3172 Repositories
PHP laravel-api-auth Libraries
Laravel translations checker
Never worry about missing translations again! Use the translations checker.
A convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
Combine the power of Laravel SEO and Filament PHP. This package is a convenient helper for using the laravel-seo package with Filament Admin and Forms
A frontend for the InnerTube/YouTubeI API
Hitchhiker InnerTube Frontend A frontend for the InnerTube/YouTubeI API, designed after YouTube's 2013 Hitchhiker. Written in PHP 7. Heavily work in p
Miolica: an e-commerce application that uses React.js as the frontend and Laravel as the backend
Miolica: an e-commerce application that uses React.js as the frontend and Laravel as the backend
MobilePay API for Laravel 9.x
MobilePay for PHP MobilePay API for Laravel 9.x Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require robert-hansen/mobilepay-php Yo
Super-simple, minimum abstraction MailChimp API v3 wrapper, in PHP
MailChimp API Super-simple, minimum abstraction MailChimp API v3 wrapper, in PHP. I hate complex wrappers. This lets you get from the MailChimp API do
OAuth server implementation for WP API
WP REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server Connect applications to your WordPress site without ever giving away your password. This plugin uses the OAuth 1.0a pr
Run Browsershot on AWS Lambda with Sidecar for Laravel
Run Browsershot on AWS Lambda with Sidecar for Laravel This package allows you to run Browsershot on AWS Lambda through Sidecar. You won't need to ins
A simple laravel state machine to handle model transitions, based on a pre-defined list of rules
A simple state machine that allows transitioning model states based on pre-defined rules. Installation You can install the package via composer: compo
A Laravel clone of the Javascript Flatpickr (Date picker) library
A Laravel clone of the Javascript Flatpickr (Date picker) library Using this package you can add a beautiful date or datetime picker into your project
Log executed Laravel SQL queries and their line number and more
A lightweight laravel package for logging executed SQL queries, line number and more
Store your Laravel application settings in an on-disk JSON file
Store your Laravel application settings in an on-disk JSON file. This package provides a simple SettingsRepository class that can be used to store you
Integerating Laravel with Payment Gateways Paypal, Stripe, Paymob, Paytabs and MyFatoorah
This Repo is for integerating Laravel with some Payment gateways Integeration with For these integerations you need to provide env variables from your
Laravel API REST Skeleton Stack
Skeleton stack for API development. Based on Laravel 9 (stable) with Oauth2 API Authentication. Also uses Laravel's and 3'd party vendors.
An Easy, Customizable & Open Source Robux Rewards Website Made With Laravel
RbxDream - Robux Earning Rewards Website Coming Soon Current repo not stable. This is an open source Robux rewards site. Understanding Core Concepts T
Simple Video is a automated H264 encryption system built on Lumen Laravel Framework
Simple Video is a automated H264 encryption system built on Lumen Laravel Framework
Simple CRUD + Search using Laravel 8 and Livewire 2
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A starter template from which to build Laravel + Vite apps
Stack The Laravel framework is fast, clean, and filled with best practices. In this stack, it will handle the backend as an API. The Laravel Vite pack
Laravel package to convert currencies to/from Ghana Cedis(GHS).
Kudi About A Laravel package to convert currencies to/from Ghana Cedis(GHS). Installation composer require iamkarsoft\kudi Publishing config files php
myV - Send valentine to Your love!
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Simple Laravel Invoice Generator Sling — open-source web application that helps you create invoices and track income.
Simple Laravel Invoice Generator Sling — open-source web application that helps you create invoices and track income. Table of Contents About
This package provides a Logs page that allows you to view your Laravel log files in a simple UI
A simplistics log viewer for your Filament apps. This package provides a Logs page that allows you to view your Laravel log files in a simple UI. Inst
Pronto Fuel is a heavilly opnionated starter kit for Laravel and Inertia.js powered by Vite
Pronto Fuel Pronto Fuel is a heavilly opnionated starter kit for Laravel and Inertia.js powered by Vite. It ships with autoimporting features and leve
Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack.
Fukigen Filament Starterpack Easily start new projects using FukigenMedia's starterpack. Usually, many of us are confused about where to start a new p
Dedicated laravel package for Behpadakht Mellat bank payment service.
Iranian Mellat bank full online payment service Dedicated laravel package for Behpadakht Mellat bank payment service. Features Event calls Log on chan
Laravel Two-Factor Authentication
This package allow you to enable two-factor authentication in your Laravel applications very easily, without the need to add middleware or any modification to your routes. It stores tokens in your database in a distinct table, so you don't need to alter your users table. Notify users about their token via mail, SMS or any custom channel.
kreatinc project (laravel graph Facebook api)
kreatinc project (laravel graph Facebook api)
Official International Name days API library
Official International Name days API library Name day API library for nameday.abalin.net This library makes it easy to send requests towards nameday.a
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Twilio SendGrid Web API v3 via PHP
This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Twilio SendGrid Web API v3 via PHP
Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project
AmiAirbrakeBundle Airbrake.io & Errbit integration for Symfony 3/4/5. This bundle plugs the Airbrake API client into Symfony project. Prerequisites Th
Determine the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses.
Determine the geographical location and currency of website visitors based on their IP addresses.
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Super2Do Apps menggunakan Laravel + Vue JS
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A High-Level Overview of Laravel Octane
This is the source code behind the Laracasts Larabit: A High-Level Overview of Laravel Octane, and features all of the files and code available in that video.
Multi layout react laravel
multi-layout-react-laravel multi layout react-laravel is a repository for creating 1 integrated system, this repository uses react(laravel ui) version
Twill GraphQL provides easy access to query-specific fields from Twill CMS modules and user-defined modules with GraphQL
Twill CMS GraphQL 🔭 WIP - not stable Twill GraphQL provides easy access to query-specific fields from Twill CMS modules and user-defined modules with
Lightweight PHP wrapper for OVH APIs. That's the easiest way to use OVH.com APIs in your PHP applications.
This PHP package is a lightweight wrapper for OVH APIs. That's the easiest way to use OVH.com APIs in your PHP applications.
OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done!
yii2-app-api OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done! Yii Framework Application Template for quickly building API-first applications. Based on yii2-ope
Enables Google Authentication for YOURLS
google-auth-yourls Enables Google Authentication for YOURLS Proper documentation coming soon. For now, here is the very rough documentation: Download
Builder - A handful of tools for Rapid Laravel Development
Grafite Builder Grafite has archived this project and no longer supports or develops the code. We recommend using only as a source of ideas for your o
A Multi User Chat Application With Laravel and Livewire
A Multi User Chat Application With Laravel and Livewire. where you can chat with multiple frinds at the same time. i build this with php Laravel and Livewire.
Proyecto numero 3 de DAW 2, pagina web en Laravel con AJAX incluido
BlazkAdvisor Projecte 03: Guia restaurants Creació d'un lloc web que sigui una guia de restaurants de la nostra ciutat. Hecho por Pol, Juan Carlos y G
A simple two factor authentication for laravel applications
Laravel 2fa A simple two factor authentication for laravel applications. Installation Require via composer Update database Replace authentication trai
An easy-to-use virtual wallet implementation for Laravel.
Laravel Wallet Some apps require a prepayment system like a virtual wallet where customers can recharge credits which they can then use to pay in app
Hotel Management App using Laravel & Orchid for admin
Hotel Management System Installation Open a terminal session in the project's root. Install dependencies by running the command: composer install Run
Web Sekolah yang dibuat diatas CMS Popoji dengan base Laravel 6. Web Sekolah ini sudah diintegrasikan dengan template semesta-front.
Web Sekolah yang dibuat diatas CMS Popoji dengan base Laravel 6. Web Sekolah ini sudah diintegrasikan dengan template semesta-front.
Manipulating Photos in Laravel with Intervention Image
This is the source code behind the Laracasts Larabit: Manipulating Photos in Laravel with Intervention Image, and features all of the files and code available in that video.
Laravel Searchable - This package makes it easy to get structured search from a variety of sources
This package makes it easy to get structured search from a variety of sources. Here's an example where we search through some model
Phalcon - Développez des applications web complexes et performantes en PHP
Phalcon - Développez des applications web complexes et performantes en PHP Ce projet GitHub contient les sources du livre : Phalcon 3 - Développez des
Laravel framework with integrated NuxtJs support, preconfigured for eslint, jest and vuetify.
Laravel framework with integrated NuxtJs support, preconfigured for eslint, jest and vuetify.
Auth is a module for the Yii PHP framework that provides a web user interface for Yii's built-in authorization manager
Auth is a module for the Yii PHP framework that provides a web user interface for Yii's built-in authorization manager (CAuthManager). You can read more about Yii's authorization manager in the framework documentation under Authentication and Authorization.
The Telegram bot framework that doesn't drive you nuts.
This framework takes advantage of the latest PHP 8 features, and tries to make the speed, scalability and flexibility of use its strength, it will allow you to quickly make simple bots, but at the same time, it provides more advanced features to handle even the most complicated flows
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework
A Faster Lightweight Full-Stack PHP Framework 中文版 Docker env Just one command to build all env for the easy-php How to build a PHP framework by ourse
A package to handle the SEO in any Laravel application, big or small.
Never worry about SEO in Laravel again! Currently there aren't that many SEO-packages for Laravel and the available ones are quite complex to set up a
Provides a powerful error response system for Laravel
Laravel Exceptions Laravel Exceptions was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and provides a powerful error response system for both dev
Laravel Flysystem was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a Flysystem bridge for Laravel.
Laravel Flysystem Laravel Flysystem was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a Flysystem bridge for Laravel. It utilises my Larave
Cascade delete and restore when using the Laravel or Lumen SoftDeletes feature.
Cascade delete and restore when using the Laravel or Lumen SoftDeletes feature.
Neo4j Graph Eloquent Driver for Laravel 5.
NeoEloquent Neo4j Graph Eloquent Driver for Laravel 5. Quick Reference Installation Configuration Models Relationships Edges Migration Schema Aggregat
Give the power of Twig to Laravel
Allows you to use Twig seamlessly in Laravel. Requirements TwigBridge = 0.13 supports Twig 3. If you need Twig 1/2 support, use the 0.12 versions. In
A micro web application providing a REST API on top of any relational database, using Silex and Doctrine DBAL
Microrest is a Silex provider to setting up a REST API on top of a relational database, based on a YAML (RAML) configuration file.
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
An article about alternative solution for convert object into a JSON Object for your api.
Do we really need a serializer for our JSON API? The last years I did build a lot of JSON APIs but personally was never happy about the magic of using
Like FormRequests, but for validating against a json-schema
JSON Schema Request Laravels Form Request Validation for JSON Schema documents Installation composer require wt-health/laravel-json-schema-request Us
Files Course Laravel 8.x
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
This package wraps up the standalone executable version of the Tailwind CSS framework for a Laravel application.
Tailwind CSS for Laravel Introduction This package wraps the standalone Tailwind CSS CLI tool. No Node.js required. Inspiration This package was inspi
Keep your .env.example file up to date
Envy Automate keeping your environment files in sync. How many times have you onboarded a new dev onto your team, only to have to spend ages debugging
This is a simple Expense Tracker app.
Expense Tracker This is a simple Expense Tracker app build with Filament Admin (TALL Stack). Demo hosted on Heroku Demo Filament Expense Tracker Featu
This is a simple laravel API that returns provinces, districts, sectors, villages and cells found in Rwanda.
About - Rwanda This is a simple laravel API that returns provinces, districts, sectors, villages and cells found in Rwanda. Rwanda is organized in fou
This package provides a wrapper for Google Lighthouse to audit the quality of web pages with Laravel.
laravel-google-lighthouse This package is based on octoper/lighthouse-php. This package provides a wrapper for Google Lighthouse to audit the quality
Tech-Admin is Laravel + Bootstrap Admin Panel With User Management And Access Control based on Roles and Permissions.
Tech-Admin | Laravel 8 + Bootstrap 4 Tech-Admin is Admin Panel With Preset of Roles, Permissions, ACL, User Management, Profile Management. Features M
Пакет позволяющий работать с REST API SMS-сервиса «SMS Aero»
SMS-сервис «SMS Aero» 💬 Пакет позволяющий работать с REST API SMS-сервиса «SMS Aero» 💡 Изменения: Все заметные изменения в этом проекте будут задоку
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
🖼️ Laravel Nova Field for uploading and cropping images using Slim Image Cropper
pocketmine plugin API 4.0.0
About [FR] Simple plugin configurable permettant de voir toutes les commandes exécutées par les joueurs [ENG] Simple configurable plugin to see all co
Laravel + Vuejs Nested Comment App
Laravel + Vuejs Nested Comment App
EmoteSimple is a Feature or API for PocketMine-MP 4.0+
EmoteSimple EmoteSimple is a Feature or API for PocketMine-MP 4.0+ Permission This feature next update.. Support You can use minecraft bedrock profile
pocketmine plugin API 4.0.0
About [FR] Simple plugin configurable comportant plusieurs commandes | Plugin en developpement, d'autres commandes seront rajoutés par la suite [ENG]
SPFtoolbox is a Javascript and PHP app to look up DNS records such as SPF, MX, Whois, and more
SPFtoolbox is a Javascript and PHP app to look up DNS records such as SPF, MX, Whois, and more
The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
API Platform Core API Platform Core is an easy to use and powerful system to create hypermedia-driven REST and GraphQL APIs. It is a component of the
Chargebee API PHP Client (for API version 2 and Product Catalog version 2.0)
chargebee-php-sdk Overview This package provides an API client for Chargebee subscription management services. It connects to Chargebee REST APIs for
SingleStore DB Driver for Laravel
SingleStore DB Driver for Laravel This package provides SingleStore specific schema options, currently supporting keys & shard keys, alongside setting
Commands and implementations for common tasks for the PHP Content Repository (PHPCR) API.
PHPCR Utilities Commands and implementations for common tasks for the PHP Content Repository (PHPCR) API. If you are using or implementing PHPCR you p
API Integration for UVdesk Community Helpdesk System.
The API bundle allows integration developers to utilize uvdesk's REST api to easily communicate with their community helpdesk system. Installation Thi
A Laravel Admin Starter project with Page Builder, Roles, Impersonation, Analytics, Blog, News, Banners, FAQ, Testimonials and more
Laravel CMS Starter Project A Laravel CMS Starter project with AdminLTE theme and core features. Preview project here User: github@bpocallaghan.co.za
Laravel Package for TMDB ( The Movie Database ) API. Provides easy access to the wtfzdotnet/php-tmdb-api library.
Laravel Package for TMDB API Wrapper A Laravel package that provides easy access to the php-tmdb/api TMDB (The Movie Database) API wrapper. This packa
This package provides a framework-agnostic database backup manager for dumping to and restoring databases from S3, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, and Rackspace Cloud
Database Backup Manager This package provides a framework-agnostic database backup manager for dumping to and restoring databases from S3, Dropbox, FT
Attendize is an open-source ticketing and event management application built using the Laravel PHP framework
Attendize is an open-source ticketing and event management application built using the Laravel PHP framework. Attendize allows event organisers to sel
An authorization library that supports access control models like ACL, RBAC, ABAC in Laravel.
Laravel Authorization Laravel-authz is an authorization library for the laravel framework. It's based on Casbin, an authorization library that support
Test your Laravel applications with phpspec
phpspec Laravel Extension phpspec extension for testing Laravel applications. Versions Depending on the version of Laravel and/or Phpspec you're using
Laravel Validation Service
Laravel Validation Service Installation Add "prettus/laravel-repository": "1.1.*" to composer.json "prettus/laravel-validation": "1.1.*" Create a vali
CakeDC Auth Objects is a refactor of the existing Auth objects present in the CakeDC Users Plugin, to let anyone else use them in their projects.
CakeDC Auth Objects is a refactor of the existing Auth objects present in the CakeDC Users Plugin, to let anyone else use them in their projects.
A PHP wrapper for the Instagram API. Feedback or bug reports are appreciated.
Instagram PHP API V2 Note: On the 17 Nov 2015 Instagram made changes to their API . Apps created before Nov 17, 2015 wont be affected until Jun 2016.
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP
🐘 🎯 Hexagonal Architecture, DDD & CQRS in PHP Example of a PHP application using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and Command Query Responsibility Segrega
Official docker container of Fusio an open source API management system
Fusio docker container Official docker container of Fusio. More information about Fusio at: https://www.fusio-project.org Usage The most simple usage
Send Firebase push notifications with Laravel php framework.
FCM Notification Channel for Laravel Send Firebase push notifications with Laravel php framework. Installation You can install this package via compos
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application.
Laravel Logable is a simple way to log http request in your Laravel application. Requirements php = 7.4 Laravel version = 6.0 Installation composer
This is Slim 3 API skeleton project for Composer
Slim 3 API skeleton This is Slim 3 API skeleton project for Composer. Project uses Zend Table Gateway and Phinx for database operations, Monolog for l
Read and write OpenAPI 3.0.x YAML and JSON files and make the content accessible in PHP objects.
php-openapi Read and write OpenAPI 3.0.x YAML and JSON files and make the content accessible in PHP objects. It also provides a CLI tool for validatin
The NKN open API is a blockchain-to-database parser with an easy to use interface written in PHP
The NKN open API is a blockchain-to-database parser with an easy to use interface written in PHP. We're using Laravel as our framework to provide a clean and maintainable code.
File manager for Laravel
Laravel File Manager DEMO: Laravel File Manager Vue.js Frontend: alexusmai/vue-laravel-file-manager Documentation Laravel File Manager Docs Installati
Create CloudFront signed URLs in Laravel 6+
Easy to use Laravel 6+ wrapper around the official AWS PHP SDK which allows to sign URLs to access Private Content through CloudFront CDN