List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
Steadfast3 is a server software that backports new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition versions to older PocketMine versions with better stability and performance, while retaining as many features from the new PocketMine-MP versions as possible.
CoarseMC is a server software that backports new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition versions to older PocketMine versions with better stability and performance, while retaining as many features from the new PocketMine-MP versions as possible.
CoarseMC is a server software that backports new Minecraft: Bedrock Edition versions to older PocketMine versions with better stability and performance, while retaining as many features from the new PocketMine-MP versions as possible.
Ein PHP-Webinterface zum Scannen von ISBN-Buchcodes, identifiziere Bücher mit Antolin-Leseförderungs-Angebot. Einfache Installation. Für Mitarbeiter*innen in Schulbüchereien.
Box is a library built on the Phar class. It is designed to make it easier to create new phars and modifying existing ones. Features include compacting source files, better custom stub generation, and better OpenSSL signing handling.