About GoogleSheetsPHP
It's a PHP Application to simplify working with Google Sheets SDK for php.
Note: i used Slim 3 to construct the application but you can easily use the google sheet helper class in any other project;
User has the following features provided as Web and API
- API Routes fro read, write and delete data from the file
- reusable helper class that you can use in any other application
First clone this repository and install the dependencies
git clone https://github.com/samialateya/Google-Sheets-PHP.git
composer install
Google Developer Console Setup
- login to google console and create new project
- go to Dashboard and click enable API and Services
- find google sheet API and click Enable
- click on create credentials, it will asks you for the following
- select API : chose google sheet api
- what will be access : chose application data
- Are you planning to use this API with Compute Engine: chose NO
- click next
- add service account name : chose any name you want
- click create and continue
- chose the role as currently used / owner
- go to services account :
- you will see a list of all credentials you created select the last one you created
- go to keys -> add key -> create new key -> select json
- then the json file with all credentials needed will be downloaded to you device
- thats all on google developer console
- in the credentials json file you will find "client_email" key, copy the value of this key 'which is an email address' and share it with the spread sheet that you want to read from
Postman collection to test the app.
Thank you for considering contributing to this repo. Feel free to fork this repo and submit a pull request with your updates.
Errors and Vulnerabilities
Please open an issue on Github if you discover a vulnerability or you face an error with this repo. and feel free to contact me by email at samialateya@hotmail.com.