved in the ./config directory.

The repository also provides example projects to set up a complete SPID/CIE OIDC Federation.

Read how to set up a federation with the WordPress Example Project.
Read how to set up a federation with the Drupal Example Project.


Your contribution is welcome, no question is useless and no answer is obvious, we need you.

Contribute as end user

Please open an issue if you've discoveerd a bug or if you want to ask some features.

Contribute as developer

Please open your Pull Requests on the dev branch. Please consider the following branches:

  • main: where we merge the code before tag a new stable release.
  • dev: where we push our code during development.
  • other-custom-name: where a new feature/contribution/bugfix will be handled, revisioned and then merged to dev branch.

In this project we adopt Semver and Conventional commits specifications.

Useful links

License and Authors

This software is released under the Apache 2 License by:

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  • [Doc] Document how to run/build the Docker image in the docker compose of a example Federation

    [Doc] Document how to run/build the Docker image in the docker compose of a example Federation

    [Doc] Document how to run/build the Docker image in the docker compose of a example Federation

    Following this example

    all the example SPID/CIE RP projects must be configurable, runnable and usable in the docker-compose of the example federation. Please provide a Dockerfile, and push the docker image to dockerhub or any other public repository of docker image, with instruction about how to build/pull it and how to configure it in the example federation compose file.

    documentation enhancement 
    opened by peppelinux 1
  • Setup



    forse mi è sfuggito qualcosa, ma non ho trovato documentazione a riguardo.

    Quando eseguo composer install mi chiede diversi parametri e non sono sicuro come compilarli:

    Nello specifico:

    authority_hint con valore di default

    Su questo non ho trovato informazioni neanche sulle linee guida.


    Ho lasciato quello proposto (in base al nome che ho dato all'enpoint del relying party):


    Forse dipende dal fatto di non avere compilato bene i parametri ma, quando cerco di andare su /spid_openid/oidc/rp/authz come descritto sulla guida va a cercare un file sqlite che non c'è:


    Unable to open database: bad parameter or other API misuse [C:\Sviluppo\QUESTIT\spid-cie-oidc-php-main\lib\OIDC\RP\Database.php:45]

    opened by fredericks 8
  • missing jwks_uri support

    missing jwks_uri support

    what's happen if a metadata has a jwks_uri claim instead of jwks?

    opened by peppelinux 3
  • Please remove constant from the code

    Please remove constant from the code


    we need backup values but all these params must be moved to a general config file

    opened by peppelinux 2
  • v0.3.0(Apr 11, 2022)

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