Provides functionality that helps writing PHP code that has runtime-specific (PHP / HHVM) execution paths



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This component provides functionality that helps writing PHP code that has runtime-specific (PHP / HHVM) execution paths.


You can add this library as a local, per-project dependency to your project using Composer:

composer require sebastian/environment

If you only need this library during development, for instance to run your project's test suite, then you should add it as a development-time dependency:

composer require --dev sebastian/environment
  • Implement equivalent of PHP_OS_FAMILY (for PHP < 7.2)

    Implement equivalent of PHP_OS_FAMILY (for PHP < 7.2)

    Below is the code used in PHP >= 7.2 to define the PHP_OS_FAMILY constant:

    #ifdef PHP_WIN32
    # define PHP_OS_FAMILY			"Windows"
    #elif defined(BSD) || defined(__DragonFly__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__)
    # define PHP_OS_FAMILY			"BSD"
    #elif defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__MACH__)
    # define PHP_OS_FAMILY			"Mac"
    #elif defined(__sun__)
    # define PHP_OS_FAMILY			"Solaris"
    #elif defined(__linux__)
    # define PHP_OS_FAMILY			"Linux"
    # define PHP_OS_FAMILY			"Unknown"

    It would be great if this component had a method that returns the string that would be in PHP_OS_FAMILY on >= PHP 7.2 for versions of PHP < 7.2.

    In order to implement this based on PHP_OS, I need to know the output of

    $ php -r 'var_dump(PHP_OS);'

    run on the following operating systems:

    • [X] Windows (various (currently supported) versions)
    • [X] DragonFly BSD
    • [X] FreeBSD
    • [X] NetBSD
    • [X] OpenBSD
    • [X] macOS X
    • [X] Solaris
    • [X] Linux
    opened by sebastianbergmann 21
  • Test failures with PHPUnit's own test suite and ^4.0 of this component

    Test failures with PHPUnit's own test suite and ^4.0 of this component

    $ ./phpunit 
    PHPUnit 7.4.2 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Runtime:       PHP 7.2.11 with Xdebug 2.6.1
    Configuration: /usr/local/src/phpunit/phpunit.xml
    .............................................................   61 / 1989 (  3%)
    .............................................................  122 / 1989 (  6%)
    .............................................................  183 / 1989 (  9%)
    .............................................................  244 / 1989 ( 12%)
    .............................................................  305 / 1989 ( 15%)
    .............................................................  366 / 1989 ( 18%)
    .............................................................  427 / 1989 ( 21%)
    .............................................................  488 / 1989 ( 24%)
    .............................................................  549 / 1989 ( 27%)
    .............................................................  610 / 1989 ( 30%)
    .............................................................  671 / 1989 ( 33%)
    .............................................................  732 / 1989 ( 36%)
    .............................................................  793 / 1989 ( 39%)
    .............................................................  854 / 1989 ( 42%)
    .............................................................  915 / 1989 ( 46%)
    .............................................................  976 / 1989 ( 49%)
    ............................................................. 1037 / 1989 ( 52%)
    ............................................................. 1098 / 1989 ( 55%)
    ............................................................. 1159 / 1989 ( 58%)
    ............................................................. 1220 / 1989 ( 61%)
    ............................................................. 1281 / 1989 ( 64%)
    ............................................................. 1342 / 1989 ( 67%)
    ............................................................. 1403 / 1989 ( 70%)
    ............................................................. 1464 / 1989 ( 73%)
    ............................................................. 1525 / 1989 ( 76%)
    ............................................................. 1586 / 1989 ( 79%)
    ............................................................. 1647 / 1989 ( 82%)
    ............................................................. 1708 / 1989 ( 85%)
    ........................FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1769 / 1989 ( 88%)
    FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF...F....FF...................... 1830 / 1989 ( 92%)
    ..........................................................FF. 1891 / 1989 ( 95%)
    FF.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF                         1989 / 1989 (100%)
    Time: 8.07 seconds, Memory: 26.00MB
    There were 156 failures:
    1) /usr/local/src/phpunit/tests/end-to-end/abstract-test-class.phpt
    Failed asserting that string matches format description.
    --- Expected
    +++ Actual
    @@ @@
    -PHPUnit %s by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    -W                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)
    -Time: %s, Memory: %s
    -There was 1 warning:
    -1) Warning
    -Cannot instantiate class "AbstractTest".
    -Tests: 1, Assertions: 0, Warnings: 1.
    +Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant 'STDIN' in /usr/local/src/phpunit/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php:55
    +Stack trace:
    +#0 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/ResultPrinter.php(163): SebastianBergmann\Environment\Console->getNumberOfColumns()
    +#1 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/TestRunner.php(310): PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrinter->__construct(NULL, false, 'never', false, 80, false)
    +#2 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(206): PHPUnit\TextUI\TestRunner->doRun(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite), Array, true)
    +#3 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(162): PHPUnit\TextUI\Command->run(Array, true)
    +#4 Standard input code(7): PHPUnit\TextUI\Command::main()
    +#5 {main}
    +  thrown in /usr/local/src/phpunit/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php on line 55
    2) /usr/local/src/phpunit/tests/end-to-end/assertion.phpt
    Failed asserting that string matches format description.
    --- Expected
    +++ Actual
    @@ @@
    -PHPUnit %s by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    -F                                                                   1 / 1 (100%)
    -Time: %s, Memory: %s
    -There was 1 failure:
    -1) AssertionExampleTest::testOne
    -assert(false) in %sAssertionExample.php:%d
    -Tests: 1, Assertions: 1, Failures: 1.
    +Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant 'STDIN' in /usr/local/src/phpunit/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php:55
    +Stack trace:
    +#0 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/ResultPrinter.php(163): SebastianBergmann\Environment\Console->getNumberOfColumns()
    +#1 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/TestRunner.php(310): PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrinter->__construct(NULL, false, 'never', false, 80, false)
    +#2 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(206): PHPUnit\TextUI\TestRunner->doRun(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite), Array, true)
    +#3 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(162): PHPUnit\TextUI\Command->run(Array, true)
    +#4 Standard input code(7): PHPUnit\TextUI\Command::main()
    +#5 {main}
    +  thrown in /usr/local/src/phpunit/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php on line 55
    156) /usr/local/src/phpunit/tests/end-to-end/testdox.phpt
    Failed asserting that string matches format description.
    --- Expected
    +++ Actual
    @@ @@
    -PHPUnit %s by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    - ✔ Balance is initially zero
    - ✔ Balance cannot become negative
    - ✔ Balance cannot become negative
    -Time: %s, Memory: %s
    -OK (3 tests, 3 assertions)
    +Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant 'STDIN' in /usr/local/src/phpunit/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php:55
    +Stack trace:
    +#0 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/ResultPrinter.php(163): SebastianBergmann\Environment\Console->getNumberOfColumns()
    +#1 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/Util/TestDox/CliTestDoxPrinter.php(51): PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrinter->__construct(NULL, false, 'never', false, 80, false)
    +#2 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/TestRunner.php(310): PHPUnit\Util\TestDox\CliTestDoxPrinter->__construct(NULL, false, 'never', false, 80, false)
    +#3 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(206): PHPUnit\TextUI\TestRunner->doRun(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite), Array, true)
    +#4 /usr/local/src/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(162): PHPUnit\TextUI\Command->run(Array, true)
    +#5 Standard input code(8): PHPUnit\TextUI\Command::main()
    +#6 {main}
    +  thrown in /usr/local/src/phpunit/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php on line 55
    There were 4 skipped tests:
    1) /usr/local/src/phpunit/tests/end-to-end/regression/GitHub/2085-enforce-time-limit-options-via-config-without-invoker.phpt
    package phpunit/php-invoker is installed
    2) /usr/local/src/phpunit/tests/end-to-end/regression/GitHub/2085-without-invoker.phpt
    package phpunit/php-invoker is installed
    3) /usr/local/src/phpunit/tests/end-to-end/regression/GitHub/2591-separate-function-no-preserve-no-bootstrap-php73.phpt
    xdebug loaded
    4) /usr/local/src/phpunit/tests/end-to-end/regression/GitHub/2591-separate-function-no-preserve-no-bootstrap.phpt
    xdebug loaded
    Tests: 1989, Assertions: 3454, Failures: 156, Skipped: 4.
    opened by sebastianbergmann 7
  • Fix exception when DBG extension is loaded

    Fix exception when DBG extension is loaded

    The DBG extension injects its own code coverage driver for use with the PhpEd IDE. This causes Runtime::getNameWithVersionAndCodeCoverageDriver to throw an exception because it returns null, rather than a string.

    I appreciate that this is entirely the fault of DBG but it has been hooking into PHPUnit for a very long time and the debugger itself has been around for years:

    I have reported this issue to Nusphere so guess they will fix it. However this PR makes the code here less "brittle".

    opened by johnstevenson 5
  • Windows improvements to console capabilities

    Windows improvements to console capabilities

    This reorganizes things so that Windows users can take advantage of new functions introduced in php7.2

    It will also fix a failing test on Windows here:

    FYI: I was responsible for the color support stuff in Symfony\Console\Output\StreamOutput and Composer\XdebugHandler (

    opened by johnstevenson 5
  • Warning are thrown for 'stty size'

    Warning are thrown for 'stty size'

    PHP Warning in Environment that forbidden stty command:

    demo-5b72bc:~$ php vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit tests/Unit/ExampleTest.php
    PHP Warning:  shell_exec(): Unable to execute 'stty size' in /var/www/demo/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php on line 93
    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, boolean given in /var/www/demo/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php:93
    Stack trace:
    #0 /var/www/demo/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php(93): preg_match('#\\d+ (\\d+)#', false, NULL)
    #1 /var/www/demo/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php(70): SebastianBergmann\Environment\Console->getNumberOfColumnsInteractive()
    #2 /var/www/demo/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/ResultPrinter.php(173): SebastianBergmann\Environment\Console->getNumberOfColumns()
    #3 /var/www/demo/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/TestRunner.php(287): PHPUnit\TextUI\ResultPrinter->__construct(NULL, false, 'auto', false, 80, false)
    #4 /var/www/demo/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(195): PHPUnit\TextUI\TestRunner->doRun(Object(PHPUnit\Framework\TestSuite), Array, true)
    #5 /var/www/demo/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php(148): PHPUnit\TextUI\Command->ru in /var/www/demo/vendor/sebastian/environment/src/Console.php on line 93

    It is somewhat similar to #16

    opened by yassine-ah 5
  • Console - always pass resource to detect is it interactive or not

    Console - always pass resource to detect is it interactive or not

    as we can see in , passing a resource instead of file description ID of it give use more possibility to detect is it interactive or not.

    for next BC release, I would suggest to drop int from possible input types

    opened by keradus 4
  • Windows terminal width is not always 80 chars

    Windows terminal width is not always 80 chars

    The cmd shell is indeed 80 chars by default. But this does not mean it is always the case:

    • you can change the size of cmd (not user-friendly as it is not about resizing the window, but possible)
    • there is many better terminals for windows, which support arbitrary width.

    See for a logic determining it when possible (using 79 as fallback is still a sensible default though)

    opened by stof 4
  • Fix php ini parsing from the CLI

    Fix php ini parsing from the CLI

    This is a (possible) fix for the PHPUnit issue

    I've added the suggestion by @krakjoe (link) and some tests to cover this part of the code.

    I've run the tests on the PHPUnit locally on the latest branch to check if anything broke, and the existing tests passed. I guess this should be tested a bit thoroughly.

    When I ran the tests on the PHPUnit repo and put the breakpoint to inspect the result of merging the settings with getCurrentSettings method in the AbstractPhpProcess.php file inside the getCommand method I could see my xdebug settings correctly parsed, so I think there should be no breaks.

    I had to add the updated code manually inside the vendor file to test this because I got a composer error when trying to use my branch instead of the v6 for the php-code-coverage package.

     Problem 1
        - phpunit/php-code-coverage dev-master requires sebastian/environment ^6.0 -> found sebastian/environment[dev-master, 6.0.x-dev (alias of dev-master)] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (dev-fix-php-ini-parsing).
        - phpunit/php-code-coverage 10.0.x-dev is an alias of phpunit/php-code-coverage dev-master and thus requires it to be installed too.
        - Root composer.json requires phpunit/php-code-coverage ^10.0 -> satisfiable by phpunit/php-code-coverage[10.0.x-dev (alias of dev-master)].

    This is the image of the breakpoint and part of the $settings array:


    I'd love to have somebody test it a bit more just to be sure.

    Oh and I'd love to add a co-authored commit for @krakjoe but I'm not sure what the no-reply email is 🙈 I can update the commit message to add it once I find out the correct email 🙂

    opened by dingo-d 3
  • Test against HHVM

    Test against HHVM

    On travis, currently requires docker - example:

    Should support 3.20.2+

    I understand why you've generally stopped testing most of your projects against HHVM, however given the purpose of this project, it seems likely to be worth an exception.

    opened by fredemmott 3
  • Overridden ini values are ignored when php.ini uses section headers

    Overridden ini values are ignored when php.ini uses section headers

    As of right now, Runtime::getCurrentSettings() parses php.ini files respecting section headers using the optional $process_sections parameter of parse_ini_file(), however, these section headers are then later ignored when comparing the ini file's values to the value retrieved by ini_get(). This erroneously causes some ini values that have been overridden via the command line to be ignored and don't get passed through if they either don't exist in the ini file or are under a section header:

    ; php.ini

    $config = parse_ini_file($ini, true) results in

    array(1) {
      'xdebug' =>
      array(1) {
        'xdebug.mode' =>
        string(5) "debug"

    $config = parse_ini_file($ini) results in

    array(1) {
      'xdebug.mode' =>
      string(5) "debug"

    Additionally, I believe if (isset($config[$value]) && $set != $config[$value]) should be changed to if (!isset($config[$value]) || $set != $config[$value]) as otherwise, values not set in php.ini but set through the command line would also not be passed through.

    opened by Emosewaj 2
  • Getting

    Getting "opcache.save_comments=0 set; annotations will not work"

    I get "Warning: opcache.save_comments=0 set; annotations will not work" when running phpunit with phpdbg.

    I have opcache.enabled=1, opcache.enabled_cli=0 and opcache.save_comments=0.

    Please change the \PHP_SAPI === 'cli' checks to also include \PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg'.

    Thank you

    opened by hcomnetworkers 2
  • Ini setting with special chars breaks parsing

    Ini setting with special chars breaks parsing

    When an ini setting is quoted, for example xdebug.file_link_format = "phpstorm://open?file=%f&line=%l", ini_get will return a simple string without the protection quotes and Runtime::getCurrentSettings will return an invalid unqoted stringxdebug.file_link_format=phpstorm://open?file=%f&line=%l" which will break any test.

    PHPUnit\Framework\Exception: PHP:  syntax error, unexpected '=' in Unknown on line 20

    We could ensure string settings are wrapped in quotes.

    opened by Aerzas 1
  • Want to contribute, need pointer on mocking in tests

    Want to contribute, need pointer on mocking in tests


    I want to submit a PR, but am not certain how to structure the tests as they with 99% certainty require some level of mocking (php.ini reading) I think.

    Are you OK with a more elaborate test setup to allow mocking things or are you comfortable with allowing soft failures in case some INI settings are not adjustable for some test cases? I know this is a relatively small library and adding boilerplate for mocking might seem overkill.

    The thing I would like to tackle with my PR is the possibility to have Xdebug enabled, but code coverage disabled, leading to runtime errors when one could instead try PCOV for coverage in that case.

    opened by rask 0
Sebastian Bergmann
Sebastian Bergmann is the creator of PHPUnit. He co-founded and helps PHP teams build better software.
Sebastian Bergmann
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