Minter Blockchain PHP SDK



This is a pure PHP SDK for working with Minter blockchain


composer require minter/minter-php-sdk

Using MinterAPI

You can get all valid responses and full documentation at Minter Node Api

Create MinterAPI instance

use Minter\MinterAPI;

$nodeUrl = ''; // example of a node url

$api = new MinterAPI($nodeUrl);


Returns coins list, balance and transaction count (for nonce) of an address.

getBalance(string $minterAddress, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


// {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": "", "result": { "balance": { ... }, "transaction_count": "0"}}


Returns next transaction number (nonce) of an address.

getNonce(string $minterAddress): int



Returns the result of sending signed tx.

⚠️ To ensure that transaction was successfully committed to the blockchain, you need to find the transaction by the hash and ensure that the status code equals to 0.

send(string $tx): \stdClass



Returns addresses balances.

getAddresses(array $addresses, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns node status info.

getStatus(): \stdClass


Returns list of active validators.

getValidators(?int $height = null, ?int $page = 1, ?int $perPage = null): \stdClass


Return estimate of buy coin transaction.

estimateCoinBuy(string $coinToSell, string $valueToBuy, string $coinToBuy, ?int $height = null, string $swapFrom): \stdClass


Return estimate of sell coin transaction.

estimateCoinSell(string $coinToSell, string $valueToSell, string $coinToBuy, ?int $height = null, string $swapFrom): \stdClass


Return estimate of sell coin all transaction.

estimateCoinSellAll(string $coinToSell, string $valueToSell, string $coinToBuy, ?int $height = null, string $swapFrom): \stdClass


Returns information about coin. Note: this method does not return information about base coins (MNT and BIP).

getCoinInfo(string $coin, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns block data at given height.

getBlock(int $height): \stdClass


Returns events at given height.

getEvents(int $height): \stdClass


Returns transaction info.

getTransaction(string $hash): \stdClass


Returns candidate’s info by provided public_key. It will respond with 404 code if candidate is not found.

getCandidate(string $publicKey, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns list of candidates.

$height is optional parameter.

getCandidates(?int $height = null, ?bool $includeStakes = false): \stdClass


Returns estimate of transaction.

estimateTxCommission(string $tx, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns transactions by query.

getTransactions(string $query, ?int $page = null, ?int $perPage = null): \stdClass


Returns unconfirmed transactions.

getUnconfirmedTxs(?int $limit = null): \stdClass


Returns current max gas price.

getMaxGasPrice(?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns current min gas price.

getMinGasPrice(): \stdClass


Returns missed blocks by validator public key.

getMissedBlocks(string $pubKey, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns network genesis.

getGenesis(): \stdClass


Returns node network information.

getNetworkInfo(): \stdClass


Returns waitlisted stakes by address

getWaitlist(string $address, ?string $publicKey = null, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns waitlisted stakes by address

getWaitlist(string $address, ?string $publicKey = null, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns the list of the commissions that are set up on the Minter Network

getPriceCommissions(?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns the list of validators' votes for changing commissions on the network

getPriceVotes(int $height): \stdClass


Returns entire liquidity volume of the swap pool

getSwapPool(string $coin0, string $coin1, ?int $height = null): \stdClass


Returns liquidity volume of the swap pool provided by specified address

getSwapPoolProvider(string $coin0, string $coin1, string $provider, ?int $height = null): \stdClass

Error handling

Example of how you can handle errors and get the response body.

use Minter\MinterAPI;
use GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException;

// create instance
$api = new MinterAPI('node url here');

try {
    // success response
    $response = $api->send('signed tx here');
} catch(RequestException $exception) {
    // short exception message
    $message = $exception->getMessage();
    // error response in json
    $content = $exception->getResponse()
    // error response as array
    $error = json_decode($content, true);                

Using MinterSDK

Sign transaction

Returns a signed tx.

  • Sign the SendCoin transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSendCoinTx($coin, $to, $value)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$data = new MinterSendCoinTx($coinID, 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99', '10');
$tx = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');

At all type of transactions you can also set optional fields: gas price, gas coin, payload, serviceData, chain id

use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$data = new MinterSendCoinTx($coinID, 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99', '10');
$tx   = (new MinterTx($nonce, $data))
   ->setPayload('some payload')
   ->setServiceData('some data');

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the SellCoin transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSellCoinTx($coinToSell, $valueToSell, $coinToBuy, $minimumValueToBuy)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSellCoinTx;

$data = new MinterSellCoinTx(123, '1', 321, '1');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the SellAllCoin transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSellAllCoinTx($coinToSell, $coinToBuy, $minimumValueToBuy)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSellAllCoinTx;

$data = new MinterSellAllCoinTx(123, 321, '1');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the BuyCoin transaction
  • Constructor: MinterBuyCoinTx($coinToBuy, $valueToBuy, $coinToSell, $maximumValueToSell)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterBuyCoinTx;

$data = new MinterBuyCoinTx(123, '1', 321, '1');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the CreateCoin transaction
  • Constructor: MinterCreateCoinTx($name, $symbol, $amount, $reserve, $crr, $maxSupply)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterCreateCoinTx;

$data = new MinterCreateCoinTx('TEST COIN', 'TEST', '10000', '10', 10, '10000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the DeclareCandidacy transaction
  • Constructor: MinterDeclareCandidacyTx($address, $publicKey, $commission, $coin, $stake)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterDeclareCandidacyTx;

$data = new MinterDeclareCandidacyTx(
    10, 0, '10000'

$tx = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the Delegate transaction
  • Constructor: MinterDelegateTx($publicKey, $coin, $stake)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterDelegateTx;

$data = new MinterDelegateTx('Mp0eb98ea04ae466d8d38f490db3c99b3996a90e24243952ce9822c6dc1e2c1a43', 123, '10000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the SetCandidateOn transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSetCandidateOnTx($publicKey)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSetCandidateOnTx;

$data = new MinterSetCandidateOnTx('Mp0eb98ea04ae466d8d38f490db3c99b3996a90e24243952ce9822c6dc1e2c1a43');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the SetCandidateOff transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSetCandidateOffTx($publicKey)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSetCandidateOffTx;

$data = new MinterSetCandidateOffTx('Mp0eb98ea04ae466d8d38f490db3c99b3996a90e24243952ce9822c6dc1e2c1a43');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the RedeemCheck transaction
  • Constructor: MinterRedeemCheckTx($check, $proof)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterRedeemCheckTx;

$data = new MinterRedeemCheckTx('your check', 'created by MinterCheck proof');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the Unbond transaction
  • Constructor: MinterUnbondTx($publicKey, $coin, $value)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterUnbondTx;

$data = new MinterUnbondTx('Mp....', 123, '10000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the MultiSend transaction
  • Constructor: MinterMultiSendTx($list)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterMultiSendTx;

$data = new MinterMultiSendTx([
    new MinterSendCoinTx(0, 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99', '15'),
    new MinterSendCoinTx(123, 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee92', '10')

$tx = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the EditCandidate transaction
  • Constructor: MinterEditCandidateTx($publicKey, $rewardAddress, $ownerAddress, $controlAddress)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterEditCandidateTx;

$data = new MinterEditCandidateTx('candidate public key', 'Minter address for rewards', 'Minter address of owner', 'Minter address for control');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the CreateMultisig transaction
  • Constructor: MinterCreateMultisigTx($threshold, $weights, $addresses)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterCreateMultisigTx;

$data = new MinterCreateMultisigTx(7, [1, 3, 5], [

$tx = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the SetHaltBlock transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSetHaltBlockTx($publicKey, $height)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSetHaltBlockTx;

$data = new MinterSetHaltBlockTx('your public key', 236503);
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the RecreateCoin transaction
  • Constructor: MinterRecreateCoinTx($name, $symbol, $amount, $reserve, $crr, $maxSupply)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterRecreateCoinTx;

$data = new MinterRecreateCoinTx('TEST', '10000', '10', 10000, 10, '10000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the EditCoinOwner transaction
  • Constructor: MinterEditCoinOwnerTx($symbol, $newOwner)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterEditCoinOwnerTx;

$data = new MinterEditCoinOwnerTx('COINSYMBOL', 'Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333145');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the EditMultisig transaction
  • Constructor: MinterEditMultisigTx($threshold, $weights, $addresses)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterEditMultisigTx;

$data = new MinterEditMultisigTx(1, [1, 2], ['Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333145', 'Mxee81347211c72524338f9680072af90744333146']);
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the EditCandidatePublicKey transaction
  • Constructor: MinterEditCandidatePublicKeyTx($publicKey, $newPublicKey)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterEditCandidatePublicKeyTx;

$data = new MinterEditCandidatePublicKeyTx('public key', 'new public key....');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the AddLiquidity transaction
  • Constructor: MinterAddLiquidityTx($coin0, $coin1, $volume0, $maximumVolume1)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterAddLiquidityTx;

$data = new MinterAddLiquidityTx(0, 1, '1000', '2000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the RemoveLiquidity transaction
  • Constructor: MinterRemoveLiquidityTx($coin0, $coin1, $liquidity, $minimumVolume0, $minimumVolume1)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterRemoveLiquidityTx;

$data = new MinterRemoveLiquidityTx(0, 1, '2000', '500', '1000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the SellSwapPool transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSellSwapPoolTx(array $coins, $valueToSell, $minimumValueToBuy)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSellSwapPoolTx;

$data = new MinterSellSwapPoolTx([1, 2], '20',  '2');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the BuySwapPool transaction
  • Constructor: MinterBuySwapPoolTx($coins, $valueToBuy, $maximumValueToSell)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterBuySwapPoolTx;

$data = new MinterBuySwapPoolTx([2, 3], '3', '5000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the SellAllSwapPool transaction
  • Constructor: MinterSellAllSwapPoolTx(array $coins, $minimumValueToBuy)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSellAllSwapPoolTx;

$data = new MinterSellAllSwapPoolTx([1, 4, 5], '100');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the EditCandidateCommission transaction
  • Constructor: MinterEditCandidateCommissionTx($publicKey, $commission)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterEditCandidateCommissionTx;

$data = new MinterEditCandidateCommissionTx('public key', 77);
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the MintToken transaction
  • Constructor: MinterMintTokenTx($coin, $value)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterMintTokenTx;

$data = new MinterMintTokenTx(2, '3000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the BurnToken transaction
  • Constructor: MinterBurnTokenTx($coin, $value)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterBurnTokenTx;

$data = new MinterBurnTokenTx(3, '100000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the CreateToken transaction
  • Constructor: MinterCreateTokenTx($name, $symbol, $initialAmount, $maxSupply, $mintable, $burnable)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterCreateTokenTx;

$data = new MinterCreateTokenTx('TEST COIN IS MINTABLE ONLY', 'TEST', '10000', '50000', true, false);
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the RecreateToken transaction
  • Constructor: MinterRecreateTokenTx($name, $symbol, $initialAmount, $maxSupply, $mintable, $burnable)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterRecreateTokenTx;

$data = new MinterRecreateTokenTx('TEST COIN IS TURNED TO BE BURNABLE ONLY', 'TEST', '50000', '50000', false, true);
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key')
  • Sign the PriceCommission transaction
  • Constructor: MinterPriceCommissionTx( $pubKey, $height, $coin, $payloadByte, $send, $buyBancor, $sellBancor, $sellAllBancor, $buyPoolBase, $buyPoolDelta, $sellPoolBase, $sellPoolDelta, $sellAllPoolBase, $sellAllPoolDelta, $createTicker3, $createTicker4, $createTicker5, $createTicker6, $createTicker7to10, $createCoin, $createToken, $recreateCoin, $recreateToken, $declareCandidacy, $delegate, $unbond, $redeemCheck, $setCandidateOn, $setCandidateOff, $createMultisig, $multisendBase, $multisendDelta, $editCandidate, $setHaltBlock, $editTickerOwner, $editMultisig, $editCandidatePublicKey, $createSwapPool, $addLiquidity, $removeLiquidity, $editCandidateCommission, $burnToken, $mintToken, $voteCommission, $voteUpdate )
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterPriceCommissionTx;

$data = new MinterPriceCommissionTx('public key', 100000,0,'1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16','17','18','19','20','21','22','23','24','25','26','27','28','29','30','31','32','33','34','35','36','37','38','39','40','41', '42');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key');
  • Sign the CreateSwapPoll transaction
  • Constructor: MinterCreateSwapPoolTx($coin0, $coin1, $volume0, $volume1)
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterCreateSwapPoolTx;

$data = new MinterCreateSwapPoolTx(1, 2, '11000', '22000');
$tx   = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);
$tx->sign('your private key')

Sign transaction with multisignatures

Returns a signed tx.

  • To sign transaction with multisignatures, you need to call signMultisig method and pass multisig Minter address and his private keys (in any order).
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$data = new MinterSendCoinTx(123, 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99', '10');
$tx = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$signedTx = $tx->signMultisig('Mxdb4f4b6942cb927e8d7e3a1f602d0f1fb43b5bd2', [
  • To get the signature of transaction (not signed transaction) you need to call createSignature
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$data = new MinterSendCoinTx(123, 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99', '10');
$tx = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$txSignature = $tx->createSignature($privateKey);
  • To sign transaction with ready signatures, you need to call signMultisigBySigns method and pass multisig Minter address and your signatures (in any order).
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$data = new MinterSendCoinTx(123, 'Mxfe60014a6e9ac91618f5d1cab3fd58cded61ee99', '10');
$tx = new MinterTx($nonce, $data);

$signature1 = $tx->createSignature($privateKey1);
$signature2 = $tx->createSignature($privateKey2);
$signature3 = $tx->createSignature($privateKey3);

$signedTx = $tx->signMultisigBySigns('Mxdb4f4b6942cb927e8d7e3a1f602d0f1fb43b5bd2', [
     $signature1, $signature2, $signature3

Get fee of transaction

  • Calculate fee of transaction. You can get fee AFTER signing or decoding transaction.
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;

$tx = new MinterTx(...);

Decode transaction

Returns an array with transaction data.

  • Decode transaction
use Minter\SDK\MinterTx;

$tx = MinterTx::decode('transaction raw starting from 0x...');

// $tx->getSenderAddress()
// $tx->getData()
// $tx->getNonce()
// $tx->getChainID()
// $tx->getGasPrice()
// $tx->getPayload()
// $tx->getSignatureData()

Create Minter Check

  • Create check
use Minter\SDK\MinterCheck;

$check = new MinterCheck([
    'nonce' => $nonce,
    'chainId' => MinterTx::MAINNET_CHAIN_ID, // or MinterTx::TESTNET_CHAIN_ID
    'dueBlock' => 999999,
    'coin' => 'MNT',
    'value' => '10',
    'gasCoin' => 'MNT'
], 'your pass phrase');

echo $check->sign('your private key here'); 

// Mc.......
  • Create proof
use Minter\SDK\MinterCheck;

$check = new MinterCheck('your Minter address here', 'your pass phrase');

echo $check->createProof(); 
  • Decode check
use Minter\SDK\MinterCheck;

$check = new MinterCheck('your Minter check here');

$check->getBody();  // check body

$check->getOwnerAddress(); // check owner address

Minter Wallet

  • Create wallet.
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$wallet = new MinterWallet();

// $wallet->getPublicKey();
// $wallet->getPrivateKey();
// $wallet->getMnemonic();
// $wallet->getAddress();
  • Create wallet from mnemonic
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$wallet = MinterWallet::createFromMnemonic($mnemonic);
  • Create wallet from private key
use Minter\SDK\MinterWallet;

$wallet = MinterWallet::createFromPrivate($privateKey);

Minter Link

  • Create Minter deep link.
  • You can pass data of any Minter transaction to the constructor.
use Minter\SDK\MinterDeepLink;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$txData = new MinterSendCoinTx(123, 'Mx18467bbb64a8edf890201d526c35957d82be3d95', '1.23456789');
$link   = new MinterDeepLink($txData);
$link->encode(); // returns encoded link as string
  • You can define optional fields such as host, payload, nonce, gas price, gas coin, check password.
use Minter\SDK\MinterDeepLink;
use Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx;

$txData = new MinterSendCoinTx(123, 'Mx18467bbb64a8edf890201d526c35957d82be3d95', '1.23456789');
$link   = new MinterDeepLink($txData);

$link->setPayload('Hello World')
    ->setPassword('some check password');

$link->encode(); // returns encoded link as string


To run unit tests:

vendor/bin/phpunit tests
  • RedeemCheck


    RedeemCheck does not work, or example is incorrect.

    Firstly MinterTx->data->proof must be in hex instead of string, which is described in the example.

    $tx = new MinterTx([
        'nonce' => $nonce,
        'gasPrice' => 1,
        'gasCoin' => 'MNT',
        'type' => MinterRedeemCheckTx::TYPE,
        'data' => [
            'check' => $check_id,
            'proof' => str2hex($check_proof)
        'payload' => '',
        'serviceData' => '',
        'signatureType' => MinterTx::SIGNATURE_SINGLE_TYPE // or SIGNATURE_MULTI_TYPE
    $sign = $tx->sign($privateKey);

    But even with correct tx data I receive the following error response:

    string(254) "{
      "jsonrpc": "2.0",
      "id": "",
      "error": {
        "code": 412,
        "message": "Check tx error",
        "tx_result": {
          "code": 106,
          "log": "rlp: input string too short for [65]uint8, decoding into (transaction.RedeemCheckData).Proof"
    opened by HarpyWar 4
  • MinterDelegateTx should accept PIPs as stake amount, not BIP

    MinterDelegateTx should accept PIPs as stake amount, not BIP

    It should be bigint, as stated in the docs.

    Now, to delegate 1 BIP the payload is:

    'data' => [
        'stake' => '1',

    Should be:

    'data' => [
        'stake' => '1000000000000000000',
    opened by ingria 4
  • Delegating coins: {

    Delegating coins: {"code":106,"log":"Check tx error: rlp: non-canonical integer (leading zero bytes) for *big.Int, decoding into (transact (truncated...) in /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php:113

    Очень редко появляется такая ошибка при делегации монет. может пройти 300 прогонов без ошибок, а может на 100ом свалиться:

    Try #:146
    Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2018 11:09:04 +0300
    array(4) {
      string(42) "Mxa90dfa4e400fcf0c7933d17c3b10cde4eb6b364b"
      string(64) "4f20715bbb5b9a557ea108853c2d57f0784ed4be19aef427c4e49b0974740f1b"
      string(73) "allow core soon family trouble initial sword oak romance treat awake much"
      string(128) "10678880521ed76d8eab49968d385780ed6e303d491fe586ea96ab678f832ae23f3126d91d2dae87e2f49c00f702ab296620ed95b4ceeadc54b851f8d006b0bd"
    Sender: Mx0a46253f2256d6b2e2872e0682eb86d8fb20789f
    Sender Balance (MNT): 981440129537174424934
    Receiver: Mxa90dfa4e400fcf0c7933d17c3b10cde4eb6b364b
    Fee between accounts: 10000000000000000
    TX signed: f8808203cb018a4d4e540000000000000001aae98a4d4e540000000000000094a90dfa4e400fcf0c7933d17c3b10cde4eb6b364b880f43fc2c04ee000080801ca04fd60db4d4c0d64c6169e0809dc39a9c3d2046769a7185b1311cd7530f236796a0467da99a6db0df303065782ba763f2cb64bfbfe04b8465a18d14d5eb20bf31f3
    Transaction Code: 0; TransactionResult: Mte8cfafa5f07aefdd73e60b022977d66d050f641e
    Delegate Balance (MNT): 1100000000000000000
    Delegation Fee: 100000000000000000
    TX signed: f87901018a4d4e540000000000000007b6f5a0c6d5ebbf6092d31585cf365c8079b9e77a67fcd56c2f8084172c6d8634c6a83a8a4d4e5400000000000000880de0b6b3a764000080801ca086efc0693c33721c5d9ca690e3e3d6a2adbba95e961dec574e59c0fa43e58d658f000400000f00000000000000005700
    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException: Server error: `POST` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:
    {"code":106,"log":"Check tx error: rlp: non-canonical integer (leading zero bytes) for *big.Int, decoding into (transact (truncated...)
     in /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php:113
    Stack trace:
    #0 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Middleware.php(65): GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException::create(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request), Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response))
    #1 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php(203): GuzzleHttp\Middleware::GuzzleHttp\{closure}(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response))
    #2 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php(156): GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::callHandler(1, Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response), Array)
    #3 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/TaskQueue.php(47): GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::GuzzleHttp\Promise\{cl in /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php on line 113

    Код программы Лог прогона с 74 попытки: @icopuppy

    opened by vanlikk 3
  • PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException: Server error: `POST` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: {

    PHP Fatal error: Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException: Server error: `POST` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response: {"code":106,"log":"Check tx error: incorrect tx signature"}

    Код скрипта: Полный стектрейс прогона скрипта:

    Последовательно выполняется отправка транзакций с одного фиксированного адреса на другой, но на 49ой итерации скрипт валится с ошибкой:

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught GuzzleHttp\Exception\ServerException: Server error: `POST` resulted in a `500 Internal Server Error` response:
    {"code":106,"log":"Check tx error: incorrect tx signature"}
     in /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php:113
    Stack trace:
    #0 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Middleware.php(65): GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException::create(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request), Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response))
    #1 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php(203): GuzzleHttp\Middleware::GuzzleHttp\{closure}(Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response))
    #2 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php(156): GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::callHandler(1, Object(GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response), Array)
    #3 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/TaskQueue.php(47): GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise::GuzzleHttp\Promise\{closure}()
    #4 /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/promises/src/Promise.php in /root/minter-php-sdk/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Exception/RequestException.php on line 113
    [root@mintervalidator src]#


    opened by vanlikk 3
  • "incorrect PubKey"

    Пытаюсь сделать DeclareCandidacy . В данных делаю: 'pubkey' => SDK\MinterWallet::privateToPublic($arWallet_Node['private_key']),

    Ответ от сервера {"code":407,"log":"Check tx error: Incorrect PubKey"}

    Это появилось после сегодняшнего обновления. До обновления сервер принимал ключ нормально!

    opened by azimuth0x28 3
  • Error in MinterSendCoinTx

    Error in MinterSendCoinTx

    Hello. Try to create MinterSendCoinTx and got an error: $data = new MinterSendCoinTx(0, $to, (string)$amount);

    2020-10-21 08:32:17 [][-][-][error][yii\base\ErrorException:64] yii\base\ErrorException: Declaration of Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterSendCoinTx::encode(): array must be compatible with Minter\SDK\MinterCoins\MinterCoinTx::encode(): Web3p\RLP\Buffer in /var/www/cripto_service/vendor/minter/minter-php-sdk/src/Minter/SDK/MinterCoins/MinterSendCoinTx.php:13

    PHP 7.2.24-1+0-20191026.31+debian9-1.gbpbbacde (cli) (built: Oct 26 2019 14:18:28) ( NTS ) "minter/minter-php-sdk": "dev-master"

    opened by oggy95 2
  • Напишите, пожалуйста, понятную документацию!

    Напишите, пожалуйста, понятную документацию!

    getTransactions Returns transactions by query.

    getTransactions(string $query, ?int $page = null, ?int $perPage = null): \stdClass

    Что за строка query? Почему не указали примера? Что это такое?

    opened by glowfisch8lan 1
  • Why is certificate verification disabled?

    Why is certificate verification disabled?

    Why is certificate verification disabled?

    opened by counters 1
  • Call to undefined function BIP\Library\gmp_strval()

    Call to undefined function BIP\Library\gmp_strval()

    Work with laravel. From Console is work ok.

    But when i past to request in controller is given error

    "message": "Call to undefined function BIP\Library\gmp_strval()", "exception": "Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalThrowableError", "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/minter/minter-php-bip-44/src/BIP/Library/Helper.php", "line": 27, "trace": [ { "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/minter/minter-php-bip-44/src/BIP/HDKey.php", "line": 289, "function": "hex_decode", "class": "BIP\Library\Helper", "type": "::" }, { "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/minter/minter-php-bip-44/src/BIP/HDKey.php", "line": 185, "function": "computeFingerprint", "class": "BIP\HDKey", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/minter/minter-php-bip-44/src/BIP/HDKey.php", "line": 62, "function": "generateKeysFromPrivate", "class": "BIP\HDKey", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/minter/minter-php-bip-44/src/BIP/BIP44.php", "line": 28, "function": "__construct", "class": "BIP\HDKey", "type": "->" }, { "file": "/var/www/html/vendor/minter/minter-php-sdk/src/Minter/SDK/MinterWallet.php", "line": 110, "function": "fromMasterSeed", "class": "BIP\BIP44", "type": "::" }, { "file": "/var/www/html/app/Http/Controllers/Api/MinterController.php", "line": 96, "function": "seedToPrivateKey", "class": "Minter\SDK\MinterWallet", "type": "::" }, { "function": "outMinter", "class": "App\Http\Controllers\Api\MinterController", "type": "->" },

    opened by pblaravel 1
  • Add dependency Injection to MinterApi constructor

    Add dependency Injection to MinterApi constructor

    Please add Client DI to constructor.

    // Minter\MinterAPI

         * MinterAPI constructor.
         * @param $nodeUrl
        public function __construct($nodeUrl)
          if (is_string($nodeUrl)){
          elseif ($nodeUrl instanceof \GuzzleHttp\Client)
        protected function setClient(\GuzzleHttp\Client $client): void
          $this->client = $client;
    opened by azimuth0x28 1
  • getHash() Не верно рассчитывает хеш

    getHash() Не верно рассчитывает хеш

    Сделал транзакцию , получил Хеш в SDK PHP Mt52623a967982504f4a156d2789e2da7b627684f9

    Но в блокчейне эта транзакция имеет иной хеш

    opened by azimuth0x28 1
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