Spotweb is a decentralized usenet community based on the Spotnet protocol.



Spotweb is a decentralized usenet community based on the Spotnet protocol.

Spotweb requires an operational webserver with PHP5.6 installed, it uses either an MySQL or an PostgreSQL database to store it's contents in.

Travis-CI Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality

Scrutinzer Status Code consistency Code Intelligence Status StyleCI

Maintainability Test Coverage

Tested on:


Spotweb is one of the most-featured Spotnet clients currently available, featuring among other things:

  • Fast.
  • Customizable filter system from within the system.
  • Posting of comments and spots.
  • Showing and filtering on new spots since the last view.
  • Watchlist.
  • Easy to download multiple files.
  • Runs on NAS devices like Synology and QNAP.
  • Rating of spots.
  • Integration with Sick Gear , Sick beard and CouchPotato as a 'newznab' provider.
  • Platform independent (reported to work on Linux, *BSD and Windows).
  • Both central as user-specific blacklist support built-in.
  • Spam reporting.
  • Easy layout customization by providing custom CSS.
  • Growl/Notify My Android/Notify/Prowl and Twitter integration. (*)
  • Spot statistics on your system.
  • Sabnzbd and nzbget(*) integration.
  • Multi-language. (*)
  • Multiple-user ready. (*)
  • Opensource and open development model. (*)

(*) Unique feature among all known Spotnet clients.

Installation requirements

Spotweb has been regulary tested on several different systems. Spotweb is mostly used on:

  • Unix-based (Linux, FreeBSD) operating systems or small NAS systems like Synology and QNAP.
  • Apache Webserver.
  • PHP v5.6 or higher, with at least these modules:
    • curl
    • dom
    • gettext
    • mbstring
    • xml
    • zip
    • zlib
    • gd
    • openssl
  • MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite, where SQLite is the least supported and tested database engine.

Please run '' from within your browser before attempting anything further with Spotweb and make sure all items are checked 'OK'.

Installation Master branch:

Installation is the toughest part of Spotweb. Depending on your platform you should look at the different tutorials available on the Spotweb wiki, but the basic steps are:

  1. Ensure you have an database server installed (MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite).
  2. Create an empty 'spotweb' database.
  3. Ensure you have a webserver running and PHP is configured for this webserver.
  4. Download the Spotweb zip file. or from within your public www folder: "git clone -b master ."
  5. Unpack the zip file to a directory of choice.
  6. Open 'install.php' in your browser until everything is 'OK'. Fix the parts which aren't OK.
  7. Follow the wizard and perform the instructions as given by the wizard.

Installation Development branch:

  1. Ensure you have an database server installed (MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite).
  2. Create an empty 'spotweb' database.
  3. Ensure you have a webserver running and PHP is configured for this webserver.
  4. Download the Spotweb zip file. or from within your public www folder: "git clone -b develop ."
  5. Unpack the zip file to a directory of choice.
  6. Open 'install.php' in your browser until everything is 'OK'. Fix the parts which aren't OK.
  7. Follow the wizard and perform the instructions as given by the wizard.


When a white page appears instead of your Spotweb installation, this usually indicates an typing error in either your ownsettings.php, or a configuration error in your webserver.

Please consult your Apache's errorlog for the exact error and fix it.

  • Unable to finish upgrade-db.php Cannot drop index 'idx_commentsfull_1': needed in a foreign key constraint

    Unable to finish upgrade-db.php Cannot drop index 'idx_commentsfull_1': needed in a foreign key constraint

    Just upgraded to the latest 1.4.0 with a git pull After I wanted to run the upgrade-db.php however I get the following error.

    PS C:\> php "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\spotweb\bin\upgrade-db.php"
    Updating schema..(pdo_mysql)
            Validating spots(messageid)
            Validating spots(poster)
            Validating spots(title)
            Validating spots(tag)
            Validating spots(category)
            Validating spots(subcata)
            Validating spots(subcatb)
            Validating spots(subcatc)
            Validating spots(subcatd)
            Validating spots(subcatz)
            Validating spots(stamp)
            Validating spots(reversestamp)
            Validating spots(filesize)
            Validating spots(moderated)
            Validating spots(commentcount)
            Validating spots(spotrating)
            Validating spots(reportcount)
            Validating spots(spotterid)
            Validating spots(editstamp)
            Validating spots(editor)
            Validating spotsfull(messageid)
            Validating spotsfull(verified)
            Validating spotsfull(usersignature)
            Validating spotsfull(userkey)
            Validating spotsfull(xmlsignature)
            Validating spotsfull(fullxml)
            Validating usenetstate(infotype)
            Validating usenetstate(curarticlenr)
            Validating usenetstate(curmessageid)
            Validating usenetstate(lastretrieved)
            Validating usenetstate(nowrunning)
            Validating commentsxover(messageid)
            Validating commentsxover(nntpref)
            Validating commentsxover(spotrating)
            Validating commentsxover(moderated)
            Validating commentsxover(stamp)
            Validating reportsxover(messageid)
            Validating reportsxover(fromhdr)
            Validating reportsxover(keyword)
            Validating reportsxover(nntpref)
            Validating spotstatelist(messageid)
            Validating spotstatelist(ouruserid)
            Validating spotstatelist(download)
            Validating spotstatelist(watch)
            Validating spotstatelist(seen)
            Validating commentsfull(messageid)
            Validating commentsfull(fromhdr)
            Validating commentsfull(stamp)
            Validating commentsfull(usersignature)
            Validating commentsfull(userkey)
            Validating commentsfull(spotterid)
            Validating commentsfull(hashcash)
            Validating commentsfull(body)
            Validating commentsfull(verified)
            Validating commentsfull(avatar)
            Validating settings(name)
            Validating settings(value)
            Validating settings(serialized)
            Validating commentsposted(ouruserid)
            Validating commentsposted(messageid)
            Validating commentsposted(inreplyto)
            Validating commentsposted(randompart)
            Validating commentsposted(rating)
            Validating commentsposted(body)
            Validating commentsposted(stamp)
            Validating spotsposted(messageid)
            Validating spotsposted(ouruserid)
            Validating spotsposted(stamp)
            Validating spotsposted(title)
            Validating spotsposted(tag)
            Validating spotsposted(category)
            Validating spotsposted(subcats)
            Validating spotsposted(filesize)
            Validating spotsposted(fullxml)
            Validating reportsposted(ouruserid)
            Validating reportsposted(messageid)
            Validating reportsposted(inreplyto)
            Validating reportsposted(randompart)
            Validating reportsposted(body)
            Validating reportsposted(stamp)
            Validating usersettings(userid)
            Validating usersettings(privatekey)
            Validating usersettings(publickey)
            Validating usersettings(avatar)
            Validating usersettings(otherprefs)
            Validating users(username)
            Validating users(firstname)
            Validating users(passhash)
            Validating users(lastname)
            Validating users(mail)
            Validating users(apikey)
            Validating users(lastlogin)
            Validating users(lastvisit)
            Validating users(lastread)
            Validating users(lastapiusage)
            Validating users(deleted)
            Validating sessions(sessionid)
            Validating sessions(userid)
            Validating sessions(hitcount)
            Validating sessions(lasthit)
            Validating sessions(ipaddr)
            Validating sessions(devicetype)
            Validating securitygroups(name)
            Validating grouppermissions(groupid)
            Validating grouppermissions(permissionid)
            Validating grouppermissions(objectid)
            Validating grouppermissions(deny)
            Validating usergroups(userid)
            Validating usergroups(groupid)
            Validating usergroups(prio)
            Validating notifications(userid)
            Validating notifications(stamp)
            Validating notifications(objectid)
            Validating notifications(type)
            Validating notifications(title)
            Validating notifications(body)
            Validating notifications(sent)
            Validating filters(userid)
            Validating filters(filtertype)
            Validating filters(title)
            Validating filters(icon)
            Validating filters(torder)
            Validating filters(tparent)
            Validating filters(tree)
            Validating filters(valuelist)
            Validating filters(sorton)
            Validating filters(sortorder)
            Validating filters(enablenotify)
            Validating filtercounts(userid)
            Validating filtercounts(filterhash)
            Validating filtercounts(currentspotcount)
            Validating filtercounts(lastvisitspotcount)
            Validating filtercounts(lastupdate)
            Validating spotteridblacklist(spotterid)
            Validating spotteridblacklist(ouruserid)
            Validating spotteridblacklist(idtype)
            Validating spotteridblacklist(origin)
            Validating spotteridblacklist(doubled)
            Validating cache(resourceid)
            Validating cache(cachetype)
            Validating cache(stamp)
            Validating cache(metadata)
            Validating cache(ttl)
            Validating moderatedringbuffer(messageid)
            Validating permaudit(stamp)
            Validating permaudit(userid)
            Validating permaudit(permissionid)
            Validating permaudit(objectid)
            Validating permaudit(result)
            Validating permaudit(ipaddr)
            Validating index idx_spots_1
                    Dropping index idx_spots_1
                    Adding index idx_spots_1
            Validating index idx_spots_2
                    Dropping index idx_spots_2
                    Adding index idx_spots_2
            Validating index idx_spots_3
                    Dropping index idx_spots_3
                    Adding index idx_spots_3
            Validating index idx_spots_4
                    Dropping index idx_spots_4
                    Adding index idx_spots_4
            Validating index idx_spots_5
                    Dropping index idx_spots_5
                    Adding index idx_spots_5
            Validating FTS idx_fts_spots
                    Adding FTS idx_fts_spots
            Validating index idx_usenetstate_1
                    Dropping index idx_usenetstate_1
                    Adding index idx_usenetstate_1
            Validating index idx_spotsfull_1
                    Dropping index idx_spotsfull_1
                    Adding index idx_spotsfull_1
            Validating index idx_commentsfull_1
                    Dropping index idx_commentsfull_1
    SpotWeb crashed
    Database schema or settings upgrade failed:
       HY000: 1553: Cannot drop index 'idx_commentsfull_1': needed in a foreign key constraint
    #0 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\spotweb\lib\dbstruct\SpotStruct_mysql.php(162): dbeng_pdo->rawExec('DROP INDEX idx_...')
    #1 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\spotweb\lib\dbstruct\SpotStruct_abs.php(125): SpotStruct_mysql->dropIndex('idx_commentsful...', 'commentsfull')
    #2 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\spotweb\lib\dbstruct\SpotStruct_abs.php(711): SpotStruct_abs->validateIndex('idx_commentsful...', 'UNIQUE', 'commentsfull', Array)
    #3 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\spotweb\lib\services\Upgrade\Services_Upgrade_Base.php(42): SpotStruct_abs->updateSchema()
    #4 C:\inetpub\wwwroot\spotweb\bin\upgrade-db.php(34): Services_Upgrade_Base->database()
    #5 {main}
    opened by Rouzax 134
  • Synology (MariaDB 5-10) Random: 1062: Duplicate entry '' for key 'idx_spotsfull_1'

    Synology (MariaDB 5-10) Random: 1062: Duplicate entry '' for key 'idx_spotsfull_1'

    Running Spotweb for a long time on Synology. After upgrading to the latest version last week with Git Pull i got a few Popup's with error's and can't find a solution for it. Spotweb is also slower then before the upgrade and pictures in the index page are also taking long time to load. Some pictures are quick and other are taking long time before i see them. Cache folder have 0777 rights.

    Spotweb is working fine even with the error's but hoping for some solution or tips.

    When opening Spotweb and see the index i get at random moment:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /volume1/web/spotweb/lib/services/NzbHandler/Services_NzbHandler_abs.php on line 233 {"result":"success","data":[],"info":[],"warnings":[],"errors":[]}

    opened by mikeo999 81
  • Spotweb overview page is slow to load after reinstall

    Spotweb overview page is slow to load after reinstall

    I can't figure out why my spotweb index overview is so slow to load while this used to be really fast. Somehow after a new install of Spotweb with a fresh DB it is slow.

    Windows 2012R2
    IIS 8.5
    PHP 5.6.16
    MySQL 5.6.28

    Spotweb Master: ef965705cb21e520c67cc04270b698ced0ab350a

    Total Spotweb Database size is 3 GB

    Running on:

    OS Name Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
    Version 6.3.9600 Build 9600
    System Model    Virtual Machine
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor   Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v3 @ 2.60GHz, 2600 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 16,0 GB
    Total Physical Memory   16,0 GB

    Because it is virtual, additional memory or CPU's are no problem if more are needed.

    It appears the big hangup is the slow select statement which takes around 30 seconds.

    # Time: 151229 13:38:58
    # User@Host: root[root] @ localhost [::1]  Id:    38
    # Query_time: 32.684651  Lock_time: 0.000000 Rows_sent: 26  Rows_examined: 6463381
    SET timestamp=1451392738;
    SELECT AS id,
                                                    s.messageid AS messageid,
                                                    s.category AS category,
                                                    s.poster AS poster,
                                           as downloadstamp, 
                                           as watchstamp,
                                                    l.seen AS seenstamp,
                                                    s.subcata AS subcata,
                                                    s.subcatb AS subcatb,
                                                    s.subcatc AS subcatc,
                                                    s.subcatd AS subcatd,
                                                    s.subcatz AS subcatz,
                                                    s.title AS title,
                                                    s.tag AS tag,
                                                    s.stamp AS stamp,
                                                    s.moderated AS moderated,
                                                    s.filesize AS filesize,
                                                    s.spotrating AS rating,
                                                    s.commentcount AS commentcount,
                                                    s.reportcount AS reportcount,
                                                    s.spotterid AS spotterid,
                                                    s.editstamp AS editstamp,
                                                    s.editor AS editor,
                                                    f.verified AS verified,
                                                    COALESCE(bl.idtype, wl.idtype, gwl.idtype) AS idtype
                                         FROM spots AS s  LEFT JOIN spotstatelist AS l on ((s.messageid = l.messageid) AND (l.ouruserid = 3)) 
                                         LEFT JOIN spotsfull AS f ON (s.messageid = f.messageid) 
                                         LEFT JOIN spotteridblacklist as bl ON ((bl.spotterid = s.spotterid) AND ((bl.ouruserid = 3) OR (bl.ouruserid = -1)) AND (bl.idtype = 1))
                                         LEFT JOIN spotteridblacklist as wl on ((wl.spotterid = s.spotterid) AND ((wl.ouruserid = 3) AND (wl.idtype = 2)))
                                         LEFT JOIN spotteridblacklist as gwl on ((gwl.spotterid = s.spotterid) AND ((gwl.ouruserid = -1) AND (gwl.idtype = 2)))  WHERE (bl.spotterid IS NULL)  AND (NOT ((s.Category = 0) AND (s.subcatz = 'z3|')))
                                         ORDER BY s.reversestamp ASC LIMIT 26 OFFSET 25;

    Stack Trace.xlsx




    Feature request Develop branch 
    opened by Rouzax 80
  • Spotweb and Sabnzbdplus 1.0.0

    Spotweb and Sabnzbdplus 1.0.0

    With the update of sabnzbdplus to 0.8.0 on my ubuntu server, i cannot send a nzb to the sabnzbdplus download queue.

    In the apache error log i see

    [Mon Sep 28 22:47:39.841971 2015] [:error] [pid 3645] [client] sabnzbd push failed: http returncode: 200 / , referer:[tree]=cat0_z0_a4,cat0_z0_a6,cat0_z0_a7,cat0_z0_a8,cat0_z0_a9&search[value][]=

    Anyone have any idea what to look for? Any help is welcome. Config has not changed.

    Feature request Develop branch 
    opened by scanno 79
  • Failed loading XML:  Non-fatal: Updating black/whitelist failed, most likely unreachable!

    Failed loading XML: Non-fatal: Updating black/whitelist failed, most likely unreachable!

    Describe the bug/issue

    • A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
    Failed loading XML: 
    Non-fatal: Updating black/whitelist failed, most likely unreachable!

    Have you searched the internet or Github for an answer?

    • Please search google if similar issue has been reported and fixed before.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to '...'
    2. Click on '....'
    3. Scroll down to '....'
    4. See error

    php retrieve.php

    Expected behavior

    • A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: [e.g. iOS]
    • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
    • Spotweb Version [e.g. 1.4.8]
    • Which branch (Master/Develop)
    • PHP version
    • Device information (ReadyNAS/Synology/FreeNAS)


    Latest commit (develop)

    php 8.1.9

    Smartphone if applicable (please complete the following information):

    • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
    • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
    • Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
    • Spotweb Version [e.g. 1.4.8]
    • Which branch (Master/Develop)
    • PHP version
    • Device information (ReadyNAS/Synology/FreeNAS)

    Additional context Provide any other information about the bug or issue that can further help debugging here.

    opened by johnrosen1 68
  • Crash on full spot retrieval

    Crash on full spot retrieval

    For a few months now I encountered this odd issue with Spotweb where it crashes during article retrieval on every run more or less. It only happens when I enable both Full Comments and Full post retrieval including all options there.

    I can still browse all posts just fine in the web browser and it retrieves it on the fly but of course a bit slower to load, it used to work just fine in the beginning of this year and here's a couple of things I tried:

    • Fresh Spotweb install (DB / clean pull from main branch) and let it retrieve for a few days, same error pops up.
    • Changed newsserver from Giganews to Eweka
    • Changed newsserver from Giganews EU to Giganews US
    • First step of install to check if dep / config issue, reports all OK status.

    The server is running Ubuntu 14.04LTS with PHP and Percona 5.5, nothing much has changed on the server since it worked before other than the regular PHP/Percona updates.

    At first I suspected a few fault spots which were an issue in the past where the retrieve process would hang, normally this could be fixed by de-selecting full spot/comment retrieval and letting that run a few times and restoring full spot/comment retrieval afterwards. The fatal error seems to be "Failed to read from socket" however no connections are dropped on the server as I can keep a stable connection to usenet servers on other applications.

    Any insight into this would be much appreciated :)

    Retrieving new Spots from server <server>
    Appr. Message count:    2439698
    First message number:   2
    Last message number:    2439700
    Current article number: 2439694
    Retrieving 2439694 till 2439701
    getHeader(): Failed to retrieve article: <[email protected]>
    getBody(): Failed to retrieve article: <[email protected]>
    getHeader(): Failed to retrieve article: <[email protected]>
    getHeader(): Failed to retrieve article: <[email protected]>
    getHeader(): Failed to retrieve article: <[email protected]>
    SpotWeb v0.68.29.32 on PHP crashed
    Fatal error occured while connecting to the newsserver:
      (-1) Failed to read from socket...! [response: ""]
    #0 /var/www/spotweb/NNTP/Protocol/Client.php(296): Net_NNTP_Protocol_Client->throwError('Failed to read ...')
    #1 /var/www/spotweb/NNTP/Protocol/Client.php(279): Net_NNTP_Protocol_Client->_getStatusResponse()
    #2 /var/www/spotweb/NNTP/Protocol/Client.php(1140): Net_NNTP_Protocol_Client->_sendCommand('HEAD <csRff2uwJ...')
    #3 /var/www/spotweb/NNTP/Client.php(515): Net_NNTP_Protocol_Client->cmdHead('<csRff2uwJPQsJZ...')
    #4 /var/www/spotweb/lib/services/Nntp/Services_Nntp_Engine.php(282): Net_NNTP_Client->getHeader('<csRff2uwJPQsJZ...')
    #5 /var/www/spotweb/lib/services/Nntp/Services_Nntp_SpotReading.php(160): Services_Nntp_Engine->getHeader('<csRff2uwJPQsJZ...')
    #6 /var/www/spotweb/lib/services/Retriever/Services_Retriever_Spots.php(398): Services_Nntp_SpotReading->readFullSpot('csRff2uwJPQsJZT...')
    #7 /var/www/spotweb/lib/services/Retriever/Services_Retriever_Base.php(227): Services_Retriever_Spots->process(Array, '2439694', 2439701, 1431541450.4223)
    #8 /var/www/spotweb/lib/services/Retriever/Services_Retriever_Base.php(319): Services_Retriever_Base->loopTillEnd('2439694', '1000')
    #9 /var/www/spotweb/retrieve.php(155): Services_Retriever_Base->perform()
    #10 {main}
    opened by RickDB 59
  • We can no longer retrieve spots using SSL on spotweb for Synology

    We can no longer retrieve spots using SSL on spotweb for Synology

    Since Synology DSM 5.2 we can no longer retrieve spots using SSL. There are multiple forum topics that blame DSM 5.2 for this:

    The error I and everyone else gets is this one:

    SpotWeb v0.67.28.31 on PHP v5.5.24 crashed

    Fatal error occured while connecting to the newsserver: (-1) Failed to read from socket...! [response: ""]

    Probably Synology has updated PHP in their latest DSM, which also updates the SSL library. Is there anything we can do to make spotweb work with the new SSL, rather than just turning it off?

    Thanks for any reply :)


    opened by Marcoevich 56
  • Unable to retrieve

    Unable to retrieve

    I haven't been able to retrieve / update my spotweb database since 29-03-2015.

    Receiving the following error when manualy starting the retrieve job:

    spotweb@webserver:~/domains/spotweburl/private_html/spotweb$ php retrieve.php Removing Spot information which is beyond retention period,, done Last retrieve at Sun 29 Mar 2015 03:30:29 PM CEST Retrieving new Spots from server

    Warning: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to tcp:// (Connection timed out) in /home/spotweb/domains/spotweburl/private_html/spotweb/NNTP/Protocol/Client.php on line 693 SpotWeb v0.68.29.32 on PHP v5.5.23 crashed

    Fatal error occured while connecting to the newsserver: (-1) Error while connecting to server (server did not respond) [response: ""] [response: ""] #0 /home/spotweb/domains/spotweburl/private_html/spotweb/lib/services/Nntp/Services_Nntp_Engine.php(120): Services_Nntp_Engine->connect() #1 /home/spotweb/domains/spotweburl/private_html/spotweb/lib/services/Retriever/Services_Retriever_Base.php(112): Services_Nntp_Engine->selectGroup('') #2 /home/spotweb/domains/spotweburl/private_html/spotweb/lib/services/Retriever/Services_Retriever_Base.php(280): Services_Retriever_Base->connect(Array) #3 /home/spotweb/domains/spotweburl/private_html/spotweb/retrieve.php(155): Services_Retriever_Base->perform() #4 {main}

    opened by WorkaholicGoT 55
  • Retrieve doesn't work with Media branch

    Retrieve doesn't work with Media branch


    I installed the media-branch of Spotweb (clean install), everything went fine, but when I try to retrieve the spots for the first time, I get the following errors:

    Warning: PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in C:\XAMPP
    htdocs\spotweb-media\lib\dbeng\dbeng_pdo.php on line 175

    SpotWeb v0.68.29.32 on PHP v5.5.11 crashed

    Fatal error occured retrieving reports: 42000: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corre sponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' at line 1 (SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' at line 1) #0 C:\XAMPP\htdocs\spotweb-media\lib\dbeng\dbeng_pdo.php(146): dbeng_pdo->exec('

    SELECT messagei...', Array) #1 C:\XAMPP\htdocs\spotweb-media\lib\dao\Base\Dao_Base_Spot.php(606): dbeng_pdo-

    arrayQuery('SELECT messagei...')

    2 C:\XAMPP\htdocs\spotweb-media\lib\services\Retriever\Services_Retriever_Spots

    .php(216): Dao_Base_Spot->matchSpotMessageIds(Array)

    3 C:\XAMPP\htdocs\spotweb-media\lib\services\Retriever\Services_Retriever_Base.

    php(227): Services_Retriever_Spots->process(Array, '2051487', 2056488, 142908960 1.5511)

    4 C:\XAMPP\htdocs\spotweb-media\lib\services\Retriever\Services_Retriever_Base.

    php(319): Services_Retriever_Base->loopTillEnd('0', '5000')

    5 C:\XAMPP\htdocs\spotweb-media\retrieve.php(155): Services_Retriever_Base->per


    6 {main}

    opened by Zeagle88 52
  • API Issues --extra content at the end of the document--

    API Issues --extra content at the end of the document--

    Everything is working fine except when request with the api. /api?t=c returns successfully. however when I am requesting something else, it is returning this. This page contains the following errors error on line 2 at column 1: Extra content at the end of the document. Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.

    I am not sure what is causing this.

    Develop branch PHP 7 incompatibility 
    opened by dbgunsolus 49
  • No spots shown older then last update

    No spots shown older then last update

    As title,i can't see anymore spots then the last update,before when i scrolled dowwn a get a new page with older posts but nog go aftger fresh instalation on syno dsm 6.1.4 It works nonetheless and retrieves spots by ssh.

    opened by ikkeenjij36 42
  • 1.5.3(Nov 27, 2022)

    php 8.1 with statistics now working
    black/whitelist enable for postgres sql
    Added -analyse option for upgrade-db.php --clear-cache. Default analyse is now skipped (took a long time).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.2(Nov 7, 2022)

  • 1.5.1(Aug 22, 2021)

  • 1.5.0(Aug 17, 2021)

  • 1.4.9(Nov 12, 2020)

    Updated issue templates Updated issue templates Fix error during installation. Merged pull request #617 Updated SpotInstall.php Merged pull request #621 Applied fixes from StyleCI Merged pull request #622 Prob. fix for issue #624 postgres performance on spot list Merged pull request #625 from mesa57/develop

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  • 1.4.8(Sep 14, 2020)

  • 1.4.7(Jul 17, 2020)

  • 1.4.6(Jul 15, 2020)

    Remove old Spotweb version checks pages see: #455 Various mobile template improvements and fixes. Custom black/whitelists can be changed from settings. Improved error handling in JS for nzb's. Fix #554 - Integration with sabnzbd 3.0.0. Fix for compatibilty sabnzbd panel with sabnzbd 3.0.0. Merge password meta elements from nzb into merged nzb. Various other small fixes.

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  • 1.4.5(Apr 5, 2020)

    Changes in this release:

    Database upgrade changes Option to clear cache php 7.4 deprecated syntax corrections travis ci and scrutinizer changes

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  • 1.4.4(Nov 13, 2019)

    Changes in this release:

    Removed "spotweb updates" tab from settings since it no longer serves any purpose.
    Added spot highlighting based on amount of comments.
    Added function to clear-cache and reset-db to upgrade-db.php
    Make it possible to use nginx reverse proxy with different locaties by adding x_forwarded_uri

    Extra erotica category for sending to sabnzbd

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  • 1.4.0(Aug 27, 2019)

    Changed black/whitelist to import spotnet 2.0 lists
    Added new spot category's
    Added ability to specify a different database port on install and in
    Added option to specify that on SSL connection check should be done on CN name (some servers do not respect that)
    Some improvements in bl/wl updating in database
    Upgrade db : support for MariaDB default column null as string (seems to be a bug in mariadb ?)
    php 7.2 : remove deprecated each
    Removed toggle nntp javascript code on test installation
    Notify support removed (previous pull request)
    Added support for [youtube] ubb code in spots

    You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:

    Commit Summary

    changed url from http to https
    Merge pull request #406 from spotweb/master
    Merge pull request #411 from spotweb/hotfix-403
    Merge branch 'master' of into develop
    Update jQuery to 3.4.1, jQuery UI to 1.12.1 and jQuery Mobile to 1.5.0-rc1
    Merge pull request #417 from foebaz/jquery-updates
    Remove support for discontinued Notifo service
    Merge pull request #419 from foebaz/remove-notifo
    Fix retrieval issues
    Merge pull request #423 from GieltjE/develop
    Fix compatibility with modern SQL servers (e.g. MariaDB)
    Merge pull request #425 from GieltjE/develop
    Merge pull request #433 from spotweb/master
    Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
    Revert "Update jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile"
    Merge pull request #434 from spotweb/revert-417-jquery-updates
    Merge branch 'develop' of into develop
    Spotweb changes 1.30.33
    Merge pull request #435 from mesa57/develop
    Merge pull request #392 from beuker81/master
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 1.3.7(Feb 25, 2018)

  • 1.3.4(Nov 17, 2017)

  • 1.3.1(Dec 21, 2016)

  • 1.3.0(Nov 27, 2016)


    • Fixed PostGreSQL search with quotes gives SQL error (#222)
    • Fixed API Call times out when using tvmazeid (#229)
    • Fixed wrong calculation in returnBytes function (#232 & #228)
    • Fixed wrong message to users (#228)
    • Fixed broken require (#237)

    And some enhancements: #235 & #230

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 1.2.2(Nov 10, 2016)

  • 1.2.1(Nov 8, 2016)

  • 1.2.0(Nov 7, 2016)

  • 1.1.0(Nov 7, 2016)

    All old tests are removed because they contain to much issues / non-existent classes. In the future the test suite will be re-created. (#215)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.2(Nov 7, 2016)

  • 1.0.1(Nov 5, 2016)

    Retriever.php was started above the spotweb root, which caused an error message saying that the could not be found #205

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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