A PHP VM implementation in PHP

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Code Analysis PHPPHP



A PHP VM implementation written in PHP.

This is a basic VM implemented in PHP using the AST generating parser developed by @nikic

To see what's supported so far, check out the opcodes.

Right now, functions (definitions and calls) are supported, if statements (with basic boolean operations), if statements, as are variables and some basic variable operations...

To see the current state of the implementation versus the Core Language Test Suite, check out the test results file.


To get the dependencies you need to use composer:

curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install

Grab a cup of coffee while it runs, as it will fetch the entire PHP source code in the process which can take a while (~10 minutes).



Use the php.sh shell script to invoke php.php. This requires that php be in your system path.

./php.sh -r "var_dump('foo');"


Use the php.bat shell script to invoke php.php. This requires that php.exe be in your system path.

php.bat -r "var_dump('foo');"


You can run the implementation from the command line using the php.php file directly.

php php.php -r "var_dump('foo');"

Or with a file:

php php.php ../test.php

It only supports relative includes off the base file now (no include path parsing yet)...



To run the test suite (which mostly fails right now), install composer using the --dev flag (to install the test suite along side php's source code). Then use the run-tests.(sh|bat) file to execute them.




Before running tests on Windows, some lines must be removed or commented out from runtests.php (if installed via composer it will be located in vendor/php/php-src/runtests.php). Starting from line 185:

if (function_exists('is_executable') && !is_executable($php)) {
    error("invalid PHP executable specified by TEST_PHP_EXECUTABLE  = $php");

To run test suite simply type



If you choose not to install php's source code from composer, but have it elsewhere in your system path, you can use it directly.

php path/to/runtests.php -p path/to/php.sh path/to/tests


Major things left to do:

  1. Implement references properly
  2. Implement Error Handling
  3. Implement classes and objects
  4. Implement Output Buffering.
  5. Refactor output control to use SAPI modules
  6. Implement true array hash tables (as opposed to the current reliance on the underlying hash table)
  7. Implement Error Handling
  8. Implement Exception Handling
  9. Implement parameter parsing for core functions

For The Love Of God, Why?

There are a number of reasons why I did this...

  1. It was something that I always wanted to do. For no particular reason other than I wanted to do it. I knew it was possible, but possible and doing it are two very different things.
  2. It was far easier than I thought. The time to the initial commit (basic working VM) was only about 6 hours of work. So it's not like I spent a year building it...
  3. It could be a useful education tool. For me learning the intricacies of the Zend VM better (I know it fairly well, but knowing and building give two different amounts of knowledge). But also for teaching others how the VM works. By giving a PHP implementation reference, hopefully more people can understand how the C implementation works (they both operate off the same generic implementation at this point).
  4. It can enable certain interesting things. For example, we could hypothetically build an Opcode optimizer in PHP which parses the generated opcodes and optimizes things (removing redundant opcodes, statically compiling static expressions, etc). Then, we could build a PECL extension that would render those optimized opcodes directly into APC cache (or some other opcode cache mechanism).
  5. It can be used to quickly mock up future functionality changes. Consider that it's easier to alter a PHP VM simply because you don't need to worry about memory management at all. So whipping up a POC for a significant feature should be a lot easier in PHP than C (at least for many non-full-time C developers).
  6. It can be used to actually debug PHP code without working knowledge of GDB (and the underlying C structures). I wouldn't recommend this, as the chances of us getting it working 100% the same as the C implementation are practically 0, but it's a concept.
  7. It could wind up becoming a full implementation (like PYPY). If we can compile the implementation using HipHop, and do some other lower-level tricks, there's a chance we could achieve performance somewhere near the C implementation. I doubt it, but it's possible. Especially if we add a JIT component (or a way of rendering out to machine code certain opcodes)...
  8. Why not?

About The Authors

Anthony Ferrara - @ircmaxell blog.ircmaxell.com

Nikita Popov - @nikita_ppv nikic.github.com

  • Apache and Opcode caches integration

    Apache and Opcode caches integration

    This is more of a question but there is a "question" tag in Github issues so:

    If it was possible to integrate PHPPHP to Apache (or any server) like PHP, and if it was possible for PHPPHP to generate opcodes like PHP opcodes, then PHPPHP could become a serious alternative to PHP right?

    Because without even having to compile PHPPHP to C (with HipHop for example), you could have equivalent performances if you cache the opcodes generated.

    Now, I've read the README and looked at some parts of the code, but I'm not sure if this project generates any opcode (or if it executes directly the parsed code), and if yes then is the opcode compatible with the PHP opcodes?

    And I confess I don't know the details of how Apache communicates with PHP (I know it can be a "module" of using fastCGI), but I guess this could be possible with PHPPHP.

    That would be extremely interesting to have PHP developed in PHP, because following the latest discussions on PHP internals, there aren't enough PHP devs, and it is mostly because it is developed in C.

    With PHPPHP, PHP users can participate to its development.

    opened by mnapoli 6
  • switch bug

    switch bug

       case 10:
           echo "10\n";
       case 20:
           echo "20\n";
           echo "default\n";

    expacted output


    but got


    here is a bug fix. ;)

    opened by RickySu 3
  • AUTOMATED: WhiteSpace Removal

    AUTOMATED: WhiteSpace Removal

    This is an automated request to remove excessive whitespace from source code. You can find more about this project and opt-out at whitespacestrippers.com

    opened by WhiteSpace-Strippers 3
  • composer install error

    composer install error

    Hello!I perform composer install has been card after this command Then I added the debug composer - VVV install see error messages below Please help to solve it. phpphp_error

    opened by wujunze 2
  • About the  timeout

    About the timeout

    Hi when i run the command

    php composer.phar install --dev

    there are some problems about that:

    The process timed out.

    I just run this COMPOSER_PROCESS_TIMEOUT=4000 php composer.phar update

    But the problem still exist .

    I dont know WHY and HOW !!


    opened by liuyu121 2
  • Concrete dependency versions

    Concrete dependency versions

    I have added concrete dependency versions and updated composer.lock. Version numbers based on last commits date to PHPPHP project, reflected to nikic/php-parser and php/php-src versions at approximately same date.

    Related PR https://github.com/ircmaxell/PHPPHP/pull/29

    opened by cystbear 1
  • fix php.sh to support double quotes

    fix php.sh to support double quotes

    The current script loses double quotes, meaning this will fail:

    $ ./php.sh -r 'var_dump("hello");'

    I was not sure if there was a reason for the -c subshell. Hence the PR. If that needs to stay, an alternate fix would be:

    PARAMS="${PARAMS} \"${PARAM//\"/\\\"}\""

    (from here, lol bash)

    opened by igorw 1
  • [WIP] Objects support

    [WIP] Objects support

    This adds very minimal objects supports

    What works:

    • declaring a class
    • instanciating
    • calling methods
    • stdClass
    • casting to object


    • get/set properties
    • default property values
    • $this
    • visibility, scope
    • extending
    • abstract methods, classes
    • interfaces
    • instanceof, get_class, ...
    • self, static, parent
    • magic methods
    • constructor
    • var_dump

    Maybe all this could be done incrementally in separate PRs

    opened by arnaud-lb 1
  • Fixed continue

    Fixed continue

    This fixes ContinueOp in some cases:

    • made it work when startOp offset is 0
    • re-pushes the StructureData in the statementStack after continue
    • changed the startOp offsets for the do and for loops
    opened by arnaud-lb 1
  • Fixed variable lookup when scope has changed

    Fixed variable lookup when scope has changed

    This fixes fetching the value of a Variable when the current scope is not the scope in which the Variable is declared.

    This fixes the following code:

    function x ($x) {
    $y = 1;

    tests/lang/022.phpt now passes tests/lang/static_basic_001.phpt now breaks (but should be fixed separately; this is caused by compiled vars being shared between function calls)

    opened by arnaud-lb 1
  • Specialized assign dim

    Specialized assign dim

    Adds support for appending to array ($array[] =), and creating array by assigning to it ($a[] = or $a[0] = when $a is not set or null).

    (first commit it in #12)

    opened by arnaud-lb 0
  • Delete composer.lock

    Delete composer.lock

    The lock file does not contain require-dev information, run install with the --no-dev option or run update to install those packages.

    opened by ghost 2
  • $_GET/$_POST ?

    $_GET/$_POST ?

    I've been trying to get $_GET/$_POST support working for the entire day already, but I don't seem to be very lucky at this, unfortunately.

    It definitely doesn't seem to be supported by default, so I tried to integrate it myself. I've tried the following approaches, without much luck. Would you guys be able to tell me what's up?

    • Add/Dump $_GET/$_POST in Executor.php's execute function, at the point where $scope->symbolTable is assigned.
    • Adding array's/Zval::ptrFactory's/Zval:factory's/Zval::<other stuff> to $this->symbolTable in ExecutorGlobals.php's __construct.
    • Dumping data in OpLines/FetchGlobalVariables.php's execute handler, to receive a notification of reading a global.
    • Some other stuff..

    Other than that, I'm really amazed by how clean the PHP code is, very good job on that one! Hopefully globals will be supported soon.

    Also, I noticed that var_dump($GLOBALS); results in an infinite loop.

    Cheers, Jurriaan

    opened by jbremer 2
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