Searchable DataObjects is a module that permit to include DataObjects into frontend search


Searchable DataObjects

Searchable DataObjects is a module that permit to include DataObjects into frontend search.


Pages are not always the better way to implement things. For example site news can grow rapidly and the first side effect would be a big and difficult to manage SiteTree. DataObjects help maintaining things clean and straight, but unfortunately they are not included in frontend search. This module let you insert DataObject in search.


  • SilverStripe 4.1
  • g4b0/htmlpurifier

For SilverStripe 3.1 usage please referr to version 3.0 and below. For SilverStripe >3.1 & <4.0 usage please referr to version 4.x.


Install the module through composer:

composer require g4b0/searchable-dataobjects
composer update

Make the DataObject (or Pages) implement Searchable interface (you need to implement Link(), getSearchFilter(), getTitleFields(), getContentFields()):

Note: getSearchFilterByCallback() is an optional filter. If you don't plan on calculating any value to determine a returned true or false value it is suggested you don't add this function to your DataObject or Page type.

use g4b0\SearchableDataObjects\Searchable;

class DoNews extends DataObject implements Searchable {

    private static $db = array(
        'Title' => 'Varchar',
        'Subtitle' => 'Varchar',
        'News' => 'HTMLText',
        'Date' => 'Date',
    private static $has_one = array(
        'Page' => 'PghNews'

     * Link to this DO
     * @return string
    public function Link() {
        return $this->Page()->Link() . 'read/' . $this->ID;

     * Filter array
     * eg. array('Disabled' => 0);
     * @return array
    public static function getSearchFilter() {
        return array();

     * FilterAny array (optional)
     * eg. array('Disabled' => 0, 'Override' => 1);
     * @return array
    public static function getSearchFilterAny() {
        return array();

     * FilterByCallback function (optional)
     * eg. function($object){
     *  return ($object->StartDate > date('Y-m-d') || $object->isStillRecurring());
     * };
     * @return array
    public static function getSearchFilterByCallback() {
        return function($object){ return true; };

     * Fields that compose the Title
     * eg. array('Title', 'Subtitle');
     * @return array
    public function getTitleFields() {
        return array('Title');

     * Fields that compose the Content
     * eg. array('Teaser', 'Content');
     * @return array
    public function getContentFields() {
        return array('Subtitle', 'Content');

Here you are a sample page holder, needed to implement the Link() function into the DataObject:

class PghNews extends Page {

    private static $has_many = array(
        'News' => 'DoNews'

    public function getCMSFields() {
        $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

        /* News */
        $gridFieldConfig = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create(100);
        // Remove unlink
        // Add delete
        $gridFieldConfig->addComponents(new GridFieldDeleteAction());
        // Remove autocompleter
        $field = new GridField('Faq', 'Faq', $this->News(), $gridFieldConfig);
        $fields->addFieldToTab('Root.News', $field);

        return $fields;

class PghNews_Controller extends Page_Controller {

    private static $allowed_actions = array(

    public function read(SS_HTTPRequest $request) {
        $arguments = $request->allParams();
        $id = $arguments['ID'];

        // Identifico la faq dall'ID
        $Object = DataObject::get_by_id('DoNews', $id);

        if ($Object) {
            //Popolo l'array con il DataObject da visualizzare
            $Data = array($Object->class => $Object);
            $this->data()->Title = $Object->Title;

            $retVal = $this->Customise($Data);
            return $retVal;
        } else {
            //Not found
            return $this->httpError(404, 'Not found');

Extend Page and the desired DataObjects through the following yaml:

    - g4b0\SearchableDataObjects\SearchableDataObject
    - g4b0\SearchableDataObjects\SearchableDataObject

Run a dev/build and then populate the search table running PopulateSearch task:

sake dev/build "flush=all"
sake dev/tasks/PopulateSearch

Enjoy the news into the search results :)


Set the number of search results per page

Setting the g4b0\SearchableDataObjects\CustomSearch.items_per_page config setting you can define, how many search results per page are shown. Default is 10

By default the search result is shown at the same page, so if you're searching e.g. on the /about-us/, the results are shown on /about-us/SearchForm/?s=foo. If you don't like that, you can define any Page or Controller class in the g4b0\SearchableDataObjects\CustomSearch.search_controller setting. If you set this setting to this, the current page will be used. Defaults to SearchPage and falls back to the current page if no SearchPage is found.

  items_per_page: 15
  search_controller: g4b0\SearchableDataObjects\SearchPage #page type to show the search


Searchable DataObjects module use Mysql NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE search method, so during your tests be sure not to have all DataObjetcs with the same content, since words that are present in 50% or more of the rows are considered common and do not match.

From MySQL manual entry []:

A natural language search interprets the search string as a phrase in natural human language (a phrase in free text). There are no special operators. The stopword list applies. In addition, words that are present in 50% or more of the rows are considered common and do not match. Full-text searches are natural language searches if the IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE modifier is given or if no modifier is given.


  • Add other search method in configuration

Suggested modules

  • SS 3.3.1: tons of

    SS 3.3.1: tons of "Title" indexes

    see #23

    On SS 3.3.1 i see tons of "Title" indexes after running dev/build. It creates 20 new indexes when running dev/build once.

    I'm on dev-master 7c0220f

    opened by wernerkrauss 9
  • Force case insensitiveness on search

    Force case insensitiveness on search

    MATCH...AGAINST uses the actual collation, i.e. if your table has e.g. utf8_unicode_ci the search will be case insensitive but if you have utf8_bin (or any other _bin collation) the comparation will be case sensitive.

    Although SilverStripe says otherwise (utf8_general_ci), the tables are created preserving the default collation of the database. Tested experimentally with 3.3.0.

    opened by ntd 7
  • SearchableDataObject DB table has multiple keys/indexes

    SearchableDataObject DB table has multiple keys/indexes

    I am getting the following error when attempting to /dev/build with the silverstripe-searchable-dataobjects module installed:

    ALTER TABLE SearchableDataObjects ADD FULLTEXT (`Title` ,`Content`) | Too many keys specified; max 64 keys allowed

    screen shot 2015-10-07 at 11 08 00

    Based on the error I am assuming the issue is in someway related to the following line in SearchableDataObject::augmentDatabase():

    DB::query("ALTER TABLE SearchableDataObjects ADD FULLTEXT (Title,Content)");

    I am guessing this query is being run multiple times and a new index/key is being created in the DB each time it is run.

    As you can see from the following screenshots (taken in Navicat as MySQL DB management tool) after initially installing the module running /dev/build and /dev/tasks/PopulateSearch I have 24 indexes, then some time later (possibly having changed the current locale for the site) I run another /dev/build and this attempts to increase to > 63 indexes which is what triggers the SQL error.

    After initial set up: screen shot 2015-10-06 at 19 11 28

    After a subsequent /dev/build some time later (having switched locale in my config files): screen shot 2015-10-06 at 18 59 13

    I am not familiar with the augmentDatabase() method or where and when it is called otherwise I would investigate further and propose a fix.

    This article may be of some help, at very least it helped me track down the issue itself -

    Any ideas?

    opened by HARVS1789UK 7
  • Use ORM to create field specs

    Use ORM to create field specs

    Use the DB connector to define the field specs so collation settings are included.

    • the fixed ID field spec was left as is (unsigned) but could be reviewed in the future
    opened by rotassator 5
  • Upgrade to SS4

    Upgrade to SS4

    First of all, thanks alot for writing this module.

    Our web agency maintains a modified fork of your module. As we need our version of the module to be SS4 compatible I thought I'd PR this back to the original.

    I'm using SS 4.1 to build this.

    Some notes about the upgrade:

    • Moved the code folder to src to match the SS4 module standards
    • Updated composer.json to SS4. It may work with SS3 but I haven't tested this.
    • I've added namespacing to all classes (assummed Zirak/SearchableDataObjects would be fine here but this can be changed)
    • Updated any code that broke due to changes with the SS4 API
    • Instead of dropping the SearchableDataObjects table, I truncate it. Notes here
    • Tests do not work in SS 4.1 - I believe this bug is to blame Once this is fixed the tests will need to be looked at again.
    • FulltextSearchable::enable() adds the ContentControllerSearchExtension extension and overrides your CustomSearch extension. I've gotten around this but wonder if there is a better way of doing this. Notes here
    • This code also references a namespaced HTMLPurifier - I can add another PR in your other repo if you want.

    The other thing I noticed in my testing was the PageId column in SearchableDataObjects was always 0. Not sure if this is correct?

    Happy to make any changes you want. Thanks!

    opened by antons- 4
  • Return 1 Page when Multiple DataObject ComeBack

    Return 1 Page when Multiple DataObject ComeBack

    I'm using the modules to search content blocks on my site, but it returns a seperate entry for each dataobject, I'd like to only return the page once if the word is found. Is this possible?

    opened by thezenmonkey 4
  • example DataObject class code bug example DataObject class code bug

    Hi Gabriele,

    Just getting to grips with your module which looks good so far, one thing that has had me stuck trying to get it working for some time was that the example code of how to set up a DataObject to be searchable contains the following:

         * FilterByCallback function (optional)
         * eg. function($object){
         *  return ($object->StartDate > date('Y-m-d') || $object->isStillRecurring());
         * };
         * @return array
        public static function getSearchFilterByCallback() {
            return function($object){};

    having investigated, I can see that the PopulateSearch class (which seems to be run via /dev/tasks/PopulateSearch and onAfterWrite of any DataObject which is being made searchable) contains the following conditional statement for each DataObject marked as being searchable:

    if(method_exists($class, 'getSearchFilterByCallback')){
                    $dos = $dos->filterByCallback($class::getSearchFilterByCallback());

    Although I do appreciate your comments above the getSearchFilterByCallback() method do provide an example of a callback method, I had assumed that the default function in your example ( function($object){}; ) would have ben sufficient, but the lack of any return statement means that this example effectively returns false every time it is run.

    This means that none of my DataObjects were being stored in the SearchableDataObjects database table (as getSearchFilterByCallback() was excluding them all) and therefore none were showing up in the search.

    I would suggest making the example method contain return true; would be a logical addition and hopefully save others some time and not following the same path as I did. For example:

         * FilterByCallback function (optional)
         * eg. function($object){
         *  return ($object->StartDate > date('Y-m-d') || $object->isStillRecurring());
         * };
         * @return array
        public static function getSearchFilterByCallback() {
            return function($object){return true;};
    opened by HARVS1789UK 4
  • BUG SQL where statement breaks extended data objects

    BUG SQL where statement breaks extended data objects

    I have a dataobject called Interaction that implements the SearchableLinkable class, and then I have other dataobjects that extend Interaction like so:

    class Interaction extends DataObject implements SearchableLinkable {
    class Exhibition extends Interaction {

    Currently if I save an Exhibition data object in the CMS I get this error:

    ERROR [User Error]: Couldn't run query: 
    SELECT DISTINCT "Interaction"."ClassName", "Interaction"."Created", "Interaction"."LastEdited", "Interaction"
    ."Title", "Interaction"."Content", "Interaction"."DateStart", "Interaction"."DateEnd", "Interaction"
    ."Type", "Interaction"."SortID", "Interaction"."URLSegment", "Interaction"."FeaturedImageID", "Interaction"
    ."VeeziURLID", "Interaction"."PageID", "Interaction"."ID", CASE WHEN "Interaction"."ClassName" IS NOT
     NULL THEN "Interaction"."ClassName" ELSE 'Interaction' END AS "RecordClassName"
    FROM "Interaction"
    WHERE (`Exhibition`.`ID`=1) AND ("Interaction"."ClassName" IN ('Exhibition'))
    ORDER BY "Interaction"."SortID" ASC
    LIMIT 1 
    Unknown column 'Exhibition.ID' in 'where clause'
    IN POST /om/admin/pages/edit/EditForm/field/Exhibitions/item/1/ItemEditForm
    Line 598 in /var/www/om/framework/model/MySQLDatabase.php

    The problem is that when the SearchableDataObject->onAfterWrite() is called on an extended data object that doesn't inherit SearchableLinkable directly, $this->owner->class is the incorrect value to use, and instead it should return $this->owner->parentClass as data objects that extend another are actually stored in the same table as the parent data object in the database.

    My PR corrects the where clause in this particular scenario by first checking if the data object has a parent class, and if so, use that instead of the data object's class.

    opened by antons- 3
  • Prevent PHP Strict Notice in CustomSearch::getSearchResults()

    Prevent PHP Strict Notice in CustomSearch::getSearchResults()

    Prevent PHP Strict Notice when DataObject::get_by_id() fails to return a valid DataObject in CustomSearch::getSearchResults().

    CustomSearch::getSearchResults() previously assumed that all rows of the SearchableDataObjects DB table will successfully return a valid DataObject when executing the following:

    $do = DataObject::get_by_id($row['ClassName'], $row['ID']);

    There are scenarios when this will return false (meaning $do contains the value of false) and then the following two lines will throw a PHP Strict Notice (as you cannot use the ->property syntax on a variable which contains anything but an object and false !== an object):

    screen shot 2015-10-07 at 17 28 56

    I identified this issue as I had upgraded my SS blog module to a newer version where the BlogEntry class was replaced with BlogPost. My database therefore contained a number of outdated values for the DB's SiteTree table ClassName fields (which read BlogEntry instead of BlogPost). This in turn meant my SearchableDataObjects DB table was full of rows containing ClassName values of BlogEntry.

    This meant numerous calls to DataObject::get_by_id("BlogEntry", 123); which returns false, presumably because the BlogEntry class no longer exists in the code base.

    I expect there will be other instances where peoples databases will contain outdated, inaccurate data and this will end up in the SearchableDataObjects table, causing the same issue.

    opened by HARVS1789UK 3
  • mysql error on a fresh install

    mysql error on a fresh install

    tryting to deploy my website i get the following error on the very first dev/build on a clean database:

    [User Error] Couldn't run query: INSERT INTO SearchableDataObjects (ID, ClassName, Title, Content) VALUES (2, 'Page', 'Über uns', 'Sie können diese Seite mit Ihren eigenen Inhalten füllen, oder sie löschen und Ihre eigenen Seiten erstellen.') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Title='Über uns', Content='Sie können diese Seite mit Ihren eigenen Inhalten füllen, oder sie löschen und Ihre eigenen Seiten erstellen.' Table 'silverstripe.SearchableDataObjects' doesn't exist

    Guess it's cause onAfterPublish hook tries to update the non existent table. Any way to check if the table exists before trying to update?

    opened by wernerkrauss 3
  • SearchForm results() function exposed as controller action

    SearchForm results() function exposed as controller action

    Browsing to a page ending in ~/results causes the following error:

    [Error] in searchable-dataobjects/code/CustomSearch.php:110 (

    The results() function is being exposed to the controller as an $allowed_action, but should only be available to the form processor.

    Using SilverStripe 3.6.5.

    Issue also exists in SilverStripe CMS:

    opened by rotassator 2
  • Error : Class 'HTMLPurifier_Config' not found

    Error : Class 'HTMLPurifier_Config' not found

    Running Task Populate Search

    [Emergency] Uncaught Error: Class 'HTMLPurifier_Config' not found GET /dev/tasks/PopulateSearch

    any help? OK. I found out: Thats more an issue (?) on Purifier.php

    i had to add a require_once right after 'namespace g4b0\HtmlPurifier;':

    namespace g4b0\HtmlPurifier;
    require_once '../vendor/ezyang/htmlpurifier/library/';


    opened by seppzzz 1
  • Possibility to search substrings / use wildcard

    Possibility to search substrings / use wildcard

    At the moment mysql only returns full words found.

    In German language we have a lot of combined words, like "Audittermine" which is combined by "Audit" and "Termine"

    It would be great if a search for "Audit" would also match "Audittermine", or search for singular "Termin" would also match "Termine", maybe configurable?

    From a short research we'd need a wildcard in the query and switch to BOOLEAN MODE, see

    opened by wernerkrauss 0
  • Possibility to filter by language or Subsite?

    Possibility to filter by language or Subsite?

    Any chance to get additional fields in the search table, e.g. for subsite/multisite environment or for locale?

    How could we easily alter the seach DB? Should we use a DataObject instead? You could still query it manually... Or just with extensions hooks when we generate the table / insert / search ???

    opened by wernerkrauss 3
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