179 Repositories
PHP wp-starter-theme Libraries
The WordPress theme powered by the Laravel Framework.
Laravel in WordPress Theme Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It's one of the most popular PHP frameworks today.
Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate / Starter.
Laravel Angular Admin Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate. Plus Oauth and JWT authenticatio
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*)
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
Laravel Framework 5 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site is a basic application with news, photo and video galeries.
Laravel Framework 5.1 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site Starter Site based on on Laravel 5.1 and Boostrap 3 Features Requirements How to install Application St
Laravel 5 admin starter
Laravel 5 Starter Laravel 5 Admin Starter Site is a sample application for beginning development with Laravel 5. I created this starter app as I neede
A starter package for Laravel 5 mirroring L5 structure
Starter package for Laravel 5 Installation Create packages/yourname folder and cd into it. Clone this repository: git clone git://github.com/andyjesso
Laravel and AngularJS Starter Application Boilerplate featuring Laravel 5.3 and AngularJS 1.5.8
💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to AngularJS 1.5.8. 💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to Laravel 5.3. You can pull
👔 Enterprise Web application starter kit or template using Laravel
Laravel Enterprise Starter Kit (LESK) Description LESK, is a template project based on the Laravel LTS, combining a set of features that can kick star
Laravel Kickstart is a Laravel starter configuration that helps you build Laravel websites faster.
Laravel Kickstart What is Laravel Kickstart? Laravel Kickstart is a Laravel starter configuration that helps you build Laravel websites faster. It com
Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit
About Laravel Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit This starter kit is designed to get you up and running with with react.js with Laravel, built on top o
A WordPress plugin to create Blockbase child themes
Create Blockbase Theme A WordPress plugin to create Blockbase child themes Find out more about Blockbase at blockbasetheme.com Step 1 – Setup Install
Tabler.io bundle for Symfony - a backend/admin theme for easy integration
Tabler Bundle for Symfony This repository contains a Symfony bundle, integrating the fantastic Tabler.io HTML Template into your Symfony project. It s
🔪 WordPress + React Starter Kit: Spin up a WordPress-powered React app in one step
Postlight's Headless WordPress + React Starter Kit is an automated toolset that will spin up three things: A WordPress backend that serves its data vi
A CLI starter pack for developing a package with Laravel 5
Laravel PackMe Laravel PackMe is a project starter pack which combine all basic stuff (src, tests) in order to develop a package for Laravel 5.*. It t
Ten Theme From Youtube Videos
Webverse_ten This is the main branch of the Ten Theme from Youtube Videos, to view the progress of a specific video switch to the corresponding branch
This is a repository for anyone wishing to contribute to HacktoberFest 2021
HacktoberFest 2021 Status IMPORTANT NOTICE : We have stopped accepting PRs for DSA Please Try to add more projects/apps/webapp instead of just DSA cod
Support multi theme for Laravel application
Very short description of the package This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention o
A simple starter kit for using TypedCMS with the Laravel framework.
TypedCMS Starter Kit for Laravel Our stater kits are tailored solutions for each platform, unlike the simple API wrappers offered by other vendors. Th
Laravel Starter With Laravel, Vite, Vue 2, Inertia.js, Ziggy, Typescript
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel Starter With Laravel, Vite, Vue 2, Inertia.js, Ziggy
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Theme and asset management for laravel
Laravel-Themevel Themevel is a Laravel theme and asset management package. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project. Featu
Simple Laravel 5+ (5.4) Theme Switcher with Middleware!
Laravel Theme The simpliest of theme switching for Laravel 5 Installation Usage Installation Laravel 5.1+ Install Laravel Theme manager: composer requ
Add theming support to your Laravel 5.* projects
Laravel Theme Add theming support to your Laravel 5.* projects. Features Custom theme locations Support for theme inheritence with theme fallback Them
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine. It's fast with beautiful architecture that allows you to write le
A quick naked theme to demonstrate how easy it is to support Gutenberg using ACF blocks
ACF Gutenberg Demo Theme A quick naked theme to demonstrate how easy it is to support Gutenberg using ACF blocks demo.mp4 Files I have found a useful
Ikoncoder is a self starter milestone web designing and deveflopment software developer.
Ikoncoder auth create auth to manage users, roles and permissions in laravel framework project Installation Require the package using composer: compos
Custom WordPress theme for DotOrg
wd_s Debt Collective Theme Table of Contents Introduction Getting Started Prerequisites Quick Start Advanced Setup Development Contributing and Suppor
Twenty Twenty-Two, the default WordPress theme that will launch with WordPress 5.9.
Twenty Twenty-Two Welcome to the development repository for the default theme that will launch with WordPress 5.9. About Twenty Twenty-Two is designed
Manuel Monteiro WP Starter Theme
_s Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turnin
Starter-kit for running a Drupal 9 website in Gitpod
DrupalPod Starter-kit Starter-kit for running a Drupal 9 website in Gitpod Getting started Click the Use this template button in GitHub and follow the
A WordPress theme switcher for developers
WP Theme Switcher To help you build or preview a new theme directly on your site without affecting your visitors (they always see the default theme wh
Starter-kit for running a Drupal 9 website with Tome in Gitpod
DrupalPod + Tome Starter-kit Starter-kit for running a Drupal 9 website with Tome in Gitpod Getting started Click the Use this template button in GitH
Dynamic Framework :: A PHP starter kit for Noobs
A PHP starter kit for Noobs Author : Abdulbasit Rubeiyya The dynamic framework is not exactly a framework, but more of a starter kit for you, the thin
A Frankenstein's monster: Kirby inside of Laravel.
A Kirby-Laravel Starter Kit This is an experimental starter kit for using Kirby within Laravel (a little like Statamic). In my limited experience it r
Multi theme support for Laravel application
Multi theme support for Laravel application This Laravel package adds multi-theme support to your application. It also provides a simple authenticatio
A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping.
HTG Laravel A basic Laravel project aimed at facilitating rapid prototyping. Why write yet another login form when you just want to try something out?
Laravel backend Inertia and Vue starter template
Inertia.js - Vue.js ve Laravel Starter Template Yunus Emre Altanay If you want to make a single page application using laravel infrastructure. This re
This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5 installed for you.
Laravel8-Vue3-Bootstrap5 This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5. Instalation Guide: As always you need to: composer install Th
One click, Fully Decoupled Drupal Site starter-kit with Druxt
DruxtSite quickstart - Drupal One click, Fully Decoupled Drupal Site starter-kit with Druxt. DruxtSite connects Drupal to Nuxt via JSON:API to provide
A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities.
Awesome WordPress A curated list of Awesome WordPress Theme, Plugins and Framework development Resources and WordPress Communities. Inspired by bayand
A custom WordPress nav walker class to fully implement the Twitter Bootstrap 4.0+ navigation style (v3-branch available for Bootstrap 3) in a custom theme using the WordPress built in menu manager.
WP Bootstrap Navwalker This code in the main repo branch is undergoing a big shakeup to bring it in line with recent standards and to merge and test t
A Theme Customizer control allowing selection and sorting of multiple images.
Multi Image Control (work in progress) A Theme customizer control allowing selection and sorting of multiple images. Currently under refactoring to ma
This WP plugin will update GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, and Gitea hosted plugins and themes
Transition from GitHub Updater 9.x to Git Updater 10.x Due to the renaming of the plugin folders and files, after the initial update, the plugin will
Esse Tema foi desenvolvido para ser uma ferramenta rápida na mão do desenvolvedor, através dele o desenvolvedor já pode criar o tema sem se preocupar com a estrutura de arquivos que já está pronta e com loops pré-definidos sem influencia em html/css
WP Developer Theme - WordPress Version 2.0 - WITH GULP Descrição em Português Esse Tema foi desenvolvido para ser uma ferramenta rápida na mão do dese
:rocket: Next Generation Template / Theme Framework
Gantry Framework Ready to get started with Gantry 5? That's great! We are here to help. On this page, you will get some quick tips to help you hit the
WordPress Framework based on parent theme
Cherry Framework The most delicious WordPress framework Fully responsive design, easy install, steady updates, great number of shortcodes and widgets,
Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turning me into the next, most awesome, WordPress theme out there. That's what I'm here for.
_s Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turnin
Assets Manager for "Vitewind" Theme, will inject CSS and JS assets for "Vitewind" theme to work properly with viteJS in development and production
Vitewind Manager plugin 💨 Windi CSS and ⚡️ Vite, for 🍂 OctoberCMS & ❄️ WinterCMS Introduction This is a helper plugin for 💨 Vitewind theme, don't i
Modular Laravel - Boilerplate project starter
MODULAR About Modular Laravel This project is a personal blueprint starter with customized modular / SOA architecture. Kostadin Keljtanoski Install Yo
Boilerplate used to build nearly-headless WordPress themes
Boilerplate for Nearly Headless WordPress Themes This is a plugin boilerplate built using Underpin ,Nicholas, and AlpineJS. It will allow you to build
NukeViet CMS is multi Content Management System. NukeViet CMS is the 1st open source content management system in Vietnam. NukeViet was awarded the Vietnam Talent 2011, the Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam officially encouraged to use.
Introduction about NukeViet NukeViet is the first opensource CMS in Vietnam. The lastest version - NukeViet 4 coding ground up support lastest web tec
An example starter theme and block-type plugin that use @wordpress/scripts for JS & CSS
Brad’s Boilerplate This repo contains one folder that is an example theme, and another folder that is an example block-type plugin. Both folders use t
A WordPress theme.json generator from a PHP array
ItalyStrap Theme Json Generator WordPress Theme Json Generator the OOP way This is a WIP project and still experimental. The idea is to generate a fil
A simple Laravel & Nuxtjs starter template
Laravel Nuxtjs is a basic starter app built with Nuxtjs CLI thet give you the powerful of Nuxtjs with API laravel backend
Laravel Boilerplate with AdminLTE Theme
Welcome to FastLaravel Laravel Boilerplate for AdminLTE Theme Laravel Boilerplate with AdminLTE Theme with FastLaravel.
前言: 捣鼓一个自己的主题,这个想法我想每个博主都有,有这个想法是在我下定决心搭建一个属于自己的博客的时候,那时的我懂的也不是很多,也就了解一点点建站的知识,关于模板开发并未深入了解,然后就一直搁置,搁置好久,中途也尝试过,只因学业繁忙又搁置了,终于等到毕业了,每天无所事事,只好找点事情做做,于是开
This is a white minimal wordpress theme
_s Hi. I'm a starter theme called _s, or underscores, if you like. I'm a theme meant for hacking so don't use me as a Parent Theme. Instead try turnin
a free, open-source dashboard panel starter kit for Laravel
QAdmin a free, open-source dashboard panel starter kit for Laravel. Just intall and everything is ready Tech Stack Client: ruangAdmin, Bootstrap, Jque
Wave - The Software as a Service Starter Kit, designed to help you build the SAAS of your dreams 🚀 💰
Introduction Wave is a Software as a Service Starter Kit that can help you build your next great idea 💰 . Wave is built with Laravel, Voyager, Tailwi
It is a greencheap theme pack.
Leylada Theme TalentGrid Yazılımcı Topluluğuna Katılım Yazılımcılar TalentGrid’e üye olarak hem sahip oldukları yetenekleri hem de ilgilenebileceği po
Laravel Livewire UI, Auth, & CRUD starter kit.
Laravel Livewire Ui This package provides Laravel Livewire & Bootstrap UI, Auth, & CRUD scaffolding commands to make your development speeds blazing f
Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects. It is to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features Bootstrap, cooreui, infyom admin Generator, roles and permissions, translatable models, spatie media and much more
Based on Laravel8.x laravel starter Template, to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features. Live Demo you ca
A minimal boilerplate theme for WordPress using TailwindCSS, with PostCSS and Laravel Mix.
A minimal boilerplate theme for WordPress using TailwindCSS, with PostCSS and Laravel Mix.
Sage is a productivity-driven WordPress starter theme with a modern development workflow.
WordPress starter theme with a modern development workflow
Laravel + Livewire + Bootstrap 5 UI starter kit.
bastinald/ui Laravel + Livewire + Bootstrap 5 UI starter kit. Requirements Laravel 8 NPM Features Bootstrap 5 pre-configured Textarea autosize Floatin
b5st – A Bootstrap 5 Starter Theme, for WordPress
b5st – A Bootstrap 5 Starter Theme, for WordPress Version 1.1 https://github.com/SimonPadbury/b5st b5st is a simple, Gutenberg-compatible WordPress st
Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed.
AdminLTE template Laravel 8 package Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed. Installation Create database. Clone repository
A Laravel Starter Kit for Laravel. Built with Laravel 8.
Laravel Get Started Project Laravel Get Started Project is a basic crud app built with laravel 8. In this app a basic product crud created. Features i
Laravel starter kit with Livewire & Bootstrap 5 auth scaffolding.
Laravel Livewire Auth Laravel starter kit with Livewire & Bootstrap 5 auth scaffolding. Requirements NPM Installation Create a new Laravel app: larave
Disciple Tools is a coalition management system for disciple making movements.
Disciple Tools Disciple.Tools software boosts collaboration, clarity, and accountability for disciple and church multiplication movements. Description
PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.
Apiato Build scalable API's faster | With PHP 7.2.5 and Laravel 7.0 Apiato is a framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Applications
PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.
Apiato Build scalable API's faster | With PHP 7.2.5 and Laravel 7.0 Apiato is a framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Applications
Someline Starter is a PHP framework for quick building Web Apps and Restful APIs, with modern PHP design pattern foundation.
Someline Starter PHP Framework Tested and used in production by Someline Inc. Someline Starter is a PHP framework for quick building Web Apps and Rest
Laravel API starter Kit will provide you with the tools for making API's that everyone will love
Laravel API Starter Kit Laravel API starter Kit will provide you with the tools for making API's that everyone will love, API Authentication is alread
:computer: :octocat: A hackathon/MVP boilerplate for laravel web applications. Start your hackathons without hassle.
Laravel Hackathon Starter - SUSUMU 進 If you have attended any hackathons in the past, then you know how much time it takes to get a project started: d
A Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template and Pratt Landing Page with Bootstrap 3.0
AdminLTE template Laravel package A Laravel package that switch default Laravel scaffolding / boilerplate to AdminLTE template with Bootstrap 3.0 and
The Laravel Boilerplate Project - https://laravel-boilerplate.com
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
A starter-kit for your PHP project.
PHP Noise A starter-kit for your PHP project. It includes frequently needed boilerplate setups (ci, badges, etc.) 📦 Installation To install this appl