Ubench is a PHP micro library for benchmark
Note: If you are looking for this package for laravel application then install it from here Benchmark
Old school
require src/Ubench.php
in your project.
Add this to your composer.json
"require": {
"devster/ubench": "~2.0.0"
require_once 'src/Ubench.php';
$bench = new Ubench;
// Execute some code
// Get elapsed time and memory
echo $bench->getTime(); // 156ms or 1.123s
echo $bench->getTime(true); // elapsed microtime in float
echo $bench->getTime(false, '%d%s'); // 156ms or 1s
echo $bench->getMemoryPeak(); // 152B or 90.00Kb or 15.23Mb
echo $bench->getMemoryPeak(true); // memory peak in bytes
echo $bench->getMemoryPeak(false, '%.3f%s'); // 152B or 90.152Kb or 15.234Mb
// Returns the memory usage at the end mark
echo $bench->getMemoryUsage(); // 152B or 90.00Kb or 15.23Mb
// Runs `Ubench::start()` and `Ubench::end()` around a callable
// Accepts a callable as the first parameter. Any additional parameters will be passed to the callable.
$result = $bench->run(function ($x) {
return $x;
}, 1);
echo $bench->getTime();
Ubench is licensed under the MIT License