4063 Repositories
PHP php-library Libraries
SendCloud client for PHP
SendCloud client for PHP Installation composer require guangda/sendcloud Example $mailData = [ 'to'='yushine999@qq.com', 'subject'='test',
Projeto utilizado para prática de TDD usando PHP com a equipe de desenvolvimento.
🚀 TDD com PHP 📄 Detalhamento do projeto Projeto desenvolvido durante um DOJO que organizei com os colegas de equipe da GAM Distribuidora. A proposta
Simple game server with php without socket programming. Uses the Api request post(json).
QMA server Simple game server with php without socket programming. Uses the Api request post(json). What does this code do? Register the user as a gue
Provides Turbo SMS integration for Symfony Notifier.
TurboSms Notifier Provides TurboSms integration for Symfony Notifier. DSN example TURBOSMS_DSN=turbosms://AUTH_TOKEN@default?from=FROM where: AUTH_TO
Native desktop applications with PHP
php-gui php-gui allows you to build desktop ui applications with PHP only. It leverages FFI extension and Tcl/Tk for that, thus you don't need to comp
PHP library allowing PDF generation or snapshot from an URL or an HTML page. Wrapper for Kozea/WeasyPrint
PhpWeasyPrint PhpWeasyPrint is a PHP library allowing PDF generation from an URL or an HTML page. It's a wrapper for WeasyPrint, a smart solution help
Linfo PHP Server Health Status
Linfo - Server stats UI/library Linfo is a: Light themable Web UI and REST API displaying lots of system stats Ncurses CLI view of WebUI Extensible, e
ExpressionEngine is a flexible, feature-rich, free open-source content management platform that empowers hundreds of thousands of individuals and organizations around the world to easily manage their web site.
ExpressionEngine CMS ExpressionEngine is a mature, flexible, secure, free open-source content management system. It is beloved by designers for giving
Fast PHP framework made with very loose optional components.
Nimble is a super fast mini-framework for PHP built on top of optional loose components. Installation Clone the repository $ git clone git@github.com:
Laravel Serializable Closure provides an easy way to serialize closures in PHP.
Serializable Closure Introduction This package is a work in progress Laravel Serializable Closure provides an easy way to serialize closures in PHP. I
A small package to add computed properties to any PHP class. 🐘
Computed Properties This package provides a trait and attribute that can provide computed property support. Installation This package can be installed
Buggregator is a beautiful, lightweight web server built on Laravel and VueJs that helps debugging your app.
A server for debugging more than just Laravel applications. Buggregator is a beautiful, lightweight web server built on Laravel and VueJs that helps d
Customized loading ⌛ spinner for Laravel Artisan Console.
Laravel Console Spinner Laravel Console Spinner was created by Rahul Dey. It is just a custom Progress Bar inspired by icanhazstring/symfony-console-s
A library using PHP to generate QRCode from https://www.qrcode-monkey.com free
PHP Class Generate Free QRCode 👉 A library using PHP to generate QRCode from https://www.qrcode-monkey.com free ✋ NOTE: Do not generate too many QRCo
Modular Laravel - Boilerplate project starter
MODULAR About Modular Laravel This project is a personal blueprint starter with customized modular / SOA architecture. Kostadin Keljtanoski Install Yo
A .phpstorm.meta.php file for TYPO3 projects
.phpstorm.meta.php for TYPO3 This repository contains a .phpstorm.meta.php file which can be used to ease the work with TYPO3 projects in phpstorm. TY
A minimal library that defines primitive building blocks of PHP code.
Jungi Common A minimal library that defines primitive building blocks of PHP code. It combines the advantages of functional and object-oriented progra
This is an experiment to export all RFCs from the PHP wiki into Git, including the change history for each RFC (along with the date and author of each change). This is not meant to replace the wiki.
PHP Requests for Comments (RFCs) About This repository is an experiment to export all RFCs from the PHP wiki into Git, including the change history fo
#️⃣ Generate, Save, and Route Stripe-like Hash IDs for Laravel Eloquent Models
Using this package you can generate, save and, route Stripe-like Hash Ids for your Eloquent Models. Hash Ids are short, unique, and non-sequential, an
PHP 8 attribute to register Laravel model observers.
PHP 8 attribute to register Laravel model observers. Instead of defining observers inside service providers this package offers an alternative way to
A whitelabeled and modernized wp-login.php
Modern Login Here lives a simple mu-plugin to whitelabel and modernize wp-login.php. No admin panels, no bloat – just a simple filter to optionally cu
Spotweb is a decentralized usenet community based on the Spotnet protocol.
Spotweb is a decentralized usenet community based on the Spotnet protocol. Spotweb requires an operational webserver with PHP5.6 installed, it
A PHP-based self-hosted URL shortener that can be used to serve shortened URLs under your own custom domain.
A PHP-based self-hosted URL shortener that can be used to serve shortened URLs under your own custom domain. Table of Contents Full documentation Dock
Parsica - PHP Parser Combinators - The easiest way to build robust parsers.
Parsica The easiest way to build robust parsers in PHP. composer require parsica-php/parsica Documentation & API: parsica-php.github.io ?php $parser
Admin Columns allows you to manage and organize columns in the posts, users, comments, and media lists tables in the WordPress admin panel.
Admin Columns allows you to manage and organize columns in the posts, users, comments, and media lists tables in the WordPress admin panel. Transform the WordPress admin screens into beautiful, clear overviews.
A simple, beautiful, mobile-first instant messaging web application backend build with ThinkPHP6 and Swoole.
OnChat A simple, beautiful, mobile-first instant messaging progressive web application build with ThinkPHP6 and Swoole. You can click here to view the
PHP transpiler - Write and deploy modern PHP 8 code, today.
Phabel Write and deploy modern PHP 8 code, today. This is a transpiler that allows native usage of PHP 8+ features and especially syntax in projects a
A simple, extensible REST API framework for PHP
Note: This framework is not stable yet. Introduction Aphiria is a suite of small, decoupled PHP libraries that make up a REST API framework. It simpli
A flexible and fast Cms built with Symfony and Vuejs.
GreenCheap CMS A modular and lightweight CMS made with Symfony and Vuejs components GreenCheap works with PHP 8 version. In this case, lower versions
Greyhole uses Samba to create a storage pool of all your available hard drives, and allows you to create redundant copies of the files you store.
Greyhole Greyhole is an application that uses Samba to create a storage pool of all your available hard drives (whatever their size, however they're c
Cronlike scheduler running inside a ReactPHP Event Loop
Cronlike scheduler running inside a ReactPHP Event Loop Install To install via Composer, use the command below, it will automatically detect the lates
Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation while keeping tenant specific data separated for fully independent multi-domain setups.
Tenancy for Laravel Enabling awesome Software as a Service with the Laravel framework. This is the successor of hyn/multi-tenant. Feel free to show su
iCal-creator for PHP - This package offers an abstraction layer for creating iCalendars files
This package offers an abstraction layer for creating iCalendars files. By using this PHP package, you can create *.ics files without the knowledge of the underling format. The output itself will follow RFC 5545 as good as possible.
Provides a clean and simple way to configure the WordPress-bundled PHPMailer library, allowing you to quickly get started sending mail through a local or cloud based service of your choice
WP PHPMailer provides a clean and simple way to configure the WordPress-bundled PHPMailer library, allowing you to quickly get started sending mail through a local or cloud based service of your choice.
Next generation phpDoc parser with support for intersection types and generics.
PHPDoc-Parser for PHPStan PHPStan Next generation phpDoc parser with support for intersection types and generics. Code of Conduct This project adheres
OfficeLife manages everything employees do in a company. From projects to holidays to 1 on 1s to ... 🚀
All-in-one software to manage the employee lifecycle Website • Docs • Demo What is OfficeLife If a company wants to have a complete 360 view of what’s
An ultra-lightweight blogging engine, written in PHP.
简体中文, Italiano. 📣 Translations wanted! Go to the wiki to find out more about translating Chyrp Lite into your language. What can Chyrp Lite do for me
Eloquent Filter is a package for filter data of models by the query strings. Easy to use and fully dynamic.
Eloquent Filter Eloquent Filter adds custom filters to your Eloquent Models in Laravel. It's easy to use and fully dynamic. Table of Content Introduct
phpThumb() - The PHP thumbnail generator
phpThumb phpThumb() - The PHP thumbnail generator phpThumb() uses the GD library and/or ImageMagick to create thumbnails from images (GIF, PNG or JPEG
Yet Another Swoole Debugger
English | 中文 yasd Yet Another Swoole Debugger. document How to use it build You'll need to install the Boost library first. macOS: brew install boost
A laravel package for generating Bitly short URLs.
Laravel Bitly Package A laravel package for generating Bitly short URLs. For more information see Bitly Requirements Laravel 5.1 or later Installation
Open source ERP software. Built on modern PHP and bootstrap 4. Easy and powerful.
FacturaScripts Open source ERP software. Built on modern PHP and bootstrap 4. Easy and powerful. Install Clone and deploy with composer and npm (compo
Origin CMS for Laravel to kickstart your web applications
Installation git clone -b master https://github.com/akhileshdarjee/origin-cms.git Update new git project URL composer install cp .env.example .env php
LibreNMS is an auto-discovering PHP/MySQL/SNMP based network monitoring system
LibreNMS is an auto-discovering PHP/MySQL/SNMP based network monitoring which includes support for a wide range of network hardware and operating systems including Cisco, Linux, FreeBSD, Juniper, Brocade, Foundry, HP and many more.
Cloudlog is a self-hosted PHP application that allows you to log your amateur radio contacts anywhere.
Web based amateur radio logging application built using PHP & MySQL supports general station logging tasks from HF to Microwave with supporting applications to support CAT control.
TeleBot - Easy way to create Telegram-bots in PHP. Rich Laravel support out of the box.
TeleBot is a PHP library for telegram bots development. Rich Laravel support out of the box. Has an easy, clean, and extendable way to handle telegram Updates.
Cypht: Lightweight Open Source webmail written in PHP and JavaScript
All your E-mail, from all your accounts, in one place. Cypht is not your father's webmail. Unless you are one of my daughters, in which case it is your father's webmail. Cypht is like a news reader, but for E-mail. Cypht does not replace your existing accounts - it combines them into one. And it's also a news reader.
Provides an object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs.
Uid Component The UID component provides an object-oriented API to generate and represent UIDs. Resources Documentation Contributing Report issues and
Security, performance, marketing, and design tools — Jetpack is made by WordPress experts to make WP sites safer and faster, and help you grow your traffic.
Jetpack Monorepo This is the Jetpack Monorepo. It contains source code for the Jetpack plugin, the Jetpack composer packages, and other things. How to
Crater is an open-source web & mobile app that helps you track expenses, payments & create professional invoices & estimates.
Introduction Crater is an open-source web & mobile app that helps you track expenses, payments & create professional invoices & estimates. Web Applica
FreeScout — Free self-hosted help desk & shared mailbox (Zendesk / Help Scout alternative)
Free Self-Hosted Zendesk & Help Scout Alternative FreeScout is the super lightweight free open source help desk and shared inbox written in PHP7+ (Lar
wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore
What is wallabag? wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. Click, save and read it when you can. It e
List of 77 languages for Laravel Framework 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova and Laravel Spark.
Laravel Lang In this repository, you can find the lang files for the Laravel Framework 4/5/6/7/8, Laravel Jetstream , Laravel Fortify, Laravel Cashier
Deptrac is a static code analysis tool for PHP that helps you communicate, visualize and enforce architectural decisions in your projects
Deptrac is a static code analysis tool for PHP that helps you communicate, visualize and enforce architectural decisions in your projects. You can freely define your architectural layers over classes and which rules should apply to them.
This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application.
Slim 4 Skeleton This is a skeleton to quickly set up a new Slim 4 application. Requirements PHP 7.4+ or 8.0+ MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB Recommended Apache
A simple encapsulation of Web3 framework in PHP environment
Web3 A simple encapsulation of Web3 framework in PHP environment. install composer require kgs/web3 Usage web3 $web3 = new Web3('https://kovan.infura.
This small PHP package assists in the loading and parsing of VTT files.
VTT Transcriptions This small PHP package assists in the loading and parsing of VTT files. Usage use Laracasts\Transcriptions\Transcription; $transcr
File Upload widget with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bar, validation and preview images, audio and video for jQuery. Supports cross-domain, chunked and resumable file uploads. Works with any server-side platform (Google App Engine, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, Java, etc.) that supports standard HTML form file uploads.
jQuery File Upload Contents Description Demo Features Security Setup Requirements Mandatory requirements Optional requirements Cross-domain requiremen
Shopware 6 is an open source ecommerce platform based on a quite modern technology stack that is powered by Symfony and Vue.js.
Shopware 6 Realize your ideas - fast and without friction. Shopware 6 is an open source ecommerce platform based on a quite modern technology stack th
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files.
ANTLR (ANother Tool for Language Recognition) is a powerful parser generator for reading, processing, executing, or translating structured text or binary files. It's widely used to build languages, tools, and frameworks. From a grammar, ANTLR generates a parser that can build parse trees and also generates a listener interface (or visitor) that makes it easy to respond to the recognition of phrases of interest.
Laravel Echo library for beautiful Pusher and Ably integration.
Introduction In many modern web applications, WebSockets are used to implement realtime, live-updating user interfaces. When some data is updated on t
Enable method chaining or fluent expressions for any value and method.
PHP Pipe Operator A (hopefully) temporary solution to implement the pipe operator in PHP. Table of contents Requirements How to install How to use The
A Multi-Framework Composer Library Installer
A Multi-Framework Composer Library Installer This is for PHP package authors to require in their composer.json. It will install their package to the c
🎲Neard is a portable WAMP software stack involving useful binaries, tools and applications for your web development.
About Neard is a portable WAMP software stack involving useful binaries, tools and applications for your web development. It also offers several versi
A lib to consume message from any Broker
Swarrot Swarrot is a PHP library to consume messages from any broker. Installation The recommended way to install Swarrot is through Composer. Require
A Laravel (php) package to interface with the geo-location services at geonames.org.
geonames v7.x A Laravel (php) package to interface with the geo-location services at geonames.org. Major Version Jump I jumped several major versions
QR Code Generator
QR Code By endroid If you like my work you can show appreciation by sponsoring via Github Sponsors or send me some ADA at DdzFFzCqrhszSwiFWMBQomfv6mkD
🔥High Performance PHP Progressive Framework.
The Core Framework English | 中文 The QueryPHP Application QueryPHP is a modern, high performance PHP progressive framework, to provide a stable and rel
Asset Component is a port of Laravel 3 Asset for Orchestra Platform.
Asset Component is a port of Laravel 3 Asset for Orchestra Platform. The component main functionality is to allow asset declaration to be handle dynamically and asset dependencies can be resolve directly from the container. It however is not intended to becoma an asset pipeline package for Laravel, for such purpose we would recommend to use Grunt or Gulp.
Flight routing is a simple, fast PHP router that is easy to get integrated with other routers.
The PHP HTTP Flight Router divineniiquaye/flight-routing is a HTTP router for PHP 7.1+ based on PSR-7 and PSR-15 with support for annotations, created
Command-line control panel for Nginx Server to manage WordPress sites running on Nginx, PHP, MySQL, and Let's Encrypt
EasyEngine v4 EasyEngine makes it greatly easy to manage nginx, a fast web-server software that consumes little memory when handling increasing volume
ClassicPress: The CMS for Creators. Stable. Secure. Instantly Familiar.
ClassicPress: The CMS for Creators. Stable. Secure. Instantly Familiar. ClassicPress is a community-led open source content management system for crea
Easiest way to create beautiful administration backends with Symfony.
☂ Umbrella framework Easiest way to create beautiful administration backends with Symfony. Demo website • Demo repository Create a new project with Um
A framework for building rich, data-driven applications in PHP and MySQL
Xataface A framework for building rich, data-driven applications in PHP and MySQL License GPL Requirements PHP 5.2 or higher MySQL 5 or higher Install
A much faster alternative to youtube-dl built for PHP applications.
youtube-downloader This project was inspired by a very popular youtube-dl python package: https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl Yes, there are multiple ot
A PHP client for (Spring Cloud) Netflix Eureka service registration and discovery.
PHP Netflix Eureka Client A PHP client for (Spring Cloud) Netflix Eureka service registration and discovery. Installation You can install this package
The Semaphore Component manages semaphores, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource.
Semaphore Component The Semaphore Component manages semaphores, a mechanism to provide exclusive access to a shared resource. Resources Documentation
Pocketmine Plugin implementing Stackable Spawners
Information This plugin adds a Stackable Spawner System to PMMP. When you place a Spawner, you can stack additional Spawners onto the same Spawner to
The Laravel Forge CLI.
Introduction Laravel Forge is a server management and site deployment service. After connecting to your preferred server provider, Forge will provisio
Ray server is a beautiful, lightweight php app build on Laravel that helps you debug your app. It runs without installation on multiple platforms.
RayServer is a beautiful, lightweight web server built on Laravel and VueJs that helps debugging your app. It runs without installation on multiple platforms.
A non-intrusive support form that can be displayed on any page
A non-intrusive support bubble that can be displayed on any page Using this package you can quickly add a chat bubble that opens a support form on any
A simple package to manage the creation of a structure composed of the service and repository layers in a Laravel application
Chapolim Este projeto tem como objetivo fornecer alguns comandos adicionais à interface de linha de comando do Laravel, o Artisan, para manipular a es
ViMa, Open Sources make your business betters
NOTES Completed project will be upload after finish implementation & website will be can be access contain all information may be in September 21, 202
A package that provides `array_*` like functions for iterators.
The doekenorg/iterator-functions package provides a curated set of array_* like functions for iterators in PHP. This package is built to encourage developers to make more use of Iterators by simplifying common tasks.
Save Model is a Laravel package that allows you to save data in the database in a new way.
Save Model is a Laravel package that allows you to save data in the database in a new way. No need to worry about $guarded and $fillable properties in the model anymore. Just relax an use Save Model package.
A PHP implementation of the Unleash protocol aka Feature Flags in GitLab
A PHP implementation of the Unleash protocol aka Feature Flags in GitLab. You may also be interested in the Symfony Bundle for this package. This impl
remake of doxbin in php
Search PHP source code for function & method calls, variables, and more from PHP.
Searching PHP source code made easy Search PHP source code for function & method calls, variable assignments, classes and more directly from PHP. Inst
AI PHP is a wrapper for rubix ml to make AI very approachable
AI PHP Rubix Wrap A wrapper for Rubix ML to make it very approachable Example: $report = RubixService::train($data, 'column_with_label'); Where co
A versatile and lightweight PHP task runner, designed with simplicity in mind.
Blend A versatile and lightweight PHP task runner, designed with simplicity in mind. Table of Contents About Blend Installation Config Examples API Ch
Ergonode is modern PIM platform based on Symfony and Vue.js frameworks.
Modern Product Information Management Platform Ergonode is modern PIM platform based on Symfony and Vue.js frameworks. It has modular structure and gi
The server administration software for your needs
The server administration software for your needs. Developed by experienced server administrators, this panel simplifies the effort of managing your hosting platform.
NukeViet CMS is multi Content Management System. NukeViet CMS is the 1st open source content management system in Vietnam. NukeViet was awarded the Vietnam Talent 2011, the Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam officially encouraged to use.
Introduction about NukeViet NukeViet is the first opensource CMS in Vietnam. The lastest version - NukeViet 4 coding ground up support lastest web tec
This is a class of php QR Code, This library helps you generate QR codes in a jiffy.
This is a class of php QR Code, This library helps you generate QR codes in a jiffy.
Podlove Podcast Publisher for WordPress
Podlove Podcast Publisher This is the podcast publishing plugin for WordPress. Getting Started & Documentation Podlove Community Latest stable version
A handful of tools for PHP developers.
Belt A handful of tools for PHP developers. Version 2.0.0 is out now. Clear documentation, improved tests and code quality. Installation In case you w
PHP Sitemap Generator
This class can be used to generate sitemaps and notify updates to search engines.
64 bit ID Generator
Particle Language: PHP 64bits int Time Based ID Generator Uncoordinated For high availability within and across data centers, machines generating ids
🇨🇳 基于 CC-CEDICT 词典的中文转拼音工具,更准确的支持多音字的汉字转拼音解决方案。
Pinyin 🇨🇳 基于 CC-CEDICT 词典的中文转拼音工具,更准确的支持多音字的汉字转拼音解决方案。
JsonMapper - map nested JSON structures onto PHP classes
Takes data retrieved from a JSON web service and converts them into nested object and arrays - using your own model classes.