可能是基于 hyperf 的最优雅的支付宝、微信支付 SDK 了



当前组件整体处于 beta 阶段


  • php >= 7.3
  • composer
  • hyperf >= 2.1


composer require yansongda/hyperf-pay:~1.0.0



php bin/hyperf.php vendor:publish yansongda/hyperf-pay



namespace App\Controller;

use Yansongda\HyperfPay\Pay;
use Hyperf\HttpServer\Annotation\AutoController;

 * @AutoController()
class IndexController extends AbstractController
    public function index(Pay $pay)
        return $pay->alipay()->web([
            'out_trade_no' => ''.time(),
            'total_amount' => '0.01',
            'subject' => 'yansongda 测试 - 1',



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    [ERROR] Yansongda\Pay\Exception\InvalidResponseException: (5003) in /www/wwwroot/wash/apiadminHf/vendor/yansongda/pay/src/Functions.php:204 Stack trace: #0 /www/wwwroot/wash/apiadminHf/vendor/yansongda/pay/src/Plugin/Wechat/LaunchPlugin.php(32): verify_wechat_sign() #1 /www/wwwroot/wash/apiadminHf/vendor/yansongda/supports/src/Pipeline.php(126): Yansongda\Pay\Plugin\Wechat\LaunchPlugin->assembly() #2 /www/wwwroot/.com/wash/apiadminHf/vendor/yansongda/pay/src/Plugin/Wechat/SignPlugin.php(49): Yansongda\Supports\Pipeline->Yansongda\Supports{closure}() #3 /www/wwwroot/.com/wash/apiadminHf/vendor/yansongda/supports/src/Pipeline.php(126): Yansongda\Pay\Plugin\Wechat\SignPlugin->assembly()

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  • https://pay.yansongda.cn/docs/v3/wechat/callback.html#%E5%8F%82%E6%95%B0



    最初由 yansongda 在 https://github.com/yansongda/hyperf-pay/issues/8#issuecomment-966932813 发布

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