PHP SDK for Webmarketer
The official PHP SDK for Webmarketer (
To add this package, your project must meet several requirements :
- PHP >= 5.6
- Composer (install composer)
- OpenSSL extension for PHP
This package is the core SDK and is not installed with any specific HTTP library. It uses PSR-7 implementation Httplug to be used with any PSR-7 compliant client. If you don't know which to use, we recommend using Guzzle (you just need to require it in your project).
composer require webmarketer/webmarketer-php
try {
// create an instance of the SDK with the desired configuration
$client = new \Webmarketer\WebmarketerSdk([
'credential' => '{ ...jsonSa }',
'scopes' => 'test',
'default_project_id' => 'webmarketer-awesome-project'
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\DependencyException $dep_ex) {
// SDK init throw a dependency exception if requirements are not meet (see Install)
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\CredentialException $cred_ex) {
// SDK automatically try to authenticate you agains API
// A credential exception could be throw if credentials are invalid
// SDK exposes resources services, use them to manipulate your resources
$event_type_service = $client->getEventTypeService();
$field_service = $client->getFieldService();
Official integrations
Following integrations are developed and maintained by the Webmarketer Team himself and are based on this SDK.
All SDK dependencies are managed via Composer :
composer install
Run all tests with PHPUnit and the configuration provided :
composer tests
Run all tests and check codecoverage (must be >= 80%) with PHPUnit :
composer tests-coverage
Lint code :
composer phpcs
If you want to run the SDK in a container, it comes with some Docker configuration :
- Dockerfile (Linux Alpine with PHP 5.6 and composer)
- Dockerfile-8 (Linux Alpine with PHP 8.0.10 and composer)
- docker-compose.yml with a service PHP to run commands with desired image (5.6 or 8.0.10). Update the used Dockerfile between the two to run with 5.6 or 8.0.10
docker-compose run php composer tests
Feel free to report issues and bugs directly on this repository.