๐Ÿ”Œ Autowire and configure using PHP 8 Attributes in Laravel.


๐Ÿ”Œ Autowire for Laravel

Latest Version on Packagist CI

Autowire and configure using PHP 8 Attributes in Laravel.


Via Composer

composer require jeroen-g/autowire

You will need the configuration file to change where it should look:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=autowire.config



Are you tired of binding abstract interfaces to concrete classes all the time?

$this-app->bind(HelloInterface::class, WorldClass::class);

Use the PHP 8 attribute of this package to autowire any of your interfaces:

namespace App\Contracts;

use JeroenG\Autowire\Attribute\Autowire;

interface HelloInterface
    public function hello(): string;

The class that implements that interface does not need any changes:

namespace App;

use App\Contracts\HelloInterface;

class WorldClass implements HelloInterface
    public function hello(): string
        return 'world';

The Autowire package will crawl through the classes and bind the abstract interface to the concrete class. If there already is a binding in the container it will skip the autowiring.


Personally I like injection of dependencies over resolving them using make() helpers. However, that means writing binding definitions such as:


Not anymore with the Configure attribute! Here is the WorldClass example again:

namespace App;

use App\Contracts\HelloInterface;

#[Configure(['$message' => 'world'])]
class WorldClass
    private $message;

    public function __construct($message)
        $this->message = $message;

In this example message is a simple string. However, it can be a reference to a configuration value or other class too! The notations of config and service definitions is the same as used in Symfony.

// Will get the value set in config/app.php
#[Configure(['$message' => '%app.message%'])]

// Will inject an instance of the Message class
#[Configure(['$message' => '@App\Domain\Message'])]

// When you have multiple constructor arguments
#[Configure(['$message' => '%app.message%', '$logger' => '@Psr\Log\LoggerInterface'])]


The autowiring and configuration can be cached with the command php artisan autowire:cache. In a similar fashion it can be cleared with php artisan autowire:clear. Keep in mind that caching means that it won't crawl all the classes and changes to the annotations will not be loaded.


The package's configuration can be found in config/autowire.php. It should contain the list of directories where Autowire should look for both interfaces and implementations.


Please see the changelog for more information on what has changed recently.



MIT. Please see the license file for more information.

  • Allow for extending of Attributes

    Allow for extending of Attributes

    • feat: removed final keyword from Attributes
    • feat: changed Electrician to recognise child Attributes.

    This allows extending the base Autowire and Configure attributes while still retaining full functionality.

    opened by bitwise-operators 5
  • Fix codestyle issue and changelog

    Fix codestyle issue and changelog

    style: move private method to correct position docs: moved new feature to 1.4.0 header in changelog

    With this, it should be safe to publish and release a new '1.4.0' tag to trigger Packagist.


    opened by bitwise-operators 4
  • fix: Make caching work with custom attributes

    fix: Make caching work with custom attributes

    When I added the custom attributes, I overlooked the fact that cache command does its own initialization of the Electrician, so it won't load the correct attributes.

    This commit should fix that.

    PS: I had a quick look at adding tests for the console commands, but since the package doesn't load a complete Laravel installation, testing Artisan commands is tricky. So for now, I'm afraid this is it.

    opened by bitwise-operators 3
  • Add option to use custom attribute classes

    Add option to use custom attribute classes

    • feat: Add option to use custom attribute classes
    • test: Add tests for custom attributes
    • test: Update CrawlerTest to ignore ordering of classes.
    • docs: Update readme

    This change allows users to create custom attribute classes, implementing the interface supplied by the package, and use those to mark their interfaces and/or classes.

    opened by bitwise-operators 3
  • Add configure attribute

    Add configure attribute

    // Will get the value set in config/app.php
    #[Configure(['$message' => '%app.message%'])]
    // Will inject an instance of the Message class
    #[Configure(['$message' => '@App\Domain\Message'])]
    // When you have multiple constructor arguments
    #[Configure(['$message' => '%app.message%', '$logger' => '@Psr\Log\LoggerInterface'])]
    opened by Jeroen-G 0
  • fix: Crawler should only return interfaces and non-abstract classes

    fix: Crawler should only return interfaces and non-abstract classes

    Right now, the Crawler will return any class-like file, including traits and abstract classes.

    This means (for instance) if an abstract class implements an interface, and is the first file found by the Electrician, the plugin will try to inject the abstract class into the Service Provider.

    As traits and abstract classes are basically never valid targets for autowiring or configuring, they should probably be filtered out.

    opened by bitwise-operators 1
  • Feature: attribute to automatically tag implementations of interface

    Feature: attribute to automatically tag implementations of interface

    Hi there,

    This is a 'simple' addition of a new Attribute (and interface) that allows for instant tagging of all implementations of the interface the attribute is added to.

    In the included implementation, the fully namespaced interface name is used as the tag name by default, but can be overridden by a string argument to the attribute.

    The interface for the attribute specifies passing the ReflectionClass of the interface to the getTag() method, so that implementations can generate their tags in whatever way they desire.

    I'm also working on an expansion of the Configure functionality to use tags, but once I'm happy with that, I'll submit it as a separate PR.

    opened by bitwise-operators 4
  • Allow to use #[Autowire] on implemntations

    Allow to use #[Autowire] on implemntations

    So in our code we personally like to keep interfaces clean, we are using hexagonal architecture and all our service providers are kept in infrastracture code, and interfaces don't have any framework related code. So is it possible to maybe allow marking implementations with #[Autowire] and then it could get interfaces of this class and bind them to the container? Also as optional parameter maybe we could tell there which exactly interface we want to bind in case of multiple interfaces.

    opened by Jurigag 5
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