2652 Repositories
PHP laravel-console-toolkit Libraries
Twitter API for Laravel 5.5+, 6.x, 7.x & 8.x
Twitter for PHP Twitter API for Laravel 6.x, 7.x, 8.x (and new versions as they are released). Also supports other frameworks via PHP-DI (or feel free
Aliyun oss filesystem storage adapter for laravel 5. You can use Aliyun OSS just like laravel Storage as usual
Aliyun oss filesystem storage adapter for laravel 5. You can use Aliyun OSS just like laravel Storage as usual
This a php environment for developers. based on Vagrant & CentOS & laravel/homestead
Centstead 这是一个 PHP 调试环境 , 基于 centos,laravel/homestead. 介绍 基于开发的实际需求,PHP开发者通常需要一个贴近生产环境,又易于维护的测试与开发环境.以往的选择: xampp, wamp, phpstudy… 集成环境,启动方便,占用小,但是需
Laravelium Sitemap generator for Laravel
Laravelium Sitemap package Laravelium Sitemap generator for Laravel. Notes Dev Branches are for development and are UNSTABLE (use on your own risk)! I
A powerful form builder, for Laravel and other frameworks (stand-alone too)
Former A Laravelish way to create and format forms Former outputs form elements in HTML compatible with your favorite CSS framework (Bootstrap and Fou
Laravelium Feed package for Laravel.
Laravelium Feed package Laravelium Feed package for Laravel. Notes Dev branches are for development and are UNSTABLE (use on your own risk)! Installat
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce (EE) to Magento OpenSource (CE)
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce to Magento OpenSource Also known as Magento Enterprise (EE) to Magento Community (CE). This migrating tool allows
Manage meta data based on URL path within your app.
Laravel SEO Manager This package provides simple functionality to manage SEO tags based on URL path within your Laravel application. You can put the U
The official Previewify.app PHP Client
Previewify for PHP This is the official Previewify client for PHP. Support us Like our work? You can support us by purchasing one of our products. Ins
Laravel auth-boilerplate using sanctum
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way
Mini Mini is a small Laravel application with 2 modules to go with the book Laravel: The Modular Way Install Clone this repo git clone git@github.com:
GetCandy is a package that brings functionality akin to Shopify and other e-commerce platforms to Laravel.
GetCandy is a set of Laravel packages that bring functionality akin to Shopify and other e-commerce platforms to Laravel. You have complete freedom to
A package to keep track of outgoing emails in your Laravel application.
Keep track of outgoing emails and associate sent emails with Eloquent models This package helps you to keep track of outgoing emails in your Laravel a
GetCandy is an open source E-commerce platform which embraces Laravel
GetCandy is an open source E-commerce platform which embraces Laravel as it's foundation and uses it to build a highly extensible, robust and feature rich application you can build any store on.
A Laravel 8 and Livewire 2 demo showing how to search and filter by tags, showing article and video counts for each tag (Polymorphic relationship)
Advanced search and filter with Laravel and Livewire A demo app using Laravel 8 and Livewire 2 showing how to implement a list of articles and tags, v
A package for more Laravel commands.
Lara-Commands A package for more Laravel commands. Installation This package can be installed via Composer: composer require nimaw/lara-commands --dev
Laravel boilerplate with the best development practices.
Laravel Boilerplate Introduction 👋 Welcome to Laravel Init - a boilerplate for installing laravel application. It covers: One-liner shell script to s
🔌 Autowire and configure using PHP 8 Attributes in Laravel.
🔌 Autowire for Laravel Autowire and configure using PHP 8 Attributes in Laravel. Installation Via Composer composer require jeroen-g/autowire You wil
Testes com Laravel e Vue.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This package provides new helper functions that take care of handling all the translation hassle and do it for you.
Laravel Translate Message 🥳 This package provides new helper functions that take care of handling all the translation hassle and do it for you. Insta
Docker-based workflow management system for Laravel
DevOption Workflows Workflows is a Docker-based workflow management system for Laravel applications. Installation You can install the package via comp
This is the source of the official Laravel website.
Laravel Website This is the source of the official Laravel website. Local Development If you want to work on this project on your local machine, you m
Proyecto Laravel-Livewire-Tailwind. Buscador de Gifs, Imágenes y Vídeos. Fuentes: Giphy y Pixabay.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Aplicación Laravel-Livewire-Tailwind. La aplicación se conecta a APIRest y muestra resultados, búsquedas, historial, Responsive Design
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Utilizamos select2 con MySQL - Laravel 8 - livewire y jetstream
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Trait for Laravel testing to count/assert about database queries
counts_database_queries Trait for Laravel testing to count/assert about database queries Installing composer require ohffs/counts-database-queries-tra
Social media network with laravel
Social Network Tech Includes Front End: Post CSS Tailwind CSS v3 Back End: Laravel v8 PHP v8 MySQL v8 Asset Bundling: Laravel Mix Features How to use
Realtime Notification Module With Laravel & Pusher
About Noftiy Module This module to organize the notification process in real time without need to reload page, using PHP language with Laravel framewo
Patchstack Test task Laravel&Vue CRUD
Patchstack Test Task - Laravel & Vue CRUD SPA Written with Laravel and Vue2 using mix. Installation Clone this repository Run "composer update" comman
A site which you can apply jobs or search for employees with cool functionalities..
About App An App which you can apply jobs or search for employees with cool functionalities. Some Pics of App Click Image to Zoom in Sign In & Up Empl
Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup and github workflow ready for CI/CD pipeline
Laravel8 boilerplate Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup with .github workflow ready To start the containers in prod en
Laravel Back-End for "Expiry Cart" App
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Una clínica con citas online, trabajado con Laravel 8
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A simple shell script which loads a magento environment
A simple shell script to load up a Magento environment and execute PHP code Very experimental and should only be ran on dev servers REQUIRES php pcntl
The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models through `spatie/laravel-permission`
Filament Shield The easiest and most intuitive way to add access management to your Filament Resource Models (more coming soon 😎 ) One Plugin to rule
Laravel & Google Drive Storage - Demo project with Laravel 6.x and earlier
Laravel & Google Drive Storage Demo project with Laravel 8.X Look at the commit history to see each of the steps I have taken to set this up. Set up t
Library management system with Laravel.
Laravel Library Management System Quick Start clone the repo cd Laravel-libraray-management-system composer install cp or copy .env.example .env php a
Viewi for Laravel: Build full-stack and completely reactive user interfaces with PHP.
[WIP] Laravel Viewi This is just a proof-of-concept. Don't use it in production! Viewi for Laravel: Build full-stack and completely reactive user inte
Building Student Management CRUD with LARAVEL VUE and INERTIA
Building Student Management CRUD with LARAVEL VUE and INERTIA. the amazing thing about I got by combining these technologies is we ca build single page application or SPA .
A web based UI for browsing the projects being served by Laravel Valet.
🚀 Valet Launchpad A web based UI for browsing the projects being served by Laravel Valet. Built on Laravel (with TailwindCSS & Alpine.JS), this small
Blogging Website with CorePHP and Laravel.
About Project The Project is basically a Blogging Website which is made under Core PHP and Laravel Framework which gives you a brief and empathetic so
Musicoker is a music player made by Laravel & Reactjs
Musicoker | Music Player Music player created with Laravel 8 and React 17.0.2 ReactJs Laravel MySQL Used Packages: Sanctum Getid3 Bootstrap React Rout
Laravel Jsonable - Well-Formated Responses & Exceptions.
Laravel Jsonable Well-Formated Responses & Exceptions. Documentation You can find the detailed documentation here in Laravel Jsonable Documentation. C
DDEV-Local: a local PHP development environment system
ddev ddev is an open source tool that makes it simple to get local PHP development environments up and running in minutes. It's powerful and flexible
Laravel-model-mapper - Map your model attributes to class properties with ease.
Laravel Model-Property Mapper This package provides functionality to map your model attributes to local class properties with the same names. The pack
Laravel-hours-helper - Creates a Collection of times with a given interval.
Laravel Hours Helper With laravel-hours-helper you can create a collection of dates and/of times with a specific interval (in minutes) for a specific
Laravel-veneer - A suite of mocked services to use in your Laravel tests.
Laravel Veneer A suite of fixture data and methods to help make mocking 3rd party services easier. Overview Laravel Veneer aims to solve two problems
Laravel-api - crud and login/signup apis
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Console - The Console component eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces.
Console Component The Console component eases the creation of beautiful and testable command line interfaces. Sponsor The Console component for Symfon
Enter-to-the-Matrix-with-Symfony-Console - Reproduction of the "Matrix characterfall" effect with the Symfony Console component.
Enter to the Matrix (with Symfony Console) Reproduction of the "Matrix characterfall" effect with the Symfony Console component. Run Clone the project
Laravel-comments-livewire - Livewire components for the laravel-comments package
Associate comments and reactions with Eloquent models This package contains Livewire components to be used with the spatie/laravel-comments package. S
Laravel-tagmanager - An easier way to add Google Tag Manager to your Laravel application.
Laravel TagManager An easier way to add Google Tag Manager to your Laravel application. Including recommended GTM events support. Requirements Laravel
Think-scout - A driver based solution to searching your models. Inspired By Laravel Scout
前言 whereof/think-scout根据thinkphp设计思想参考laravel/scout进行扩展 whereof/think-scout 为模型的全文搜索提供了一个简单的、基于驱动程序的解决方案。 目前,Scout 自带了一个 Elasticsearch 驱动;而编写自定义驱动程序很简
Filament-spatie-laravel-activitylog - View your activity logs inside of Filament. ⚡️
View your activity logs inside of Filament. This package provides a Filament resource that shows you all of the activity logs created using the spatie
Articulate - An alternative ORM for Laravel, making use of the data mapper pattern
Articulate Laravel: 8.* PHP: 8.* License: MIT Author: Ollie Read Author Homepage: https://ollie.codes Articulate is an alternative ORM for Laravel bas
Laravel-htaccess - a package for dynamically edit .htaccess in laravel
laravel-htaccess a package for dynamically edit .htaccess in laravel use RedirectHtaccess Facade function for add RedirectHtaccess()-add(); return in
Laravel-modulator - Laravel Modulator (HMVC) creating and handling in an easy and simple way.
Laravel Modulator HMVC creating and handling in an easy and simple way. Documentation You can find the detailed documentation here in Laravel Modulato
Roach-example-project - Example project to demonstrate how to use RoachPHP in a Laravel project.
Example repository to illustrate how to use roach-php/laravel in a Laravel app. Check app/Spiders/FussballdatenSpider.php for an example spider that c
This is a Laravel based Blog post forum.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A php library for coinex exchange apis .
Coinex API PHP Coinex digital coin exchange API for PHP Requirements PHP=7.1 CURL PHP module Install composer require roozbeh/coinex_php Acquire acce
IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your website performance.
IMAGON API Demo Image Optimization and Compression API by IMAGON IMAGON is an image optimization and compression API Free, that helps improve your web
API for Symbiota using the Lumen PHP PHP Micro-Framework By Laravel
symbiota-api API for Symbiota using the Lumen PHP PHP Micro-Framework By Laravel Laravel Lumen Official Documentation Documentation for the Lumen fram
Strongly typed settings for Laravel, includes built-in encryption and friendly validation.
Strongly Typed Laravel Settings Install composer require bogdankharchenko/typed-laravel-settings Model Setup namespace App\Models\User; use Illuminat
Arquivos do Curso do Projeto EAD - API
Setup Docker Para Projetos Laravel Assine a Academy, e Seja VIP! Passo a passo Clone Repositório git clone https://github.com/especializati/setup-dock
Laravel package allows you to generate a YouTube player from a video link.
Youtube Frame Generator Laravel package allows you to generate an iframe tag with a video player depending on a youtube URL. 1 - Dependency The first
Searches for multilingual phrases in Laravel project and automatically generates language files for you.
Laravel Lang Generator Searches for multilingual phrases in a Laravel project and automatically generates language files for you. You can search for n
Source code behind the Laracasts Larabit: Using MySQL JSON Columns with Laravel
Using MySQL JSON Columns with Laravel This is the source code behind the Laracasts Larabit: Using MySQL JSON Columns with Laravel, and features all of
A collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces, designed for humans.
Filament is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack interfaces, designed for humans. Packages Admin Panel • Documentation • De
Laravel SDK for Sentry
Sentry for Laravel Laravel integration for Sentry. Laravel Version Compatibility Laravel = 4.2.x is supported until 0.8.x Laravel = 5.7.x on PHP =
A dynamic table component for Laravel Livewire - For Slack access, visit:
A dynamic Laravel Livewire component for data tables. Bootstrap 4 Demo | Bootstrap 5 Demo | Tailwind Demo | Demo Repository Installation You can insta
Livewire UI components with tailwind base style
WireUI 📚 Documentation Wire UI is a library of components and resources to empower your Laravel and Livewire application development. Starting a new
The fastest way to make a powerful JSON:API compatible Rest API with Laravel.
The first fully customizable Laravel JSON:API builder. "CRUD" and protect your resources with 0 (zero) extra line of code. Installation You can instal
Make Laravel and Storyblok work together beautifully.
Use Storyblok’s amazing headless CMS in way that feels familiar to Laravel developers This package allows you to use fantastic Storyblok headless CMS
A new way of Running Tinker. Simplify the Web Artisan's workflow.
Tinkerun A new way of Running Tinker. Simplify the Web Artisan's workflow. inspired by Tinkerwell Download links Github Releases 🗒 If you are using V
Laravel and Nuxt.js boilerplate
Laravel + Nuxt.js Boilerplate Now supporting Nuxt v3 Examples on using Dark Mode, authentication, and listing data What is included NUXT v3 front end,
Let's Encrypt wrapper for Laravel
Let's Encrypt Laravel A Laravel package for easily generating and renewing SSL certificates using Let's Encrypt. This package is especially useful if
Extension for the Laravel validation class
Intervention Validation Intervention Validation is an extension library for Laravel's own validation system. The package adds rules to validate data l
Laravel Code Tips
Laravel Code Tips This project is a simple Laravel application that uses: Ryan Chandler's Orbit package for storing data in markdown files, custom com
Laravel-Mediable is a package for easily uploading and attaching media files to models with Laravel 5.
Laravel-Mediable Laravel-Mediable is a package for easily uploading and attaching media files to models with Laravel. Features Filesystem-driven appro
The Lucid Architecture for Scalable Laravel Applications.
Website: https://lucidarch.dev Documentation: https://docs.lucidarch.dev Social: we share updates & interesting content from the web Twitter: @lucid_a
Free and open-source Laravel admin dashboard interface built with Livewire & Alpine.js based on Bootstrap 5
Volt Dashboard Laravel Free Frontend Web App for Laravel with Livewire & Alpine.js Never start a development project from scratch again. We've partner
Laravel package to easily update business KPI monitors for your software or service
Laravel package to easily update business KPI monitors for your software or service. Monitors can be exposed to your user community via mobile app or embedded into your own application.
Laravel messenger. A full messenger suite for your new / existing laravel app
Laravel messenger. A full messenger suite for your new / existing laravel app! Private and group threads between multiple models, with real-time messaging, reactions, attachments, calling, chat bots, and more!
It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream).
TailAdmin Inertia It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream). Setup Directions npm install composer install Chang
Laravel generator with GUI. Generate crud / scaffold.
Laravel generator with GUI. Generate crud / scaffold.
Lavarel-based school management platform for small and medium institutions
About this project Academico is an open-source, Lavarel-based school management platform. Its main features include course management, enrolments mana
An open-source Laravel 8 online store, client area, and billing software specially made for Pterodactyl panel
PteroBilling An open-source Laravel 8 online store, client area, and billing software specially made for Pterodactyl panel Announcement: An
E-commerce solution for October CMS
oc-mall E-commerce solution for October CMS oc-mall is a fully featured online shop solution for October CMS. Manage Products and Variants Virtual pro
A Laravel package to speed up deployment by skipping asset compilation whenever possible.
Airdrop for Laravel Read the full docs at hammerstone.dev/airdrop/docs. Hammerstone Airdrop for Laravel is a package that speeds up your deploys by sk
Generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel codebase.✍
Scribe v3 is out now! Scribe helps you generate API documentation for humans from your Laravel/Lumen/Dingo codebase. See a live example at demo.scribe
A Collection of Providers for Laravel Socialite
A Collection of Providers for Laravel Socialite Documentation Full documentation for using these providers can be found at the Documentation. Contribu
AdminArchitect - Active Admin for Laravel
Admin Architect Missing Laravel Administration Framework. It's like ActiveAdmin for Laravel. Docs Follow the documentation. License The Admin Architec
A bookmarkable, searchable cheatsheet for all of Laravel's default Artisan commands.
artisan.page A bookmarkable, searchable cheatsheet for all of Laravel's default Artisan commands. Generation The generation of the manifest files is d
TMI Cluster for Twitch Chatbots
TMI Cluster for Twitch Chatbots Introduction TMI Cluster is a Laravel package that smoothly enables a highly scalable IRC client cluster for Twitch. T
🧩 Laravel Query Builder integration for PhpStorm
Laravel Query Laravel + DataGrip = ♥️ This plugin provides database integration for Laravel query builder. Features Schemas, tables, views and columns
The light version of NexoPOS 4.x, which is a web-Based Point Of Sale (POS) System build with Laravel, TailwindCSS, and Vue.Js.
About NexoPOS 4.x NexoPOS 4 is a free point of sale system build using Laravel, TailwindCSS, Vue and other open-source resources. This POS System focu
Adds a way to write php and run it directly in Laravels' Artisan Tinker.
Adds a way to write php in PhpStorm/IDEA and run it directly as if through laravel artisan tinker - allowing you to quickly run a piece of code with a
The truly Laravel E-commerce Framework
Vanilo The Truly Laravel E-commerce Framework Vanilo's aim is that Laravel developers can rapidly create E-commerce applications with pleasure. Curren
Your performance & security consultant, an artisan command away.
Enlightn A Laravel Tool To Boost Your App's Performance & Security Introduction Think of Enlightn as your performance and security consultant. Enlight
⚡️ MIRROR — A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory.
WeasyPrint for Laravel A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory. This package requires Laravel 8.47+ running on PHP 8+ in or