EmoteSimple is a Feature or API for PocketMine-MP 4.0+



EmoteSimple is a Feature or API for PocketMine-MP 4.0+


This feature next update..


You can use minecraft bedrock profile built-in emote.


NOTE: you can't see your own emote, The emotes available in this plugin are limited, not all.

Commands & API

  • Created Emotes

    For commands you can use: /emotes create For api you can use:

$player->sendMessage(EmoteSimple::getInstance()->getEmotes()->createEmotes(strtolower($emoteName), EmoteSimple::getInstance()->getDataIds()->emotes[0]['uid']));
  • Remove Emotes

    For commands you can use: /emotes remove

    For api you can use:

  • Play Emotes

    For commands you can use: !emotes

    For api you can use:

    $emoteId = EmoteSimple::getInstance()->getEmotes()->getIds(EmoteSimple::getInstance()->getEmotes()->getIndex($emoteName));
    if(EmoteSimple::getInstance()->getEmotes()->setEmotes($player, $emoteId)){
        //Code success
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