Performs advanced static analysis on PHP code


PHP Analyzer

Please report bugs or feature requests via our website support system ? in bottom right or by emailing [email protected].

Contributing Stubs

PHP Analyzer uses stubs for built-in PHP classes and functions. These stubs look like regular PHP code and define the available parameters, their types, properties, methods etc. If you would like to contribute a fix or additional stubs, please fork and submit a patch to the legacy branch:

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    Output Formatting

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    Question here is, should XML be a byproduct, and you pick a file where it goes? Or should xml be a secondary output channel?

    I would refactor in both ways.

    opened by beberlei 13
  • Update PDO.php

    Update PDO.php

    Solves #254 - added inTransaction to the PHP 5.3 stub. Copied from the PHP 5.4 stub.

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  • Move enabled check to analyze method in LoopMustUseBracesPass

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